These people are mistaken.

COVID-19 vaccines are Safe and Effective.

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But that’s not what the law says. The 1986 childhood vaccine immunity law says that they are “unavoidably unsafe”.

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You are mistaken.

The masks, shutdowns, and covid19 vaXX DON'T WORK. Single Variable Focus is Never Objective Course. Proper Model is Costs vs Benefits Opposite Sloping Regression Lines, Plotted Sum of the Least Squares, to meet Golden Mean Middle, this is the Least Negatives to the Population.

Not safe, not effective, none of it worked.

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I believe cg is stirring up some sarcasm. lol

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I think You're right.

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I do love nurse Dee Dee, and her creative outlet here.

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May I suggest that, if you are being sarcastic, you indicate that is your intent? If you don't do that, many commenters will put you on their hit list. -- All you have to do is put (sarc) at the end of your post.

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I know You're being sarcastic... "unvaccinated and free" is a big clue.

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Capitalizing "Safe and Effective" ought to have been enough.

As well as taking on these gritty horrifying anecdotes and just blithely discarding them, as if they're nothing, mere "correlation", or insert platitude here.

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🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻 Indeed!

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absolutely. The TV and the science said so. I cannot believe how uninformed, suspicious and ignorant people are. fauci himself said the injections were safe and effective. He was an authority figure and besides he worked for the government, so of course he was to be believed.

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Dec 30Edited

My Boomer mother just visited for Thanksgiving. Boosted. I give up.

There is no point in trying anymore; the stress from "knowing" won't do her any good. Les jeux sont faits.

And damn it, she knows what I went through to get a rare exemption at my Fortune 100 employer. Boomer. qed

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I gave up too. Why even mention the injections with someone who got the injections? Even after just one? Who wants to know or find out they have injured or killed themselves? As you say what's done is done.

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Now you have front seat to her declining health, never really knowing for sure if her latest health illment is due to her shot or just getting older. You can guess at it but what good does it do.

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Dottie Caul has been educated.

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I sure hope so!

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How was she educated? I'm curious, because I've asked her for a link to her "science data". (-: If she's really been educated, I won't waste my time on her further.

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I replied to her earlier, with similar information on this thread, posted by myself. Some reason my reply to her won't post, was gonna get you the link. Appears I'm incorrect, pardon.

Tried 2x

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Dottie by name, dotty by nature. Caul me Dottie. :)

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Shall the public ever get the facts and truth as DOCTORS/POLITICIANS/MSM/WHO etc have all been SATANIC PERFIDIOUS EVIL SCUM since day one of the SCAMDEMIC!

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Anyone know anyone that died from Covid and didn’t go to the hospitals? In other words died without medical intervention.

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Nope, only know of family, friends, and neighbors who got jabbed and had no effect (yet!) to died, ranging in age from late ‘30’s to retired. Three of them died of heart attacks (one, a pharmacist, dance instructor, fencing instructor was in his late ‘30’s and had a great family, another just months from retiring from the State of Commiefornia - his wife gets a onetime death benefit and none of his retirement or health benefits).

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That would be difficult to ascertain, given that unvaccinated people can contract 'Covid' from those who have been jabbed.

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Most of the people posting on that site are clueless. Have you suggested that they visit this site?



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It seems that a lot of people will continue to deny the harms of it, all the way to their deaths by it.

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It's incredible how truly poorly educated they are. Biology 10 says it's a very bad idea to put a foreign protein in your body, especially injected!

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The Science of Money dictates and people must listen to its theme song...Vaccines are Safe & Effective. Today, scientists are paid by their employers to find expensive solutions, which will generate big money for their backers' bank accounts. There is no real Science today. .. I read these items were in CV-19 vax...graphene oxide, polysorbate80, nanoparticles, animal virus,, etc. These items do not belong in the human bloodstream.The bloodstream was designed to carry nutrients from natural food. These vaxes destroy the immune system and the organs. This shows that the dispensers of these toxic vaccines are either totally ignorant about how the immune system works or are they megalomaniacs looking to get rid of people?

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This is the childhood vaccine schedule, they have added the Covid19 "vaccine" to it.

They will do this to children, just imagine what they will do to you.


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pregnant women too

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It is going to be very hard for the parents, 70 % of parents, finding out they poisoned their kids. https://rumble.com/v5zvz72-top-expert-sounds-alarm-70-of-parents-poisoned-their-children-with-covid-va.html

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I wish My family, who I begged not to take the jabs, would respond to Me. I have asked through email and gotten no reply... I must ponder how They're doing.

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It is strange to be cut off for seeing the evil. I hope they are doing OK...

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Agreed. I hope so too!

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Sorry, that must be horrible. Most in my family ignored my warnings, but they have not cut me off. I have been warning about all sorts of things for about 20 years, I think they have just learned to ignore it and focus on things that connect us.

Sad but in a way also beautiful.

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Well, We had been "estranged" for decades, but did have conversations in the email. But They're 3000 miles away... And I just hope all is well.

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I don’t know

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The whole pandemic response of injections & suvsequent effects, transitional & terminal is massively depressing. Knowing unequivocally that the authorities were willing to do this, & no one's being punished, it's a big thing. Trust is utterly gone, the social contract broken, irreparable. Yet we all pretend & pretend. So what is to be done? Decide what the one 'sine qua non' of your life is, & go do it. For me it's buy a sailboat & spend months/years connecting with the primal primordial joy of that.

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I'm one of the three percent of doctors who have not had a covid"vaxx." I turn 77 next month. I had covid back in September of 2021 and was sick for 36 hours, and haven't been sick with anything since. My concern with the vaxx is complete lack of science. You can't prove "Safe and Effective" in three months...NOT possible. But as they say we "Aint' seen nothin yet," or the worst is yet to come, with turbo-cancers, vascular disease, and autoimmune disease. And yes, like the war between the states, this ugly business divides families. My daughter was explaining herd immunity to me(which by-the-way does not exist for covid vaxx), like I didn't know. This isn't science, it is cruel propaganda. And to make matters worse, if you get a side effect you are literally on your own.

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Thank-you and 100%

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<You can't prove "Safe and Effective" in three months...NOT possible.>

Quite. This was a big clue. Even CDC say it takes 10-15 years to develop and test the vaccines.


Herd immunity doesn't exist for any vax, but big pharma like to tell us it does, it is more profitable.


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Gee, aren't ALL the side effects BAD from Fauci's Ouchies? And. . .we may have not yet heard about ALL of them! 😲 At best they seem to worsen any health condition that the jabbed may have or had. IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) they are meant to so weaken humanity and the economy so that this U.S. Government under The Christian Vatican in Rome can enforce "The Mark of the Beast: Christianity!" in Revelation 13:18. 😠 WEMAYBETHISCLOSE! 😡 I post publicly on MeWe. Stay well naturally! 😊 ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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If they don’t ban these shots America is going to erupt into a full blown civil war with politicians and corporations and big pharmaceutical as the target too many people are dieing more than all the wars combined this shit has got to stop jail these governers and health departments and hospitals

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Dottie Caul's reply is interesting in your post.

<Your information is incorrect.Look at the science data, it is more likely to die from covid than receive sny ill effects from vaccine.you are only scaring people about what cpuld protect them.>

Apart from the smelling pistakes (!) which might be a vaccine injury, would you trust someone called Dottie? :)

In fact anagram her name and we get 'it due a clot'. Clots occur from vaccines as we know.

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