Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

May we remember that these are human beings whose lives have been wrecked. After a while it can seem (to me) like they're just statistics we are reading about. Day after day after day ..........

Incomprehensible what is happening!

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Absolutely heartbreaking

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These "doctors" have blood on their hands.

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It is well settled that a "Person" subject to liabiliy can be an "individual" - sued in an individual capacity or in an offical capacity... qualified immunity is newspeak/lawfare Just make sure it's really Fauci and not the guy in the Fauci mask or some look-a-like... masks are handy when you'd like to be in more than two places at once - especially courthouses and gallows.

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And all politicians globally

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Are we human beings or cyborgs or zombies?


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I would say that some look like humans but they are possessed by demons and so think and act like demons.

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All the time or only in vicinity of Wi-Fi, iPhone etc ?

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All of the time.

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Someone please get a shovel.

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Maybe, if we taught cardiologists to First Learn to Read..?

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Willful blindness and, dare I say, cowardice . . . .

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I would say they are really brave. That woman might have a real man who is the father... and maybe he is not as "Christian" as I am? Maybe he is a Viking with some kind of "gadget" ...or just prefer a pointed pole with a little foot stand for impalement? I pity the guilty. They are very brave, indeed.

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They have nothing to fear from me (and nor should they) but I believe that none of us 'know' for sure what will happen when we die - if we did know, we wouldn't need faith (and we so do need faith!).

They are acting as if they know 100% what's going to happen - so yes, they are much braver than I am!

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So they are very brave in many ways. No fear of vikings, no fear of eternal hell.

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Yes, that's right

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Cardiologist is an idiot, a coward, or an evil person, and possibly all three. Cardiologists should don't have many 21 year-old patients who were previously healthy a couple of years earlier.

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

I'd wager we only have pediatric cardiology b/c of vaccines... the gift that keeps on giving 😞

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Hard to imagine, but there's more . . . .

Babies are now having heart attacks in the womb!

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/7da3782440d6


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OMG these people are murderers. Keeping quiet about the Va€€ines for the sake of a nice bonus. Sick


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The true word media won't use, instead hiding the crime, making themselves guilty as hell. We will only be "safe" when we decide to become "effective".

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Yes but how do we do that

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0. Learn and inform thoroughly about cognitive dissonance.

1. Mention there are some cures. Analysis of blood, detox


2. Organizing broad resistance "Rainbow Coalition" Everyone they try to divide us from, make them unite! Chrstians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists.

3. Listen. Put yourself in the other people's shoes. Accept different viewpoints. Focus on the most important! Let the other things wait for later debate!

4. Take power politically, or by force, if they brake the law/constitution! Take the power and uphold the law! Offer detox to the Cyborgs/zombies who have been "augmented"!

5. keep testing blood and detoxing.

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And growing cancer 🥲

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Pediatricians are the most evil.

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Yes. The children did nothing wrong. Still, many have to suffer. Adults did much wrong, usually, and probably often deserve to suffer until they repent.

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We all deserve to suffer... Happily, Jesus is able to secure our forgiveness from the Father, but only if we turn to Him (Jesus).

In this way, we won't suffer.

I'd advise this as top priority. Once you are right with Jesus, sort out your blood health if you wish to, as a secondary priority.

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Not everyone deserves to suffer such as babies who haven't lived long enough to deserve suffering yet still suffer.

But everyone is born into suffering. Everyone regardless of deserving suffering or not needs the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. Anything else is futile.

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They deserve much more than shame…

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They probably do understand the meaning of the word "shame", but probably just see it as a weakness, and continue to cash in, hoping nobody will punish them.

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Hospitals have become woke abbatoirs of pain, despair, & horrific loss. What happened to turn doctors & nurses into vicious sadists dealing in pain, disease, & death. Never again trust the medical gestapo; obedient compliant servitors of an emerging medical gulag.

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BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE lining their pockets while "practicing" on US! 😲


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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Have you checked out A Midwestern Doctor's stack? The one s/he wrote yesterday is incredibly disturbing and may shine a brighter light on wtf happened.

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Thanks, Kat Bro. Highly recommended Substack!

