Yeah, I had to go to the emergency room near the beginning, when They were saying things were swamped in the media, and building tents outside the hospitals. There was Me. I never saw another patient. And the tent was empty, too.

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They were all too busy dancing

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Same observation I had

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I was driving medical patients, business 2020 summer so slow put on unemployment.

6 months ago we had 5 drivers, now we have 10

Drivers for exact same area. Go figure.

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Please refresh my memory when was “pandemic”officially declared

I actually think I was on unemployment 2020 Autumn

I remember March 11 th 2020 they cancelled the Final 4 NCAA Tournament

My son flew to Japan same week.

Think this was the 2 weeks to flatten curve?

It’s been a long 4 years.

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"March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic"


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yes that sounds right. I had booked a ticket to visit my parents end March-begin April. The week afterwards came the news that we could not fly. The people on the planes were immediately put back on it and had to return to the US, without reimboursement of tickets.

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WOW!! What a nerve they had not to give you the money back. Sickening.

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well I did not go, I was a week too late - but I heard from people who went the week before. I have not got my money back, either though. 1200 bucks in the bucket. oh well. at least I did not get stuck back there ! imagine my poor animals!

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Horrible! I had to move my animals recently, and it was nerve racking to say the least. They were the most scared they have ever been

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Burned into my brain. My students took Natl Latin exam Thurs Mar 12, morning, I went home sick (stress?) immediately afterward. Husband came home in evening. announced Gov. Wolf (Pa.) had shut down everything that day. Teachers had been told to get their stuff and go home. Missed that announcement, lying in bed, so had to request of principal special access--which was wrapped in weird security "protocols". March 12, 2020 was last day of reality. A new world met the next dawn.

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So true LIFE has been twilight zone slow motion humiliation

Which has been intellectually spiritually Physically socially


May I

No mask


2 mask

Close small businesses

But not liquor stores or pot shops

Travel restrictions

Son comes back from Japan

Nobody can leave their homes


Asymptomatic biohazards no one is safe

3/12/ we now wait for the warp speed vaxxine saving grace

Then things will be better

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liquor stores in Pa were closed. But Gov Wolf’s family business making kitchen cabinets was “essential”

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Kitchen cabinets vip all depends on who your masters are lol

That was another term that popped up

Essential workers

That’s like some aren’t


Black Lives Matter

But if you ain’t black




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It was all illegal but people believed it.

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They used pandemic to ram through tyrannical rules

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"Last day of reality." You got that right.

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Not quite the right day but Beware the Ides of March!


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But you are correct—and I had never noticed this--very, very, very close.

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It was probably the UK closest but I haven't checked other countries. 16 March is the first date in this table. I believe the Institute for Government were those who wrote all the Guidance and Advice notes which were so ridiculous. It was all a game and test of intelligence.


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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

It was all just a story propped up by censorship. In 2020 I did lose 1 friend and 1 aquaintance to covid (not "with covid"), but now I have good reason to suspect that what really killed them was the covid protocol— neglect of what had probably turned into bacterial pneumonia, sedation and venting, and deadly remdesivir. They both died in the hospital on vents and with organ failure.

When I first came upon a testimony of death by covid protocol I didn't believe it— but now that I've seen and read (and transcribed) so many of them, it's impossible to deny.

Readers who are new here, have a look at the Covid Humanity Betrayal Memory Project https://chbmp.org/cases/murdered-by-fda-death-protocol/

I've transcribed a few from the Kissimmi FL press conference in 2022. The source video is here:


One example: Erin Greene Rettig: "Our medical rights are being taken away... and how dare they"


See also Nicole Landers' testimony from that same press conference:


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Pretty sure They did not die of covid... Why? Because They just rebranded the flu. And that is a seasonal detox. The hospitals got paid for every death They called "covid," (They were killing People for money...) and there were cases of People who died in car crashes, and falling off roofs who "died of covid,"

I offer more on the lack of proof of ANY virus here:

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Amaterasu, I am more and more moving into your camp. A major reason: those sick colds I had once or twice a year, keeping me in bed for a day or two: almost never, ever, did husband succumb. We kiss, we share drinking glasses.....

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 That John D. with His money sure duped the world. Neither viruses nor contagion have ever been proved. They are the twin towers of Rockefeller lies. For fear (control) and profit (selling snake oil).

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P.T.Barnum: There’s a sucker born every minute( from my 3rd grade Iowa Tests of Basic skills, 1958/59)

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All too true! I remember that also from My youth.

