We're living in a near constant state of disorder, chaos and lawlessness!! Very unsettling

Stay safe Dee Dee

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They are most likely all jabbed up with damaged immune systems. So they have a year or two left before they enter the local bone yard. We won’t miss them.

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first time I ever heard of an off-leash neighborhood where no responsibly exists until the leashed dog defends himself

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I'm assuming you're being funny! Lol

I never heard of that either. Wow

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This actually happened last week at an Air B & B in a small mountain town.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee


Red or blue state?

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Blue of-course

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Just checking!😂😂

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I'm wondering about the dogs who spend their days on lawns sprayed with pesticides/herbicides.

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How about open carry? A 357 Magnum would stop all threats...

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def considering

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7 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

If you want law and order, you have to group up and provide law and order, as Ghandi said

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

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7 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Because no one else seems to mention it I will, Zahra Pakbaz is the name of the "doctor" that injected Alexis Lorenze and made her sick (possibly even killing her).




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Thank you--I had seen that name in the early relatings of this story--and that said doctor was quickly removed? from staff.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Encourage vigilantism because that's always wise and courageous. NOT

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deleted6 hrs ago
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Agreed my comment was less than mature. If you read the updates concerning Alexis you would know that death threats against the physician and other staff have already been made. Bomb threats on the hospital too.

I have to go with Mahatma Ghandi's approach which was to elevate conciousness with non-violence and passive resistance. Mass demonstrations rejecting heathcare as usual. Being an advocate for change like Alexis speaks about. Of course there are the legal avenues too that could effect positive change.

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Animals are friendly until they’re latched onto you, or your leashed pet; been there and then the unleashed owner blames you 🤬

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yeah, I think he was protecting me

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I’m sure your dog was doing what he believed right and instinctive.

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The difference between what you are “legally” allowed to do, vs. what you ought to do.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

that which is lawful is often the opposite of morality and ethical behavior.

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and then there are "those" who live above the law

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Yes, and I don't understand that either.

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more often, lawful is a necessary and insufficient condition for ethical

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I agree. What is lawful is often evil.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Baby goats are indeed something I hope They don't have! Would be worse, though, if They had children...

Our Children Are Not Kids! (and here's why...) (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/our-children-are-not-kids

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LOL, love it!

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Did You read? It’s kinda dark…

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I have NOT called them "kids" since I read your stack. :/

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Bless You, dear One!!!

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Bless you too! 💜

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🤗 💜 🤗

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Seems that the Bible would refer to them as LAMBS. 🐑 🐑 🐑

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OH AMATERASU! HOW HORRIFIC! 😲 So VERY SAD for you and your young friend! 😥 It's even WORSE, that your mother did NOT believe you! 😡 I have heard that many stories are made up on The Web. I would hope that yours is one of these. However, I learned long ago about children sacrifice. ☹ An ex-Roman Catholic nun once said that babies of nuns (who copulated with priests) were ritually sacrificed. WOW! This is an especially evil side of Christianity! 😠 Thank You for sharing your terrible experience to warn others! 😊 Did your mom ever come to believe your report? 😮

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

I woke up one morning to find a dead dog on my front lawn. I didn't recognize it as belonging to anyone in the neighborhood but asked around anyway. No one claimed it. It was a large dog so I called animal control to come and get it. If it had been small, I would have buried it. I was told that unless it was on public property, they didn't pick up dead animals. So one neighbor and I were going to pick it up and put it on public property when a couple of young guys came roaring up the street. They accused me of killing their dog! I told them I did not kill their dog and we have a leash law so their dog should not have been running loose. Then I told them to get off my property.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Geeze Louis. People!

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wow, imagine being a person who accuses someone of killing your dog, I bet they did it (reverse psychology)

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

I have no idea who killed the dog or why. But isn't it common for irresponsible people to blame others?

It's weird but a while before this situation, I had two cats that were shot. I certainly don't know if it was the same person or people that killed this dog but in any case, whoever did it is sick.

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Very sick

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SO SAD FOR YOU AND THE KITTIES! 😥 Keep your eyes open! Coyotes even in this very populated area kill smaller pets.

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Elaine, you were blessed NOT to have them come back and trash your property! I had that happen but I would speak up again!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Two of my friends were murdered by dogs. I've rescued several dogs but I don't trust most of them.

No neighborhood here is off-leash.

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SO SAD FOR THEM AND YOU! 😥 Were the owners held responsible?

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Animals are typically better behaved than their owners... perhaps they need to be leashed in the safe fenced area of their yard!

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right! lol

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Yeah. . . .dogs everywhere! But why? I have lived next door to a public park for over thirty years. There used to be many fur ball owners and one had to be careful about walking on doggie do do. And, owners were constantly yelling at their poor pooches. After that pet food scare from China there were a lot fewer canine owners. NOW? Hardly ANY! However, some homeless are depositing next to a light at night. A couple of streets over are two sides of the street with vehicles of homeless. Today one of these trucks had four (FOUR!) bicycles attached! A family of four homeless in a truck??? This is an upper class neighborhood. Dogs have to be tagged and should be trained. Pfizer deals in pet poisons, too. 😲 I feel more wise caring for kitties who adopt me. The fifth one Chime, Hebrew for "Life" is a Bengal male kitten. HA! I haven't seen a rat in years! 😊

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