Aug 24Liked by Dee Dee

Here’s a good explanation why this is all happening.

Vaccines were so dangerous that they could not exist in the regular capitalist marketplace. So Pharma got Congress to pass the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act to give themselves and their minions liability protection. With antidepressants and statins liability protection is less pressing because harms can be hidden with the blanket excuses “s/he was depressed” and “s/he was just old.”

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Too bad She had the first one... I really am so sad for all the Ones They duped.

We had best do all We can to solve for the psychopaths in control...

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/The-GentleOnes-Solution:c

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Met a fella I slightly know after he had been jabbed---he said his sight had been damaged and it was as if he was looking through net curtains. Not seen him since to ask if his eyes came good!?

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My dad's eyes were badly damaged from the Pfizer vaccine. He had to have surgery and has to put drops in his eyes multiple times a day and still is having all kinds of eyesight issues. His heart was damaged as well. I had to talk him out of getting the booster.

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So sorry!

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Be thankful that it was only cataracts. Unfortunately, as we know, a major poison has been inflicted upon society worldwide. The damage to the population was almost immediate but was brushed aside by the evil MSM, big pharma and the toadies that enable them. The VARS reports started the process and now the excess death numbers are highly elevated. The problem is we don't know when the destruction will peak. Some say we are just at the beginning. My question is, given this backdrop, when will people be held to account? How many millions must die before people notice? Pax

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A few billions must die if you believe what the reptilians have often said right out in the open, both written and recorded voice.

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Well worldwide 17 million dead directly to shots. Some 13 million due the stress of lockdowns.

VAERs report is like only 1% of reported cases.

How long till Justice is a damn fine ???

How long never soon enough

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Dee Dee

I heard this, but like everything else, it was buried.

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My 2 cents: 1. I take people/ clients to the Casey Eye institute and Every-time except last time there are 12 people in waiting room. This is the busiest clinic like ice cream parlor on a hot July day.

2. My brother got 2 shots now has had 2 eye surgeries

3. Soooo rare soooo idiosyncratic that Covid shots

Have of course never been associated with cataracts. Don’t you know these shots are safe and effective.

4. I’ve driven clients who all of sudden have gone blind in one eye? Of course I don’t ask but suspect

They got the shots. The clients we drive are usually

Drinking the kool aid medical BS LOL and since I’m just a driver I have no diploma on the wall so I can bully people with my superior intellect.

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Cataract caused by endotoxin is well known








I have an opthalmologist in the family who can confirm the post-jab surge in new onset Cataract in Western Australia during the jabbing frenzy.

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Can you ask if he or she noticed an uptick in a very rare autoimmune disorder which attacks the eyes: Necrotizing Scleritis.

Thank you.

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It might be a while before I can, but certainly will remember to do so.

endotoxin-induced uveitis and other eye diseases reviewed in this free article


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Another useful paper


"We conclude that both live bacteria and bacterial products activate Toll-Like Receptors in the cornea, which leads to chemokine production and neutrophil recruitment to the corneal stroma. "

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I am not in the medical field, but I believe autoimmune attacks every cell in the body. I know of a young person after the shots colon is deteriorating. Eyes, kidneys, heart, colon,,...what ever. It is meant to shut down the body, and it is doing exactly that.

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new zealand fights back against the who check out the james roguski substack for the details

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Now the sheeple can be deaf, dumb and BLIND!🙉🙊🙈

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Aug 25Liked by Dee Dee

I have a friend who had all five jabs. He's now blind in one eye and losing vision in his one remaining eye. He had to have a laser blasting the retina to stop the bleeding at the back of his eyes.

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Aug 25Liked by Dee Dee

He also wears a pro-vaccine top. Can't talk to him about it.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Dee Dee

Poor guy. Well, he made his choices.

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It's almost as if it's by design—sterilization, vaccine-induced miscarriages, myocarditis, cataracts, dementia, etc.

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SO VERY VERY SAD! 😥 Cataracts seem to most often come with age. For years I have put organic flax seed oil drops in my eyes to prevent them. (Oil from a fridge in a health food store. It will stain cloth.) At my last recent eye exam I was told I do not have cataracts. I paid extra for a scan of the area behind my eyes. Those areas were completely CLEAR. I was so surprised and thankful! I also take Lutein and Beta Carotene capsules and love spinach! 😊

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Is there any history on sluffing from a vaxxed spouse causing issues lsuch as cataracts?

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Similar experience...I was a massage therapist...unvaxxed. I did a 30 min neck treatment on someone.. When he got off the table, he announced that he'd just had his 2nd Moderna hrs before. 2hrs later, my eyes bled internally. You can't feel it....you just go blind. Even the whites of my eyes were dark purple like a bruise. No doctor of any kind would even speak to me or help. After 3 wks most of it resolved in one eye, but the other eye continues to erupt periodically 4 yrs later. Whatever a person puts in their body comes out their skin-the biggest organ of elimination. Chemo, viagra, vitamins, covid shots that were designed to be transmissible

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Apparently, using the spike protein as the primary driver for “immunity” was a bad choice. Who woulda thunk it?!

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I know you're talking abt cataracts, but have you talked abt Steve Kirsch's eye issue(s) before?

Sadly, he took 1 jab, I think, before he woke up to things, and he is certain that's the reason for his problem now.

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He took 2 jabs, he said. I have a lot of respect for Steve Kirsch because once he saw that things didn't add up-- too many people he knew were all of a sudden injured-- he faced it, faced it head on.

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Aug 25Liked by Dee Dee

So true! He's a very successful entrepreneur if i remember correctly from when I first started following him (2021-ish?)

So he started digging and with integrity, he hasn't stopped!!

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