RemovedJun 29Liked by Dee Dee
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another anon with harsh words and is there any action to go with them? www.orsja.org

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Removed (Banned)Jun 29
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yes, lots of words to provide a confused statement. Still anon with no plan to act just talk.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

You are absolutely correct Dee, think these people are truly evil. Sad people can't just live their lives without all the nonsense.

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I notice it's always "these people" or "this group" or "the politicians" or "the pharmas" but never ever does anyone post names.

Who are you actually calling evil? Do you even know?

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

The people with the forced coerced experimental drugs that violate the Nuremberg Code killing and maintaining people. That would be the vaXX producers like Bourla, the government approval agencies, and the leadership of the governments, the world cabal above them with Maritime Admiralty Water Law fraud, enforcing slave masks and shutdowns destroying economies and lives for those at the top.

It's always someone with an ignorant smart mouth comment that can't see the big picture, writing some complaint nonsense.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

Once again, no names (other than the obvious Bourla), just an anonymous group "the people who" you don't even know who did this.

And you end with an insult for being called out.

What is the "big picture" in your mind?

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Once again an ignorant strawman disconnected from reality complaint

And your insults are ignorant, most certainly projection

The big picture is Cost vs Benefits Opposite Sloping Regression Lines Plotted Sum of the Least Squares, for covid19, Economist profession.

Former SWAT Nuke Team Leader US Army, the masks DON'T WORK, forced coerced experimental drugs violate the Nuremberg Code

The covid19 vaXX is a bio weapon

My IQ is easily several standard deviations above yours

My Integrity 7 SD

You are an idiot objectively

Proper model here is moron mute, as you are a time waste exponential hypocrite sans anything positive to add

Copulate off asshole, lifes too short for idiots like yourself

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LOL wow... I can see the spittle flying from your mouth.

Back to the question at hand, do you know who is doing this?

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Unless you have lived on another planet or are a child without much knowledge, or condone evil, you would know who we are referring to as evil.

With that said, I'll tell you who some of these evil people are so you can't say you don't know.

All of those in Big Pharma who lied about their "vaccines".

All in every government position who pushed all the lies about Covid, the "vaccines", and were responsible for the lockdowns and/or made them mandatory with job losses and business closings if they did not compl.y.

All in every university that got grants or funding from governments or foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to enable Big Pharma to process a "vaccine" designed to kill people or create diseases or change DNA so their bodies were susceptible to cancers, sterility, miscarriages, premature births, and babies born dead.

In short, anyone directly involved or indirectly involved through their complicity with the lies are the evil ones.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

People I know who refused boosters still got flu shots... tell me how that makes sense? "But I've always gotten it and have been fine." We will never open the eyes of those who can't see. Meanwhile my nieces fiancé (24) was taken home on hospice care yesterday after being diagnosed with an inoperable glioma 12 days ago. I will have to muzzle myself in order not to say anything about him being a pilot in Chicago (which mandates were deplorable!) and most likely injected at least 3x. Praying my niece didn't get her shots at the same time as he did. We are living in a nightmare ☹️.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

Wow, what a sad story. 24yo and a glioma and now hospice. Sounds like another covid vaccine injury!

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee


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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee


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Sorry Kat Bro 🙏

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The shots were forced, 24 is too young to die.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

SO REALLY VERY SAD FOR YOUR NIECE AND HIM!😥 IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) maybe they should marry NOW and at least have one happy memory together. 🙂

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

They were going to... but he's barely conscious b/c of all the meds.

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That’s so sad!!! Lives stolen for what?? Some evil agenda that has no scientific justification absolutely none!!! Truly a nightmare.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

When my late husband was in hospice (for two days) he was unconscious. They told me that he could still hear me. I spent a couple of hours talking to him in the evening. The next morning the hospice called me to let me know that he had just gone "to sleep." Because of my experience you might choose to re-think your decision. I would.

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Hospice services are expensive and insurance companies hate to pay out claims. So if you live longer than the "estimate", you magically "die in your sleep".