Here's the link to the aforementioned article, for those who are interested:

> https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-vast-pharmaceutical-conspiracy-ae0

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A long essay without a single word about the culprit (nor the possible cures) namely the nano or nanotechnology...


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I rely on AMD!

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Well said, Stephen! May I quote you in my "red pill" library?

> BeyondC19.org

If you prefer, I can make the quotation anonymous by removing your name (or using your initials) and/or removing the links to your comment and/or your profile:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/53906ecb8e9f

Just let me know what you prefer. Thanks in advance! 🙏

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Sure, go ahead & quote me in your red pill library (I'm lovin' it!). I live in a galaxy far far away so I can comment with egregious impunity.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Fabulous!! Thanks so much, Stephen. 🙏 Very much appreciate you sharing, and I'm delighted our respective "galaxies" have managed to cross paths. 😉👍

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As for the library, I'm glad you're enjoying!

Please feel free to share the link widely:

> BeyondC19.org

All the library content is available for free, and if you'd like to download the entire contents of the library, that is an option, as well:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/58dd01d2a8ad

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

I'm also looking forward to reading more from you, Stephen. Are thinking about publishing anything anytime soon in your Substack?

Or will your occasional notes have to suffice?

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

"What happened to turn doctors & nurses into vicious sadists dealing in pain, disease, & death.?" - The money which they are paid for their "work"...

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This money, in turn, made them cowards:

> https://youtu.be/KAvemcgLa-8?feature=shared

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Thanks for this and all your other links. While it doesn't excuse the behavior of doctors (not by a long shot) it gives some understanding to hear this perspective.

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Agreed on the perspective (and no excuses). 👍

Glad if the links have been helpful. The vast majority have been pulled from my "red pill" library, which is accessible here:

> BeyondC19.org

Free downloads of the entire library are available here:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/58dd01d2a8ad

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iatrogenocide - I don’t know if Toby Rogers was the first to use it, but he is the first I remember using it.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Thanks so much for the reminder!

I came across this some time ago, added it into my "red pill" library, and then promptly forgot all about it:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/2cede22484c3

> Red Pill Library: BeyondC19.org

Much appreciated!

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Wait, doesnt pharma make pills? 🤪

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Yeah, and here's the really BIG red one! 😉👍

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/ec1be8aaaadb

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They are not necessarily "woke". They just love money and sin more than they fear God.

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

I have no idea how a sane nurse like you didn't just blurt out the obvious when this kind of thing happened. Knowing me I would be like well I guess this probably was just another young person with heart failure from the covid shot. Now I know that can't be written down or else you may lose your job, but I would find it hard not to at least vocalize it.

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Blurts met with silence...

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The truth is too much to handle for most. Their house of cards would fall down because (in their minds) IF the shot has really caused this, it means that the medical establishment is corrupt, the media is.. the government is.. Because that thought process is not very pleasant, they quickly switch to 'why'. Why would they do this? Then they can calm themselves, saying 'they would never give the majority of the people something that is causing so much disease and death, it must be something else, it must be me'.

Et voila; cognitive dissonance.

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Definitely too much to handle, at least at the beginning. They actually have a long way to go before they wake up from their denial, and see the real truth of what is going on:

> https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-15-stages-of-denial-among-recipients

Learn More:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/34f3960b0102

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AND once you awaken to one truth it's very hard not to witness the others tumble into your life like an avalanche and not many people can accept what they see.

Especially in the larger perspective which comes after so much evidence of how cruel and brutal this world actually is becomes apparent and how each one of us participates, if only a little, in further the suffering we see all around us.

It's so much easier to live with eyes closed and costs so much more than living with eyes open to the Truth. Your soul.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Doesn't the blurt plant a seed (or prick their conscience) ~ and, as such, isn't the truth worth blurting, at least occasionally?

One way or another, these "medical professionals" must know on some level, don't they?!

If nothing else, by now all the sh*t from the elephant in the room must be reeking to high heaven, and you'd think at least THAT would get their attention!

