I think so too

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

I work with vascular surgeons and have yet to hear a peep about treating younger patients with AAA's and aortic dissections. I SEE it, so they must see it! I listened to Tucker Carlson today and he said something like why wouldn't people speak the truth? What exactly are they afraid of? If they spoke up from the beginning we wouldn't be in this mess!!! I'm sick of this nonsense.

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I have broken heart 💔 syndrome.

Had 3 stents put in, I mourned my son's death so hard, gave myself a heart attack. I have a yearly visit with him, last year when I went; I was checked, weighed, BP, and then 5 Drs, I've never seen came in.

Told me that I'd save a lot of money if I'd take this new drug for Type2.

I suspect they wanted a guinea pig as I looked the drug up.

I'm doing well on current mess.

I asked them which drug I should quit taking, if this was for type 2.

They couldn't answer.

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I'm sorry for the loss of your son, nothing more painful than that.

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Just now, I think of him and I don't cry now. Think the tears are gone.

He would have been forced to get a shot. He was a confirmed bachelor.

Tĥe favorite uncle. He would have been such a joy to the great nieces and nephews.

The shot would have killed him, probably on the job

He was a crew chief on soils testing crew for civil engineering firm.

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I'm so sorry you lost your son. Of course your heart is broken.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Just say no! No thank you! Stuff it!

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Type 2 Diabetes? Runs greatly in my family but not me. For decades I have taken this supplement: Priority One's Vana Trace 2 capsules a day. It has kept my blood sugar borderline for decades now. Was about $5.00 a bottle but now over $30.00 but worth it. Suppliers keep changing so keep bottles on hand!

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Try a little research into, vaccine induced Type 2 Diabetes, & other pharma induced money makers! What do you want from our 30 billion in fruad fines/ big pharma? Truth & honesty or more sickness to sell drugs for???

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Steve, members of my family had Type 2 Diabetes in the 1800's. Sadly, it's a health problem that has plagued humans for a very long time! 😥

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This is the 225th anniversary of Edward Jenner’s first smallpox vaccination in 1796! In 1855 Massachusetts was the first state to require that children have a smallpox vaccine before going to school to prevent the spread of smallpox in schools. Would you expect the 30 billion in fruad fines pharma to give you the stright dope on toxic, hevey metal laced vaccines? Big pharmas iatrogenic death plague on the USA is 12.5 to 40 million deaths in just the last 50 years! I.e. a fact supported by the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study or the more accurate book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null! (Look that up!) Don't think you can't be suckered!

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I remember taking that vaccine twice in the '50's but it never "took." I did not get the scab. BIG HARMA has been around A VERY LONG TIME! YES! And sadly, it's suckering in all those around us! 😡

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I git the smallpox shot in 1945. Long before the Big Pharma came in

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thank you for this information. I wish you continued good health.

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Thank You! I do have health problems but I am treating them with

natural meds and have for decades. I suggest RUNNING AWAY when Pfizer

is mentioned! 😡

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I agree completely

Hubs is fully vaccinated. He sheds spike protein. I have to take supplements to try and protect myself

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SO VERY SAD FOR YOU! It's good that you are proactive. Because of my experience with a jabbed, I suggest that you now take Swanson Vitamins' NAC 600 mg. capsules (Cysteine, an amino acid) to prevent COVIDS and all Coronavirus'. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m. and one before sleep. It's about $10.00 a bottle. He should take it, too.

Also, Nattokinase (natural Japanese blood thinner from soybeans) to prevent and heal blood clots as promised by Pfizer from the vaxed. 😡 Hubs really SHOULD stop taking Fauci's Ouchies. I post publicly on MeWe.

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Elsie, if he drank he might benefit from nutritional supplementation. Thiamine a B vitamin he is probably deficient in. Also there are liver detoxifiers containing milk thistle and dandelion root. This actually can reverse liver damage which might help detox his entire body. (Liver Nutrients by Seeking Health) Another suggestion is binders it’s either charcoal, bentonite

clay, and other substances. This will pull out toxins through the gut. Liver nutrient helps recharge the liver. And of course multivitamin and thiamine helps the brain. Research is connecting almost all disease states to inflammation. Anything to reduce inflammation can help. With liver damage the detox and binder must be a slower process or the toxins will be Re absorbed and cause more symptoms.

