& if Buggs Bunny was to CONsent > da da dah datz all Folks!!

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Always believed there were three people in America you didn’t want to fuck with; Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood, and Bugs Bunny.

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Just wish We Humans could be as successful as The Road Runner in circumventing the CONtroller Agenda

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Regardless of anything else I simply do not understand how people couldn't sense the totalitarianism of the whole thing.

If everyone gets the jab ... talk about dumb and dumber.

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Because heard stupidity IS a real thing.

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Driving alone in a car with 2 masks and a face shield.

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

exactly, the height of stupidity, what fear can do to man...

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"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed" So said Albert Einstein! Fraudulent evil Big Pharma, uses all three!

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FINALLY, one of Einstein's theories I can actually understand.

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His 2nd law of thermodynamics held, "Things go from order to disorder." I.e. blowing a hole in the silly evolutionist's faith-based religion, pumped into young skulls full of mush!

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After having taken 3 jabs - isn't a vax supposed to keep you from getting sick? If so, why wear a mask??

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Off to a re-education camp. You are not allowed to use logic.

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Try and hide the sick look on the face perhaps?

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I saw a man on a motorcycle with a mask yesterday. I thought well maybe it's useful for not inhaling bugs?

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LOL. That would be the only reason for wearing a mask on a motorcycle IMO. Holes in mask are too large to keep viruses out, says my virologist husband who has been a virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs. What's also sad is that he has no idea how ridiculous he looks like that.

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It's not "herd stupidity..." We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have all been deliberately degraded.

Blame not "the herd;" blame the psychopaths in control who beset Us.

Humanity Beset (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/humanity-beset

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As I said, it was “heard stupidity”. People were stupid enough to believe what they heard repeatedly by “experts”. Pretty obvious.

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Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted Your statement. (Too many use wrong spellings, and I thought You meant "herd," not "heard.") Love always.

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IMO there is an element of herd behavior in it, though. Many were afraid to go against the crowd. As a therapist I've studied human behavior pretty much all my life. Herd mentality is a huge part of human behavior, I've found.

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I suggest that is part of the indoctrination process. We are not taught to stand Individually, but rather to obey, go along, do as Others do. Were We taught to find Our path, what We love to do, and stand sovereign, a very different dynamic would be seen... Rather like the differences in societies with and without the need to account for One's energy to survive, as I discuss here:

Discussing Sin (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/discussing-sin

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Hmm, you just tapped into something I never thought of before your writing here. Not everyone in society is taught that. WHO, above all, is taught to think, act, and react alone when forced into a corner?

And, yes, I am trying to start a conversation that others will jump into, hopefully.

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Well, there's a difference between being forced into a corner, and standing One's ground. But very few of Us are encouraged to stand. Rather We are taught to defer to "authority" (as if anyOne has that over anOther...).

And yeah, a good convo on this would be glorious!

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There's comfort in the herd and, when threatened, it has the strength that comes with raw size and numbers. Sadly, the COVID-era herd suffered from the poisoning of its habitat with heavy metals, toxic industrial chemicals, fluoridation, EMF smog, etc. You see, the evil doers do their utmost to maintain a docile, cognitively impaired, and chronically unhealthy herd for exploitation and culling... for both profit and pleasure.

To wit: The Darwin awards are given to those who remove themselves from the gene pool by doing the stupidest things. In the age of "the COVID", there are so many worthy recipients that the rules, I suspect, will need to be adjusted a bit to exclude those who endlessly take their "safe and effective" boosters while the bodies of the multiply-vaxxed pile up all around them.

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Remember Mom telling us, "If everyone jumped off a cliff,... would you."?

But with proper [Godless] brainwashing, yes we Would jump off the cliff!

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esp when your literal mom is telling you

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Well, yeah, I thought Mom had me in some sort of teamwork exercise.

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More like overdosing using illegal drugs and committing suicide.

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It was a genuine surprise to me how many people I had formerly respected for their intellect and independence of mind fell for it. And fell for it hard.

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Just look at the number of people who believe Biden is running the country...(-:

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Look at the number of people who believe they are a different sex than they are.

Look at the number of people who believe that governments can be trusted.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

I don't even want to think about your first category. Those people should be forcefully kept away from children.