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

I think my pediatrician knew on some level despite him still pushing for the covid shots and other shots. My kid was on budesonide nebulizer med for most of his life. I had no problem getting it before covid happened. However since budesonide actually helped people recover from covid it became a medication that wasn't allowed much like hydroxycholoroquine and ivermetin. I tried and tried and tried during and after covid to get it. He wouldn't budge. I think he knew it was forbidden and knew why.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Despicable! Thanks for letting us know, Dee. I'll need to add this to my list of "forbidden" medications.

Appreciate all your good work.

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My doc 100% knows, he told me he didn't want to take the shot, his office staff was crying and afraid but caved from the intense pressure.

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What a shame! There was so much we already knew.

If they'd only done their homework first, instead of succumbing to fear:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/a7793df453dd

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Afterthoughts re: the budesonide nebulizer ~ If your son is using this medication for asthma, have you ever looked into the Buteyko Breathing Method?

> https://bra.in/4j3Q2r

It has been a godsend for many people around the world who are dealing with a wide variety of breathing and health issues, especially asthma. I can personally attest to its efficacy.

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No not so much asthma I think but a rare genetic disorder. At the time I was giving him a lot of milk, thinking that was good parenting. I think now Milk/dairy is a mucous food causing mucous in the body that his little body had to detox from. Once I stopped all that milk he has done a lot better. Thanks for the tip though. I will keep that in mind.

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Great! So glad he's doing better now. 👍

Appreciated the update.

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everybody knows...but no one knows what to do, so pretends not to know.

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Tragedy on top of tragedy . . . .

Such a shame, when there is so much that can, and needs to be, done:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/6c972ee9d1d4

If nothing else, they could pick up a whistle and start blowing, like you've been doing for months!

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c2a6c47d5f3c

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You all know what to do! Knowingly murder innocent children and pretending you did not do it, and did not try to help, won't work in a People's Court, nor with a viking getting really upset with getting his family members killed. He might decide to impale the murderers.

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I was at the VA yesterday, the blob had covid tables for the jab, sad to say, I watch old Vet after old Vet get the jab,boosters, sad sad!

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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

That is very very sad. Who is the blob?

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

"Blob" = "They" ~ aka . . .

> Big Pharma

> Medical Cartel

> Deep State (CIA, DoD, etc.)

> The so-called "Global Elites" (WEF, WHO, etc.)

In other words, all those currently conspiring against humanity:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/b2b94137fa5c

I think Mike Benz (highly recommended!) is credited with being the first to use this reference:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/acedf7266b88

See his video: "Who is the blob"?

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/b036da967aea

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How can anyone give them is what I want to know...

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In the top; depopulation

Lower down; ignorance & money money money, must be funny, lalalala laaaaa!

It seems easy to hide behind 'studies' that show the vaccines have saved lives etc. while disregarding what is going on in front of your eyes. They MUST see the increase in death, cancer, heart problems but.. The shill media has an answer to that; climate change, delayed help due to convid stress and so on. Excuses excuses; perfect for the average human. No need to feel personally responsible when you can point at everything and everyone around you.

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Sadly, quackcine killing may NOT stop this side of eternity! This is very likely because SO MUCH EVIL is in Fauci's Ouchies. ☹ Meantime we are dwelling in, "THE TWILIGHT ZONE OF SUSPENSE" wondering "What will happen NEXT?" 😲 We CAN choose to SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! Web Site For Natural Cures: 😊 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Speaking of so much evil, yesterday had occasion to visit both Lowes and Home Depot. Each had its holiday section tricked up for the next: Lowes for "Christmas" with a 10'(maybe higher) white monster with fangs, holding a large silver star. Was this BigFoot? A demon? At Home Depot, Halloween was the focus: quite a collection/selection of nasty looking full-sized figures, including a "Chuckie" grinning in evil fashion, holding, in stab position, a long silver-bladed knife. Said to husband, this looks demonic (which is on my mind as we are watching Michael Knowles interviewing Fr. Dan Reehill on that subject). Didn't occur to me until hours later that I should to go the manager and ask him what he means by this display? Of course, I imagine he'll deny any responsibility......

