Anyone who questioned the science was eyed suspiciously; anyone who refused the vaccine was labeled a conspiracy theorist. Those who refused experienced extreme peer pressure, ridicule, and witnessed threats from the media including refusal of work, travel, and food. The well documented response was, “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”. The unvaccinated were held responsible for ALL the variants. We were shamed and called selfish. They blamed us for the failure of herd immunity and said, WE WERE INFECTIOUS.
They dangled, threatened, bribed and beat the narrative to death, like the mare from a Dostoevsky novel.
If everyone will just take it, the pandemic can end.
And we all watched how those pumpkins rot… Nothing ever returned to normal; nothing will ever be the same.
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
Tell me lies
Tell me, tell me lies
Little Lies By Fleetwood Mac
Regardless of anything else I simply do not understand how people couldn't sense the totalitarianism of the whole thing.
If everyone gets the jab ... talk about dumb and dumber.
I remember my son-in-law who loudly said that if I don't take the vax I'm putting the children's lives in danger and asked what kind of person I am if I refuse. I told him that I was a good person so that I would also offer him my portion. We haven't spoken since then, he still hates me for the decision I made and maybe more because I was right (if in the meantime he woke up)...