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My wife and I disagree. I say in over 40 years of being together we were never both sick at the same time. She says we were once. And same, lots of kissing sharing food, sips of coffee from each others cups and so on.

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Ain’t Substack great?

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When I was telling people that at the time they refused to believe me. I know every single person on earth must know it by now. Some people are dumb as a post.

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Just so deeply indoctrinated They don't even know They're in a hole. But yeah, more and more the info flows on that.

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I'd say most, not some.

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Again NO! People became ILL whether from a lab-created germ or virus or a natural one. And, it was (is?) contagious like Mumps. People do not die from SEASONAL DETOXES and these are NOT contagious! 😯 And, YES, Fauci's Ouchies are much MORE dangerous and they DO contain the COVID virus! 😲

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Actually, the convid symptoms started with the new 5G installations both in Wuhan and in Northern Italy. But the story went on:


In 2020, nurses from NYC indeed reported empty wards and were sending out text messages with pictures, while freezing trucks were collecting the dead, because funerals were banned. A nurse from a NYC hospital (Elmhurst) also reported that patients were given way too many sedatives (the nurse lowered the doses without telling the killers) and were placed on ventilators at a high rate that blew up their lungs, and as there weren't enough butchers, even a dentist participated (they still do with the contents of their Lidocaine).

The sick-care personnel indeed earned the title of hired killers:


Also, I've never worn a muzzle, got "tested," or got injected, but even I am halfway synthetic by now:


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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

I couldn't have articulated it any better than that Ray - I've mirrored what you've seen/done. A Best Friend died after I warned him not to take the experimental bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine. Watched other friends bury their kids. Put-up with being called the family wacko - the elephant still sitting in the corner among the jabbed 30-50-year-old "kids" who now admit they have never felt the same since their injection(s). The obedient like to think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly... for that there will never be any extinction rebellion as you'd think. And that's why you don't ask a thief why they're a thief - and you don't ask a murderer why they're a murderer.

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As you say, I have seen this, too: "The obedient like to think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly". Breaks my heart to see them keep going back to their doctors who are, you know, "baffled."

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Jul 16Liked by Dee Dee

It makes me angry! And even more so at the doctors. I had a physician tell me yesterday that a patient we treated ended up with clots in vessels that we didn't treat or touch. I asked him if he had any idea why this happened. Oh no, clueless! It's as if I'm living in an alternate reality yet still having to interact with clueless infants. It's insane.

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Of-course they know. No one is THAT stupid.

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Fascinating comment “The obedient like to think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly...” and because of that, they make no connection. They stay in the Truman Show. I was the one with a sign trying to tell them, don’t take it; now I watch and pray.

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I have had a number of younger people, 40s, say they have never felt the same since their shots. Which they hugely regret.

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Yes. I am just living with a painful presenting wisdom tooth!!! Feck dentists and their graphene.

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It's just EXTREMELY difficult to extract any tooth for someone who doesn't have the tools and the know-how... Still, my wife and I agree that if we ever had to see a dentist, we should finalize our will first.

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What do you think is going to happen when, or if, this becomes common knowledge?

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Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

I can't believe it's not!!! Seriously 😒

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Number one reason most people don’t what to hear the truth…

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Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

Jesus said repeatedly, "Let those who have ears, hear." Seems to be an old problem.

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Yahshua the Messiah also said, "Let no man deceive you!" Matthew 24:4

One Dr. Mengelefauci comes to mind! 😡

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Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

How about this: at hospital for fracture 6/29 and its repair 7/8; two nurses had no idea what I referred to when I said "No mRNA"

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Selective amnesia. Did you respond with "the toxin you all had to get injected into your body to keep your job."

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

My SIL heard and believes that flu jabs have contained mRNA forever... this is how brainwashed ppl are 🫠

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Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

It's starting to be common knowledge.

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99.9% of world media will not mention it… How is it possible?

It is demonic for what I care…

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It's their personal experience with adverse reactions. I didn't realize there were so many until you talked to people with an open mind. Then word of mouth is spreading like wildfire. As time passes, with more injuries, people become more aware and mad.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Dee Dee

As long as the media and politician are keeping the tight lid on it, people believe the injuries and deaths are rare. When this i breaks, or if, then we will see the show of the lifetime… with Trump at the wheel no doubt about it.. that is if he survives…

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They think it's rare or caused by infection alone. "Vaxs are safe!"

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There is undeniable proof to the contrary but nobody wants to touch it …yet because of elections and big pharma and the corrupt governments trying to keep it away from general population…

Keep in mind among most governments in the world both the parties in power and the opposition supported the scamdemic either knowingly or not…

Who is going to admit they were wrong or fooled? Will Trump?