But, with regard to your second category, I've a couple of sisters who got the jabs because they believed the government and their doctors more than they believed me. One of them was taking hydroxychloroquine for her rheumatoid arthritis; and, I believe that may have protected her somewhat from the Pfizers. The other sister appears to no longer be responding to me because I finally got fed up and told her that I was tired of always keeping my mouth shut when she continually disagreed with me about everything, regardless of the written proof I put before her; and, I was no longer going to do that. She's down on the DC beltway, a former research librarian/dean of a medical library and is a liberal. I know we're supposed to forgive; but, then, what are we supposed to talk about? I'm tired of holding back my true self. It's sad...

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You have my sympathy. My brother is like your sister. He didn't listen to me when I warned him about taking the jabs. Now he is in the hospital with AFIB, lung problems, bladder cancer and maybe bowl cancer. The only health issue he had prior to taking the jabs was high blood pressure. I forgive him for being so stubborn but like with you and your sister, it's hard to talk to him about anything. This is true for so many other families and only after the murders and destruction of some people's health as the primary goal of the jabs and fear-mongering is how the lies have torn families apart.

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Just consider how the past six or so decades have been decades of brainwashing and psyops in schools, in every form of media, and in company advertising geared specifically to dumb people down, destroy the ability to use common sense or critical thinking, and pushed the "collective" against the individual. Peer pressure and herd mentality exists across all ages and demographics. So Americans had been prepared to accept the lies especially when constant fear-mongering was used to try to support those lies.

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Still surprised how the entire world fell for this. I remember being harassed and shamed for refusing any “vaccine”. Now, same supervisor who, more than once, told me “ only a fucking idiot wouldn’t get the shot” can’t seem to recall ever saying that.

He was always so adamant about wanting to tell me how stupid I was, how I was probably spreading disease, and would definitely become very ill from being so ignorant.

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Ah! Those selective memories! They make it possible for people to sleep at night. Otherwise they would have to actually repent - admit they were wrong and amend their ways.

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Yeah, that ain’t this guy!

Kinda odd, though, seeing how he knows everything.

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As you said so correctly mankind cannot (mostly) say I am sorry.they rationalize or uses selective memory to justify all kinds of nonsense and lies.

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I'm not surprised! Because I know that people who have no God to believe in, can easily be made to believe anything! I.e. "The jab is safe & effective." psychosis.

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And by same token, have no need to repent for their attitude.

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See no need anyway. They are blind fools.

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I was singled out and basically uninvited to a wedding because I wouldn’t vaccinate. I had just gotten over the worst Delta variant and I was really trying to get to the wedding because I knew my father in law was dying and it would probably be the last time to see him alive.

The bride sent an email to everyone and I KNOW it was really meant for me. 👇👇

Dear loved ones,

We are over the moon excited about the swift approach of our wedding day (finally)! As you can imagine, this has been a difficult world to navigate when trying to plan a gathering and celebration of this kind. We want to take every precaution in order to continue to do our best to protect all of our loved ones, but specifically our most vulnerable. We have several at-risk loved ones who are taking some risks in order to be able to join us on our big day and we want to do our best to keep them healthy and safe. We need some help from you to do this effectively.

We are asking that if you are experiencing any symptoms that may be related to COVID-19 that you please do not attend. We know that after much anticipation, this may be a tough choice, but it is what is best for the safety of everyone. We would also ask that if you have had a COVID exposure that you please be sure that you have a negative test before attending. We strongly encourage that everyone attending be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. That said, if you have chosen to not get the vaccine, we ask that you remain masked for all events surrounding the wedding. We will have masks available, if you need one.

We hope that you all understand this is an effort to protect our vulnerable loved ones. We sincerely appreciate your compliance with our requests.

We hope to see you all, happy and healthy, on the dance floor!

With love, (?)

We didn’t wind up going. I still have a hard time when I read this letter because you can see that they refused to accept NATURAL IMMUNITY and only vaccinated immunity would be accepted.

Even if I vaccinated, it wouldn’t be enough time to have it be “effective” since my recovery was days away from the wedding.

