I haven't gotten to the links yet....Just wanted to say BRAVO!!

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Too many deaths and vax injuries. Too much lying. Doctors and autopsy reports need to be clear.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Dee Dee

Fairly early on, I heard about autopsies being denied in the UK, and not too much here on that subject.

The old "nothing to see here you don't need an autopsy on your loved one". So bury or cremate the body and any evidence is history! Criminal!

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happens often enough. A friend of mine took to the hospital in excruciating pain. She was sent home with some meds. During the night, she died. At first her husband wanted an autopsy but was told at the hospital it was unnecessary - happened before the scamdemic, but my sniffy nose detected fault in the hospital and whitewashing... wonder how many more have been in this situation specially now that whitewashing is done on a minute-ly base!

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"Sorry, we burnt the evidence." All I can say is 'ABC disgust frank'. The letters got jumbled up, sorry. :)

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DOCTORS MUST KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AND THEM NOT SPEAKING UP SHOWS WHAT EVIL SCUMBAGS THEY ARE!----On the serious side! What is happening? UK 2022 had 60,000 excess deaths and no one knows why!? Sports people, celebs, TV presenters etc just dropping never mind the general public!? Be interesting what figures for 2023 were and also how 2024 is cranking up!? On a personal level, last couple of years, I have seen emergency services called out to 8 people that have keeled over for some reason or other in the street and pub. Just last week a lady dropped like a stone in a pub, not drunk and cracking her head into the bargain! Never seen the likes the previous 50 years!?

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We just had a 15 year old girl drop dead in a classroom here. She is listed in Mark’s Died Suddenly list.


She had a “Medical Emergency” and just died. No big deal… no one has said shit… the girl was beautiful… nothing to see here citizen. Move along.

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A country/world wide poster /leaflet campaign maybe required!?

Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. --------https://x.com/_aussie17/status/1829397758102610186...

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You know they invented a new disease called sudden death syndrome to try to cover up the truth the jabs have killed thousands of people. They will stop at nothing to try to hid the truth.

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SADS Sudden Adult Death Syndrom. When kids were dieing from vax in the 80s they came up with SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrom.

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Maiming and Killing for cash is their business model.

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Alexander and McCullough now being part of that wellness company, not really trustworthy anymore. But Makis and Trozzi still doing their utmost to find the truth and bring it out. Don't know the others.

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I agree - it’s about the money now

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A country/world wide poster /leaflet campaign maybe required!?

Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. --------https://x.com/_aussie17/status/1829397758102610186...

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Thank you

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Autopsy are out of reach for the average family (3000-6000) and Insurace co. Or Govts. Rarely pay. I did see this info before poste by Dr Peter McCullough. The cover up is a conspiracy and a scam.

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At some point (I believe) there will be so many deaths happening on a daily basis, that even most brainwashed vaxers will take notice. This is not going to stop until all of the genetically altered are gone. And they are rolling out an updated version of the vaccine for a variant that no longer exists. Insanity.

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And with the "shedding" from the jabbed and dependence on BIG HARMA a.k.a. NOTHEALTHCARE there just may be few of us LEFT! 😲

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Sep 1Liked by Dee Dee

13 out of 14 won't make it - is what Clif High's data suggests. The media and academics will try to regain our 'trust', but most of the monkeys are jumping around agitated and flinging shit. It's like we are all living in a bad comic book or never-ending fire in the madhouse.

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WOW! Doug, quite an optic picture you share! 😲 Eschatology (Study of Biblical End time Events) seems to indicate to me that we are now surviving in "The Last of Days." The rider on the pale horse (DEATH!) most surely is riding now armed with Fauci's Ouchies! 😥Revelation 6:8 This may soon culminate with "The Mark of the Beast": CHRISTIANITY in Revelation 13:18.. It's first enforced by this U.S. Government who works for the first beast in verse1: The Christian Vatican in Rome! 😡 It helps to "connect the dots!" ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" 🙏

