I would say you are correct...

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

Agreed! It frustrates me to no end that the people injured by the covid vax are for the most part, silent. Or worse, they choose to keep their injury to themselves as to not discourage others from getting the worthless and dangerous vaccine.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

The vax injured were not silent - they were ridiculed and called liars before being silenced by being taken off social media and MSM turned a blind eye and did not report about any

va€€ine injuries. in fact the vax injured fought hard to be heard and still are.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

Yes, many of the covid vax injured were silenced and shamefully censored (at the US govt's behest, or order), there were also very brave souls that spoke out and shared their injuries, but there were too many others who even now are still silent about their covid vax injuries. Can we agree on that?

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wonder how many years it will take for the silence to break...

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We've ALL been injured by EVERY vax we've ever been forced to take. I read a study years ago that stated nurses ended up with most MS cases due to their profession & the Vax lots. (sorry Dee) The problem is DELAYED payload that doesn't show up for decades. Sigh ......

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it's alright, quality over quantity!

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

Ding ding ding!!!

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

And ppl are still lining up for flu shots... even those who know mrna is a scam. How does that make sense? "But I've always had a flu shot!" 🙃

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People don't know how their bodies work. Flu & colds are a natural detox for the nasties acquired thru the year. The MK mind washing by the media is just too powerful I guess. Sadly.

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I still regret the single Hep b shot i took as a respiratory therapist. I ended up with hep c and still have no idea how.

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Awe. I'm sorry to hear that Nancy. I believe the diseases are in the shots. They always use cell lines from cancerous cultures such as Henrieta Lack's cervical cancer cell line that was the fastest spreading line they found at the time. They grew them & put em in innocullations.... cuz they're EVIL.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

I guess when the other injured had so much hatred thrown their way some people could have chosen to stay silent as they may not have been strong enough to fight for their right to speak out and also there are probably some who still believe the bullsh*t that their injuries were nothing to do with the va€€ines.

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It's an "uneasy" topic, but once broached, never had one person say I was wrong.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

I was real upset with congresswoman Nancy Mace who was vaccinated in 2021 and injured, but didn't breathe a word about her injury until 2022 or 2023. I have come to accept though, that her admission was better late than ever. Still waiting for Ca gov Gavin Newsome to speak up, countless others too.

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HA! Do you really believe that any (besides Nancy!) really took Fauci's Ouchies? 😲 I don't! And, they most likely did not have Covid either! 🙄


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instead of Died Suddenly "Arrest them suddenly"!

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Sep 5Liked by Dee Dee

Why are there no organized matches or acts of righteous violence meted out to pharmaceutical giant labs and office ?

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Sadly one jab injured encouraged people to go and get the JAB----Not sure how he thinks now!?---One in a million: Inspirational amputee urges everyone to ...

The Sunday Post

https://www.sundaypost.com › i-consider-myself-very-l...

2 May 2021 — After developing blood clots so severe that doctors had no option but to amputate his left leg above the knee, Alex is now recovering at home.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

Imho, some people are so compliant --- trusting. And so cannot even begin to believe they were "tricked".

Others may have become so weak, so damaged that standing up, speaking out was the very last thing they wanted to do.

And it's not like THE SYSTEM will tolerate such complaints.

To his GREAT credit, Senator Ron Johnson (R- Wisc) had meetings where many injured were invited to testify and did so.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Dee Dee

Seems like a great guy, but I wonder if him and others are "coolers" whose purpose is to create a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing. In other words, maybe they are part of the scam, and are there to give us the illusion that something is being done by important people about the ongoing vax genocide...but they are yet another dead end. I suspect this may be true of Edward Dowd, who very suspiciously is associated with Dr. Robert "Deep State" Malone.

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Sep 5Liked by Dee Dee

I guess anything is possible in this gone-insane-world but imo. I think Senator Johnson is the real deal. He's not my senator, tho I wished he was but I notice he is always on the right side of an issue. No matter what itt is. I like Dowd too. Don't know abt connection to Malone

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I have enjoyed listening to Edward Dowd for the last couple of years. He seems genuine. But Dr. Robert Malone is the one who gave him a platform initially, and Malone seems to be part of the Deep State:


And Dowd worked for BlackRock, which is a bit suspicious.

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That's why I feel zero sympathy for them

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Not sure if he still has same thoughts and does he still take the boosters!? One in a million: Inspirational amputee urges everyone to ...

The Sunday Post

https://www.sundaypost.com › i-consider-myself-very-l...