I was still so weak and tired that from that perspective, I just didn’t need the stress of getting on a plane, finding a dress, worrying about my 3 dogs and and worrying about these covidian freaks and what they would do to me if I showed up. This stress was slowing my recovery. So we declined

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I'm sorry that happened to you; sounds like you didn't get to see your father-in-law for one last time either. Excellent point about NATURAL IMMUNITY! Husband has 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist, worked for Public Health Dept. of PA for many years. He used to help develop jabs until he found out what was in them, this was in 1970s. He hasn't taken a jab since then. He was always a proponent of natural immunity first. He said "covid" which was first called coronavirus, is a form of the common cold. It's in the 1970s Merck manual of medicine that is used worldwide. It's hard on the lungs but only very old people or those with compromised immune systems would die from "covid". The fraud behind all this done by "Dr." Fauci and others is off the chart unbelievable. Doctors were paid to give patients remdesivir then put them on ventiltors, even when they didn't need ventilators. That combination kills the patient. This is proven. It's murder and drs received as much as $38,000 for each patient they killed. This was further confirmed by a friend who owns a store, where a number of people told him about their experience with having a loved on murdered this way. The holes in the mask won't keep viruses out either, as viruses are very small, too small for the holes in the mask. Any virologist knows this. The bride had no business telling people to mask up and should be spanked IMO. I'm angry with her and I don't even know her. Was she wearing a mask when she took her vows? Just wondering. Would love to see the wedding picture if so. That must be attractive. LOL.

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Oh no! The entire family on my husbands side was vaxxed! They were all in NJ and we had spent the whole summer there with my very sick in-laws. I lived in my moms house because she wasn’t making me get vaccinated. Her house was much smaller than my in laws so I had to change her dining room into our bedroom for my husband and I. So we lived there and my husband eventually got the Pfizer 2 shots because he just couldn’t handle the mental pressure that was put on him if God forbid he gave his parents Covid because my father in law was dying from congestive heart failure and my mother in law was undergoing chemo for endometrial cancer. She vaxxed and got so sick while doing chemo that she was unable to walk. She has never fully recovered. I would make meals and send them over and occasionally visit but I wore a mask and sat away from them. They knew I refused the jab. But my husband worked out of their house remotely and was there every day to help with giving them rides to doctor appointments and helping around the house. My FIL would fall down getting in or out of the shower. So many things. But we left to go back to TX a week earlier because I caught Covid and we are here and it took a month to get over the Delta for me. It was a nightmare.

But back to the wedding, I felt really bad for my husband when I told him I was too upset and weak to go through with the trip and the psyop because my father in law did pass away in early November but since we had spent the summer up there I think he was ok with missing the wedding.

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

So did anybody attend the wedding?

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PLEASE tell me you didn’t send that bitch a gift!

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I did!😂 Keeping the peace, but it feels good to let this story out to you guys! Thanks for listening

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2024 EXCESS DEATH SYNDROME-----Could the POISON JAB have any thing to do with it. Short video goes over the numbers etc!? See if your country is mentioned!?-----https://youtu.be/AU0DxJ1vbmM?si=QPOTRaUSvzgPpnh4

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Off to the gulag with you.

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Many that took the POISON JAB ended up in the BIG FIRE so the gulag does not sound too bad for my sins!!? Countries hiding the truth and facts and here is HOLLAND for one------https://youtu.be/kKu3mxnNYM8?si=964EmSGQkYlSz6Ew---

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Tried the link, only sends me to ads.

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I clicked on again and at first there is adds then the video---https://youtu.be/kKu3mxnNYM8?si=J4aXz-MiYuybF0U-

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

I remember my son-in-law who loudly said that if I don't take the vax I'm putting the children's lives in danger and asked what kind of person I am if I refuse. I told him that I was a good person so that I would also offer him my portion. We haven't spoken since then, he still hates me for the decision I made and maybe more because I was right (if in the meantime he woke up)...

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Divide & CONquer also going according to the script

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

Very true.

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One part of the agenda was to divide people, especially families, to ruin forever relationships. They knew that consistent fear-mongering and daily reporting of Covid deaths (fake reports) would serve that purpose.

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@Eris; How can one argue with one who gets his info from the 60 billion in fraud fines & leader in cause iatrogenic death/ Big Pharma medicine? I.e. killing 12.5 to 40 million in just the last 50 years, According to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or the well-cited book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null. God help us!

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

Yes, how dare I :) So may God help us.

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So sad!