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I know just what you mean! Weeks ago Sam's Club had a giant monster moving its head and arms with a spooky recorded voice. 😱 There was also a giant purple spider maybe 5' long X 3' tall. I can only guess what the "purple" means. Stores go all out for October 31, every kind of skeleton and evil imaginable. HA! What would a shopper think of them from the 1800's? 😲 Evil depictions attract evil angels! ☹ Decades ago I began a "Be Drug Free" campaign on this night. I give out treats with this message and have a homemade display against drug use. HA! Children of the original kids have even come by! Yes, I have been here THAT long. It is my way of turning a curse into a blessing! 😁

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Your last sentence is thought-provoking--I wonder how many curses may be turned into blessings?

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My guess is ALL of them.

ALL things work to the glory of God.

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When my happy attentive 2 YO. grandson got his forced MMR jab, he went into a high fever for days, when he came out of it, he was withdrawn, with a lifetime dose of Autism Spectrum Disorder! Don't tell me that, forced at gunpoint, MMR's are "safe & effective"! Any more than our 50 billion in fraud fines, Big Pharma is caring & honest!

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

I've heard several stories very similar. That's how its happening. Per Robert Kennedy Jr, 1 out of 34 American (children) are becoming autistic now. It's outrageous!! I'm so sorry. I have a grandson abt that age.

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Learn more about the vaccine/autism connection.

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/9e39e3e3f2ac

FWIW, this collection of resources is just the tip of the abysmal iceberg. . . .

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I believe RFK Jr. said, in CA, ASD is now 1 in 26! Our 50 billion in fraud fines & leader in cause of death/ pharma industry must be very proud & profitable!

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It could be. I got this figure fm his book which I'm reading now. Yes. Very proud.

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Yea as in; Proverbs 16:18: "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

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We've got a bunch of proud demons trying to destroy any good still standing. Be blessed!

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

So very sorry to hear about your dear grandson, Steve. What a tragedy! 💔

Have you and/or his parents looked into options for heavy metal detoxing?

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Amazing that fetal and maternal lethality is prevalent in the 3rd World due to LACK of healthcare and their economic disaster yet HERE in the USA we can NOW say the same factors hold true….pseudo-science created a people/fetal damaging vac and healthcare providers who remain SILENT about the absolute hazardous of the vac and/or push drugs that damaged the kidneys and produced clinical demise. COVID vac and treatment denied(HCQ/ ivermectin) coupled with mandated/business closures were used to create a 3rd World here in the USA

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Fetal and maternal mortality along with children's health were in serious decline LONG before the majic jabbies came along. They only put the nail in the proverbial, and literal, coffin:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/bbc0db7ab013

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Thank you Dee for posting these tragedies. These people and their plight need to be put out here so people will hopefully wake up and stop submitting to the insanity

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100%, Martin!

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It’s really hard to be optimistic about the future when you realize that nearly 70% of our population has been given multiple injections that permanently genetically alter, refocus and impair their immune systems. I don’t see how anyone can survive very long after being modified by these injections. I believe that the injected are literally the walking, talking dead. The dying has just begun. It can’t be stopped. We will have to watch all of them die. We will in the next couple years have bury all of the injected and deal with a world without them. It is just the way it is.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Variations in lots/batches may allow some to survive, if at least some of the human guinea pigs received placebos:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/73d7b73b69d4

But I agree with you, in general. Lifespan has already been drastically reduced, and it may only be a matter of time for the vast majority:

> The Burden of Truth About COVID

-- https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/15ca7689bc5e

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

The way I see it, we're all going to die, and yes, for those who took the jabs probably the lifespan they would have enjoyed will not be as easy nor as long. But really, none of us, whether jabbed or unjabbed, knows what is in store for us, except that, eventually, we will exit the stage of this life.

I accept that because of the jabs many people in my circles are gone, dead or suffering from dementia— or soon will be. In fact just yesterday I got an invitation to a "celebration of life" of a (fully boosted) colleague who went down with turbo cancer. Another older friend, very ill and foggy after 4 jabs, is no longer answering emails (and I do not think it's because of something I said).

But that said, many of the people in my life who took the jabs do seem more or less OK.

I don't foresee a Hollywood-zombie-movie disaster, but rather, a disaster that is slowly, grindingly unwinding over the next many years, and manifests is a very wide variety of health issues, from stroke and heart failure to cancer to allergies and neurological issues, diabetes, lupus, tendonitis, GI issues, cornea rejection, cognitive decline, and so on & so forth. And some of the jabbed may make it well beyond the bulk of the early dying, especially if they didn't get the bad batches, and if they can detox, and if they can take good care of themselves. May they find the healing that best for them. I do not doubt that healing is always possible.

