You might like my old article on Jabbee Milk


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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

Some truth! What a breath of fresh air.

Good for the new parents & baby!

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Good signs among the destruction and chaos.

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Dee, I heard "mind popping" sounds as I read your post. 😲 Those were the

noises made by new moms "waking up" all over to the harm of Fauci's Ouchies.

Today someone told me that now on dating sites the terms "vaccine-free" and

"pure blood" are being used. Methinks though, "How many are going to lie

about NOT being jabbed when they actually WERE?" 😠 And, then there is the

"shedding" that we ALL are being exposed to! 😡 Seems we are now living

in "THE TWILIGHT ZONE OF SUSPENSE!" 😯 What will happen NEXT? 😕

I will stay well naturally! 😊 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Unvac gals…true biological types who desire healthy kids….need to ensure two things…their guy is unvac’d….check him for spike proteins if possible…inquire whether he is a Dem Progressive who likely would have bowed to the vac….and be cautious about following and CDC vac recommendation for your future kids….And , of course, if your OBGYN doc advises you to get the shot…or any healthcare provider….run away as quickly as possible and find one who is patient sensitive. Oh also be careful of any new flu shot or “vaccine” for the Govt may have spiked it with COVID or other depopulation agents. One question that should be asked even now….why are all the illegal aliens exempted from all these CDC guidelines…ruin American citizens lives but not the Progressive invited invasions.

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skip the ob-gyn if possible! use a midwife. Friend had her baby at home, no doc no jabs. homeschools, no need to follow any jab programs. Healthiest family I know of.

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

Unvaxxed gals won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight...

That's where my brain went and I figured I would share. Sorry, not sorry for the ear worm.

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My vaccinated daughter still breast feeds her 7 month old and the baby seems perfectly fine. I believe in the power of prayer too though and had begged my daughter not to get the shot. Her in-laws plus her husband thought I was some sort of conspiracy kook but now it’s not even talked about so wonder if they all realize I was right.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

My family also has some "vaccinated" parents with apparently healthy babies. At the same time, I have a long list of "vaccinated" relatives who have either died or become gravely ill, or developed some chronic cardiac, neurological, and/or immune problem following the jabs. From what I can tell, having followed this issue from the beginning, is that what is actually in those jabs, and how injected people react to them, varies a great deal. There is abundant evidence that the "vaccines" are not made to normal "good manufacturing practices." Basically, taking them is to play Russian roulette. Not everyone is, but a person might be fine after 1, 2, 3, maybe even 4 shots. After that, though, not likely.

If they wake up, like yesterday, and quit injecting, many people who took some shots may be fine, and go on to live out normal lifespans.

We've already seen a generation of kids with high rates of autism and immune issues likely caused by other vaxxes, and now add to that the covid jabs— I expect we're going to see them have to live with some very ugly consequences.

I was shocked, truly shocked, that so many doctors would inject pregnant women with this experimental gene juice. But they did.

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It wasn't until I starting studying history on my own, could I understand the nature of the human being. Reckon med schools skips over that!

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It seems worse than the history we have learned. Psinergy and Nonvaxer420 on Rumble. The assholes are trying to "augment" us all. That means making us surveilled connected cyborgs. They are going under our skin. They are connecting us to the cloud, without asking us first. Sometimes it goes "wrong"... or s.c. "reduced population" for "the climate"...

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

There has always been bad lots, meaning that some shots with the same name on it had more toxic substances than other shots of the same. Sometimes when the "authorities" found out a specific batch of shots were creating severe reactions they just shipped it over seas. They don't like wasting their precious poison.

Also you have to understand you may not see an immediate bad reaction from a shot. I believe they intentionally put SV 40 that can later cause cancer. The shot may turn off the ability of the body to fight cancer and also cause cancer at the same time. Also some cancers develop slowly, though some shots caused turbo cancer (fast growing).

They can put metals in the shots too that can accumulate in the body if the person has poor ability to rid the body of toxins . Different people have varying abilities of their bodies to get rid of the poison that is injected. How are their kidneys working before the shot? How is their liver working? Do these people get up and move around much? Do they get sunlight? Are they eating a poor diet?

