Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

and who knows how many generations will suffer further on. Is this baby ever going to be healthy? or the mama? when this baby grows up will he or she be able to have children? and how healthy will they be?

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Will this and other babies survive very long?

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Pfizer and Moderna and AstraZeneca should be sued out of existence. So should every hospital, every company, and every university that mandated the vaxxajabs. But the trial lawyers are not going to play. They also hate humanity and want to enslave mankind.

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Even Pavlov’s Dog

Would Have Figured Out This Charade

And Turned On Its Owner.

Now The Salient Question Is:

How Many Viscous Bites

Would It Take The Doctor

To Turn On Its Owner ?

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First ten doctors to give evidence against the authors of this evil act, do not get hanged.

The next ten do not get drawn and quartered.

That offer is time limited

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It's why lab test animals now refuse to comply, till snake oil is first tested on humans!

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C'mon man. Around 2018, it was reported that Big Pharma was now a $trillion-per-year-profit industry. By now that's already increased to $1.7 trllion. Lawsuits even if lost would be pocket change for them; and crushing for the plaintiffs.

There is a very limited number of people behind all this. As long as they still roam free, we will never be.

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The actuaries ran those #’s way ahead of time.

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Arguably, these sorts of lawsuits retire a functional republican form of government. Most governments these days are dysfunctional, in terms of the people being the ultimate repository of power. The ruling class only cares about itself.

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It's the jews!!!😉😎 🖕🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱💩🤥

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We cannot sue the companies. But I am all for prosecuting AND heavily fining individuals. That would include not only the executives, but also the marketers, the doctors and nurses who pushed pharmaceuticals while withholding food & water and isolating patients from advocates, the hospital administrators who put these rules in place, the government employees and media personalities who pushed masks and shots and isolation, the employers who fired people for refusing to comply, etc.

Each person needs to take responsibility for his own actions and, where harm was caused, must restore those they have harmed. (Eg: you murdered someone's husband, you pay the wages he would have earned over the next 20 years as well as all the medical expenses.) Not taxpayers. Not corporate profits. You, personally pay it because you personally, knowingly caused the harm.

And yes, they knew. They knew in 2019 that it was morally wrong and a BIG red flag for abuse to isolate patients from loved ones and advocates. It was all a spiral downhill from there.

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Even Pavlov’s Dog

Would Have Figured Out This Charade

And Turned On Its Owner.

Now The Salient Question Is:

How Many Viscous Bites

Would It Take The Doctor

To Turn On Its Owner ?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

"...the tax payer will be footing this bill..."

That is the point: Money. Government relieves market forces and every medical institution in America gains financially during 'crises' and their aftermaths.

Heck, look at illegal immigration. Hotels in NYC who would normally charge a market price of $400 per night are now probably charging YOU AND I $1000 per night plus meals. Oh, and here is the kicker: YOU AND I will also be footing the bill to fully rebuild the destroyed hotels.

Homeless: Rinse and repeat illegal immigration...

Sorry, that is they way things work now. Ask your doctor what it costs to fix a broken arm. He/she will not have a clue. That is a very large problem.

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

How did we go from “first do no harm” and never give a pregnant woman meds to this nightmare is beyond my comprehension

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Psychopaths with money - promoted to the top by it.

Humanity Beset (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/humanity-beset

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

First through the federal government's involvement and then the rise in control by the drug companies. Regulations and money corrupted both the medical community and the scientific community.

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Answer: The advent of Rockafeller's patent, for-profit "medicine."

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True. He was a giant a-hole

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

Irony here: "never give a pregnant woman meds" is STILL the recommendation on a lot of pharma products.

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So SAD for this family - especially the baby. I HATE that they learned the hard way. The baby was the only one who truly had no choice. I pray this mom and baby will heal fully and completely in body, spirit, finances, and every other way.

And I also pray that she will share her story everywhere, encouraging everyone she meets to NEVER cave to such pressure, to always stand firm for truth and against evil, no matter the cost, even to death. May hearts and minds be opened as she boldly shares this story.