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

I was told by my local doctors office that I was a vaccine denier

And the lassie who was working the phones who called me that is now very sick, autoimmune disorder

It's bloody horrible all over

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@ Sarah C; The free online book, "Your Doctor Is A Lier" educated me on pharma pimping [so-called] Doctors! Who are nothing more than mindless pharma pimps, in fear or ridicule!

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Fraudulent Big Pharma sells Death [and death jabs] to the fools, just as the fraudulent serpent sold Death to foolish Adam and Eve! What better way to teach us, "Death is the wages of sin, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." Was this world this corrupt when it was a more Christian world?

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thank God for sutstack ! the first few months I too was scared, but then stumbled onto Alex Berenson, who dismantled the fake stories. Then I discovered more and more people like him, and me, who did not believe the repeat-the-story (that set me off first: the identical story repeated word for word by all the talking heads, then Berenson explained the Princess story). And now I read the news in memes ! I also follow Geert Vanden Bossche, someone from my former country, who has been blamed, harassed, neglected at best, but who told the story as it was! Thankfully there are people like him and you, and more and more are waking up. I hope it is not too late !

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That’s how I discovered Substack! Alex Berenson! But I stopped following him when he torpedoed IVM

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not sure where exactly I dropped him, certainly when he defended Ukraine.

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He did that too? Omg 😂

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I think quite a lot of his subscribers left him right there !

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I found Geert immediately, he had a chat section before he opened a new and improved site, help immensely!

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

Alex's book helped solidify my suspicions of what was happening. I remember proudly reading his book on a plane, in a restaurant and on the beach. I was hoping someone would come up and say "hell yeah! This is all a giant scam!" No one said a word... in fact I probably ostracized myself 🤪. Nothing new here.

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I got it on the Kindle on my computer so I could not take it everywhere, I also stayed away as much as possible from most places with mummified people (mask on, some with gloves, luckily never met a beekeeper-outfit wearing person). But I am wearing my Tshirts from Sharyl Attkisson, Jeff Childers and JPSears. Thankfully found some non-jabbed people through that.

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Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

And is it a wonder that so many things are going wrong having been based on lies?

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I failed to understand how the lies were invisible to the masses...like that black guy in Baltimore said to Fauci, "when you have to offer money, something's wrong"...

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Look how many people can’t see and hear daily that Biden is NOT sharp as a tack as MSM, Dem politicians…claim!

Look how many people think the border is secure even though 10s of millions of illegals are knowingly, willingly and with intent being allowed to invade America and not a single one forced to be vaccinated for anything!

People are truly stupid!

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It was obvious to me in the UK. Some people can see the wood for the trees, others can't.


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Saw that . Loved that.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Dee Dee

It was brilliant-- I think you mean the guy in Anacosta (neighborhood in DC)? Hilariously, the film was trying to paint him as an ignorant kook-- but he was one brave and savvy dude.

Transcript of the scene (with link to video source):


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yes, you are correct, thank-you!

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Remember the beating us with a stick conversation?

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Who was in that conversation? Don Lemon and Fredo, Chris Cuomo?

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Feb 2020... All was great in the world: no wars, gas was $1.87, we had deflation happening while our bank accounts were growing without effort...

Our 'betters' then decided that couldn't stand so they set us on a path of ruin via a flu virus and printed 'ballots'.

Remember to ask any protester you encounter: "Who is paying you?"

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I know it’s hard for some people to believe how this mind-f$&k happened but I had the unique experience of living in a Red state TX for 2020 and then had to move to Communist NJ for the summer of 2021. Location and general public attitudes towards Covid were night and day.

Every day the people were getting case counts counts on the TV. Those “news” stations were mainly coming from NY and California. Remember the daily chats with “love gov” Andrew Cuomo?

New York and New Jersey are inextricably linked in business, health and NEWS.

The winter of 2020 was the WORST NUMBER OF DEATHS FOR NEW YORK and this really drove the fear of Covid right up to level 11 compared to TX. In texas we were outside in fresh air getting sunshine and exercise while the NY TRUMP HATING MEDIA WENT OFF THE RAILS BERSERK.

