Sep 26Liked by Dee Dee

All lies

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Sep 26Liked by Dee Dee

One day when this is all a memory, we might wonder why were some duped and others not??

But i think by then, for me anyway, I wont care. I'll be enjoying my time in eternity. Not a care in "the world".

Thanks Dee Dee

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Do we really need to wonder? I believe enough people have explained how some are duped and others are not.

But I believe the Covid con was so successful as decades upon decades of deception by all of our institutions filled with diabolical influenced or demon possessed people simply grew to such a great number and all of them pushed the same narrative and have the same agenda (i.e., to destroy humanity as God created it) that only a minority were able to recognize the deception.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Liked by Dee Dee

Reality vs the News that creates their own reality.

They said it on TV 📺 so it must be true!! Propaganda works. Mask are still being worn.

The immediate goal is to kick off the mRNA vaxx off the kids schedule. We have been duped. Poisoned.

Censored. Gas lit. Accused. The good news is people are leaving the old guard news. Getting info

From independent sources. The question remains

What did people learn from the last 4 years?

Either we go through another “pandemic”

Suffer the tyranny and watch again obedient people

Going to the slaughterhouse. May we be wolves not sheep.

The reality is empty hospitals 🏥 dancing nurses doctors red flags everywhere. Pfizer wants to withhold trial data for 75 years? Asymptomatic carriers. 6 feet apart👿 closed small business

We were duped now divided by red blue vaxx not vaxx and you’re a racist if you just happen to point out the double standards of real reality and the reality they sell on TV run by 6 megalithic corporations that have chosen Fake News.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

We were duped but wiser.

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Yes James. . .for what was happening then and now. 🙄 However, for what I call "The Twilight Zone of Suspense" we are living in, what may we expect?☹ Methinks that the possible 5G in Fauci's Ouchies, the 5G towers, and even the 5G phones may portend an even greater disaster!

In Lebanon there have been recent exploding devices (pagers?) Are we being warned? Then there is the quackcine "shedding" that may affect US ALL! 😲 WE ARE BEING SO LIED TO! 😡

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Oct. '22, Oct. '23, Nov.'23, 3 times suffering ill-effects (which went on for weeks, the first lasted for eight months) after being in company of those who'd vaxxed. Why do I attribute these "effects" to shedding? Because each effect was a never-before experienced, really odd thing; two of them shouldn't even be happening in a woman of my age.

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I caught the coved, (Because I stopped my prophylactic ivermectin/ ("horse past") So I started it again, in 3 hours my 103 temp. dropped, I was good to go in 3 days! Remembering the suckers who were told to wait, [to near death] then get intubated! I.e. What The Nurses Saw, [book] called murder!

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Sweet Wormwood (artemisia annua) may be related to Ivermectin and it is an herb. Reasonable capsules are at Swanson Vitamins.

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It's a weed--growing to six feet!--for me. I pick some plants and dry them each year--hardly ever use them (but it makes the attic smell really nice!), along with artem. abrotanum and absinthium. Yesterday went back to the concoctions I had made last fall--various tinctures, including absinthium. Don't know if I'll ever use those tinctures, but it seemed wasteful not to try making a medicinal from them.

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Yes I still have a large blood clot in my left leg (since January, 2022). I believe it came from "shedding." Before then I never even heard of blood clots! I am fighting it with natural meds like Nattokinase. I won't do Eliquis (Phizer!)

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Wow. I’ve been reading your comments for about as long as I’ve been on Substack (and I don’t really know when that began—maybe spring of ‘21?) [and I have just offered a rather visual prayer for the “disaggregation” of the cells in that clot in your leg. In the name of the great healer, Jesus Christ.]

