Pig products from greedy Pig PHARMA??? Everyone should object to them!

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I knew there was a connection, thank-you!

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Pork from ecological farmers?

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But the CDC does not even claim that the flu shot

prevents infection or transmission.

Their only claim is that it reduces symptoms,

which it does not.

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Every October my wife religiously goes for her flu shot (To her credit she refuses the C19 muck) and every year shortly after she develops a stinking, heavy cold, headache, sore throat. I OTOH refuse ALL jabberwocky and only end up with a cold that she passes onto me. I think this year I have finally convinced her that the flu jab should be binned as well.

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jabberwocky--nice touch, and thanks for giving Lewis Carroll another shot at life (pun intended)

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We do seem beset by slithy toves!

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Wow. CDC needs gutted and these guidelines stopped.

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Actually, the CDC should not exist. The US Constitution does not specify ‘disease control’ as a responsibility of the federal government. Therefore, it is an unconstitutional (ie: unlawful) organization from its very foundation - not hijacked. It cannot be reformed, taken back, or made to function lawfully. It can only be abolished.

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That’s very true. We have numerous health agencies that can be combined to accomplish what needs to be done (drug approval, etc) with no ties to pharma and definitely no kickbacks. There are so many redundant agencies that are just a waste of money.

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Drug approval is another power which is not delegated to the federal government. Any federal agency which assumes that power has no lawful authority and should be ignored by everyone who values rule of law.

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Maybe so, but it’s not going to be dismissed entirely so we need restrictions on the approval process with no kickbacks to those granting such approval. I agree with what you’re saying that it’s not a constitutional requirement, but the process will never be completely gutted unfortunately.

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It is constitutionally prohibited - not just ‘not required.’

And I realize we are FAR from being constitutional in any area of government right now. However most Americans have no clue what is and is not delegated to the federal government. I didn’t until I studied it myself.

We must educate ourselves and our neighbors. The government certainly is not going to limit itself nor tell Americans that the People have the responsibility to nullify unlawful laws, regulations, and agencies. So I comment here with the readers in mind.

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CDC doesn’t make laws .

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They say their questionnaire is mandatory but actually it isn't. As far as I understand, one can just cross all that out. Not that everyone respects the law these days. Seems a lot of people think the law is whatever they want when they want it— not a newsflash, I know.

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Looked like an nonsensical "sure to backfire", intimidation tactic from the same non-medical "experts" who brought us Covid...

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Yep. It's all been one big fat nasty mind-flummox.

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Democide is the correct word.

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“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.”

Paraphrasing Inigo Montoya - The Princess Bride.

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Experts anagrams to 'rex pest', i.e. king pest, they are the king of pests. We need rat exterminators!

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It is yet another test of intelligence. Four + years on and they have a new one to weed out the Dreadfully Dim from the Terminally Dim.

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The ones responsible for the democide have names and addresses! Make them sign papers where they admit to ordering these things, or record them when they refuse! Record and publish them and save for the trials! They are guilty as hell.

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Our Government

Is Printing

Fiat People.

Not Backed By

Natural Immunity.

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Wish the questionnaire had a comment section and you could just give it to them!! Tell them exactly what you think of their flu shot… 😂 BUT NO.. they have no interest in really knowing why you’re refusing. Bastards!

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I was watching CHD-TV today and they said HIPPA does not protect our privacy, it does just the opposite, we have been lied to yet again.

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I have been refusing to sign that HIPPA agreement, having observed just what you say.

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"HIPAA"? Is anything stored in computers made by the mafia, with mafia operating systems, protected? Such things are best "protected" in your own safe or with a healthy person not connected to the mafia system.

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I fully agree. Cannot abide using “the cloud”. And important info is kept on paper. I reason that houses burn down far less often that computers go berserk.

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Proteinase K was introduced at Pfizer Process 2. At this point the EMA flagged the possibility of Prion contamination. Their Proteinase K was manufactured without any human or animal materials, but in the purification process, a chromatographic column containing Heparin of Porcine (Pig) origin is used.

Pfizer BioNTech have attempted to minimize giving jabbees Creutzfeldt-Jakob, also known as Mad Cow Disease, by sourcing Casein Digest Peptone used in its LB broth, derived from Bovine milk fit for human consumption, from animals in Australia and New Zealand.


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YES! For us PORK is a four-letter word! I wonder did they put it in Fauci's Ouchies?

In 1940 the USDA publicly stated that "no matter how much you cook pork, you

cannot kill all the parasites!" 😲 HA! Want some of that YUMMY bacon, ribs, or

ham sandwich? 😝 I have not knowingly had any in 55 years. I remember liking

pepperoni pizza but for the life of me I cannot now remember what it

tasted like! The same for shrimp! lol At one time. . .too long ago. . .this U.S. Gov

DID CARE about our health. NOW in cahoots with BIG HARMA a.k.a.

NOTHEALTHCARE AND THE MSM it's been out there trying to shoot and feed

us with poisons! 😡 Let's keep dodging THEM! 😊 EarthClinic.com I post

publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Wasn't a lady in Michigan recently awarded over 12 million dollars in a settlement related to her refusing to get jabbed on religious grounds? I say that we should all be going for exemptions, how can we afford not to?

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''Because I don't bloody-well want to be jabbed'' should be a good enough answer if the Nuremberg Code is to have any meaning.

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I acknowledge that influenza vaccination is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for all healthcare personnel to prevent infection from and transmission of influenza and its complications, including death, to my patients, my coworkers, my family, and my community. By selecting this option, I am requesting either a medical or a religious exemption to the flu vaccine.---------IS THIS FACT AND WHERE IS THE PROOF!?

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Since The CDC owns patents for vaccines, it sells them. No conflict of interest there...

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This CDC May not be around too much longer to spread misinformation. Flu shot efficacy is guess work at best. Pot to Kettle you’re Black. They are not only shaming you if you refuse the shots, casting guilt for potentially killing your family, coworkers, community members. Isn’t this whaat they did with the c19 shots? Plus they are data harvesting medical information, but don’t worry

Under HIPPA your safe from your medical industrial complex comrades.

I don’t think I hate these people enough.

Say bye bye CDC we pray!!

At least they are feeling extremely nervous.

I do like pig products, just not in my injections.

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Looking forward to Elon cleaning house.

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If he turns to Jesus and God, yes, that is possible. Is that likely?

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Me too!!!

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I'm involved slightly in research. I've seen how HIPPA is bypassed by anyone who can qualify to conduct a study.

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Not bypassed-it is actually a data harvesting law. It is very misnamed.


And did you know you do not have to sign the HIPPA form. They can not refuse care.Doesn't protect you from the data harvesting or the research they could do on you though.

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Agreed. Flu shot is effective at making people ill, although it is guess work as to how badly.

If big pharma are careful it will be hardly noticeable and nobody will be any the wiser.

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Pig products....so, presumably, any Orthodox Jew, any Muslim should be saying, very loudly, "NO!"

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