The hoopla scare at the beginning was in order to teach compliance. Huge psych experiment.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

It was a test run.

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Even the WEF said it was a test of compliance.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

The dancing nurses are proof the hospitals were empty. What nursing unit personnel had time to choreograph a dance, ever! None I ever at.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

None I ever worked at, meant to say. Because finding time to go to the bathroom was a luxury, not to mention trying to get a bite to eat.

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This guy has four videos on the dancing medical staff. I only watched the first one simply because that's really all that's needed, however, I just watched all four - there are links to all four in the Descriptions of each video and they're really worth a watch.


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Thank God at least your family listened to you. Some of us just knew if Gov was pushing, it was not good for us, you were lucky in a sense to see first hand being in a hospital the MSM narrative was false. The sheep took it hook, line and sinker!

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What's strange is a few of my coworkers were there with me and bought into the whole thing...strange world we live in.

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It is so weird how some people saw through the propaganda and others did not. I know a few families of nurses who completely bought into the whole thing. And I know a very few nurses who, like you, saw the truth and warned others about it.

My sister works at a doctor’s office and got the shot. Thankfully she refused to get any boosters. Our parents knew better. And my adult kids refused and now also refuse to date anyone who got the shot.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Many people were making the same observation based on personal healthcare experience and general hospital traffic observations. But the normies were having none of it, preferring to believe their TVs and media.

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I didn't see your comment before I posted mine, but yeah, exactly.

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People refused to believe their eyes and ears and believed the TV instead.

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Thank God you were able to save your immediate family.

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