Sep 28Liked by Dee Dee

- THIS COULD BE THE FIRST …. ??? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀🚸

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Sep 28Liked by Dee Dee


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seems to me nurses are more reliable for the oath, but what do you think, Dee?

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In my opinion, nurses more reliable than doctors as patient advocates, the old school nurses were taught to question orders and protect the patient...there's a group, about 30% where I work, who refused the jabs.

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higher percentage than among the so called “intelligent” government analysts with security clearances!

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I mean when I heard about nurses quitting in droves, that was a big red flag!

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Thank-you and agree.

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Glad to see some nurses had ethics and upheld their oath. That took (and continues) to take courage. Thank you for illustrating this for us.

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A rare gem indeed

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MASKED-JABBED KARMA = CLOTS, STROKES AND DEATH! Free coffee break entertainment to cheer yi awe up!---Mask by Roy McIntosh - video banned on YouTube and Facebook


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Are graphene-coated face masks a COVID-19 miracle – or another health risk?


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A "Conspiracy" is two or more persons with a criminal plan. You are two lovely awake nurses observing the result of a conspiracy first hand.

Put on any kind of mask or filter, for a scientifically evidence based reason! Splash mask, in order not to get splashed. Ok.

For s.c. "viruses"(no good evidence of existence according to the Monkeypox Mania Summit on the Odysee with Dr Sam Bailey) claimed diameter between 20 and 300 nanometers wide, or nanobots (evidently existent), about 100 to 10'000 nanometers wide, that is some fantastic filters.

HEPA filters can remove aerosols 300 nanometers in diameter. How wide are your "viruses"/nanobots, and where did they put them? Will even UV-light take care of them?

So AT LEAST ask for HEPA-filters, against biomedical hazards, if they claim to be a protection against s.c. "viruses"!

If unknown substances, like nanobots, are in the injections, ask for positive pressure suits, before creating cyborgs (potentially zombies if "humans are hackable animals")!

Source for sizes: Wikipedia

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The Definition of Conspiracy I use is concise and quick: "A Business Plan."

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A "conspiracy" is illegal, but must not be about business.

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We all need encouragement at times. 😊

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"Let those who have ears, hear...." He says that several times!

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Truly amazing, “not everyone can see”. We all can see if we choose to open our 👀!

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HA! Two are better than one! More power to BOTH of you. 😊 You can back each other up and you may need to in the coming days. THANK YOU BOTH FOR NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID! 😝

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I think fear by the media and newspapers was all planned make them wear masks lock them up and keep replaying the Chinese bat story and the people lying in the streets dying.The euthanasia scared me they were killing old and young.Thank God for sanity and the good nurses and People like Dee Dee who are blessed to know the difference and are brave with with a conscience.🙏🕊️♥️.

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Much love to Conspiracy Nurse!!!

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What a blessing you had! And God chose to put the 2 of you together ---- to be there for each other!

Keep up your courage! Thanks for sharing.

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Yes, it was out there for hired killers:


I am so glad you were not one out of them!

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