Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Why would any country controlled by sociopaths kill off their populations; pure evil, period!

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Because they don't want to share space or anything with the "slaves"

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Exactly and they do not want to share all the resources we have in the world…so why not kill off people🙄

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

They simply don't feel the benefit of having all the people. They don't need them to have the life they want to have, and these people are using up THEIR precious resources.

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Why would any country want murder 95% of their own people? Manufactured ignorance making the sheeple walk towards a cliff?

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:

I start with the 20 million dollar question, while showing videos of baby seizures (money or babies always get attention):


If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:

Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:

(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:


Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer

Go green with gasoline!


- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):


Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works


Attali illuminati (“finest” quotes)


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




Freemasonry: 100% incompatible with Christ





or rumble:


Obama pushing Freemasonry:


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Not sure it matters anymore. Telling people they have been poisoned by their government/medical establishment and they will most likely die very soon is not going to do much at all. Most will never believe it. Those who do believe it will lose their minds. And those who don't die from adverse reactions will probably die when the immune escape virus emerges and kills the vaccinated with a vengeance. So they are lost already. We can't help them. Our mission is to survive what is coming (a Second Dark Age of Man) and rebuild our world.

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Perhaps they could run missions against their abusers, helping the rest of us for goal

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Dear Lawrence, there's a Spanish saying, which I loosely translate as: “still not stiff if not still” (no está muerto quien pelea)

1 Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of faith”

There are effective treatments for those bio-hacked. Check FLCCC post-vac protocol to lower spike protein in blood.

There's no solution to permanent infertility though.

There's no problem with immune escape with the help of the FLCCC protocols.

A spiritual Dark Age which will look a lot similar to Chinese communism... nearly identical.

That's why we need as if our lives depended on it (literally) to fight before it's too late:


Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”. Why can't Governments have partnerships with NGOs after bidding? Governments could favor and work with religions, especially those helping the poor and sick.

The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments. Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.

The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

53 years ago this spring, I had a few 'young man' tests for a prospective suitor. First was that he want children. Corollary to that, that he intend alone to provide for his family so that his wife could be at home to raise their children and make a home for him, the husband. Third, that he want his wife to breast-feed his children. We did it. It required conscious effort and delay (now permanent) of self-gratification. I returned to teaching only after the house was empty, and the youngest in 7th grade, the eldest a college senior. Twenty years of that, and now returned to house-wifing, my original (from age of 10) "career choice". I hear so many young couples claim that I was "lucky", and that they "couldn't manage that", but they order out for pizza. Also--I kept my children at home with me--no nursery school, and kindergarten not until they were about 6. This means that I (and their father) provided all the early indoctrination received. Well, except for Sunday School.

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God provides those who strive to do His Will.

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Immune escape mitigated by protocols? Watch the videos in my post JN666 - and then get back to me? https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/jn666?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios

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No worries, the following cheap medicines kill all variants:


I'm more worried about the WHO global coup with the Pandemic Accord and IHRs and this:


If we don't fight for the solutions that I posted above!

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You did not watch the videos yet. Please either find out what is happening or don't say anything. Have have followed and read "everything" on these subjects for 3 years now. Watch the videos. NOTHING will treat a virus that has evolved to evade vaccine induced immunity. I have another video on the clinical implications of an immune escape variant and how professionals plan to deal with it. Watch the 4 videos in my post and that I send it to you. You will need several hours to do all of this. Start learning what is going on.

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I watch the 5 videos, thank you Lawrence. I was aware of Geerts theorems , we well know soon enough if they are right.

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Thank you for the resources

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Dr. Fauci whistle blower, Dr. Judy Mikovits, recommended Dr. Robert Kendall’s DMG therapy for vaxx treatment! (Something to do with the metallization process.) I got God designed immunity so I don’t much care or need a remedy for toxic, fake jabs!

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

I love and trust this lady.

She was calling Fauci out years ago…then they took her down!

She falls in the same category as Dr. Mike Yeadon….trust=truth!

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Prof. Nazar.....The worlds population needs to do 180degree turn! a spiritual awakening a change of world view this is a Psychic change. A few get it educationally and a few more are struck by lightening. We are the lucky ones, the rest of the sheeple well get it when an outside event so big and beyond human understanding happens.

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Too many people simply do not care and won't listen to anything one says unless and until they suffer horribly themselves. Then, it will be too late.

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Thanks, Dee Dee. Regarding athlete deaths, no current college or pro athlete has died from Covid ... in four years!