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My husband arrived unconscious at the hospice and never woke up. Before that he was in the hospital for about two days after being bed ridden for more than a year. His passing was very peaceful. He was 89 and one month. We had both earlier enrolled in Science Care donating our bodies. They were wonderful! No charges! They took his body right away and I chose to receive some ashes back a few weeks later. They even planted a tree in a CA forest in his name. Seems to me to be the ultimate way to upcycle. 😁

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I have zero say in what is happening for him.

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That's sad. If she were my niece I would somehow suggest it to her. I understand though. I have had only one niece who I have hardly known because of horrible family disfunction. A few years ago I did sent her an email expressing important thoughts I felt I needed to share with her. She did not answer but blocked me instead. However, I still feel good about reaching out to her.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

If possible, you might have him try fenbendazole as it seems to hold promise for brain cancers among other things and I understand it is very safe. This is a brief news story about Joe Tippens who credits fenben with curing his cancer. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8o6c6j

Our prayers are with you.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

I shared fenben info w/ them. He hasn't been able to keep anything down for awhile. They had diagnosed him with gastroparesis (another made up bs dx to cover for V injury) before getting a brain MRI. I also shared a few videos of ppl who have had success with it. They feel it's too late. Thanks modern medicine for completely f$cking doing nothing but medicating him.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

So sorry! Bless you for trying. I hear this kind of reasoning with regularity, "the doctor said there's nothing they can do, so I guess i'll just..."

We had an issue with severe, life-impairing neuropathy and a standard doc said it might be permanent and that there was no treatment. Our naturopath (found after this diagnosis) said, "yeah, we can help with that." Using HBOT treatments the neuropathy is 99.96% gone and no longer an impairment to activity.

Takeaway - keep looking, continue questioning, and don't give up.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

I mentioned lots of alternatives - HBOT among them. At one point my brother said I sound like a snake oil salesman! Not kidding! He's a gem 😁. Would've been very comfortable in the 50's. Yep, I think they took what the docs said to heart and gave up 😞. I'm pissed. But it's not my kid or fiance so my say is NIL. Keep on praying and meditating for his healing. If not his body, then his soul.

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As strange as this may sound. . .this has been proven to HEAL! It has for me and my late husband. Placing powerful (industrial strength) magnets negative side against tumors can shrink them. This is a practice from ancient India. Placing the positive side on an area healed a painful condition I had that a doctor gave a long name to saying that only drugs could be given to take away the pain. Using the magnets when the pain came on healed that condition permanently. This also worked for pain with my husband's Parkinson's Disease. BIG HARMA and NOTHEALTHCARE seldom HEAL. Please be BRAVE and think outside of THEIR box! Why DIE when simple inexpensive NATURAL HEALERS will help you SURVIVE and LIVE?

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Jun 30Liked by Dee Dee

If I could help more I would... thank you for giving us this valuable information!

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This is so very sad. So much needless deaths, pain and suffering going on. So very sorry.

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I’ve thought about the pilots being mandated, is another means to keep people from flying. Restricting mobility. Keep us in 15 minute cities.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

Soon enough you can bet your life will be in great danger if you fly for two reasons. First, the stories about the problems with Boeing's safety protocols makes it obvious they aren't doing very well in that area. Secondly, the airlines that have bought into DEI practices will not hire for pilot training those the most qualified but those who meet the insane DEI requirements. Skin color and those in "under represented" classes are the main criteria.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

It isn't just vaccines, it's likely to be a lot of OTC and prescription meds as well.

For example Zantac.


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yes, I got all of that. The part not mentioned is the solution. I'm sure you have a preponderance of evidence. That more is superflouse. It is just more.

Now is the time to take action with a jural assembly.

Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. — ARTICLE I Section 1 5 people form a social compact. We are guaranteed a Constitutional republican form of government. Not a Democracy. We do not need a majority to start. www.orsja.org

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RemovedJun 29
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There is no buy in for $20. It takes a Living testimony in the form of an affidavit of truth. That you are a man or woman on the land and soil of you state. Not a US citizen or a state citizen but a sovereign without ruler or subject and you must do it in your own name with two witnesses. The $20 buck is for Judges. They decide cases of less than 20 bucks. In a Constitutional republican form of government. no anons allowed. Only real people in their own name. You do not qualify.

