Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

20 mins ago

Arsenic poisoning looking like Monkeypox?


Payload of arsenic delivered with nanobots? https://outraged.substack.com/p/the-emergence-of-nanobot-society

Corruption again?

Are private hospitals getting paid for diagnosing and treating Monkey pox? I would not be surprised. Are they killing their patients again for money? I would not be surprised.

Circular reasoning using fake PCR? I would not be surprised.

The monkey business of Monkeypox


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I don’t need that much rational to say “NO” to monkey paws

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The vaccine appropriately is limited to homosexual persons. No efficacy facts mentioned in guide line. Mortality statistics from MPox not specified.

That’s a pretty crappy consent disclosure

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I'm not a gay male. No thank you!

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fantastic news. I was worried that I wouldn't be protected from monkey pox. I am making arrangements now to get the safe and effective injections.

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lol. Yeah, right?

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Just the fact that you purposely wrote "safe and effective" in your post indicates that you are an industry plant. (-:

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sarcasm is hard on the internet. there is no voice and tone like in real life. Or I'm just an industry plant.

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"sarcasm is hard on the internet...." -- No. It isn't. Just put " - sarc" at the end of your post. -- Hope you enjoy your injections... (-:

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I do use sarc when I think the sarcasm isn’t obvious. Thanks for the ugly insults. It tells me what you are.

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Looks like you also have trouble recognizing tongue-in-cheek statements. The "Hope you enjoy your injections... (-:" was certainly/obviously tongue-in-cheek. But, your response tells me what you are...<g> -- Here's one you're sure to enjoy: "Cheer up" <g>

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glad that your comment “Hope you enjoy your injections.. was obviously tongue in cheek. I failed to recognize that. Perhaps you will enjoy this: “Cheer up”

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Banana up my nose, i swear I will never be coerced, fired, let go, xcommunicated over another GofF fiction bug. Oh, and right hand raised a la Hippocratic Oath.

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But it says "no contraindications"... 🤔

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Shoot me first. Cant take much more of this Evil administration by Dems and Bill Gates. I know he reads the death reports from every malady and cheers . He is a psychopathic serial killer. How can having money make you an evil demon. I’ve got it. Satan has made him a Lieutenant in Satan’s army. Look at his eyes and scary smile.

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It’s his beady eyes. And squeaky voice. And the way he uses both his hands while talking. And his sideways condescending smile. And his crossing his his arms after he lies. And the Mr Rogers sweaters to soften his vile energy oozing from every pore.

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Did you notice sometimes he can't hide his glee when he is talking about people dying. I forget what interviewer called him out on him laughing about the deaths, but there was an interviewer that did.

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He is like a kid in a candy store, his glee in the deaths and his wanting to tell us what’s going to happen. I watched a British interview at the very beginning of Covid I’ll go look: but he wanted to share his 1. Yes testing is everything. 2. We are going to vaxxinate 8 billion people 3. And then he giggles smirks says yes there will be financial hardships.

I thought you SOB you will never face financial hardships

His glee in others sufferings is

To me just me but extremely evil.

If I ever get a chance I won’t just be throwing a pie in his smug grille. Lord save my ass from such

A temptation!!

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Can you tell I really really really dislike this person and the funny thing is

He shares my best friends birthday


He lives in my home state

I knew one of his body guards

Bg im watching you you little creep


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And who in their right mind trusts anyone who is designated as a medical authority in 2024?

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Absolutely no basis to believe that this experimental injection is any way safe or effective. Just say no‼️

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Take 2 shots just in case the 1st one doesn’t do enormous harm. This disease is 98% gay men with

Promiscuous sex habits. I’d say 99.9% of people do not fit that lifestyle description. I’m thinking this is going to be a tough sell.

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Don't forget your bi-annual M-Pox vaccine!

And multi-billions dollars profit for big Pharma.

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1. Darkly hope that all the True Believers who still mask and boost, get the Mpox shots, and impishly hope that when they do, they feel a little frisson of racism guilt, because in their world, somehow, 'monkey' = racism against certain breeds of human.

2. Fervently pray that this vax hasn't been designed to take the rest of us out, by turning the True Believers into Mpox Aerosolizers and Shedders.

3. If anyone deserves to be marked up with pox, or die a lingering death from it, it's people who spread such diseases through their depraved Social Proclivities.

4. Grateful I still have a case of hand sterilizer in Big Pump bottles.

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Neglected to mention that there ain’t no way in Hades or Olympus that me or mine will consent or submit to this vax nor any other which the CDC seek to foist upon us. Will never trust Big Gov again.

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What if you really need a donut?

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Aug 19Liked by Dee Dee

The comedians are out tonight!

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The Origins of AIDS, directed by Peter Chappell and Catherine Peix, follows the evidence laid out by British journalist Edward Hooper in his 1999 book, The River. In it, Hooper proposed (based on nearly two decades of research) that one man's part in the race to create the polio vaccine launched the AIDS epidemic. Horrific usage of monkeys, deep in the Congo, Belgian scientists.

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It's another experimental mRNA jab. Hard pass.

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