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I've been trying to wake-up family and friends for 20-years (1/3rd of my life) nothing but ostracism and 'family wacko' 'conspiracy theorist' 'fear monger' finger pointing. When it became obvious we were getting poisoned with experimental jabs masquerading as vaccines I thought for sure - FINALLY - the people would have their "Oh my God what have I done?' moment... you know I figured they'd get a little bit touchy about being mass genocided.... nah - they'd just rather not 'go there'. The federal and most of the state governments are gone/captured - healthcare (sickcare) agencies really intend to kill us all - or at least substantially injure us, damage our reproductive capacity - reposess our assets in the proccess - reduce the population - and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world's territory. Once you're red-pilled you are in the fight - if not then you die. "The future is already here. It's just no evenly distributed." [William Gibson - SciFi Writer] Very few will be able to tell their children they at least tried to do something to fight back. I pray to our Father, ""If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." [Matthew 24:22]

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Doug, that's really a great Bible verse to remember! 😊

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Thanks - Steve Quayle quotes that one a lot.

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Let’s hope the uptake of these new (b/s) vaxx we’ll be very low.

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Not sure why You're blocking Me, Lawrence, but I tried to like Your comment. [shrug]

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Probably because he thinks that viruses are the cause of contagious disease and COVID 19 is a new 'thing'. I am blocked too.

He is not blocked by me if he wants to engage with me but some people are afraid of the truth.

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Yeah, I think I now vaguely remember Us discussing the Rockefeller twin towers of lies - viruses and contagion - and He was not happy with My stance. [shrug] Oh well. No loss, I guess. Thanks for prodding My memory!

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My pleasure. I have this nasty habit of copying threads where there is arrogant folly from those who won't reasonably engage. I have from Feb 7th 2024 a note of Lawrence's.

<There is virus denier in the thread.... I just block these folks. Don't spend even a minute trying to talk to them. "Amaterasu Solar">

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Ahhh. LOL! I ponder People so weak. Ah well. Moving on.

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Autopsies AND the timing of deaths after Fauci's Ouchies tell the sad story!😥 I live next to a park (for over 30 years.) This Labor Day Weekend I have not seen anyone spending time in the park. 😲 It used to be very busy. Not since COVID-19 came to town. ☹ I believe that MANY have been murdered but we are NOT hearing about it! 😡 Will the jabbed victims of Fauci's Ouchies keep going silently into the sunset? Or. . will there be some MSM loud disturbance to finally let the masses KNOW? 🙄

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Dee...ff you haven't already, you should hook-up with Bill Rice Jr and Steve Kirsch here on the Stacks.

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Given the meticulous planning of this demic, I am not surprised. So very sad. Thank You, Dee, for speaking out!!!

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30 yrs or so ago my 10 year old niece died of a heart attack at home having been treated by the 'doctor' for approximately 8 years of her life for allergies, he had been experimenting through diet and medications ' said he wouldn't do a autopsy as it would be too distressing for the family' really? Seeing he was experimenting you would think it would help his research This man needed investigation

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This is a travesty of justice!

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I say, more a conspiracy resulting in mass death, punishable by law! Your doctor is a murderer! So just live with it, they say!

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We also have Fauci to thank for the fact that *more* autopsies were *not* done:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/d02df20f2802

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That table you provide the link to is really something to see.

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Sep 1Liked by Dee Dee

Thank you. I sent it on to Eric Dover MD one of our www.orsja.org members and our Plandemic expert.

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Grim reaper don’t lie. Neither do autopsies. John O Looney from England mortician was screaming early on about the deaths by vaxxines.

Thanks for never letting this go!!!

What our intuition and instincts tell us has always been spot on.

Why would pfizer want to hide trial data for 75 years? They have been keeping a lid on autopsies

That is the smoking gun.

Even so even after irrefutable proof Gun bullet

Bullet hole in victim they will claim straight face

What is that causation is not correlation now I feel like Joe Biden “you know the thing”

I always like the medical condescending answer

“IT’s Idiosyncratic” no you’re an idiot bc you just won’t admit the damn vaxxines are killing people.

Smoking gun did the gun or the bullet or the person squeezing the trigger just kill that person?

We here know. We have known from day one!!


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