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Prisoner’s Dilemma:

They Are Each In A Pact

To Conceal A Multitude Of Lies

About The World And How They See Themselves.

All That They Pretend Is True (That Is Not) Must Never Be Exposed By Any One Of Them.

Lest The Entire Playhouse Come Tumbling Down.

Only An Enforced Omertà Can Conceal The Potential Humiliation They All Face. Daily.

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All THEY have is gaslighting and personal attacks on our character.

Once you see THEIR strategies are weak and losing effectiveness, it’s just a matter of patience.

PERFECT TIMING, the accountability is coming for the criminals who orchestrated and coerced the cv19 operation.

Global cabal is being stripped down so everyone can see the SETUP.

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Jane if 666 is cinsidered evil! Is 333 just half that? Or what does your 333 indicate?

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

The only way I can hope to understand WHY this whole COVID CONSPIRACY AND QUACKCINES is going on now is THIS. . . It's because we are living in the Biblical "Last Days", the perilous times mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:1. It has become too easy to make a BAD choice like taking a shot. Ever since COVID began I have chosen to stay well naturally. At this point I won't take any quackcine!

EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!

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The whole world was full up with created fear and people flaped there gums with the most erant and stupid arguments. This justified vaxx, mask, 6 feet apart,being mean etc. We saw the herd manipulated like never before.

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Sophisticated or not, juvenile or not, no f’n way I’m being forced to do anything involving a medical mandate. I was willing to lose my job over it and I would do it again.

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Totally hear you.

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Nurse Dee, Thank you. This needs to be said and said and said and said. It was a monstrous crime.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

quote from the reptilians, "Many of the arguments frequently raised against mandatory vaccination represent unsophisticated claims that, if not significantly modified to engage the ethical contours related to the approval of medicines, coercion, informed consent, discrimination, and civil liberties, should not be taken seriously."

What is "unsophisticated" about the objections to forced injections? So you lizards think time honored ethical principles should be "modified to engage the ethical contours related to the approval of "medicines". By "ethical contours" do you mean forcing people to take injections? And what does "approval of medicines" even mean in this context? Forcing people to submit to forced injections? And what are ethical contours?

By what right do you reptiles claim that legitimate ethical, moral and religious grounds to refuse "should not be taken seriously"?

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

Spot on! Bravo!!! 👏👏👏

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I do not consent to that whole psychopathic legal/governmental mess. It is unEthical FAR more than Ethical in its legalates (what They call "laws" to get Us to think We MUST obey). I stand under the three Laws of Ethics ONLY, and am not in Their jurisdiction. When enough of Us make this stand, They will have no power!

One UnEthical Thing They Made Legal (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/one-unethical-thing-they-made-legal

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

The Three Laws of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-three-laws-of-ethics

Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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Great post like usual wonderful lady.

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Jun 29Liked by Dee Dee

this does not only go for the covid jabs ! how many doctors will inform parents of the possible dangers of the kid's injections? How many people know that not one jab is safe and effective? And why all jabs? As a kid I got one immunisation orally, and the rabies vaxx' for animals is available in oral and spray form (but the govt does not validate that as 'vaccinated', you got to get the shot for your animal to get the document, only the govt can use oral and spray, if that is not discrimination, what is?)

Money and power.

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Very well stated!!! Dee!!! The forced mandated shots no job no jab is absolutely the cruelest act in this whole play. Right along now with the diabolical shedding.

Exemptions from mandated shots is an eye opener.

No illegal aliens required to get shots!!!

No politicians required nor postal office people ..can’t be messing with the people stuffing delivering fraudulent ballots!!

I don’t think anyone ever got an informed consent before any shots!!

Never a real scientific autopsy allowed why?

Bad arguments never scientifically based. No justification except the fact that it is a death March, while stealing peoples lives, property and the right to Work live and be left alone.

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James find your state's jural assembly. Soonest www.orsja.org

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