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! 😊 But the Messiah's Name is Yahshua the Son of Yahweh. He was never called Jesus Christ (from the Greek idol name Zeus the Savior!) until The Third Century A.D. by The Christian Vatican in Rome! It's the name of the image (idol) of the beast in Revelation 13:1: Jesus Christ and the meaning of the #666 in Revelation 1318. (Original Greek Diaglott Free on The Web.) This verse says that the wise with understanding will know this. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" 🙏

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Jesus is just the Greek form of Yeshua/Joshua, and christos (just checked to be sure with my Liddell and Scott dictionary--although having to write here mostly in Latin characters, of course) adj of xhrio, I--to be rubbed on, used as ointment or salve [Thou anointest my head with oil], II--O Xristos the anointed one, the CHRIST, as a transl of the Hebrew Messiah

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I really really look at those 5G towers and am very concerned about their ominous presence. I can’t really say what I think about them. I’m sure we have yet to witness their activation and Good Lord help US All if it matches my imagination of what is possible. Since it seems we are all contaminated by

Shedding then ….. I am saying my prayers. Along the freeways I see them and they are very close together. Out in this country placed on top of the hill …. Considering what has taken place one imagines a multitude of evils still yet to play their cards.

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5G soon to be 6G. Chemtrails. Toxic food and water. Gene editing. mNRA. Central bank digital currency, endless wars, Critical Race Theory, DEI, Smart meters/cities. The list of how we are being poisoned and killed goes on and on.

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Hoping this is not our future

It is present tense.

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There is no way to stop any of it. There are simply too many people in positions of power and influence now with what I believe is demonic control, all of whom are intent on destroying humanity as God created us.

The only hope for all of us humans is to have faith in Jesus Christ and follow His commandments, sin no more and be aware of the trials and tribulations ahead and prepare our souls to be holy and pure.

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Agreed. Cant admit you just poisoned

Some 6 billion people. Obtw it sheds to others. Not only lied to, gas lit,

Censored, frogs in the boiling pot.

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Yes, James, the frogs believing in the "science' of Covid quackcines! 🤢

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I learned years ago that the fraudulent/ miss named Spanish Flu's patient zero was a recently jabbed soldier in Fort Riley Kansas! Then I learned/ remembered, history always repeats itself! I.e. the wet market bat flu scam! Vs. UNC-Chapel Hill's 28 lab incidents involving genetically engineered organisms, I.e. 'lab-created coronaviruses' shipped to Godless mass murdering commie China for release! Godless nations deserve no better, than the wages of sin Death!

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And now. the diabolical United Nations held a summit in New York on Sept. 22, 2024 where they adopted the Pact for the Future by consensus, with a small group of just seven countries holding out, having failed to pass a last-minute amendment.

I suggest everyone read this horrific document because it makes it one step closer to the reality of a one world totalitarian regime designed to destroy human life as it has always existed.

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There were very very few MDs/DOs who spoke up…and they were threatened with termination, loss of hospital admissions and loss of license/speciality certification by totally bowing Board members. There was ample evidence of their loss of due process and Rights yet our entire Justice system to include the Supremes LET IT CONTINUE. There was obvious RICO concerns and legal “ overeach” but the Courts stayed quiet as they did with the 2020 election steal…Our Courts and Our Rights have been trampled on and they act like they could not bother themselves…this is how tyranny is allowed to become a cancer which destroys the USA from within…Soros, China and the Progressives wish it to happen sooner than later.

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Many weren't threatened and yet, still complied...

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Award-winning Educator John Gatto's book Dumbing Us Down, best explains how suckers were made, to comply & follow orders, ("like cogs") as he put it!

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I wonder what Merrick Garland's assets/portfolio were in 2018, and what they are now?

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I could not get my friends to believe me that we were empty. The slowest in my over 20 years in the ED.

But that all changed within a few weeks of the Pfizer and Moderna jabs.


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Thank-you for speaking the truth.

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What else am I doing on this Earth at this point in time.

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Answer, hopefully finding out why you were created, before your time is up!

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

it almost seems like correlation is causation in this example.

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Before mass vaccinations of toxic aluminum, magnesium, squalene, etc. ASD & childhood cancers were like 1 in 10,000 now 1 in 30 & climbing! And pharma the pimps preach, "Correlation isn't causation." Nan na nana nana!

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When Pfizer is suggested. . . I DON'T WALK. . .I RUN AWAY! 😛

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Thanks very much for adding your experience to Nurse Dee's.

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I had the occasion to need an emergency room visit in Arcadia, Fl and Tawas ,Mi during g the early days of the scamdemic and at each facility there was not a damn thing happening! Yet we were being told the hospitals were slammed full; all bullshit! Parking lots were empty and the halls were devoid of people

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If you hadn't gone there you might never have known. Hoping you are able to stay away for a good long while now.