2 May 2021 — After developing blood clots so severe that doctors had no option but to amputate his left leg above the knee, Alex is now recovering at home.

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The biggest lie of the century and biggest money spinner.Covid is a killer jab.

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I'd say this is the second of two of the biggest lies of the century. The first is the lie that we can control the climate so that it works the way we think it should work, even if it costs trillions of dollars and we have absolutely no idea what the consequences of the policies we enact and the rules we establish, but we do know messing with nature will cause a lot of human deaths.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

"messing with nature will cause a lot of human deaths." Well, yeah, but just think of all the money the reptiles will make and all the misery they will cause. reptiles like that.

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HA! Reptiles are innocent. The harm is caused by sinful humans a.k.a. "MANMEAN!"

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Sep 5Liked by Dee Dee

No problem however you see them. my characterization stems from experience of being around an individual once or twice that I was certain was a reptilian occupying a human suit.

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Imaginative! However, IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) thankfully, Yahweh's creation does not work like that.

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No problem everyone has a different idea of what we are up against. I do think the water carriers and useful tools are human. The rest, I’m not so sure about.

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WHY are we still calling IT a vaccine??

IT is an innoCULLation.

IT is a bioweapon

IT is death in a vial.

Good Article :)

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I like bio-weapon the best

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Yes. It is absolutely a bioweapon!

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

I always liked the term injections because of the connection to being euthanized. But bio weapon is probably better and more accurate.

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ironically, we are being euthanized every day in every way....the slowest ways possible.

Cheers :)

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Right. Up until the time, if you're still alive, they come to put you on the train to the gulag.

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I hear THAT!

NEVER go to a secondary location! Have a plan in place & 2 spare fast flying projectiles just in case. Do NOT be taken alive. There are worse things than death!

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WON'T NEED TO! They have large coffin liners to fill with bodies and burn.

Will this be AFTER the bio-weapon jabs suddenly activated MURDER thousands of jabbed victims?? 😲

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just a reference to when bolsheviks get strong enough, the next phase is the red terror.

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Nice! ALL better than "Vaccines" :)

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I lost my mom, brother and quite a few coworkers since 2021. Gee, wonder why?!!

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I am sorry.

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My deepest condolences. Poor thing. ღ

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I ponder the smallpox vax. I had it back in like '61, and it was a thing They pushed onto My upper arm. No jabby needle, but a few short things that went just past My epidermis. They had to give it to Me thrice because there was no little puffy thing reaction the first two times... [shrug] Maybe it's different now?

But yes, They hide and mislabel data on the covid jabs up one side and down the other. They want Us taking the next one.

And, sadly, yes, it was the psychopaths in control's bioweapon unleashed on Us with subterfuge to the max.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

I agree w/you. " They hide and mislabel data" is proof to me of the evil criminality at hand here.

When one does something bad, they don't announce its badness to the world. Then when anything negative comes out it's squelched, made fun of, censored.

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

AND. I know you'll appreciate this AS, besides the psychos' psychotic desire to wipe us off the face of the planet, it always goes right back to the $$$$. Doesn't it? lol

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Oh, absolutely!!! Money motivates...

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Well. . .yeah. BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE line their pockets while "practicing" on US! 😡 Not on me, if I can help it! 😊

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I also had it twice and it did not take. Sure happy that I did not ask for another one!

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A couple of areas that need an open and honest debates with people from both sides of the arguments etc!?

1---Rising sea levels etc!? When in my 20s I can remember people stating that there would be no ice or polar bears but both are still here! They also said a quarter of Florida would be covered with water and islands would be under water. Now I am not saying that there have not ben changes but nothing like what were told etc. One easy question would be to ask! WHERE IS THE WATER GOING TO COME FROM TO CAUSE THE FLOODING!? If all the ice melted how much would sea level rise!?

2 Improvement in peoples health and when did it happen and what were the changes!? I reckon it was when housing improved, drinking water improved and when sewage systems were put in place!? When you look back at the LONDON PLAGUE and the EDINBURGH PLAGUE it was when people were living in dirty squalid places and over crowded. The people living in big airy houses ate escaped such plagues! It could be that 'PHARMA' came on the scene at the same time and they claimed it was JABS that halted all plagues etc!?

Both are long over due a proper investigation and debate---GET IT ON!