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

Do you think she would be amenable to reading "Vax/Unvax" if presented in the right way. In other words, not "you need to read this book," but instead, "I just finished this book and it contains a number of interesting studies and I would love to hear your opinion on it. You can borrow it for as long as you need. Thank you."

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Vaccines may not harm right away, But something took childhood disorders from 1 in 10,000/ 20,000 to now a, 1 in 36 [I believe 1 in 25 in CA ASD!

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

The comments at reddit are pretty predictable. It is the usual self-congratulation for trusting the scientism.

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Two weeks to flatten the planet. It worked. Squish...

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

A friend of mine gave birth via c section in late February 2021. Got 2 shots of Moderna in the left arm in May 2021. Started lactating again, but only in the left breast.

Never thought I'd say this about anyone, but I'm glad she only gave her kid formula.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

Let's see how much flack I take for this.

About three years ago, I read of there being a VAERS entry where a newborn died shortly after breast feeding from his newly allegedly Covid-19 mRNA vaccinated mother. I believe she received one or more Pfizer jabs, so this was mRNA injection technology. Then, there was a report of that entry disappearing from VAERS. There were also later reports of people who were keeping track of entries into VAERS and reporting a good number of VAERS entries of serious adverse events disappearing from the database; and, the indication was that it was the CDC that was doing this disappearing so they could claim fewer serious adverse event reports. There were also reports of a whistleblower data analyst stating that the CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) database serious adverse event data was being deleted internally. Of course, I would expect there to be denials of any database manipulation.

Now...right now....when I do a quick search to see if I can find any reports regarding the above, I quickly find the usual suspect "fact-checkers" such as PolitiFact pooh-poohing any existence of such serious adverse events in newborns following breast-feeding from jabbed mothers. And, I would expect the same from the "fact-checkers" with regard to VAERS and CMS database manipulation. We do have confirmed reports of the military DMED database being manipulated to reduce the number of service personnel seriously injured, debilitated, or killed by the Covid-19 jabs. This was been reported during at least one of Senator Johnson's Congressional hearings.

But, I also find some reports such as the following:

Nursing Baby Died With Blood Clots, Inflamed Arteries Following Mother’s Pfizer Shot, VAERS Report: And is Second Such Reported Case


I'm not going to delve any further into this rat-hole, firstly because I do not have the time nor the energy to do so; and, secondly, because I personally believe that any mother breast-feeding a newborn should not be getting injected with any pharmaceutical product. I also believe one should not be feeding a newborn breast milk from a possibly contaminated source, such as another lactating mother. Additionally, now that self-assembling nanotechnology has been found in dental anesthetics, I don't trust any pharmaceutical injection product to not have been altered for use in the worldwide depopulation genocide. But, that's just my personal opinion; and, obviously, everyone is free to do what they think is best.

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I gave up on trying to warn people. It is like trying to convince a drug addict to give up drugs. Some people prefer the poison to reason. It is their choice. So I give up on the people too. Last week someone put it like 'I don't want to be around stupid people'. I had already thought this, but banned the idea. It is true though. I consider people following rules without questioning, stupid.

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Before I used to think that it is okay for other people to have different opinions. That is what makes the world go around. I wouldn't want someone dictating their opinion on me. However these last couple of years took it to a new level. Other people opinion started to affect me physically and mentally to the point it is hard to be around them.

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I'm pretty much a hermit these days Dee.

Kinda gave up.

My son decided to dismiss all the data I'd been sending him and was (secretly) jabbed in late '21.

Began experiencing inexplicable health issues.

6 months ago: he was finally diagnosed with 2 autoimmune diseases. (After nearly losing an eye: nectrotising scleritis.)

I didn't stop sending him data, which I'd hoped he would read, and consider. Medical data which might help him combat these debilitating diseases, but no.

"Just stop mum."

He's 27. Has placed his health care in the hands of specialists who have offered him nothing but drugs. "Why" did this happen? "Unknown".

He is fearful. Would probably be castigated for mentioning the unmentionable 💉💉?

