deletedSep 18Liked by Dee Dee
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That "lab" just might be that U.S. Government lab in Fort Detrick, MD rumored from where the AIDS virus came from in the '80's. 😲 Maybe not from China. Can that possibly be? ??? ☹


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It is a genetic sequence fabricated in a computer simulation and that truth is what really should be shouted from the rooftops.

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How can we fight evil ? There are too many who are part of the cult.l put my armour on Psalm 91,No weapon formed against me will prosper.This helps put my praise music on, to help me.🙏🕊️♥️.

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Albeit I am not religious, I humbly suggest that We do not have to consent to the psychopathic legal/governmental system being used against Us, and when enough of Us withdraw consent and stand in aggregate, They will have no power.

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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Together, you fight evil together.

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Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


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Slowly but surely more people are beginning to open up about JAB MAIMING and MURDER. Some take a bit of time like ex-Hibs goal keeper ANDY CARLIN. Things like this need shared far and wide etc---"Mainstream Scottish newspaper opens up to share Andy ...

X · React19org

30+ likes · 1 month ago

Mainstream Scottish newspaper opens up to share Andy Carlin's harrowing long vax story.

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I see what you mean.


It talks about post-vaccination syndrome. I see it was the neurologist who called it this. Ignorant twat. How about vaccine injury you idiot!?

I see even pubmed have an article


It says at the end

"Conclusions: In this study, individuals who reported PVS after covid-19 vaccination had low health status, high symptom burden, and high psychosocial stress despite trying many treatments. There is a need for continued investigation to understand and treat this condition."

My verdict? Satan poison con.

That's an anagram of 'post-vaccination syndrome'.

And a severe case of Stupid 20 you silly bastards.


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The truth about the SCAMDEMIC/MURDER OF THE ELDERLY needs more publicity etc!?

A DOUBLE HEADER POSTER/LEAFLET with link to this video and the MURDER OF THE ELDERLY that created the SCAM PANDEMIC!!


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I hate to say this but judging from the. number of injuries/deaths I've witnessed, it's probably in the millions.

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Yes the video says that the UK has 300,000 adverse reactions reported but reckon that is only a small percentage of the true figures!?

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Fauci will meet Lucifer...

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I think he already did, LOL.

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right? they play poker together.

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HA! More like shooting poisoned darts at US! 😥

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'Poker' people with needles, yes. They need a Royal Flush - down God's toilet!

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Reminds me of that song by The Eagles...lying eyes.

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Fauci DID many decades ago! 😲 He SHOULD have taken his own ouchies!

Then just maybe he would not now still be dealing DEATH! 😡

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If I haven't said before ‘Chief phoney nut Satan’ is an anagram of Anthony Stephen Fauci. As for Loopy Luci...


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You summed it up, Nurse Dee Dee!

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Ya know-if they spent as much time curing disease as they spend on messing with our minds, we would be the healthiest country in the world.

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YES! But ,of course, THEY do not want THAT! ☹

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Dee Dee


Nice! (-:

Maybe you could get the CDC/FDA to offer everyone who gets jabbed a necklace with a locket as pictured in your post above, so we can immediately know to avoid them? But, to be acceptable to males, you'll have to also offer a second, much more masculine design of the locket. <g>

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Yeah. What could possibly go WRONG eh?

(Ask my son. No. Don't. He'll tell you "Just STOP!")

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We will come together in aggregate and cast away the system that is being used against Us. That is My aim!

The Dividing of Humanity to Maintain Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-dividing-of-humanity-to-maintain

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Well. . .Blessings on THAT! 😊 IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) SURVIVING THE EVIL THEM is a matter of personal faith and healthy choices! 🙏

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You say you aren't religious but the Old Testament and the New Testament are real guides that inform us of the truth about everything we know, we see, and experience. Both contain prophesies that have been verified to be true. The last book of the New Testament, The Apocalypse, informs us there will be an end to this world. The only time that all will come together is when Jesus Christ returns to the earth and creates a new heaven and a new earth.

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Well, I have not found that to be true - I read the (KJV) bible 3 1/2 times and found a number of readers digest versions of much older stories with the names changed, as well as a fair few contradictions, a lot of violence and killing of innocents...

(As I came unbiased to the bible, I also studied many other religions, and found gems of truth in mountains of dogma in all of them...including the bible.)

And I have to ask... How do We tell the difference between metaphysical manifestation (prophesy come true) and psychopaths in control using scripture as a playbook, keeping believers doing nothing to stop Them, just waiting for some Other to come along and "fix it?"

I have had a spiritual experience, though and wrote it up here, with no expectation any Other accept it as Their truth:

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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You can believe what you wish of course. The KJV bible is not an authoritative bible. It's one mans interpretation. Only the Catholic Church has the authority to interpret Sacred Scribe.

The Bible cannot be fully understood properly without authoritative teachers.

You have to understand Catholicism in order to tell the difference between what is true and false and what is evil.

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Interesting. I have had anOther quite recently assure Me that the KJV is the "perfect word of God." And a number point to Catholicism as "the devil's work." Why did this God make everything so contradictory and confusing?

Me? I'm quite happy being a loving and Ethical One, working to bring Humanity out of the control of the psychopaths that money systems have promoted to the top, and have little time to worry about who is right - if any - on that score.

And... I don't see "evil" and "good..." I see unEthical - "evil" - with the rest Ethical. "Good" is upholding the Betterment Ethic. Looking for ways to make things better for Those around One, and around the globe. I adamantly uphold the Betterment Ethic.

Love always!

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IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion! 🙏 ) the whole COVID CRAP CONSPIRACY is really a kind of preview to what awaits US ALL at the soon coming end of this Earth Age. 😲 Sadly, SO MANY failed that test and are now GONE! THE GENOCIDAL KILLING OF THE WILLING with Fauci's Ouchies! 😥 We MUST reserve our right to just say, "NO!" 😊 Please choose to stay well naturally and exert your freedom of choice! 😄 I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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The truth about the SCAMDEMIC/MURDER OF THE ELDERLY needs more publicity etc!?

A DOUBLE HEADER POSTER/LEAFLET with link to this video and the MURDER OF THE ELDERLY that created the SCAM PANDEMIC!!


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This is really disturbing.

Posted in JAMA by a pair of medical school professors:

"[M]any state legislatures are enacting laws that limit care allowed by pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists. In some states, limits have been placed on physicians’ ability to provide confidential care to adolescents, reproductive management, or care for transgender patients, as well as education on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. […] We worry that applicants are concerned about the scope of their training and practice being limited, as well as their own safety in these states. […] The nation needs to become a more inclusive place for patients and clinicians from diverse backgrounds and advocate to lift restrictions being placed on medical care, so that physicians can optimally care for patients and families."


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Interesting how the dirtiest rottenest human beings always try to deflect that title onto everyone who sees through them and won't go along.

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RFK jr highlights a study done on the unvaccinated Amish Community.

According to trends at the time there should have been about 2000 autism cases.

Yet they only found 3.

All of them adopted by the Amish after receiving their vaccines.


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