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He is trying to kill himself, just like his mother did. He knows he is failing. But he has not accepted the fact that HE ALONE is the only one who can stop the drinking. His mother drank while pregnant.




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So sorry about the loss of your son.

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Thank you so much. It really broke me. It has been 6 years and I still can see him being carried out of his house.

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@Elsie: Did you know that this short life is only a test? I also morn the death of my Dad, Wife & best friend from iatrogenic medicine! BUT knowing I will be with them forever in God Jesus’s glorious Heaven eases the pain of that loss! {Lickey Me!}

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I know. That's exactly why I don't fear death.

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Please, do some more research on your own and drop these hacks.

I had heart surgery in late 2018 to replace a defective (from birth) bicuspid aortic valve. The Surgeon was fantastic. But...since then, I've fired five cardiologists. They ALL wanted me on a statin. But each and every one wanted me on one to three other pharma products...I don't think any of them matched each others recommendations. My own research suggests their combined 'prescriptions' offer no measurable benefit. Often, to the contrary. Coming up on six years since surgery, I'm doing just fine.

Find what works best for you. FLCCC is a good start. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is another good source. Marie Anne Demasi (Substack) also has some good articles.

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You may love the book, Your Doctor is a Lyer! (Free on line!) Every thing you need to know about Lipitor [that the insert packet will tell you, but your so-called doctor won't! I.e. It can harm & kill you but it has no effect on saveing your life! Read it and weep!

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I have so many friends than have completely reversed their type 2 without any drugs, or were able to stop drugs and reverse it, by switching to the Keto way of eating. Some had to do carnivore, others could benefit from just standard Keto. Whole range of low carb to consider. It’s worth the research. Check out ketogenicforums.com for proof of all the people who were helped. That gang provides a lot of support and decades of sound science and logic. I myself became pre-diabetic and was a stroke risk, but Keto changed all that in the first 6 months and after two years of faithful low-carb I’m healthier and stronger than I have been since my 20s, and I’m almost 60 now. My blood tests are fantastic, and my doctors can only remain silent because it contradicts what they thought would help that didn’t. I turned off all the noise about the horrible recommended diets by the medical community and started learning about Keto and fasting from the most respected doctors in the world. Just like politics they are labeled crazy, and their messages get buried by an industry of food and medicine that would be extremely liable for too much bad health if they admitted they were wrong, so they never will. Instead they spend time and money to discredit the most powerful diet in the world.

Tune them out - do your own research. It’s out there. Seek out Dr Jason Fung. Look up Dr Ken Barry and Dr Ben Bickman. Dr Eric Westman. Read “Metabolical” by Dr Lustig. There’s so many more doctors with so much experience and you CAN find them. Just ignore the shouting that the other side will start to aim at you. I’m walking proof, as are hundreds of my friends, that they are fear mongers and wrong about their treatments.

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I have been on low carb for years. I am not bread crazy. I have not fallen prey to bread is the staff of life.

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Sorry your son died. Here is a song I wrote. May find strength. I will pray for you. https://youtu.be/9gfc2zXM7yM?si=IypD9PqqJrpSfaS8

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Kat, I worked in the hospital setting for 18 years before leaving into the ASC and office based surgery settings. Did plenty of open AAAs and Endo vascular as well. I did take a set of 2 shots in 2020 as my wife and I both are at the head of the table . Last year, out o’ the blue, I developed a DVT from common iliac to ankle. No contributing factors, no predisposing traits, etc. Thrombectomy in specials and the IR MD pulled out something that looked like a horror show. Get to be on apixaban from here on out. Hematology found nothing to explain, except…

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Fudge. None of are safe anymore. I've come to accept that none of us get out of here alive and certainly may be sooner than any of us thought. Glad you got the treatment you needed and are here so you know the culprit. Did they do any tests on the clot? My nephew in law was just dx with an inoperable frontal lobe glial tumor. They are doing genetic testing to determine the best treatment... does that still apply when our genetics have been altered? I sent all the info I have regarding alternative treatments and will see if they even consider them. It's a f$cked up time to be alive!