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End result of the compulsory 'health' campaign is a withering and dying out of the American citizenry, that is, those who grew up under a high standard of living and could therefore (theoretically) notice the general degradation all around. People who have a high sense of entitlement, who by nurture think in terms of an ever expanding list of rights, but almost never in terms of the responsibilities they bear. People now too busy just trying to achieve the living standard known by their parents and grandparents to even notice, let alone fight against, the robbing of their birthright and the collapse of their nation. But! Not to worry, over 11 million 'New Americans' came in over the Southern border just during this administration alone. Add that to the (inaccurately) counted millions during the Obama years and the Bush II years. Replacement is already well under way. What we Old Romans find richly ironic is that the Nuevo Americanos consider themselves to be "Latins."

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

A friend was in the hospital for 5 days... $100k. Zero answers to her "issue". Only suggestion was f/u appointments with "specialists". To the tune of $$$$... medicine is useless and I work in it... 😡.

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I can't tell you how many testimonies I have transcribed that, essentially, say exactly this.

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That’s a BIG ISSUE!! No None help for the people who have been assaulted by a medical community that has treated its own patience with disrespect and cruelty. But make an appointment with a specialist, so we can keep this lie going. From the very beginning giving shots to pregnant mothers

Is really a red flag!!! Now the price tag is beyond

Payable and it is life long trauma for the victims.

Evil is indifferent to the pain or the price.

I work on the perimeter of medical and I am disgusted by the cavalier attitudes.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Cavalier is an excellent description. I like pious too. Amen and agree!!!! This friend knows her issue is most likely caused by the injections and sadly lost her 53yr old husband to SADS.

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SADS is the new pandemic, that pharma will develop a "vaccine" for! I.e. part of their, "First do harm motto"!

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Please convey my sympathy to her. I am dealing with a ",long twilight ". issue with my husband. Very trying

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I'm sorry 😞

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Thank you. It is difficult somedays.

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My love was just diagnosed with stage 4 liver cirrhosis with no known cause as of yet 😈… couldn’t have been the two jabs of Moderna.. the transplant Dr actually had nerve to say Covid is causing many liver transplants (idiot 🤪) …

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Fire that Dr.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

This is a good example. Alas there are so many more. Many people have been financially ruined by the consequences of these jabs.

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Exactly! So many chose the jab rather than lose their careers, houses, scholarships, or whatever only to discover that they lost those things anyway, AND they also lost their health.

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I know it. Add to that, the cost of caring for someone else who is disabled by the jabs. Caring for anyone with cognitive issues can be especially challenging.

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

Great post, but 3 years into the 1st jabs, I fear it's just beginning.

Pessimistic, yes, but the sad reality is likely worse...

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Fear-induced, experimental jabs, now inducing fear of the jabs, that the suckers don't like to talk about!

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

I live in Ontario.

Dr. Kieran Moore is now head "covid guy"...

I August, 2021, he was quoted by the Toronto Star, (won't waste words on that rag), wherein he claimed:

"I have no empathy left for the willfully unvaccinated. "

Like I give a shit what this cuck has to say.

Just my opinion...

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I was a laborist for those 4 years of miscarriages, placental abruptions , stillbirths… the pre- eclampsia , gestational hypertension ect… was horrendous. Thank u Dee for bringing this topic up .

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Our 60 billion in fraud fines, big pharma's would never consider that all the toxic jabs you got growing up could ever have caused your problems! But "disinformation" & "conspiracy theorist" Me would bet the farm, it very well may have! (I never paid a fraud fine!)

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All the more motivation I have for getting rid of that psychopath-promoting tool called "money." Profit motive, and control motive abound in the twisted mess We have today, while Most suffer in ever-increasing poverty. The tool is archaic and We do not need it. Please read:

How Innocent I (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/how-innocent-i

How innocent I was. How fully aware I am now!

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WRONG! "Money" is the root of all economic Good, without it you would starve & freeze to death! BUT the love of money is a different story, as big pharma medicine best demonstrates!