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Staff had so much extra time on their hands that they were able to dance on YouTube and TickTock to entertain the locked down population. 😡

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Keep climbing. So many of the medical freedom doctors have indignantly hung themselves from the lowermost branches on the tree of knowledge. Casting only shadows.

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Thomas, (and I miss your poems), why "indignantly'?

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Yep; was in for 2 nights, May 2020 - hospital was empty.

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Sep 26Liked by Dee Dee

I don't want to get too cocky in case I fall for the next scam (but I'm pretty dubious about a lot of things these days).

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Neil, your doubts are well founded. Public trust has, indeed, been betrayed:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/40cad3e085ac

And everything is NOT as it seems:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/41f4f4132b0f

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I went from being a skeptic to being a cynic.

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Excellent graphic, Dee!

Sadly, such stupification is a direct result of coercive censorship:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/f508af4725a2

Dr. Mark Trozzi said it well: “All 3 words are a lie: they are not safe, effective, or a vaccine.”

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/32ac031af69a

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Disagree: they are "safe" --for Pfizer because it can't be sued. They are "effective" at depopulating the planet. I don't quibble with you on changed denotation of "vaccine", however.

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Agree with you 100% about the "efficacy" of the depopulation strategy:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/396e589a1db2

As for Pfizer's "safety", that remains to be seen. People, with far more knowledge than I about legal matters, have asserted that fraud nullifies indemnity:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/46ab07a4ce3e

And, in Pfizer's April 2022 SEC filing, the company publicly admitted they may NOT actually be able to prevent fraud!

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e52763c18611

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Yes, I am aware of the possibility of future lawsuits from the fraud angle. So far, however, P seems “safe”.

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Don't worry, with billions in lobbying advertising & protection money "P" is, safe! (Not so much for the 40 million who died in the last 50 years,!)

(According to Dr. Null's book, Death By Medicine.)

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At least the Nazis did NOT kill their followers! 😲 These are WORSE times . . .but maybe BETTER because wecanbethisclose to the end of this Earth Age. 😊 We still have time to seek the truth which is Heaven's answer. The BIBLE = The Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth! Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING gave us His Son Yahshua for our salvation and eternal life! 😁 ALL we need to do is ask Yahweh to receive THEM. 🙏 THEY will SAVE us! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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''At least the Nazis did NOT kill their followers!''

I think you'll find otherwise Jayna. The Nazi destroyed ANYONE who wasn't 100% behind them.

Night of the Long Knives

30 June 1934

Many members of the SA, including its homosexual leader Ernst Röhm, were demanding that the Nazi party carry out its socialist agenda and that the SA take over the army. Hitler could not afford to annoy businessmen or the army, so the SS (Hitler's personal bodyguards) murdered around 400 members of the SA, including Röhm, along with a number of Hitler's other opponents like the previous Chancellor, von Schleicher.

This destroyed all opposition to Hitler within the Nazi Party and gave power to the brutal SS. It also showed the rest of the world what a tyrant Hitler was. This removed any internal Nazi Party opposition to Hitler.

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LOL you beat me to it - didn't see your comment until after I posted.

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Thank you for the added info! Possibly what I SHOULD have written was Hitler did not try to gas or poison the German people as this U.S. Government in hands with BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE AND THE MSM UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME is doing with its COVIDS and Fauci's Ouchies! 😲 Yes, Hitler destroyed all opposition. No one could say a word against him without being arrested! Trump envies the power that he had! 😡

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Well, actually the Nazis did kill some of their followers.


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I cannot imagine not being under His protection. Gloria Deo soli.

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Story at a Glance:

•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.


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I second your recommendation to this excellent and important article by A Midwestern Doctor.

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FEBRUARY 2020----In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.

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I replaced my TV over 20 years ago with a lovely indoor waterfall. So when this all began to happen, I was watching my waterfall and listening to some of the best music in the world through my Amazon smart speaker. Needless to say, I became a “stranger in a strange land” almost over night. “You need to get this injection” they told me because of your age. Right away my alarm antenna raised above my old bald head. “I don’t need to anything that I don’t want to do” I told them with my usual old man (I don’t give a f..k attitude). Now I am watching friends and family get sick and die WAY before they should. I am still here… watching my waterfall and listening to my music. And you guessed it…I still don’t give a f..k about much of anything except for my music, my waterfall and my dog. Yup…they can take their injections and their “concern” for my health and jam it up their collective a..sses. I’m doing just fine thank you.