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As a military brat for many years who entire family went overseas we received smallpox vac years ago….and as a military member myself as an adult I received another vac…and developed the scab and the slight skin scar to prove it. Other than the slight poking and the subsequent skin lesion that was it….However. more recently they came out with a new “vac” which was called smallpox which the Govt wanted doctors to get….and after several MDs developed heart issues it was withdrawn…makes one wonder whether it had origins to a “new-style” vac just like the COVID “vac”…at least at that time CDC had the sense to withdraw it…likely before Faucci had his royalty checks rolling in to his account.

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Bottom line, I do NOT trust my health or life to the completely compromised and evil “health care” system!

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My shedding exposure is the perfect excuse for Carpe Diem!

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Humans are the Most Dangerous Game, according to the Zodiac. They are also the only earth species that constantly tries to fuck each other over. (Oh and how humans love to be cruel to animals for 'science' as well.) Smallpox vaccine 'research' done in in the jungles of what used to be the Belgian colony of Congo, led by the Polish-American scientist Hilary Koprowski, in search of an oral Polio vaccine, may have led to some unplanned results. The problem lay in how the serum for the Koprowski vaccine was obtained. It was in a cruel manner of harvesting the organs of monkeys in the Congo, in a remote jungle camp. It may or may not have been conducted in a clean/sterile/ethical manner, but they made the mistake of using the blood of the same monkeys for the medium in which they grew the culture of the vaccine. You take the organ of the animal (kidneys, I think) then chop it up fine, then place those cells in a medium in which to 'grow' the reaction to the virus. Apparently it is not safe to use the blood of the same specimen animals to obtain the medium. This is known to have caused Simian Immune Diseases, or SIV. This accusation about Kropowski's oral vaccine program has supposedly been 'debunked' but I think you should watch the 2003 documentary "The Origin of AIDS" and decide for yourself.


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I watched it on youtube. Appalling, have we learned anything? Those poor people forced to take it, no one could refuse. I believe the folks in the Congo who worked there. Looks like the serum had WBC’s that contained the virus. Surely that crossed someone’s mind.

So little do we know what was in the Covid vials, how the ingredients were made/different batches and what will become to those who took them…just like those polio experiments.

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Thanks for watching! It sure seems to me like the researchers were covering up and knew that at least they messed up the serum production. I believe the journalist more than Koprowski. I think the team making the documentary were doing real journalism with integrity.

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agree 😊

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World is a lovely place and we know the dangers in the jungles and ocean etc. But the real dangers are the people!

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Sep 4Liked by Dee Dee

I know of three people who died following the modRNA or booster jabs who lived within a two block radius of me. All three were male, healthy, and active, ranging in age from mid 40’s to early 70’s. Others have demonstrated neurological impacts, vision impacts, cardiovascular impacts, and one male developed appendicitis in his 70’s within a few weeks of, I believe, the J&J jab. Of course, none of them will tie these symptoms to the jab. Brainwashing can be very effective, especially if one wants to be one with the hive. I had the smallpox vax back in the 50’s. Some soreness and a little off following it, but survived - with the telltale scar as I recall. Didn’t take this jab, won’t wear masks, and expect to live maybe another quarter century.

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"SHOOT TO KILL!" This seems an apt motto for Mengelefauci and friends with his Ouchies! We still (STILL!) do not know what worse bio-weapon capacity these killer quackcines might contain! 😡

The Nazis surprised the world with their killer death camps! 😥 Methinks the outcome of this COVID CONSPIRACY may be MUCH WORSE! ☹ WE DO KNOW that we can SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😊 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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So you're telling me when I was a little kid and I screamed at the sight of a needle, I wasn't just some 2-year-old looney antivaxxer, but I was actually pro-science?! Wow, what a time to be alive....

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DEE tu conosci 3 persone che sono morte dopo il vaccino, e sei un'infermiera. io non sono infermiera, sono una cittadina italiana con una ristretta cerchia di amicizie.... conoso almeno 10 persone che sono morte dopo il vaccino (compresa mia mamma con cancro turbo e una sfilza di altri effetti collaterali!!!!). ce ne sono almeno una ventina con gravissimi effetti avversi che lottano ogni giorno. è uno schifo !!!! grazie Dee♥

DEE you know 3 people who have died after the vaccine, and you are a nurse. i am not a nurse, i am an italian citizen with a small circle of friends.... i know at least 10 people who have died after the vaccine (including my mom with turbo cancer and a slew of other side effects!!!!). there are at least 20 or so with very serious adverse effects who struggle every day. it sucks !!!! thank you Dee♥

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Vaccines are useless in the best case and deadly in the worst

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