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LOL! I ponder who is wrong here. You fail to grasp that We ALL could live richly, with the caring Ones taking care of things, not the psychopaths promoted to control things, were it not for the accounting for the energy We add into a system (as slaves must). And that We have the technology to make the accounting for Our energy pointless. I will guess You did not read My article, given Your response.

Perhaps You would care to read and return with Your thoughts?

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LOL your ignorance & not understanding marketing, as per first establishing trade routes, and the exchange of money for goods, & its effect on shipping & navigation! The Pilgrims first tried your type system, it brought death & disharmony Gov. Thomas Bradford thought it was like playing God, deciding what's fair! So he changed to your "evil" LOL capitalistic marketplace economy, it brought harmony, abundance & our first thanking God/ Thankisgived! LOL as you would say!

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The pilgrims did not have free energy technology, nor did They have robots to do what needed done and no One wanted to do. Nor did They have access to abundance.

So no, the pilgrims did NOT try the type of system I suggest.

And dear One, I have studied money and economics for 50 years now. To be sure, I am not ignorant. Perhaps it is You who fails to grasp the significance of the tech We have and the fact that money systems - from trade/barter to electronic bits - WILL promote psychopaths to power.

Still guessing You did not read My article, but if You doubt We have psychopaths in control, ponder the planetary plannedemic to dupe Us into rolling up Our sleeves for a death jab. Ponder the WEF and its aims to have Us in 15 minute prisons eating bugs with CBDC's to yank Our slave chains, social credit scores, and neuralinked like Borg. Ponder the efforts to convince Us this normal summer is somehow out of the ordinary.

Imagine Them trying to control Our planet without Their single tool to power (it buys all the rest They use - the things and the People).

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

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I don't know where you're going! You, people, think wealth is just some inanimate object to be harnessed! I.e. It's how the Godless Bolsheviks were tough to think! I.e. we just kill the rich, put a god in power & have equality for all, not knowing, that equal people are not free & free people are not equal! I think you may have spent too much time in Marxist economy 101! As per educator John Gatt's book, Dumbing Us Down! Or watching too much Star Trek? Remember evil & murder have been around, long before money was invented in 7 th century B.C. {I.e. before Christ!}

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LOL! You have spent zero time with My work. Whatever. Yup. You're right. Off Y'go. Have a lovely life.

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Ed dowd in a couple of he’s interview, I think Dr Drew Pinsky or Greg Hunter put a number on the cost it was mind blowing in USA and world wide.But of course nobody wants to talk about it. “The cost of the jab”

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

This is all so horrifically WRONG!

I worked in a NICU as an Army Medic in '75. It was serious duty.

If Justice eventually prevails, these costs that can be measured in mere money will be taken from and paid by Pharma. It's a big ask, at this point. The human costs are both incalculable and irreversible. I cannot even imagine what an actual justice would look like.

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When Godless fearful controlled people look to the big government or our 60 billion in fraud fines, big pharma I.e. leaders in iatrogenic death medicine, for salvation, and receive harm and death, may just be the way nature culls Darwin Award winners. I.e. the 12.5 to 40 million medicine-caused deaths in just the last 50 years may have evolutionary [survival of the fittest] benefits. ?

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Jun 26Liked by Dee Dee

Have you read that the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee voted 22-3 to advance a bill that would require women to register with the Selective Service System for a potential military draft?

Then consider this: 98% of all U.S. military forces, meaning the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard, got the deadly Covid-19 “clot shot” mRNA spike protein “vaccines?”

Remember the Secretary of Defense made the toxic jabs MANDATORY for service members after the nefarious FDA “approved” them (they never really did) for mass-injection (as a biological weapon of mass destruction). Service members who refused to get the useless, worthless, unsafe, ineffective prion injections were DISCHARGED from the military. The military told the fully unvaccinated to do the “right thing” and that it was a “lawful order” that must be “obeyed” because it is a “valid medical readiness requirement.”

Murdering women on a large scale or making them unable to have children would certainly help the depopulation of the earth which all should know is a very real plan by the likes of Bill Gates and of course, the UN and WEF.

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