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I gave away my TV some 20 years, too. One of the best things I ever did.

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I believe the HDTVz alter brain wave activity that allow people to susceptable to subconious programming emitted through the screen.

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Very interesting. I last saw a 'primary care provider" whom I knew (had been with this practice since 1978, but my own doctor had retired a year or two earlier) in summer 2020, and discussed with her this "Covid thing", was it real--she said she went back and forth over it. [Only in writing these words have I remembered that little conversation]--thus, she was not buying the line. Following summer, 2021, we had moved to the protective embrace of Medicare; and the old practice didn't accept that scam, so we had to find new people. Having occasion that season to need their attention several times, I found myself being asked on each visit, "Have you taken the Covid vax?" But no push. Next summer (2022) same question, no push, and the nurse doing height/weight responded: "But I respect your decision". I was, and still am, confused by that. What did he mean? Was he hinting that he had taken it (this practice was so on board with all the restrictions) and regretted his own decision? None of them ever told me that I had to, or even ought to, accept that injection. Yet those people continued to push Covid tests even last fall. Which drove me aaway.

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Pushing 80 my silly GP. was pimping a coved jab on me! I ask the quack how he could trust our 5 Billion in fraud fines/ Big Pharma's advice! He dutifully answered, "That's not a lot of money for them." That sold me! (As to quackery!)

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My kid's specialist kind of said the same thing. I told him that 1,200 people died from the shot and he said "that isn't a lot of people." LOL I have to admit I was so stunned I shut up and wanted the hell out of there.

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Yes, "That isn't a lot of people!" BUT with the kick-back money, the doctor got, he could buy a lot of car! Crying Out Loud, for all the death and harm caused!

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Sometimes when people say outrageous shale I find silence is best-- I don't have to have a snappy retort for everything-- because life isn't a TV show-- and yeah, get the hell out of there, and away from that person, like, yesterday.

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They may have to ask. Also if you did take the vax ,they may know you could more likely have heart issues etc. If they know you took it they may have a list of more medical issues to check for.

After the vax came out they kept asking me at my doctor's office if I had shingles the first thing when I walked in the door. Say what? I had a little fun with that. Knowing people were probably getting shingles from the vax. "Now why would you ask me that? In all my years I never had a doctor's office ask me that?

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It's all part of the new, "First do harm" profit-motivated business model Reminding me of a small town radiator repair shop paying kids to pook holes in raidators, but for some reason he was punshied when cought, un-like pharma "medicine."

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Shiver me Shingles!

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Sep 26Liked by Dee Dee

I had the same experience with my primary care physician. "I respect your decision" in 2022, 2023, and 2024. During the plannedemic, it was get the Covid jab.

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It's nice that they changed their tune, and I realize it might be code for saying "I agree with you but cannot say so openly"-- but as for anyone telling me they respect my personal medical decisions, in my own mind I hereby award them the Dishing Out Condescension Trophy, which is a large black plastic skull-shaped bucket full of 5 day old fish heads. I invite them to pour the contents on their own head.

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Unfortunately, this physician did not change her tune about getting the flu shot. Nor wanting me to get a mammogram, bone density test, colonoscopy, and cholesterol test which, of course, the CDC "recommends" for women of my age. I told her no, no, no, no and no. I think she would lose her job if she didn't push all of their recommendations and she is the family breadwinner-husband stays home.

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A question. Why do you support Amazon?

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We had a few brave souls over here in the UK who were jailed or silenced after they showed some hospitals to be empty.

I cannot get my head around the medical staff going along with the deception though.

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Our local SENIOR CENTERS are pushing another round of flu and Covid shots…. CRIMINAL!

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Sep 26Liked by Dee Dee

Same here. And pushing the RSV, shingles, and pneumonia jabs as well.

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Yes, hospitals were empty, with the exception of generating $13k for a convid "diagnosis" and $39 for death by ventilation. I remember even nurses allegedly collectively posting videos on meeting sites, searching for pals. Also, as burials were forbidden, cooling trucks were deployed to store corpses in hospital parking lots...

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The book, What The Nurses Saw (i.e. "Murder") best explains all that!

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