I hung in there with the flu shot regime for years. Still got a case of flu pretty much every year. Chanced on info that they are frequently wrong guessing which strain to prepare for. I usually got a little sick from the shot every year too. Finally realized they did not know what they were doing around 2015. Still was not skeptical about vaccines in general until 2021.

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There are no strains, because there are no viruses. The flu is a seasonal detox, so it is small wonder that You detoxed each year You had toxins jabbed into Your body...

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Given the flu is a seasonal detox, it is small wonder that People who get jabbed with toxins try to detox them. I surely hope You're not getting jabbed even with them, Dee.

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My homeless brother in law lives with us and got his flu shot every year and got the flu a couple days later every year. Then gave us his damn flu coughing over as all of us. I couldn't convince him to skip the COVID jab and now he coughs all the time and is sick a lot. He is too big a butthead to ever admit he is wrong but he didn't take any boosters and hasn't taken another flu shot since his COVID shots.

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"but he didn't take any boosters and hasn't taken another flu shot since his COVID shots." Made me chuckle. At least there's that. Reminds me of the great Russian poet, karashnikov.


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My Swedish friends mother gets a flu shot each year and he laughed at her because she gets sick every year

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At 67...I've finally woken up (no, not that kinda 'woke'). I will never take another jab claiming to be a 'vaccination' product.

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There's no point at your age, or I think at any age.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Dee Dee

The constant hypnotic brainwashing we are all forced to endure is designed to beat all of the questions out of us. They ask the questions and you obediently answer. You are trapped.

The entire government works by tricking you in to commercial contracts using implied consent.

When you register to vote you have just signed a contract to be governed. You are trapped.

If you answer the question do you understand with a yes you have just admitted there is a contract. You are trapped.

If you say I will not pay my council tax you have just admitted a contract exists and you have a liability to pay. You are now trapped.

If you answer the question what is your name you have just admitted you are the said “person” (persona or mask) which is a corporation in law. Your name is not you, it is a dead legal fiction. You have just admitted you are responsible for your corporate name and you are now trapped.

Never answer their questions, instead turn the tables on them and start asking (as king) questions.

Questions like why are you guilty according to international law of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide?

By paying taxes am I guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes according to international law?

Many more details here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-exit-the-matrix

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Years ago a friend who was a pharmacist pressured everyone at church to get flu shots. Luck willed I just read that in Canada the year before, those who got the shot got way sicker than the refusers. That year it also had turned out that the strains chosen were nowhere near what went around... needless to say she never mentioned flu shots again. If people would inform themselves instead of believing the propaganda! I hope you have a nylon stocking mask !

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I was telling my adult child today that I never gotten a flu shot and never will. When they and my other child were growing up they never got flu shots. I've never seen the need for taking and I've never had the flu and am rarely sick. I've read somewhere that there's a theory that the "flu season" is actually the body being over loaded with to much sugar. Think about how much candy, treats, desserts, alcohol, etc. the average person consumes from October to New Years Eve? A lot of us over indulge during that time of year.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

I think they release something every year, to make everyone sick. There is too much money to be made with OTC cold meds, shots etc not to.

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Pretty sure hospitals must get a certain percentage of employees flu vaxxed because of medicare/medicaid regulations/payments .Know I have linked this before but if you have flu vaccine believers(I once was) here is solid info on them. Share with people and it should be rewarding info for the flu vaxx refusers that they were right all along.


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Well. . . Dee, what if you all refuse to wear masks? Will they fire everyone at once? 😲 No, don't think so! Some are still (STILL!) wearing them here. even when driving or walking alone. ??? How many sheeple are ready to obey the NEXT government mandate which may be just around the corner? 🙄 I am determined NOT to get near a vaccine ever again. Who knows NOW what additional poisons are being put into BIG HARMA'S a.k.a. NOTHEALTHCARE'S quackcines? 😡 Also, when Pfizer is mentioned, I just say "NO!" I choose to stay well naturally. 😁 Healing Site: EarthClinic.com.

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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If everyone said no thank you maybe the flu would disappear; )

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It did.

Flu disappeared the first year of Covid.

Go figure...

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To be honest, I got a flu shot every year for 24 years, never got sick from the shot, never got the flu. But when covid shots came out and we were told that any vaccine could mess up your menstural cycle, I quit getting any vaccines.

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I had a yearly check up with my doctor in the fall /early winter close to my birthday. My doctor recommended a flu shot. I had the shot and every year I would get sick. Some years worse than others. One year after the flu shot I developed transient hyperthyroidism. I lost 30 lbs in 3 weeks and my heart pounded out of my chest. I saw a specialist who wanted to remove my thyroid. I said no. The same situation happened for two consecutive years. No one knew what was causing the hyperthyroidism. Luckily I came across information about shots and hypothyroidism links. So I stopped getting flu shots. I have not had the flu or hypothyroidism since. I also stopped having a yearly checkup.

When I said no to the experimental gene therapy shot everyone treated me like I had committed a terrible sin.

The herd likes everyone to comply and conform even when nothing made sense.

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The people who would like to take away other persons' rights and freedoms are using the medical system to do it! And science! We automatically believe whatever presents with the label "science." Label it "science" and persons believe ---hey, isn't that just what autocrats and tyrants want?

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The last flu shot i got was about 2011.

I got the flu.

Refused all Covid vaccines, and didn't get Covid.

Everyone said I was nuts.

Not so much anymore...

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I read the flu shot is manufactured on the mrna platform so I will never take. It is about nine years sense I took one and I got the flu about 60 days later, no warranty!

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