Yup. Called my daughter's seizures psychogenic. She was dead the next day. Lawsuit just died.

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xxx so sorry

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

There are no words. My prayers are with you. 🙏

('Liking" this comment only means acknowledging such a terrible tragedy.)

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My deepest sympathy for the loss of your precious daughter. Love & prayers.

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The book, What The Nurses Saw, says it differently! I.e. "Calling the failed COVID protocols “errors” is not accurate. What The Nurses Saw — It was Murder.

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Great book recommendation, Steve! 👍

Here are more details for those who are interested in learning more:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/1b5844b1323d

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As Dr. Gary Null's book, Death By Medicine documents, your daughter was only one of 2191 who died from iatrogenic "medicine" that day! The [low-ball] Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study claims only 684.9 deaths a day! What should one expect from a Godless, 50-billion-dollar fraud fines industry? When my wife was killed by gross iatrogenic negligence, I found out you can't win a lawsuit! I.e. Too big to sue!

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I'm sorry you had to go through the ringer, too. 💙

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Thank you! But what would life be without tests & ringers, good & evil, love & hate, God & Satan? This short life is only Boot Camp traning, to be all God want's you to be!

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Have you read C.S. Lewis " The Problem of Pain"? I'm on my 4th audio listen. It is how it has to be.

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Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

So very sorry for your loss

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Thank you

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SO VERY SAD for her and your loss! 😥 BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE "practices" on us while lining its pockets! 😡 When Pfizer is mentioned, I RUN (not walk) away! ☹

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Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

I'm so sad for you. - How old was your daughter?

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She was 24 when she died on 12/23/22. She is in a much better place. I am looking forward to seeing her again!

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Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

Thank you. So young. She's watching over you...

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She is. Read my posts for many many signs. They are just on the other side of the veil in my opinion. Heaven for them.

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To sorrowful to imagine😢 ! Beside you is the BEST place! Heaven can wait until she lived the life that you gave her😢😢😢

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I’m sorry for your loss 🙏🏻

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Thank you very much.

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Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

Condolences 🙏

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And are the ERs really full of the indigent and illiegal aliens? Just soaking off all the resources and efficency of our medical system? IDK, but last time I went to the ER was a long time ago. Every time I hear about it it's a nightmare mess and long wait time. I use one of the private urgent care places, but I try not to even go there. Self-treat as much as possible.

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On the other side-broke wrist end of June. Next morning knew that I needed to be seen, entered hospital (kind of rural area, coastal Maine) at 5:30 a.m. Out by 7:40 a.m.,all splinted and x-rayed. I think the hour had much to do with the process working so well.

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ER/ iatrogenic "medicine" killed my Dad, Wife & best friend, and saved my life 2 or 3 times, yes it's not all bad! They haven't killed me yet, & I'm pushing 80!

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I am most sorry to hear about your losing your wife to this: parents one does expect to lose, spouses (esp at your young age) not so much. Only about five years behind you.

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you are lucky...

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Sep 25·edited Sep 26

" iatrogenic "medicine" killed my Dad, Wife & best friend." That's what I think about the same people substituting Mom for Wife in my life.

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and are there many migrants where you live?

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

Where I went to hospital is not "where I live", and where I live has so many "little brown men", and there have been many for two, even three decades, so it would be difficult to know who's new. But--on the other hand, Jack Posobiec Monday night spoke of his hometown being overrun with these critters, and that town is contiguous to township where I "live".

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Sep 25·edited Sep 26

snapped my upper left arm in a working accident at the mouth of Silver canyon north of Ely, NV. When I finally got to the rural clinic in Ely in considerable pain and answered the questions (basically we want to make sure you'll pay) to the disinterested desk individual, they called a bone doctor, X rays, and put a cast the entire arm. The great nurse asked me if I wanted a tetanus shot, I said no. She also told me I'm lucky it's a clean break, the doctor loves to operate. She also asked me level of pain on 1-10 for the pain killer. It took somewhere less than two hours, I was the only patient (never liked that word). They charged me $7,000.00. I was alone at the accident, I couldn't drive. Arm flopped around like crazy a time or two involuntarily, which I was kind of enamored by. The only reason I got out was calling my wife, she called a local contact in Cherry creek and I got rescued. I should add I also had hurt my shoulder and wrist but they didn't ever ask me about anything else.

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Yes! That flopping around like crazy! Out of the emergency room, at the pharmacy to fill the scrip, my arm was already in a plaster splint, thus immovable. Yet within that splint the wrist kept trying to move--and oh-my-goodness-pain. PA later said "Your nerves were on fire".

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Is your “life” only a “so-called life”? The “little brown men” makes me think of the Firesign Theatre. sorry just babbling

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I dared to be open. They are smaller than what were customarily known as USA citizens,at least in this section of the country, and of brown skin. And speaking Spanish.

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They are literally peons, mestizos, “latins” who may well inherit the New Rome. Everywhere I see work performed, Spanish is the language. I was not word policing you.

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Thanks! It seemed odd, given what I “know” about you. Just saw that you are a “presbyter”.

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You lost me. How am I? My latin is pretty poor, so I am prob missing something.

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presbyter: origin of our "priest"

I noted long ago that you had chosen a pseudonym of praenomen, nomen, cognomen (though why "Benedict" and not "Benedictus"?) --because each of my male Latin students also chose his own three-part name.

