Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

All doctors injecting pregnant women should lose their license. All doctors urging pregnant woman to use whatever chemical meds should lose their license. Have they not learned anything in 60 years? this is just a crying shame. Of course, where my family lives in Belgium the doctors were not allowed to give the covid shots. My folks had to go to the sports center where little 6 foot cubicles were set up (and 100 or more people were in that room, whereas they could only have 4 people in a home) and the doc was forbidden to even say anything about the jabs. Their doc retired shortly after the roll-out, without saying anything to my now 90 year old dad and 86 year old mom. The 160 docs who spoke out all lost their license.

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I wonder what they think now , seeing what they have done.

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By that are you asking, "Are they satisfied yet with the amount of carnage"?

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In their warped group-thinking minds they are saving lives & humanity! I.e. just as Nazi SS was saving Germany, by gassing Jews!

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I actually believed some docs went into the OB profession because they cared about moms and babies. That's why I became a nurse, I realize there is a huge financial difference but...

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Same with dentists and pediatricians. Unbelievable shit to learn.

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Groupthink brainwashes suckers & fools, don't "Think!" they obey! A degree doesn't instill wisdom! AND [IF]? they did "Think" & act, they would lose their license to practice! As we saw with Ivermectin & HCQ advocating doctors!

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They have no soul … I work with them .

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

I have an MTHFR gene defect and most pharma drugs are not pretty for me. When I asked my Dr about how this would affect the covid jab he had no idea. I asked for an exemption on medical grounds but the Dr would not give it so I lost my job, as did most of my family with the same gene weirdness. One size fits all medicine sucks. We call MTHFR the mother fucker gene but it saved us this time. I hope all the mums and babies can be saved too.

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There's always another job but just one life.

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

Nurse Dee, you are doing such very important work. You and Mark Crispin Miller.

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Yea, we apreciate you!

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Outlaw now is the safest course.

Toby Rogers is right about the downstream effects being overwhelming for the next couple hundred years.

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In 2021 I wrote to my local health board (LOTHIAN, SCOTLAND ) and asked if the jabs had been tested or were on trial. Message back was that the jabs were extensively tested and not on trial---that is what they must have been telling people!? IS THAT TRUE or FALSE? I still have that part of the letter!

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But but butt (safe and effective) but but butt-the mating calls of arse-holes!

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[IF]? One can comprehend,& trust the fact that just in the USA, evil fraudulent Big Pharma's has had to pay 30 Billion in Fraud Fines! (When I asked my GP doc that question on trust, he replied [in true fashion] "That's not a lot of money for them." He's right!

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Both. Package insert warning shots mrna so called vaxxines have demonstrated Factor Leiden blood clots.

2. Stop desist DO NOT CONTINUE ANY MRNA vaccines for any human beings or animals

Destroy every vial as safely as possible.

How arrogant and ignorant can anyone be to not see ….

I was driving dialysis client at noon to his appointment, Ambulance siren 🚨 was behind us,

He said that’s the 3rd one today already. This is in a wealthy neighborhood.

One cannot help but think is this Cv 19 safe effective related?

Poor Mother … why on earth would any medical professional consider it even remotely prudent or necessary to inject an expectant mother.

First do no harm?

Especially to pregnant Woman?


First take the kick back and pay for Tesla

Ask questions later?

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Brainwashed groupthink physicians can't think, or "consider" they are trained to obey!

So stop thinking they can think!

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They are not all automatrons

I know some are thinkers I knew so many doctors I would not put them all in the same groupthink

They are as diverse as the items in the grocery store

And I have found if you put people in statues and feed that preconceived idea you only solidified that statue

If you approach everything more open minded you allow that to be taking new life.

Your not the same exact person at 6 am as you are at 12 or 5pm

Trained to obey aren’t we all

Good soldiers in this matrix taking red pills along the evolutionary process of waking

We are all being played some are

Paid more

The enemy is pulling all our strings

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Did you hear? Did you hear that? Thats the human mind closing! Doctors and all humanity suffer from this.

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In regards to your good idea to destroy all Mrna, this can be problematic and dangerous to all living things. 🧐 maybe Elon can load them on to space X and send them to the sun. I am not kidding, this could be as bad as nuclear waste.

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Look, it's just like Hippocrates, "First do no harm" medicine, only different! You see there's no money in that silly admonition! I.e. why Rockefeller's for-profit patient medicine advocates, "First do harm' [as in injecting toxic aluminum mercury now DNA] that will cause a host of suffering & maladies all requiring more patient "medicines!" I.e. easy peasy lemon squeezy! For the Godless suckers & fools born every minute! Who don't know their pharma "medicine" cabal has had to pay 30 billion in Fraud Fines!

Just the place suckers & fools need to get health mandates! And 40 million iatrogenic deaths, in just the last 50 years! Godless suckers can be made to believe in anything!

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

Outlaw completely !!! These jabs are killing people.

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Part of the control test that is ongoing. Eric Dover MD tells me the blood tells him that infection looks to be 100% with a bunch of stuff coming in from other sources. Not just the vax. The vaxxed are farther on the curve the Josef Menegele School of Medicine experiment.

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Funny how they know not to give estrogen containing drugs to homozygous MTFHR patients…. Or patients with a history of clots …. With the data that’s known now , you would think the ACOG would stop these kill shots .

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And Leiden Factor 5

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Pfizer's forced-released documents PROVE that the jabs were harmful to fetes', babies, and their mothers! 😡 Methinks that the true numbers might even have been WORSE! 😮 At this point EVERYONE should now expect BIG HARMA'S quackcines to do damage. I won't go near them!

I choose to SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! YOU CAN TOO! 😁 EarthClinic.com

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 🙏

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You know where MY vote goes! They're already outLAWed - nothing Ethical about them. Outlegalate them, too. Jabbing toxins into Our flesh to "protect" from the unicorns They unEthically claim are real despite having ZERO evidence is a very poor choice, and only made by Many for having been (unEthically) duped into it.

You might be interested in My latest article to solve for the Ones who are so grievously unEthical:

How Innocent I (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/how-innocent-i

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Pfizer admitted they didn't test accordingly on pregnant women - or, they didn't until Dr. Naomi Wolf's organization FOIA'd tens of thousand of documents from them showing this.

No consequences for any of these criminals is...

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