Death penalty is to good for Fauci!

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"The verse is a call to leave room for God to settle the score when someone harms us, instead of trying to get even. It means that God will handle ensuring justice is served and that the wrongdoers will be repaid."

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I think you are wrong! Sure we as individuals shouldn't take the law into our hands! But society and justice require death sentences for murderers! (Like Dr. Fauci, after a fair trial!) Remember when society is kind to evil people, they are evil to the kind people! -Steve

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Kindness isn't dependent on evil for it's rewards.

That makes no sense.

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@Pirat: Who said it was? Society Being Kind to Evil, is evil, [& makes no sense] is my point! I don't get your point! - Steve

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Kindness is never evil. By definition.

Like the sun shining equally on the good and the evil. The sun is not changed to evil when it shines on evil.

Evil is evil. Kindness is kindness. One is not defined by the other.

The sun or kindness are not changed from good to evil simply because they both shine on evil.

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I do see your point and it has stuck in my mind and made me think about what I really believe in regards to kindness toward evil. Thank you for this. Any idea that makes anyone think this deeply is worthwhile in my book.

I think what I mean when I say kindness to evil people doesn't change the nature of kindness or justify withholding kindness to anyone is this -

Kindness is not indulgence or even tolerance. It is giving someone the truth without trying to seek revenge or hurt them in return.

As the old song lyric says, "You've gotta be cruel to be kind in the right measure."

In other words, true kindness doesn't spare someone's feelings with false flattery or to avoid conflict. It simply states the truth whatever that may be and the chips fall where they may. That can never be evil, but can seem cruel when the truth hurts.

I think what you're talking about, when society acts "kindly" to evil people, is when society is being false for it's own ends and that is decidedly unkind and is evil indeed as it encourages evildoers to continue being evil.

I think we agree after all. Thanks again for making me think.

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It's a Dennis Prager truism!

"If you are kind to the cruel, you will be cruel to the kind."

Dennis Prager, he can make one thimk!

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we the taxpayers are still paying for his security

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Another total scam. The machine protecting themselves.

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Bring back the stocks! Head, hands and feet are placed through holes in a wooden panel. Person sits on a bench, chained. Public display!

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Hangings are necessary for Pfauci, Collins, Bourla, Bancel, and everyone who mandated the poison injections:


Even just publicly talking about the need to hang them helps to protect us all. So we should all be talking every day in public about the need to hang Pfauci, Collins, etc, until we get justice.

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All these murderers need rounding up

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"The verse is a call to leave room for God to settle the score when someone harms us, instead of trying to get even. It means that God will handle ensuring justice is served and that the wrongdoers will be repaid."

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Civil Godley societies require & demand capital punishment! Then God can deal with it, and he could forgive Dr. Fauci & Adolf Hitler, you & me [IF?] we repent!

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Their push to succeed to make what they did NORMAL must be STOPPED or there will be no end to their EVIL. Yes death penalty is too good for FAUCI, BILL GATES and the rest. Yes they need to be rounded up and injected with their own medicine by each and every human being who is suffering today because of their EVIL.

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I believe you found THE CURE, also described by H.G. Wells in his prophetic ending of "The Island of Doctor Moreau". Thank-you!

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The Rockefeller Medical Mafia, along with the extended families of Big Pharma and the Chemical Companies, and don't forget the Bankers that are the one tenth of the one percent!!!

Their the ones trying to kill us all off. They do it in a haste by starting wars, then they do it through their own private industry, The Medical Mafia!!!

People need to wake up, they are not here to help us, they just want us to die off long and slowly and drain us out of our life savings!!!


I've been using this one of a kind solution everyday for over 15 years, and I feel better than when I was in my 30''s, more than 30 years ago!!!

He's 503c, so you can write it off!!!

It's worth every penny to me, and I don't go to doctors!!!


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be aware the who are meeting on november 4th they plan to finalise the pandemic treaty by november 11th check out the james roguski substack for confirmation

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Thank goodness we have the 2nd amendment.

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Nurse Dee Dee, you always have the gift of condensing a valid health or spiritual point into a simple cartoon like this one...

Thank you so much, God bless & protect you and each of your family!


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Amen 🙏

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Revenge I get this God, totally understand. However there is a big part of me that wants a form

Of revenge that might satisfy my righteous indignation.

Lost innocence, all trust in the medical community,

Culture, TV news, politicians, hospitals, all the so called experts.

Shattered lives, businesses, Trust, babies. Our DNA

our future.

Fauci will be haunted quite certain, revenge in this or the next life is extremely certain.

You will find NO PEACE no street you will be cursed

Fauci. Worse is he had so much help!

Loss of innocence Red Pill taken.

Transmute the ungodly forsaken

We will always remember

Forgive … maybe?

Forget never.

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Fauci and his ilk will reap the whirlwind and likely roast for eternity with their noses up Satans butt cheeks if there is any justice. Despicable people indeed.

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This entire scam which is a Worldwide tragedy can not be swept aside by politics…too many have been/ will be affected by these evil people. The World dealt with the Third Reich criminals as we must do against the leaders of this purposeful injury to men, women and children. The most sinister grotesque effect of this “ vaccine” is its negative delayed effects on humanity whether it be turbo cancers or infertility. All assets of these criminals and companies must be pooled for future compensation….death is too good for these agents of death …isolation in prison for a lifetime .

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Knowing a group of evil monsters who call themselves part of the human race came up with this idea and got so many people to go along with, is a very disturbing point. Coming to full realization of man's ability to commit such pain and evil while walking free is earth shattering. Thank you for responding.

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"As Fauci waltzes into the sunset with more money than any human needs, seemingly accountable to no one, millions are left suffering or dead from the lies of one man."

You got that right. As PCR inventor Kary Mullis said, Fauci can look right into a camera and lie.

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On Dr. Makis site here is just one example of how Fauci looked right into the camera and lied about Remdesivir. https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-do-no-harm-the-clifton-dawley

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Thankfully, there is One who will administer justice to Fauci and to all others - known and unknown - who perpetrate such evil.

However, I would say that if Americans trusted their government (or any person or organization with great power) before 2020, it is because they were ignorant of history.

The United States was founded upon principles of severely limiting government power.

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