I also note that PCR tests were mandatory for college and pro athletes for more than a year. However, these tests were not mandatory for HIGH SCHOOL athletes as high schools couldn't afford to give the tests.

0 - Percent difference in Covid mortality among tested college and pro athletes and non-tested high school athletes.

... These are just a few "By-the-Numbers" tidbits I list in my latest piece, which QUANTIFIES examples of our New Abnormal.


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Well said. Thanks.

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Can't be the vaXX, must be "long covid"

What BS

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Dowd is a must and so is Dr. David Martin among others found at https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Doctors are baffled . . .

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Yup. High priests of the medical cult can't find their own arses with two hands, either.....

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Hmm. Also, I wonder if that Law Sane Institute in Switzerland is actually "Lausanne".

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I think you are right, was typing a verbal transcription. Thank-you.

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I say, what's the deference, if you are only going to use this short, test life, to default to misery in Hell for eternity? God gave us an eternal Life, you decide where you spend your next life! Jesus died so you could be with him in glorious Heaven, for eternity, but Hell is also your option! It’s about Choice stupid! [As the Lib’s say!]

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

We're Globally annihilating the "vaccine" narrative. Oorah! 👊

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This is a super pertinent Dee - thanks.


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Why would the psychopaths in control want to kill most of Us? Because We're too many to control 100%. Can't get Us all in Their 15 minute prisons eating bugs, controlled by CBDC's and neuralinked like the Borg.

So... Get rid of most of Us, and problem solved.

We might want to make a stand...

Worried? Don’t Be! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/worried-dont-be

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Psychopaths like to kill. Their inner being is only hate. There is no reason why they want to kill, they just do.

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I don't think You have a complete picture of what a psychopath is... I offer this video which I mirrored that provides excellent data. It's around 1/2 hour...

Learn About the Human Psychopath: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8

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I have known a few evil people. They planned on how to hurt people and get away with it. But, i have known not evil people but sociopathic/psychopathic. The milder ones were motivated by tension. It was their only emotion. The more ‘advanced’ ones were motivated by pain. Both milder and worse though didn’t have a range of emotions. They didn’t really get that others feel. Evil though is really what I meant originally.

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Thanks for the vid by the way.

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I do not see "evil" and "good." I see "unEthical" - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - and "good" is upholding the Betterment Ethic.

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

But yes, there is a range of psychopathy, and Some are worse than Others.

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I know someone I am pretty sure is a psychopath. Upstanding, well respected, quite successful. But I know him well. He has told me about himself. I asked him what he does with his inner self, which is very dark, and he says ‘I never give it the light of day. I don’t know where it would take me.’ But…a psychopath would say that, wouldn’t he? As far as I know he hasn’t done much. Weird S and M sex in a double life, but nothing else. However he owns a big property and if some day they discover 20 corpses I wouldn’t be surprised.

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Dee, as usual you are correct and again, it truly amazes me how so many are just sheep, willing to do whatever their sociopath masters tell them.

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Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Why would any country kill off their workforce? There are several reasons.

First, the globalist desire for depopulating the world is no joke. They hate humans. They believe that the technology to make cyber-humans, easily controlled through brain implants, gene/DNA editing, etc. as well as AI technology that will replace the "useless eaters" (we non-elite humans) and making fake food will eliminate the need for animal and fish food which takes a lot of preparation and equipment and people to grow and distribute will serve to eliminate most human beings.

Secondly, until their bioweapon jabs haven't done a better job in killing people, and the technology has advanced to make cyber-humans, digitally controlled, their massive immigration policies will bring in workers who will work for lower wages than the current population and as so many are already used to living under dictatorial rule, will be easy to control.

Thirdly, the push for world-wide Communism demands the extermination of millions upon millions of people and the people exterminated are the peasants to begin with and then those in the middle who supported this world revolution but who services are no longer needed by the upper rules.

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You are spot on people have been dropping dead and the families don’t want to mention the vaccine and the force to take it by doctors who know better and dei companies. Like the nazis😫

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

2020 deaths were from DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM/REMDESIVIR etc and then when the POISON JABS started deaths rocketed again!?---Video that maybe should be shared/poster campaign etc----the murder of people with DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM by the NHS!?---https://youtu.be/Z3cqo9V2MzM?si=pxDU5jkVPe13PHQX

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I have been banned from YOUTUBE for sharing that video----clear they do not want the truth out----so have made posters with a link to the video etc!

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