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No tests beyond the usual coagulation panels.

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Huh... you'd think they'd want to know what exactly would be causing you to uncharacteristically develop a 3ft long clot! My sister had an ovarian tumor removed and told the admitting nurse she thought it was the shot that caused it. That nurse said "they should be studying you not dismissing you!" The silence will come back to bite these ppl.

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The period of time between the vax and the DVT was such that the hematologist didn’t think it the cause. Not my specialty and he is a competent MD.

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It's as if all the new clot retrieval companies had a crystal ball or something 🙄

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Nothing special about the German doctors during the Nazi Reich. We did not learn the available lesson from that era. Going forward, anything we build, has to be based on a realistic awareness of human nature, good and bad.

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Banality of Evil...ordinary men following orders.

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The doctors got there orders and a nice spiff per poison injection. “Banality of evil”

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Are you still in sales? Spiff was the giveaway.

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Yes it is but I owned (retired) two cardealerships and the word spiff was widely used by car salespeople for a special bonus to move the dogs (0ld units)

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Donald, this is interesting to me. There is clearly an incentive to move those products. But it is not clear how one might allocate two separate incentives, which is to say: lower prices that might be offered to the customers as regards the 'dogs,' and then what is being offered to sales agents, or salespersons. How is one to distinguish between offering a lower price to a customer and offering an incentive to a salesperson?

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Perhaps Donald can better elucidate from an ownership perspective but spiffs are generally offered to salespeople as a special incentive to sell remaindered or out of date items or often for high margin items like extended warranties or service plans. They can also be for recurring revenue items like subscriptions.

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In regard to new car sales, some new vehicles are very hard to move( pay a lot of flooring cost, to bank) these cars are sometimes spiffed to salesman and discounted heavely to customer. Not really a good analogy in regards to a Dr. and covid shot but they did increase the bonus or spiff as volume went up. Pure evil!

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Just doing my job won’t cut it at judgement day.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

"I think its the covid vaccine" - Yes, you are correct Captain Obvious, even though the rest of the doctors are DUMBFOUNDED

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Dumbfounded is an anagram of 'Dumbo funded'. The question of how doctors are funded is the elephant in the room obviously. :)

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Poor Dumbo - used and abused like so many animals- Innocent. Ever notice how animals are often used in blaming, implicating language for human corruption, greed, and heartless wrongdoing? It's important to know the roots of the words we speak and use precision in our language. Time to invent a different word for this. Leave the animals out of it. They're not the ones doing the evils.

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Words are birds and birds can fly just like Dumbo. Animals can be used for positive traits too.

Nevertheless my concern here is how doctors have used and abused other people.

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well of course. that is all our concern; as well, how nurses are the ones who raised the questions more than doctors bothered to do - like Nurse Dee - and either were fired or had zero support for their concerns, since they are the front line health care workers.

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I remember when Doctors cared about their patients.

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>>I don’t know how they sleep at night…

They don't.

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They're probably the ones going the most coke.

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And they take 5 Ambien XR.

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They have the highest suicide rate of any profession.

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They should! Listen to the Devil, swing with him and sink to the depths

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That's a thought to consider. You know how Dr. Paul Elias Alexander likes to go on about having the "complicitors" hanged---but perhaps in reality, they are hanging themselves spiritually. Perhaps every day of life on earth is a day of soul-torture.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Anyone else see / hear Mike Yoha's testimony? he is a pharmacist coerced into a covid vacccine that left him paralyzed from GB syndrome. The doctors kept telling him his issue was from covid and long covid (because the reason he could not move his arms or legs and not talk could never be from the covid vaccine . . . ) before he finally got a neurologist to listen to him and dx him with GB syndrome.

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I made myself watch the whole. He wasn't the only one to cry.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Hopefully they are full of regret, but many are just enjoying their fat paychecks 🤬

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Nothing like our family Dr when was growing up. Course that was well before things went to #2.