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hmm Greek for elder. I am getting old. Not a particular kind of Christian. My upbringing was a confused mish mash religiously speaking.

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thanks for using the correct term, illegal aliens, as opposed to the globohomo term, migrants.

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I also love the word “globohomo” because it perfectly sums up and smears their policy.

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Sometimes I do use the word “migrant” because in the larger historical sense, humans migrate. In the context of American law (and culture) they are definitely illegal, and when they bring with them a chauvinistic preference for the national identity and culture they are escaping from, they are also definitely “alien.”

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

alien cultures really don't assimilate. People are tribal by nature. That's why there are China towns, Korea towns, muslim towns, black areas, Mexican areas etc. The more differences between western European culture and other cultures the less chance of assimilation. Haitians with an average I.Q. of 65 will never be anything other than a problem. All diversity does is set up conflict. And even among Western cultures/the Anglosphere there are differences. Protestants vs Catholics, Mormons are extremely tribal etc. And of course we can't mention jews. I was in Belgium a few years ago and a Dutch speaking Belgian called the French speaking Belgians lazy and stupid. Flemish vs Walloons. The same when I lived in Honduras, the Nicaraguans were lazy and stupid.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

This is horrific, Dee! Has it always been this bad?

Or is this just a post-2020 development?

I knew this happened occasionally, but my gosh ~ This is appalling!

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It was never good but things took a turn for the worst in 2020.

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What a tragedy!

Sounds like the C19 blindness-to-reality has spread fiercely and viciously!

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History tells us, that when doctors go on strike, the mortician industry suffers!

see: When doctors go on strike - patients stop dying!

First published in The Huffington Post 12/05/2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/dr-raj-persaud/when-doctors-go-on-strike_b_1513689.html

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Fabulous, Steve! Thanks so much for sharing this great link. I'll be adding it into my "red pill" library now:

> BeyondC19.org

Reminds me also of the fact that when "well baby" visits were cancelled during the COVID pandemonium (and the little ones didn't get their scheduled jabs), the incidence of SIDS dramatically declined!

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/1788ca87f03a

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A friend went to the ER 2 years ago, he is a heart patient. The 2 male nurses at the ER station immediately recognized this as early sign of shingles. Then the doc came in and kept him for 2 days, doing all kinds of heart related tests, but did nothing about the shingles. Now 2 years later, my friend still has nerve pains and had to have some nerves deadened to be able to sleep at night! So that is the opposite situation...

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Dee Dee

Medical negligence at best ~ malpractice at worst.

Wouldn't wish shingles on my worst enemy . . . .

So very sorry about your friend's terrible experience.

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Also, no wonder we steer clear of the medical community

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All reminiscent of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities! My take!

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of

C 19 foolishness, it was the epoch of C 19 jab belief, it was the epoch of Jab incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of lock-down despair”.

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Never though of it in quite that way...pre-admission. It sure acts that way. I have walked in and walked out for that very reason. Too much bogus stuff going on. And then they try to bill the hell out of you for taking your temperature. Don't let them put a hand on you is basically the place to draw the line. They routinely lie and try to cover up the 'treatments' you never got. I fight back, inform the insurer and expose it. (pre and post covid) Thanks Dee!!!

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That’s why I had the EMTs diagnose me before I went. And when I showed up at the ER and they saw my insurance card, they assumed I was or worked with Corporate. No trouble telling them my chest pain was a suspected heart attack.

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EMT's diagnosed [over my wife's COPD doctors & my demands] and killed her by ODing her on O2! He said, "WE know what we are doing!" his captain said, "WE go by the book & don't have to take advice! He was right no lawyer would take the case! SCOTUS protects the industery!

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So VERY SAD for you and her! 😥 Another victim of BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE! More sheeple murdered by them than in all the wars combined! 😲

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Sorry to hear, OFD has always been good to me

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So much depends on WHO we get in the ER. In an emergency this makes all the difference in the world! Some lose their lives because they do not seek medical help. Years ago this could have been me at one time. I stepped barefoot on a jagged rusty pipe. I THOUGHT I could take care of it. No! Hubby insisted we go to Urgent Care. WOW! So glad we did! The young doctor did a great job of cleansing my wound and it completely healed. P.S. I stopped gardening barefoot! 😊

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I am incredibly sorry for your loss! May your daughter rest in peace! And may all of us never forget what they did and are doing. Justice must prevail! 🙏🏻

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A friend's sister died after a blood sugar shock, when the ER sent her home with cold "madication."

Diagnostic failures are nearly completely ensured:


Never seen a doctor in the last 12 years who admitted the impact of a new cell phone antenna only a few yards from the patient's home...

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The mediKILL industry has emerged. And They at the top in that industry don't care - They are psychopaths.

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ER is a joke.

I almost passed out at work last week and did have a case of vertigo.

My employer sent me to the ER. I spent five minutes getting a head CT and chest X-ray

I got labs drawn, then was exiled to the waiting room for five hours. I was in the exam room for less than an hour when the doctor came in and said, "You're normal; go home."

The nurse seemed more knowledgeable than the MD. She hypothesized that my inner ear hadn't kept up with my peripheral vision and that I should move slowly and take my time doing things.

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