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If we asked 100 people, what % would say:

there was not pandemic

vaccines are not vaccines

“SARS CoV-2 novel virus was detected” in Barcelona Spain in March 2019, 9 months prior to Wuhan???

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my nursing unit, 30% did not take it and I don't anyone who take another but I'm prob missing a few

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When challenged many say: “I don’t know who to believe anymore” but they don’t want to believe me…

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When in doubt believe what you see. Did we see dead people falling over in the streets or was that just the Chinese videos?

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People, including medical professionals, like respirologists and ICU docs believe it was real in China and everywhere else but our hospitals were spared… somehow…

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They didn’t lose their jobs for refusing the jab?

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religious exemptions were accepted "last min"

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30% asked for religious exemption? How many people in total?

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Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

So you think that my nieces husbands parents, a nurse and a CRNA, know that it was the injection that caused their son's rapid decline from a glioblastoma? 4wks from dx to death! Can you imagine being in their shoes? He was an adult (25) so made his own decisions, but what if you lost your child this way? How could you not be screaming the truth to everyone you know? I don't get any of this.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

I don't get it either. I rem at the beg they would show videos of people supposedly dying from Covid in the ICU telling everyone, "get the shot". Then there was Justin Bieber who was vaccine seriously injured and his girlfriend, still they said, "Get the shot"....

Why would you take a shot that could kill you???

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Jul 16Liked by Dee Dee

We are living in the midst of demons. Only logical explanation I can think of.

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I think it's kinda common knowledge in healthcare without an "open admission" if that makes sense. The hold outs: mainly the 4-5 X boosted or very guilty (narcissists that took "the rules" a step farther and enjoyed it).

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

Not in my circles. People still think they're getting "the truth" from the NYT. Kerazy, I know. Those in my circles who are in healthcare are few, but let's just say they have the highest admiration for the high officials of the CDC (I am not joking, I wish I were).

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I’m not surprised…

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

Are they allowed the open admission in healthcare? My friend asked if his new heart issues could be related to the mRNA vaccine everyone left without uttering a sound… including the cardiologist…

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I think the path has been tread upon to open question. I know MANY folks in healthcare who lost their friends/fam and/or now chronically ill from the shots.

There are pockets of denial like you described, assuming they got the saline...

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Now, Trump said that “mRNA vaccines saved millions of lives and now the will save millions from cancer”…

Do you think he is coming to save the unvaccinated?

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appears we're on our own

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He will never, ever admit he was wrong or fooled. That is not his “style”..

Just imagine if one of his relatives invested in “mRNA technologies’…

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It got to the point I no longer trust anyone even my own logic… It’s not a paranoid distrust. I think something so big is up it will eventually blow up beyond what we have ever seen…Just think: how much longer can 99.9% of world media hold the lid on covid lies???

Some once wrote this:

“After covid-19 dust settles down, people who don’t believe in God will have no choice but to believe in the Devil…”

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Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

At this point, I do not think the knowledge will ever be common: the jabbed have too much invested to actually want to hear. With perhaps rare exceptions, and they may be too weak to resist.

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Damn. I'm never going to have friends again. I can't do the "pleasantries of every day life" like the naysayers forever 🙀.

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My wife and I were in NZ on vacation ( very nice) We were there in March and the people and tourist got increasingly fearfull. Jacinda shut the whole country down and kick us tourist out. I think they had about 29 cases the country was having a hissy-fit. We literally gone on the last fltght To LA everyone was wearing mask then. So. Cal was weird to but not as bad as NZ but there was no Tolite paper to be had.🤪🙃🧐

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Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

Yes, the toilet paper. Had wondered then if I'd be cutting rags into rectangles and serging the edges. Cousin had had same wondery.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

My husband was in the ICU for 8 weeks during August through September 2020. The ICU had on occasion closed off sections due to lack of patients. 1 person to a room, 4 rooms to a POD, closing PODS and sending nurses home. Fast forward to 2024, when I was in the ICU. 2 to a room, nurses either not caring or not able to keep up with the alarms; hospital ER was standing room only, no rooms available for emergency cases. I was in an active heart attack and was in the ER for 12 hours before being taken to interventional cardiology. Don't even get me going on how poor the care was. Rushing me out of the room in less than 2 days to give it to the next person in line waiting. This is in a university setting, a university I work in.