A lot of the burden of the jabs will fall on those who didn't take them (-- and I'm not just talking about shedding--) because that's who's going to have the health and stamina to take care of them.

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and helping them to emotionally cope as they awaken to the mass evil perpetrated upon the entire human species which is hard to see and harder to accept, how and why so many participated, and what that means about our species...

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So true

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Our species... well, I'm a student of history so I can't say I learned anything fundamentally new about the human species in "covid times," just about those in my own circles (with counted exceptions they surprised and disappointed me). I did learn some important personal lessons about identifying and navigating social dynamics, though. And I will say, the whole thing from the lockdowns on has been surreal.

But I hear what you're saying, Nurse Dee Dee. It must be a terrific shock for many people to realize that the covid "vaccines" are a bioweapon and the things that should make sense don't make sense, and that so many supposedly respectable and knowledgable people really are not. That's got to be very frightening and disorienting. They're a bit late to the game if they're waking up now, though. God help them.

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At the risk of repeating myself, this article beautifully addresses the challenge of waking up from denial and gradually realizing we're actually dealing with bioweapons here:

> https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-15-stages-of-denial-among-recipients

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And some good memes in there, too!

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Beautifully said, as ever, Transcriber B. Thank you for weighing in. 💟

I agree completely, and in my brief comment on the article I shared previously, I reflected that (eventually) even the sun must die:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/cee8e702fdf3

As far as some of the jabbed being spared, I do think that is likely. Many I know who received multiple jabs do (at least) seem to be fine at this point. Time will tell, of course. . . .

And, as one Substack commentor previously shared we must never despair about the possibility of healing:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_7242843147ce_daf135e3949e_1836

However, you are also absolutely right that the burden of care for those who are suffering is ultimately going to rest on the shoulders (and the hearts) of those who had the foresight to refuse the jabs in the first place.

God help us all . . . .

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Published today by Mark…. But no one talks about it… an ongoing and hidden genocide is happening all around us. How long before the health care system can no longer function? How long before all the vaccine exposed babies are all dead?

We live in times of great depravity and insanity.

22 nurses, 50 infants "died suddenly" the week of September 16-23, 2024


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Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

Yes! He's constantly cranking those out.

If we could only put those names on a big screen/"billboard" thing at Times Square.

But would people take their noses out of their phones to look up? TO WAKE UP??

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The doctors can't bring themselves to believe that the clot-shot is killing people.

As I keep saying, doctors don't diagnose illnesses anymore; they only troubleshoot the symptoms.

But then again, doctors no longer have the ability to say, "You're fat, you need to lose weight, or you'll die."

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Indeed, no money to be made in a patient's eating less and exercising more: neither for the doctor nor the grocery store.

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Thanks DEE Dee for the insights. The elephant in the room, admitting the facts would mean admission of guilt. Every big medical institution

Is guilty. Now damages done. Tragically this effects everyone.

And watching it happen to such young people

That trusted the community that will not admit their

Sins and justice comes, in this life or upon judgement day. Shame on them. Pray for all the

Injected ones.

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Fauci will never have to walk into a room and look into the eyes of someone whose life has been destroyed by the shots he promoted.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Dee Dee

And he will never have to face people (like me) whose fathers or brothers were killed by Fauci's first demonic poison (AZT).

I shudder to think what Fauci's end-of-life review will be like after he dies when he has to experience what each and every one of his victims experienced . . . .

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God knows the purgatory for such a man who leaves behind immense suffering and death from his medical experiments.. I am so very sorry about your loved ones.

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Thank you, Dee. It was my beloved father who died at Fauci's hand.

He was 10+ year survivor back in the '80s (when living that long with HIV was unheard of) ~ until he began the AZT ~ and then it was absolutely horrific watching him become a ghostly shadow of his former self.

Of course this was long before we had access to the Internet, so none of us knew at the time his was a slow and gruesome death from poisoning, not from HIV.

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