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🙄🙄🙄 If I see a requirement come up for me to have one of these I might have to resign. There will be plenty who will take it and blame follow up issues on aging or wtf makes them feel better. If this one is shedding too... welp sayonara "health care professionals".

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Aug 13
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If that's the case, I wouldn't last long! Not putting up with nonsense.

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Everything they want to vaccinate they want to kill, and profit from

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The $176-Million is significant - that's the annual interest on the -~$4-Trillion the Fed used (w Congreess) to funnel hundreds of billions $ thru Big Pharma (as they do w the Pentagon) using their corporporate laundry machine. Everything evil leads to central banker minnions - 1-2-percenter-elites. "Whatever a man depends upon, whatever rules his mind, whatever governs his affection is the chief object of his delight, is his god." [Charles Spurgeon] Get my point?

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Be careful where your treasure lies, for there will your heart lie also.

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profit$ fir$t - then the kill.

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They tested the cows and birds with the PCR test.

The shot won’t work. But get it anyway, because we paid for it. Makes scientific sense. 😂

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Jeez, get away from me with this poison ☠️!! And at our expense, too!

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This contract is put out to make some people think mRNA is not already in the flu vaccine, it is , and the bird flu vaccine is already developed too and chalk full of nano tech

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Aug 13
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tedros the marxist killer switched over to an easier and safer job for killing people.

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And the sheep are already making reservations for the new novel mRna jabs.

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Instead of Died Suddenly......

"Arrest them suddenly"!

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The purpose of the flu and bird 'vaccines" is to modify - edit your genome and get self assembling , replicated nano tech in your body, along with a graphene backbone for better through put to rout data more efficiently through you and monitor your total body physiology, connected to a mesh and other networks, wireless drug you, activate a pathogen if desired, wireless tissue engineering and enable, ultimately a BCI for their pleasure

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You may happen to know THIS......

How long does the shedding last? Infinite? Shed tech?

Thanx in advance :)

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"Good thing I almost died from a flu shot in 2020 and the MD wrote : anaphylaxis"

My cousin is a nurse who had the exact same experience after an injection in North Carolina. I asked her if she was seeking justice and or receiving compensation from her employer. "No" she said, in fact she was being penalized some how, that's how vampires work sweetheart, systemic victim blaming.

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agree, and no one reported it.

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VAERS???? What's that?

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Pasteurization kills the GOOD bacteria that help Us to digest things well. The fact that Humans have been consuming raw dairy for aeons suggests that there is no issue. But the psychopaths in control want to degrade Our food supply as much as possible with lies like "it will keep You safe!"

If I had access to raw milk, I would be on it in a flash. Sadly, too many consent to being ruled by the profit-driven and psychopathic legal/governmental system.

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

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Another useless unnecessary vaccine. Another wasted millions of taxpayers money. Another useless House Speaker approving this crap

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Aug 13
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Corrupt and incompetent administration reeks corruption and incompetence at every level

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It's not useless as it will do the intended job of killing and maiming people

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Sadly true

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Wait…ModeRNA is DOD…

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The vaccinated want the lie that it is safe and effective to be true in order to feel good about themselves. They need to believe that the lie is true in order to feel good about themselves. - Until they are all dead. Just like every other lie about “equality” that they need to believe is true in order to feel good about themselves.

It’s not much of a life really.

Which is why their deaths are not recognized as a “great loss”.

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Aug 13
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These people didn’t just die.

Their souls have slithered back into the godless holes they came from.

That’s what makes winning this fight so rewarding.

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'Their souls have slithered back into the godless holes they came from.'

?!? WTF, man? Chill. Dying wasn't bad enough for them?

At least direct your anger toward the perps who deserve it all and who are alive and profiting from the lies and murders! Fighting that scum is a fight worth winning.

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I’m jostling to be first in line to reject such a product.

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In the meanwhile NINE European countries will start vaccine passports. After the oiginal five,

Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal, there are 4 that joined France LUxembourg, Poland and Sweden. If anyone finds out how traveling in and out of these countries goes, please share.

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Oh whoopeeee... a new bioweapon to shed on those who refuse it. For all we know, Gates has developed his 'inhalable' bioweapon to be sprayed on us and into the air. As long as there's air travel, there will be nanoweapon/bioweapon shedding from all those who are coming and going from heavily jabbed countries. Why they are clamoring for the passports is beyond me. People want that in their countries?

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