Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

years ago our old friend was hospitalized and got one of these nasty hospital germs. On her door was a rack with masks and gloves we all had to put on. Then the lung mucus therapist came in and started the tapping, meanwhile sniffing and sneezing, without mask or gloves. She laughed and said, yeah, I got the sniffles... luckily our old friend was from iron, she survived both the hospital germs and the therapist! She made it to 100 and a few months !

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

We've seen much of this. Hospital acquired infections are one of our biggest killers. Sepsis. Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. Add in the Covid vaccine deaths that appear to be the number one cause of death now.

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

I thought that may be the one area that mask could work. Reduces bacteria spread, but doesn't reduce viruses from being spread. I guess I am saying you don't want a surgeon to cut into you and then sneeze inside your body. Also a surgeon doesn't want to cut into someone and have blood squirt in their mouth. But I am not into science or the medical field.

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You are right on! Imagine when a patient is under anesthesia and someone is sick and open sneezes...

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Silently observe hospital staff , not wash their hands or pick their nose and go right on typing . 😮

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

sometimes (my daughter had numerous stays) my favorite surgeon would come in and not even wash hands. SMH!

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He should get a gun, then track down the offending 'doctor' and ...

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

My SIL had a hysterectomy in 2020 and they sent her home same day. She was very nervous to go home but the doc was adamant she leave... he might be more competent than I thought at the time. He blamed higher than normal C infections in the hospital.

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

My mom just got out of the hospital for an infected leg wound. They did a CT scan to locate it, and found another wound “sac” around the spot where she’d been given a cortisone shot in April. She’s also made of tough stuff, but this is ridiculous!

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

A friend of mine's wife had a B12 shot in her gluteus muscle in 2022. She subsequently got sepsis on top of a whole host of other issues and when they finally did a scan, they found the source of the infection was the spot where she had the B12 shot. She had three injections at that point. She was very sick!

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no excuse,I would take the B12 in the oral form. If sterile technique is sloppy, the entire B12 vial could be contaminated. Most are "multi-use" vials.

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

I'm opting for zero injections moving forward.

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Same with my mom! She ended up on an IV of antibiotics for a week and it was pretty touch and go 🥹 I flew down to see her a couple weeks ago on a red eye because I had to see her and my poor dad was not taking it well

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

Yep. This lady was incredibly sick. Ended up on a vent. Survived miraculously!

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Outrageous, there are steps to giving an injection and I get so mad when I see nurses not wipe the top of the vial with a swab of alcohol first or use the same alcohol to wipe the patient!

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My father, years before convid, got sepsis in the hospital and died from it. They said it was an infection from bed sores. Ugh. . . sad hospital stories. Be well Nurse Dee. x

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heart breaking

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee


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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

VERY SAD for your loved one! We ALL have to be pro-active! My hubby was bleeding from his arm. The NA supposedly stopped the bleeding. However, when we came home he was still bleeding! I applied pressure for 9 min and his bleeding stopped. Elder skin is more thin and prone to problems. Avocado oil helps our skin and keeps it from burning and wrinkling! 🥑

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Jul 3Liked by Dee Dee

Eating or placing the oil on your skin?

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Jul 3Liked by Dee Dee

HA! Actually BOTH! Avocados are healthy nutrition but the oil is especially great for our skin. In the sun it protests from burning and wrinkling. Commercial sunscreens are reported to cause skin cancer. 😡

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

My daughter had sepsis during her hospital stays (from birth). She had gastroschisis and had 6 surgeries and 3 bouts of sepsis. Back in the 90s (no internet), the survival rate was 37% I think; I looked it up in the library. So, she beat the odds. First two were staph and when she finally had her intestines put back together, a new nurse was there... after my baby came home, we had to rush back to hospital because she had sepsis again, this time yeast :O The docs didn't operate late at night (her chest IV tube was full of yeast); one of the ER nurses told me about a drug they could use but her kidneys would fail if they tried it. The next morning (thank God I stayed in the room!) her vitals crashed, I yelled for help and I heard what sounded like (in retrospect) the death rattle. The nurses worked hard to find a vein because everything was collapsing. No one would look at me. After the crisis, I was sent to the hospital's psychiatrist and I sure needed to talk and cry with her. I still cry sometimes. Daughter still has problems occasionally with adhesions :'(

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Sorry she had to go through that and glad she beat the odds. Kinda makes you wonder how one person gets 3 bouts of sepsis...

Glad there was someone for you to talk to, these experiences leave trauma.

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Thank you!

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

Wound care centers exist for a reason. I spent over 20 years working in this specialty. I learned all about physician ignorance & callousness during this time. Truthfully there is no excuse. Hospitals are nasty disgusting places and narcissistic CEO’s are also to blame for treating Dr’s like royalty instead of ordinary human beings that make mostly informed decisions.

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In keeping SilverCell around with my go bag with Ivermectin, erythromycin, doxycycline…redress the wound with Silver Alginate…

…Amazon OTC (I keep a 12” rope, lightly pull the central Silver fuzz to decrease costs)

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Yeah, in my neck of the woods all households carry hydrogen peroxide for minor and bigger stuff, oxygen and water also do miracles ofcourse, lavender oil does wonders for wounds so if it is open it has to be used around the wound or if there's gauze a drop on the gauze, traumeel is a miracle cream but so is natural real yoghurt. So household stuff got solved, no issues at all and then you get to see how hospitals deal with a face smashed on asfalt in need of surgery. No one cleaned it, they just left the face with all the stuff in it and I thought, oh well this is in the middle of Western Europe, modernity so to speak as in where we know it ALL, I go down to the pharmacy get some hydrogen peroxide, some cotton pads, some lavender oil is always kept in my bag and I go up to clear the face. The nurses most probably are trained to give anti-biotics when things go green or yellow or grey, they've got all the drugs you can handle. The bedside manners of hospital personnel is appalling, for the most part the higher their pedigree the worse it gets in many cases, walking robotoids, humanity flown out the window before walking into their office space to care for real human beings, it is a true industry and you are JUST number if you go there, if you are lucky you get strapped with a barcode on your wrist as an identifier, ah yes modernity. If you need an op, go ahead get it, and get out asap and heal at home is my advice to myself. Hospitals are hazardous zones of life, avoid if possible, treat it like a supermarket, get what you think you need and not more and get out quickly, I wish you a wonderful day, kind regards.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

Hospitals scare me. As far as I can see, here in the UK, actual caring for patients has been replaced by pharma funded bureaucracy and protocols under which the patients voice is not important and is never heard.

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Hand hygiene is so important even in the home for our own health.It would save lives if they practiced this In hospitals.!✋

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Have pity for the naive doctors and the naive nurses sneezing a lot nowadays! Many of them have VAIDS now, AND they don't want to know why. Too big cognitive dissonance to admit. But at least they can sing along with Team America!


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