It was an outstanding interview with tough questions Trump answered.

Kamala has yet to do a single in depth interview by herself and that says a lot about her weak character.

Kamala’s father is a Marxist and Kamala introduced Marxist policies; if one has never run a successful business and signed pay checks, they should never be POTUS.

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Lex kept raising the issue of Trump pushing the stolen election of 2020. We must face and more people must face that the DEMLEFT is criminal, trying destroy America and install totalitarianism. Unfortunately, they are supported by the world power structure lead by the World Economic Forum.

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Sep 7Liked by Dee Dee

Be warned he supports Israel, and the "Israelis" in the US are at the nexus of every issue we have. Mayorkas at the border and DHS, Blinken at the state dept, Garland at the DOJ, Yellen at the Treasury, Walensky and now Cohen at the CDC, Larry Fink and Blackrock at DEI, the list is quite long and easily discovered if one only looks.

But don't take it from me, see for yourself.


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IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) DJT's "support' of Israel may be the only

great thing about him. 😲

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Then you should watch more videos with Ilan Pappe, and others.

Although I am almost certain you will not watch any of them, and you will not change your mind at all.

Those that support Israel are either ignorant of what has occurred or monsters.


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WELL. . .if (IF!) you believe Yahweh's Word The Bible you will be for Israel

and the Jewish people. This does NOT mean that He is for any evil-misbehaving

Jews. If you would like the verses I will post them here for you. 😊


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Sep 8Liked by Dee Dee

While I believe in God, I have issues with religion, do recall the Bible is written by men, not God.

The best way to reach God is through meditation and an open heart, not a book.

There is wisdom in the Bible, such as — Revelation 2:8–9 and — Revelation 3:7–9, which if you looked at the World with open eyes you would see Israel taking other peoples land, committing genocide, and fully planning to do this all along.

All one has to do to see the problems in the West is to look at the names, and understand.

Beach Houses in Gaza.


The Plan.


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I agree, direct communication is best!

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You have given me verses in support of your evil anti-Semitism. Yes there are evil Jews just as there are evil Germans, French, Americans, and etc. 🙄 At the time these words were written there was the Hebraic faith no pagan Christianity from Third Century A.D. The things you accuse the Israelis of doing is what Hamas has done to them. 😡The fact that you choose the name "Triumphant Ape" hints that you may also believe in Darwin's theory that we came from apes. ☹ No. I don't believe in THAT either! Darwin's wife believed in the Biblical account of creation. I do, too. 😊

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There it is, the response of one that has no idea what is occurring.

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Dee, the video's sound is garbled for me. ☹ I will try again later.

Sadly, IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) the U.S. does not have open honest

elections and has not for some time. This is why I do not vote.

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youtube censorship

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No questions about the vaxx bio weapon Democide also about the vaxx schedule for babies? Also very very little on mid- east/iran. I like Trump way better the Kamila but this interview was frustrating.

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I feel the same way...

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Funny that lex got to go to The Ukraine to visit. Bet no one you know can do that!

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