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Of COURSE it’s the not-vaccine! It’s always been from the not-vaccine!

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They take Ambien XR.

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This is so horrifying …

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.... in politics and medicine - you are told what has been decided and you have to agree with it.

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The doctors sleep at night on comfortable beds in well appointed homes with a spouse or without and they eat very well. They might supplement with melatonin or use a more artificial sleep aid. They are going to face the consequences of their choices soon, but presently they are luxuriating in the comforts brought by the blood money they took.

My observation over many decades of the hospital and health care systems in many places is: nurses care about patients and see themselves as searching for the best path to healing. Doctors are arrogant know it alls who seek the path to the least effort and most profit. There are some exceptions in each set, of course.

In finance, we have a saying, "the doctors are in." It means that it's time to sell. Doctors only get in when they are sure they will profit massively and they are generally not in early but late. =shrug=

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Doctors are famously bad with money. A lot of them are broke.

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I worked 112 hrs a week as a junior doc. Started 0800 on Friday, finished 8pm on Monday. Got paid 1/3 normal rate for overtime. Never got more than 3 hours unbroken sleep, during this time my nurse colleagues came and went after 8 hour shifts. I might sleep on a comfortable bed now but Ive frickin' well earned it and STILL field telephone calls any time, any day or night. What the hell does an ex comedian know about working in healthcare - ill considered comments like this cheap shot are just rabble raising ☹️

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You may want to look into the fact that there are hundreds of men named "Jim Davidson" at any given year. Our clan comes from the Highlands of Tulloch near Inverness. In 2002 I had supper with the famous author James Dale Davidson who had recently been to Inverness and reported there were over 500 Jim Davidson listings in the phone book there. Of course, there are no longer phone books, so you might not know what they were. My particular lot were sold into slavery and transported for life to Virginia colony in 1746 because we opposed the Hanoverian usurpation during what we called the '44 war. But you probably don't know anything about that topic either nor about injustice nor decency.

You are, after all, a doctor and an arrogant prick. You probably "prescribed" vaxxajabs for patients young and old and injured many people with iatrogenic harms and you are handsomely paid. You have, just as you say, earned what is coming to you.

God may have mercy on your soul. It isn't up to me. I am not your judge. Jesus Christ is. You should repent your sins and turn to God. Whether you do is not up to me.

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Nope, never prescribed nor gave a single 'jab', ever. Never profited from any pharmaceutical product.

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A Gordon and Russell here.

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Appallacians feuding perhaps, I doth surmize

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Those last two sentences are interesting. Thanks for this insight.

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but wait... no one is talking about... insurance companies.;; where is my garlic necklace and silver stake? They are the culprits for a lot of this. the average doc who accepts insurance is given 11 minutes a patient.11 minutes! The whole system is a clusterfuck. Insurance/big pharma profiteers/genocidal maniacs at the helm of these monster corporations... all owned by big banks and likely, state street, vanguard, and black rock.

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Bingo. Our system is broken because health insurance giants, hospital systems, pharmacy benefits managers, etc drive the cost of healthcare sky high. Most MDs haven’t increase their salaries over the last 20 years. But take a look at administration. Those fat cats are multiplying like cockroaches and are very well compensated.

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I’m an Ob / Gyn … not a peep from anyone either . Matter of fact , the ACOG journal came to the office with an article regarding about protocols and jabs … now that’s a bunch of lies and disinformation. Many don’t think for themselves and will only listen to the ACOG . All alphabet agencies are captured. This was well orchestrated… follow the money . 💰

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God is watching.

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If the docs graduated from a school called "JABSOM" .....

Then maybe they will never notice.


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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

I will speak up, but I have been fired/retired and they can’t do anything to me;

Most Docs are employed and don’t have the freedom that docs in independent practice do, but even they can have their privileges revoked, etc.

It is a big problem.

I just talked with a guy who is starting mes school in August, I feel for him.

Wants to be an ortho, so not as much touched by the situation.

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I appreciate your service and honesty.

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I appreciate your response. You sound like my old time family Dr.

But that wad in 40s - 50s.

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I had a couple of them growing up in the 50’s & 60’s

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