Upside Down World: Learning from "bad arguments" against mandatory vaccinations
Observations from a nurse
The above illustration is Nurse Dee’s response to the five bad arguments.
Here we have an article from The Usual Suspects to examine WHY so many refused in order to enforce greater uptake next time.
Learning from five bad arguments against mandatory vaccination
The suboptimal uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in many parts of the world has prompted unprecedented public debate concerning the ethics of mandatory vaccination [1]. It is imperative we learn lessons from this debate so we are better positioned to navigate policy proposals for mandatory vaccination in the future.
To this end, we identify five ethical objections to mandatory vaccination that are of poor quality but have been frequently raised during the COVID-19 pandemic, including that mandatory vaccination violates the Nuremberg Code, that it is coercive, that it violates informed consent, that it is discriminatory, and that it infringes civil liberties.
Each claim was presented with an incomprehensible response supporting mandatory vaccination and dismissing vaccine injury/death.
Their Conclusion:
The COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world many lessons, including about the ethics of mandatory vaccination. Many of the arguments frequently raised against mandatory vaccination represent unsophisticated claims that, if not significantly modified to engage the ethical contours related to the approval of medicines, coercion, informed consent, discrimination, and civil liberties, should not be taken seriously.
Mocking, belittling, and insulting to be called unsophisticated and told not to be taken seriously for valuing Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
As a final slap in the face, an oversize list of financial contributors is paraded under the nose.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: MJS is an uncompensated Expert Advisory Member of the World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Ethics & Governance Working Group, WHO Expert Group on Ethical Considerations of Social Listening and Infodemic Management, Public Health Agency of Canada Public Health Ethics Consultative Group, and Ontario Public Health Emergencies Science Advisory Committee, and from 2020-2021 served as a compensated member of Ontario’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force. EJE reports the following: UNESCO Global Conference uncompensated speaker; School of Pharmaceutical & Biotech Business uncompensated speaker; NIH Demystifying Medicine Series uncompensated speaker; ASPO 45th Annual Meeting uncompensated speaker; Blue Cross Blue Shield uncompensated speaker; National Health Equity Summit uncompensated speaker; The Galien Foundation uncompensated speaker; Temple Shalom Chicago speaker series uncompensated speaker; AIFA Italian Medical Agency uncompensated speaker; Rainbow Push Coalition/CEF uncompensated speaker; IDSA uncompensated speaker, personal fees from Rise Health, travel fees from The Galien Foundation; Vin Future uncompensated speaker; personal fees from Well Sky; personal fees from Rightway; Brown University uncompensated speaker; personal fees from Signature Healthcare Foundation; Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development uncompensated speaker, personal fees from Healthcare Leaders of New York; 21st Population Health Colloquium uncompensated speaker; personal fees from Medimpact; American Academy of Arts & Sciences uncompensated speaker; Village MD uncompensated speaker; The Galien Foundation uncompensated speaker; University of Sydney Australia uncompensated speaker; personal fees from Massachusetts Association of Health Plans; Virtahealth uncompensated speaker; Tel Aviv University uncompensated speaker; American Philosophical Society uncompensated speaker; personal fees from Princeton University; personal fees from Philadelphia Committee on Foreign Relations; Health Action Alliance uncompensated speaker; personal fees from Yale University Grand Rounds; personal fees from Hartford Medical Society; UCSF uncompensated speaker; Ichan School of Medicine uncompensated speaker; University of Minnesota uncompensated speaker; IPHS Addis Conference uncompensated speaker; personal fees from AAHC Global Innovation Forum; personal fees from HMSA & Queens Health System; Faith Health Alliance Project uncompensated speaker; travel fees from Macalester College; CDC Learning event uncompensated speaker; travel fees from Oak CEO Summit; American Academy of Political & Social Science uncompensated speaker; Primary Care Transformation Summit uncompensated speaker; 16th World Congress of Bioethics uncompensated speaker; Blue Cross Blue Shield Research Health Alliance uncompensated speaker; personal fees from Advocate Aurora Health Summit, travel fees from DPharm Conference; personal fees from UPMC Shadyside Medical Center; ASCO Quality Care Symposium uncompensated speaker; travel fees from UCSF Department of Urology Grand Rounds; personal fees from Advocate Aurora Health; personal fees from Cain Brothers Conference; personal fees from Bowdoin College; Brookings Institution uncompensated moderator; travel fees from Galien Jerusalem Ethics Forum; non-financial support from HLTH 2022 Las Vegas; National Academies Forum on Microbial Threats uncompensated speaker; National University of Singapore uncompensated speaker; Williams College uncompensated speaker; NIH Grand Rounds uncompensated discussant, travel fees from HMSA; Stanford Graduate School of Business uncompensated speaker; World Bank uncompensated panelist; travel fees from Tel Aviv University; Serving on the following boards: Board of Advisors Cellares; Advisor Clarify Health; Unpaid External Advisory Board Member Village MD; Occasional Advisor Notable; Advisory Board Member JSL Health; Advisory Board Member Peterson Center on Healthcare; Special Advisor to Director General WHO; Expert Advisory Member WHO COVID-19 Ethics & Governance Working Group; Advisory Board Member Biden's Transition COVID-19 Committee; Advisory Board Member HIEx Health Innovation Exchange Partnership sponsored by the UN Geneva.
People I know who refused boosters still got flu shots... tell me how that makes sense? "But I've always gotten it and have been fine." We will never open the eyes of those who can't see. Meanwhile my nieces fiancé (24) was taken home on hospice care yesterday after being diagnosed with an inoperable glioma 12 days ago. I will have to muzzle myself in order not to say anything about him being a pilot in Chicago (which mandates were deplorable!) and most likely injected at least 3x. Praying my niece didn't get her shots at the same time as he did. We are living in a nightmare ☹️.
You are absolutely correct Dee, think these people are truly evil. Sad people can't just live their lives without all the nonsense.