We don't talk about "it" any more.

Just about how he's feeling. About once a week. Via text.

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The healthy adult son of my friend who never received a single childhood vaccine “coincidentally” developed seizures after getting the covid one.

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Did they figure out that they should not have got the shot yet?

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The parents who didn’t want him to get them did, but I doubt his doctor connected the dots.

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Tragic, when you can not speak truth to your own son…

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It is very strange. It seems like the ones taking the bioelectric nanotechnology have already been "cyborged" through the cloud somehow. It is as if they are not human anymore. I am afraid zombie apocalypse could start any moment.

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They certainly have lost the ability to think…

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You pretty much spoke what happened to me. I got a 27 year old son who ignored my pleas and my info I sent him and jabbed himself up. His young girl friend is jabbed to the max to. Now she has autoimmune issues too. In the hospital all the time. Got POTS. Just randomly faints. I am sure there is more. So far my son has had more colds but seems "okay". They both are afraid of germs now and shower frequently and even make sure their cat is showered.

At that age we couldn't stop them.

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It's so sad seeing loved ones going to medical Hell as well as Satan's Hell! Most fools today look to Big Government and Big Pharma for salvation! Not the guy who died on the cross to save us!

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

Back when Reiner Fuellmich started putting out videos informing us of his new Corona Investigative Committee, he advised that we should seriously consider giving up on the naysayers, if not just for our own health. I've had to do that with one of my siblings.

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I remember that report of the breast feeding baby that died, too.

For readers who may be new here, just a few notes on the subject:

The VAERS reports are what we have, they are the official US government data, but there are problems— mainly under-reporting, but it also appears that some legitimate reports have been changed, erased, or bottlenecked by the authorities. In my view, the best coverage on this subject (and related subjects) is from Informed Consent Action Network


and medical coding expert Albert Benavides (Welcome the Eagle)



For under-reporting the go-to paper is this one:

"The Harvard Pilgrim Lazarus study is a landmark study which highlights the fact that entries into VAERS represent numbers that are underreported to a severe extent. It explains the reasons why, and the mechanisms by which, underreporting is occurring "


hat tip: https://jeremiahhosea.substack.com/p/radio-silence


VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.


It is co-managed by CDC and FDA. See: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html

(Note: https://openvaers.com provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation)

* * * * *


PA Deborah Conrad, Fired for reporting adverse events to VAERS, Talks to Steve Kirsch


Albert Benavides (WelcometheEagle): "VAERS does not publish all legitimate reports received"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/150084.html

John Beaudoin on the state of Massachusetts death certificates and the VAERS data

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/102011.html

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

Published today by Children's Health Defense's the Defender:

Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports


"After a group of people injured by the COVID-19 vaccine asked the FDA for an external audit of VAERS, they never heard from the agency again. Now they’re developing a system to audit vaccine injury reports in a continuing struggle to hold public health officials accountable."

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Excellent news!!

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

It's great to hear that there are other enlightened nurses out there.

Few and far between as the may be.

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She was the nurse telling the patients “the truth” about the shots…I’ll never forget when she told a military family. Actually considering how they were treated, that wasn’t a hard sell.

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Good for the nurse for speaking up!!

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Ppl are online allllll the time and they are this clueless??? Still... runothemill antivaxxer 🙄.

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the information is out here in the US, I am not sure if it is in Europe. My overseas family seems to be just as clueless. Most of them unfortunately are doc - adorers.

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I suggest they read Death by Medicine, by Dr. Null!

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Is antivaxxer the same as pro [50 + billion in fraud fines & leader in cause of death] Big Pharma "medicine." ???

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So glad to read this! people are finally waking up.

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

I am glad to see some level of wising up and acknowledgement of the dangers. Donated blood is also a problem. In our area, the last I checked, they don't even ask the question.

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Dee

Newly published by Children's Health Defense's the Defender:

Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports


"After a group of people injured by the COVID-19 vaccine asked the FDA for an external audit of VAERS, they never heard from the agency again. Now they’re developing a system to audit vaccine injury reports in a continuing struggle to hold public health officials accountable."

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