Then why did Philanthropath Bill Gates brag about making a 20-to-1 return on his $10 billion investment in vaccines in this CNBC interview?


For details, see:

• "Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship – Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation": https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

BAMB three times in the face and I caught the whole video! The video I saw was before was number one 🤣being slammed in his face.

What year was this and I wonder if he was killing people then?

Good one🤣👍👍He must have really pissed off some people. I wonder if these guys were ever interviewed after this incident!

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Looks like the interview was from January 2019:


Philanthropath Bill Gates has been killing people for a long time, so he certainly was at the time of the interview ;-)

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

I loved the pie in the face. I hope it was shaving cream, as I'd hate to see a good cream pie wasted on that.... greedy gasbag.

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Too bad it wasn’t a knife to the esophagus… just saying pie in face is demeaning but…

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That was a shaming ritual... That pie in the face.

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I kinda got that!! Still in a Lord forgive me way the man needs assassinated not shamed …

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It’s part of the entering into “the ranks” of whatever weird belief system They have.

Humbly, I will not call for any unEthical thing to Him - that would lower Us to His unEthical level. But locked up and the key tossed? Yup.

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I have a very special dis like for this creature. 10/28/1955

Is his birthday

My best buddy’s birthday

He is exactly my same age

Lives in the same State.

I even know one of his old body guards.

I say these things but not sure I could cross that line..

imagining all the angst he has

Created he deserves a ritual death for the many millions of not billions of people he has

Murdered. Hanging and a long list of his crimes

Think that’s appropriate

I’m a Christ follower

Sometimes just me this evil

Enemy plays on our forgiveness and love the enemy… I’ll have an depth talk with Peter at the pearly gates

Just seems these demon possessed people commit horrendous crimes and do not see Justice.

Spare the prison sentence


Into the pit of Hell

He has earned that.

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

Bill Gates is evil. He’s totally about money and depopulation. Anything he is involved with is a ploy to turn it around to a big profit for him and the harm generated means nothing to him.

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

the devil incarnate

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actually, the devil is worse... though I do take your point. :)

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Maybe his son. I do not honor The Evil One with any name because his names have not been removed or changed ~ JUST MULTIPLIED! 😡 I post publicly on MeWe. 😁


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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

he probably means he lost a few coins pulling out his wallet to collect the bills...

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I have yet to see him working a street corner with a cardboard sign. I believe him almost as much as those dead people he jabbed for their health!

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It's not a "joke." It's just an outright, bald-faced lie.

To reach the levels of Fauci and Gates, you have to have long ago mastered looking into a camera and telling the biggest whopper possible ... with conviction.

They also know nobody "who matters" is going to call them on their lies. That's why Fauci could write a 464-page memoir - with multiple lies on every page - and not lose a wink of sleep worrying about this.

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They are sociopaths and moreover believe their own chit

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Let me remember...when was his divorce?

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

They (billionaire sociopaths) are the masters of pathological lying!

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His clone wasn’t given that information at the time of its download.

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Everyone has a religion. And every religion has a system of justification. In Gates' fake one (which he shares with a lot of other people, including Fauci) the *appearance* of pure motives is everything.

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I.e., track what they get most tweaked about (as you've done) and you're on to their heart's desire.

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He said long ago he made like 20-1 yes Margaret AA

EXACTLY … can’t erase what is on video

Fact check that Billy …

He lies like a rug and you would think he might tell better lies. He’s so arrogant he has no concern for the truth. He mocks us!!!

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We all need to stop buying whatever these scumbags own. If they want to complain about losses, let's bring them to their knees and destroy them by boycotting the products and services they enrich themselves with while enslaving us.

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IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) one President Donald J. Trump, The King of COVID-19 , Fauci's buddy, should be included here.

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Trump did NOT make it clot shot mandate! THAT WAS PEDO JOEBAMA #MAGA24 #TRUMP24

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Dear Creator,

I Currently Reside On A Planet

Where Medical Doctors Have Become

Pharma Field Niggers.

I Know That You And I Have Had Our Differences.

But They Must Have Really Pissed You Off.


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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

Dee, what can we expect to hear from Bill Gates of Hell? MORE LIES? 😡

Unless he repents he and Dr. MengeleFauci may go "arm in arm" some day

into "The Lake of Fire." Those lost who have committed such sins will burn

for a very loooong time! 😮

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Jun 22Liked by Dee Dee

Let's also remember how much money this scumbag and others made indirectly. From their lockdowns that decimated family businesses, restaurants, services, etc. Most people just don't the resources to buy 25,000 AMZN call options, like Gates does. Most people unlike sicko fauci don't have the ability to set up personal patents for technology developed by US tax payer money!!

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Being a psychopath, lying rolls off that man's tongue like warm butter. He is but One I would solve for.

How Innocent I (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/how-innocent-i

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