I hate that man with an all consuming passion.

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I'd use the word "man" a bit more loosely, But I agree 1000%!

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monster rather. How can anyone love this man?

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Haha, How could anyone love this parasite?

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Dee Dee

He's a piece of poop from a reptilian, carnivorous, Komodo dragon. Let's hope he dies suddenly.

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Or strung up & hung suddenly :)

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Not pretty pictures! 😵 Please. . . leave Bill Gates' judgement up to Yahweh the all merciful righteous judge! 🙏

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Answer! God so loved this "man" that he gave his son to die & pay for his, & my sins! How crazy is that?

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With respect, His Father is NOT the same as yours Steve.

His Father is the Father of LIES.

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He chose to be adopted, to abandon his birth father, perhaps

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Of course. He died for all of humanity. But not all of us choose to become one of HIS children. We have free will to do as we please and Billy has shown by his actions where he stands

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Well said! Thanks! Steve

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And that's OK, hate can be a good thing when correctly directed.


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OMG…I LOVE YOU. Well, not literally but you get the idea🙏🙏😁

THAT MAN IS THE WORST OF THE WORST AND SO IS HIS LITTLE WIFEY! Killing so many babies and children in Africa and India. He’s a wanted man in India. I loathe this diabolical, evil couple!

Don’t let her little divorce fool you. Shes’s playing whomever buys her BS! She enjoyed behaving in a psychotic behavior and the duo planned out everything years in advance and it’s time these politicians and attorney generals arrest these bitches for genocide! Sorry!

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Didn't know he was married? Well, it's of no matter, I rather slit my wrists.

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Well what I mean is on August 2, 2021 her divorce was finalized. She knew the number of deaths from the society of actuaries. She knew the excess of 36% mortality in millennials started 2021, right after the roll out. The young millennial deaths took off beginning of April 2021. She knew! It was a massive millennial kill off. It exploded for 13 months and the number of millennials were murdered by this shot.


That’s when she flipped, panicked and got scared. Then she played her little charade on CNN like she didn’t know what the hell Billy boy was doing with Epstein…like hell! All performative and CNN helped her. They own CNN!

I feel it…I just know it and by this timeline the bitch got scared. I ain’t buying her shit!

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“I rather slit my wrists.” 🤣🤣

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Yes, it was evil-genius-level shenanigans. Make a disease that kills off the old and sick, scare the crap out of everyone, teach them to accept tyranny, implement all the control measures your totalitarian collectivist brain ever fantasized about, make them embrace censorship, make them pay for the "cure" you are experimenting with, , make them permanent patient-customers, in short, put on the black helmet, black cape, black gloves, and EMBRACE THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE.

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British TV series called 'Utopia', produced in 2012?, sums up all of this and more. The more being the food products being contaminated as added measure.

Highly recommend watching this predictive programming series... Even has some hint of ukraine in a couple of scenes. All prior to the US led coup there in 2014.

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wow. that is interesting. will put that in my to do list cap

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Signor Pareto proven correct, once again.

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I say, only a Godless brain-washed psychopath could trust and believe in the 50 billion in fraud fines & leader in cause of death [iatrogenic type] The book Death By Medicine has "medicine's" death count at 40 million in just the last 50 years! (Or only 684 each & every day) Not counting their millions of coved scam & jab deaths! It's all to teach us that, "Death is the wages of sin", Vs. "The free gift of God is everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]

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BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE lines their pockets while "practicing" on its

victims: US! 😲 "The free gift of Yahweh is everlasting life through Yahshua the Messiah His Son." Romans 6:23 Original Hebrew Scroll, Restored Name Bibles 🙏

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Yup. And while Gates, Fauci, and Schwab are guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud and murder, it goes far beyond them. The whole thing is far too broad to have been coordinated by a small group of people. Spiritual forces are at work in and through people at every level. Prayer is essential.

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Yeah. SURPRISE!! At the top of the evil heap reigns The Christian Vatican in Rome! 😲

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Like I said, it is far too broad to have been perpetrated by a small group of people. Blame the Vatican, the bankers, the Masons, the black monarchy, the cabal, the Jews - whoever you like. Sin is pervasive. And as Solzhenitsyn said, the problem lies within our own hearts. When we, as individuals, refuse to resist evil, we are part of the problem. Jesus Christ is the only answer.

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No. Please do not blame Israel and the Jewish people. All that you mention except most Jews are under The Christian Vatican in Rome. THEY are the problem not you or I. And the image (idol) of this beast (Revelation 13:1) has the pagan name of Jesus Christ! 😲

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As it was world wide there must have been strong instructions handed out along with threats of some sort---I would say look at SATANIC GATES and the EVIL FACEBOOK/YOUTUBE grubby paws as they were so complicit!

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And further killing people per government protocols of intubation with Remdecivir which has a 25% murder rate.

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Sep 24Liked by Dee Dee

And…only a psychopath could smile like he’s selling a box of cookies at your door while scheming up and carrying out a global killing spree of unprecedented scope.

Now we know why God had to prepare a Lake of Fire for the devil and his angels and the wicked of the earth. (Revelation 21:5-8 TLB)

And the one sitting on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true: It is finished! I am the A and the Z—the Beginning and the End. I will give to the thirsty the springs of the Water of Life—as a gift! Everyone who conquers will inherit all these blessings, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

But cowards who turn back from following me, and those who are unfaithful to me, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those conversing with demons, and idol worshipers and all liars—their doom is in the Lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death.”

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Sep 24Liked by Dee Dee

Billy. The spawn of a eugenicist.

To want to destroy kill a certain number of God's creation. GOOD JOB!!!!/sarc.


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Evil on steroids!!

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Sep 24Liked by Dee Dee

This vomit-inducing sick psycho dweeb will get his reckoning, one way or another. The Bible tells me that at the end of THIS there will be judgment.

No matter how much security this freak has, how deep his bunkers, etc etc. HE WILL NOT ESCAPE JUSTICE in the end.

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I have heard several say they would eliminate him if they ever saw him in person. It wouldn't pay to be his clone!

I think he is the most hated man in the world.

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Sep 24Liked by Dee Dee

Too bad really! A man can choose to go one way or the other. And with his wealth, we can only imagine the GOOD billy couldve done for humanity. Yet he has been a destroyer (like Satan).

He has earned his reputation 100 times over!!!

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no conscience

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I think there a whole lineup for that.

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Bill Gates of Hell? 😡 It took (takes?) more than ONE! Add Mengelefauci and of course one Donold J. Trump a.k.a. "The King of COVID-19." Add the minions in BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME! 😲 It's a miracle that we are still alive! 😊 SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😁 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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An alternative explanation for Bill Gates' behavior than psychopathy ia the cognitive error of mistaking ""compllex" physical systems of various kinds for "non-complex" phystems in the construction of moodels of these systems, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physicl system exhibites non such properties..

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You count me as one who believes Gates to be a psychopath!

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Yep, he's in the thick of it, but suggest you forgot a few other mug shots...like shitweasel Fauci

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