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care is really tough now and thank you

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Dee Dee

Houston Methodist hospital system, where I took my Aunt in late 2022, and in repeat ER visits during her 2023 confinement at a nursing home until her passing, Jan 3 '24...

Horrid. Torturous. Inevitable. Sickening.

So sorry to hear you endured this too.

Hope you have respite now.

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Does anyone remember the name of the nurse or doctor (a younger Asian lady) who claimed that she worked in ICU or something similar, fighting everyday to keep covid patients alive, and also that we needed to get vaccinated and wear masks . . . She was shown to be a fraud who had no such experience. Regretting that I did not write her name down, internet searches now reveal nothing except pro covid vaccine crap.

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I remember, but I recall she was not Asian. She did a lot of videos from her car.

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Thank you Transcriber B. I could be mistaken about the race, but the lady was an absolute fraud. And of course is no where to be found on the internet now.

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Ah!! You were right! Now I do remember an Asian lady— she was young and had long hair. But I also remember (this is what came to mind first) a younger, very pretty causacian "doctor" who was doing selfie videos from her car. As best I can recall, she was claiming to be a doctor at a certain hospital, but she wasn't. And yes, it's kerazy how much has disappeared from the Internet.

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Jul 16Liked by Dee Dee

Thank you, this helps to narrow it down - Asian woman MD, younger: lied and lied about "working 16 hours in ICU struggling to keep the unvaccinated losers from dying." I will find her name.

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Jul 16Liked by Dee Dee

Risa Hoshino - Dr. Risa Hoshino had emerged as one of the preeminent physician influencers at the height of the pandemic, created a reputation for herself online as an expert in treating children with COVID-19 and long COVID symptoms, according to Substack blogger Sarah Beth Burwick.

But according to the report, Hoshino has been misrepresenting her job and exaggerating about working long hours in the hospital and saving coronavirus-stricken children. And she floowed the internet with rediculous instagram posts about wearing masks and the pandemic isn't over, etc, etc.

Risa was an MD but mostly worked remote with little to zero experience working with patients with Covid from NY Post 4-27-22

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Dee Dee

Thanks, Mr. Elk, yes, this fits with what I can vaguely recall. Strange isn't it? It seems some people really dug the drama and attention, and took some extra helpings, as it were.

I went over to rumble, plugged in the name, and came up with this:


It's a thoughtful essay, read over about 7 minutes.

The description page for that rumble video includes a link to the source of the info,


However, that substack appears to be no longer extant.

I plugged in the URL to the waybackmachine, got this:


See also:


I don't know anything more about this, but it stands to reason, human beings beings human beings, that someone would misrepresent themselves in this way.

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LOL, Mr Elk, you got me going down that deep dark rabbit hole. Here's one more item-- a rumble video of Dr. Pam Popper talking about 4 covidian Twitter doctors who turned out to be fakes (starts at about 2:20)


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Seems that events happen differently in different places. In 2020 my brother and sister-in-law both came down with COVID-19 near Denver, CO and both went to the hospital. He got well and she died there. She is the only person I knew who did. We were not close so it did not affect me as much as as it might have. In the last week of April, 2023 I went into the hospital but had to wait for much of the day outside in a large tent for a bed to become free. And, it was not due to Covid. I surmise that Fauci's Ouchies are causing much illness and death. . .like a stealthy invader! 😡

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Wonder if your sister-in-law was given Remdesivir or the ICU Treatment?

Whatever happened it behaved more like a poisoning (perhaps in food), than a highly transmissible respiratory illness.

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I don't know especially since they live far from me. I know that she did have Diabetes

and Alzheimer's which most likely made her more susceptible. She was a year younger than me and was not very nice to me. My brother (who was also not kind to me) who I heard was strong as an ox came down with it first. VIRUS' ARE CONTAGIOUS!

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Jul 16Liked by Dee Dee

Not much surprise that doctors and nurses trot out the establishment narrative even though it conflicts with what they see. Independent thought based on experience and expertise has been ruthlessly repressed by universal implementation of Standards, Guidelines and Institutional policy - makes me wonder whether all this BS wasn't laying the groundwork for manipulation of health staff during the scamdemic.

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I was kicked out of a few Oxxo stores for not wearing a mask 😷 was only there to pick up one thing. When I got the to the checkout and they refused to service me, I just scanned the item myself and dropped the money in the counter and dipped. I did that a few times until they recognized me. Lol.

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I saw D3@th and eug3nic$ working in the ho$pit@l. Decepticon$ protcols were not questioned. C-40 programs in progress and folks are ignorant.

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