So if you already were a hater of the president at the time of this virus, and remember that little Fauxi’s home turf is NY, you can really watch the fear porn horror show as if you were in a movie theater and you can’t believe the girl is going to actually go into the dark house alone. 🙈

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Also the tv commercials were straight up propaganda “public service announcements” to get vaccinated. There were none of those on local TX stations. But it played on NY media ALL DAY LONG. They had ones geared for elderly, black, Latino, and scared young kids. They covered all stereotypes. One in particular was the “black protester” vaccine ad. She was yelling on a megaphone as if she was yelling about defunding police but instead she was yelling “Get Vaccinated!”. It was incredible.

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Orwellian Elmo's World

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Sesame Street was supposed to be a typical NYC street and Elmo was the puppet of a Pedo we later found out.

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The biggest lies of them all have pervaded Our world for a century and more, and those are the lies of "viruses" and "contagion," neither of which have been proven to exist in the least. Given Their claims, at least You would think contagion had been proven! But no... Despite thousands of well People subjected in many ways to the sick - from just being very close, to having the sick cough, sneeze, and spit into Their mouths, having the mucus of the sick swabbed into Their noses, and even having the blood and mucus of the sick injected into Them...

Out of the thousands, ZERO of the well fell ill.

That's why, as Pasteur admitted in His posthumously published journals, He added mercury to the stuff He used to "prove" it. Mercury WILL make You sick if You consume it.

The illusion of "contagion" has to do with good times to detox, and between the weather conditions signalling the best times and Our electromagnetic communications messaging it's a good time, We see groups, exposed to the same toxins, "catching" the same "disease."

And this is why Some in the same family do not fall ill despite being up close and personal - perhaps They don't eat something the rest do, or didn't go to some place the Others did... They don't need the detox.

But the psychopaths in control surely use lies to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us.

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I just kept saying "NO!" to nose-jab testing and Fauci's Ouchies from my then Primary Doctor.. More recently I have just said "NO!" to anything Pfizer! To SURVIVE and STAY WELL we must do so NATURALLY! EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETENAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 🙏

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Hi Jayna...Are you still using some things from Swanson? Or have you seen some info about some of their products being contaminated or suspect in some way?

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Yes, I am still ordering mostly from Swanson. Reports on The Web have been against NAC or say that the gov is going to stop it. But, NO, it's still available on Swanson for about $11.00 a bottle. I have taken only this brand since 2009 and have not had any flu or Coronavirus' and maybe only one or two colds since then. It's an amino acid and it really seems to help my lungs. I also like their Omega 3, 6, 9 gels for pain. Their products are inexpensive and most importantly, THEY HEAL! 😁

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Good to hear...I'm still using a variety of Swanson products. I'm still working through a big pouch of powdered NAC from Bulk Supplements, but whenever I need a little something to get me over the Free Shipping threshold, I click on Swanson's NAC and it cures the shipping thing. Be well!

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I would take Swanson's NAC capsules NOW. In the U.S. supplement companies can legally put anything they want in their products.. Sadly, that "powdered

NAC" may be only worthless white powder! Very cheap for THEM! 😡

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I have come to trust Bulk Supplements reality/quality. They offer a lot of products aimed at the bodybuilding market as well as at overall health customers. If they were caught selling worthless stuff, they'd probably have their building lifted up and tossed by the muscle part of their clientele. But I do have a few bottles of Swanson NAC, so I will stop the loose powder for a few days and replace it with Swanson' caps and see if I notice any change. I take the same regimen of powders and tablets/caps every morning before swimming, so any difference will be a clue worth serious investigation. :-)

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I do not take tablets (hard on tummy lining) only capsules and gel caps. I usually take a 600 mg. NAC capsule in the a.m. or after lunch and one before sleep. Children: 1/Day

Been doing this since 2009. Please let me know what happens. It helps the lungs, digestion, liver, and others. 😁

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And we have to sit back and watch as people willingly inject themselves with poison. Still. They've set it up for exactly this! We are the crazy ones 🤪

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The greatest mind control experiment targeting almost 8 billion people. Amazing, yes? Just wait for the next threat event-plausibly blue beam and an alien invasion...and I'm not kidding. The cabal has the tech. The world is inhabited by the devil's disciples. And those of us who identify as angels have our work to perform. The "End times" is just another term for "Reset." Blessings! [I'd rather drink carrot juice than chase one on a stick!]

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