Sounds pretty sudden and unexpected but... a "peaceful" passing?

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Was he v@xxed?

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I hope he has a peaceful, easy feeling now. RIP 🪦

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OK this fella had passed the three score and ten mark so had a reasonable innings!? On other side of page a good number of younger singers etc have popped their clogs and seemingly this is much worse the last 3 years or so!? WHY?

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Yeah... Natural causes.

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it's another booster sunrise

bloody spot is in my eye

I don't know why

He was just a govmint doctor

Planning on a scheme he longed to try

the beagles died

Every night when the sun goes down

side of my face is sagging down

can't smile for the frown

She wasn't just another psycho

Watched her on TV e-mot-in'

So re-vol-tin'

Oh, and it's a lonely feelin'

When it comes down to buryin' friends

It never ends

Take another shot for the team

wonder why the brain cells never click

you just get sick

It's another booster sunrise,

what if it's all just a scam,

No thank you, ma'am

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Can someone tell what is remotely “peaceful” about dying. I was near death once and it was terrifying. Peaceful my ass… nothing peaceful about it.

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Well, I was there when each of my parents died. My dad, pretty peaceful it seemed. He knew and accepted it. My mom, not so much. She did not want to go.

Probably varies as much as people vary, which is a lot.

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John David Souther can become 'John dead hot virus'. So not the jab then. :)

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Another rocker passing makes me feel uber melancholy.

JD put Linda Ronstadt on a pedestal for good reason as she was blessed with an angelic voice... He took, was a Talent. Sad they're both gone now. At least we have the music. RIP 😔

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he wrote “Heartache tonight” and “Heart of the Matter” which ain’t ironic at all!

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