Went on a wee cycle trip for 4 days lately---at one bed and breakfast the owner said I split the breakfast time for people as since covid some people do not like sharing the small dining area if others are there----SICK SAD EVIL HAS TAKEN OVER!

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Not to mention enduring snarky BS from Hollywood, media, Dems, and the ABC’s of our institutions.

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Yes, sometimes the "awful" can be over-whelming. I try to talk me off the ledge by giving myself a set time to rant and vent. It's good to get it out! Then I make myself say out loud what IS good in my life and realize how much God has blessed me. I also try to lose myself in a good book or listen to music I love to take me away from the doom. Hang in there, Dee.

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Jul 3Liked by Dee Dee

I feel like this, sometimes hopelessness sets in as well. Couple of things that work for me to feel better, sit down ask myself "What is so bad right now?" Usually nothing, and that can calm me.

It works because most of the time I'm worried about something that might happen, or how I could have handled something in the past better.

Another is to go for a walk, I find if I tap my thumb to my finger tips (like you were counting) while walking it seems to involve enough of my brain I don't think about stressful things.

Last thing is a military combat trick, controlled breathing, take 3 seconds to slowly breathe in, hold for 3 seconds, slowly breathe out for 3 seconds, repeat.

Whenever I find myself getting angry, this breathing thing really helps. (vagus nerve stimulation)

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Thank you

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I find it helpful to know that behind it all, behind everything, reality is good. God is good. Even though we live in this challenging pocket of reality in which people frequently do horrible things to each other, if we zoom out, we can see that reality as a whole is good. And we can thrive in this pocket of reality given the understanding that reality is good / God is good.

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Yes. Unfortunately, sometimes I get angry and overwhelmed when people need calm and understanding. Confusion, frustration and uncertainty seem to be everywhere, kind of the new normal.

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Sending Prayers DEE DEE!!! I think we all feel like punching bags at one time. And they usually come in waves. Keep saying your prayers. Take some time to be present in his presence and concentrate on staying close. Be in constant Thankfulness to God,

Christ, the Holy Spirit.

The world offers nothing but confusion and disappointments … pray about everything.


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Jul 3Liked by Dee Dee

We truly are made in the image of God.

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"If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

... "

Don't let the B' strds get ya down! 💁🏻🏃🏻🗽

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You'll be respected by the way you tolerate others behaviors towards you. Change that to what you want and don't worry about those who feel offended. It's not your responsibility what they feel.

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Yep. Just that. Yep.

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Jul 2Liked by Dee Dee

Definitely these past few weeks 😢🙏🤕

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Jul 2Liked by Dee Dee

With the world increasingly going to hell in a hand basket, it’s going to turn normal people into psychologically sick people.

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Jul 2Liked by Dee Dee

I practice Buddhism. The applied spirit is that our environment and we are one, so in practical terms you get to take complete responsibility for your environment. So, I’d say, “Yup, it’s me.”

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Maybe it's a bladder infection

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I think it is usually a combination of random events plus a sign of deteriorating world conditions that affect people in many negative ways. Most people spend countless hours “socializing” on “social-media”, which should be called anti-social, because it makes many people to develop anti-social behaviours; the opposite of what the “social media” is claimed to do by name.

Therefore, the anti-social society we live in leads often to unnecessary conflicts, because most people no longer know how, or want to, deal with other human-beings face to face. They prefer the virtual world, which is just an illusion of life-it is mainly the world of the “dead” people inside…

Not all social media is bad, obviously, but it is addictive because it can present the world in unrealistic perceptions. So, self-awareness is the key when using social media…

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Jul 2Liked by Dee Dee

Dee, you need to prepare yourself for things getting worse because they will.

I just learned that my Demoncrat controlled State of Washington passed a law allowing illegal alien criminals to obtain professional licenses which include doctors and nurses. Some cities are also allowing them to vote. What happens to the country when it is overrun with criminals, both those illegally here and those already in positions of authority?

Unless some drastic measurers are taken now, I don't see this country surviving as anything but a tyrannical regime controlled by anti-human despots who will exterminate anyone who dares oppose them.

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I wonder if they will be able to wave the classes, labs, clinicals and the NCLEX RN Exam as well.

I would think speaking English would be required, but maybe all they need to be able to do is follow orders given by some AI machine...

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I'm sure you know that some universities ended having tests that would prove fatal to their DEI programs as some simply would not be able to pass them. I wonder too about the airlines using DEI to train their pilots. When mediocrity or less is acceptable in some professions, the people really need to worry.

I hadn't thought about the use of AI but I bet it will become very common in the near future in use in every profession.

And another thing. They are developing more kinds of robots to do all kinds of tasks. I wonder how many jobs robots will replace.

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Jul 2Liked by Dee Dee

I wondered too how it would be possible to receive a license as a physician or nurse if one did not speak English or even limited English. Would taxpayers have to pay for translator's to go with them on their job? I imagine someone proposed that but have no idea if it will be implemented.

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