Aug 2Liked by Dee Dee

Totally wrong that one unelected maverick should have soooooo much influence

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No One is elected. At this point all the "governments" are for-profit corporations that appoint Their CEO's and officers. The illusion that We have a say is maintained with "elections," where They choose who We can "choose from," and They "count" the "votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).

What drive it all is money...

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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We're all living in a fantasy.

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Yes...in the sense that the psychopaths put on a play for Us to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, and no in the sense that the planet and its nature are reality. The psychopaths like to besmirch it, hide it, and use it, against Us...

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Right! Guess I should've said that better. Agree with you as to the reality.

And re: the fantasy part, some of us have broken the spell they have cast and we are seeing things as they truly are!

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Indeed, We have. And some of Us...

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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The Christian Vatican heads it all: governments, BIG HARMA a.k.a. NOTHEALTHCARE, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM. 😲 WE ARE BEING SO LIED TO! 😡

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The ability to use your money the way you desire is also a part of free speech. The problem of Bill Gates is that people have no way of getting all the information necessary for making decisions because of censorship. Censorship is everywhere! Free speech has been squelched because of fascist policies between government and industry.

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SATAN GATES pulling many strings and FAUCI the fall guy for him---YES/NO?

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If like me you are sick of being abused by your so called leaders you now have the option to leave the system and it is completely lawful.

In fact by paying taxes you are now funding war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.


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Aug 2Liked by Dee Dee

Can there be a more evil person than this --- inclined to do so much that is wrong to bring death and destruction to humanity??? In my most humble opinion, I think NOT.

Nice job, Dee! Bless you

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Aug 2Liked by Dee Dee

I don’t know what’s worse: Bill Gates’s overt attempts to propagandize and mess with peoples’ minds or the eager willingness of these organizations to accept Gates’s dirty money.

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Blood money 💰 screams money is power down here.

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some people are way too rich for their own good. everything they have should be confiscated so they can own nothing and be happy ever after turning burgers at the burger King for 7 bucks an hour, no health insurance, no transportation, nothing. They will be sooooooo happy

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anyone who is rich I ask, “HOW”

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most of them inherited their fortune as far as I know. It happens very seldom that someone can work their way up from nothing. I know one, the owner of a fleet of trucks, who started with one, made some money, bought one more, etc, hiring people, and now is wealthy (and his children probably will ruin the business and end up spending it all)

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Aug 2Liked by Dee Dee

I have a few family members that listen to the podcast armchair expert and highly recommend it. When I scrolled through the list of guests I saw B. G. Then immediately thought NOPE! I'm not listening to this! I'm sure he paid them to be on it.

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Probably. lol

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Well, they ARE philanthropic….TO HIM!

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Like Pharma, Gates too is getting his globalist agenda through via lust of greedy media and their talking heads that want to keep their jobs, and are willing to lie through their teeth, oh right, there is a word for all of these people and it's SOCIOPATH!

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B.G. is the perfect example of the word coined by Margaret Anna Alice: philanthropath.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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So true! The greedy media is capable of doing so much good, yet they do so much damage.

And is it Trump who says, "They are an enemy of the people"? They are ---- and keep so many brainwashed with the worst narratives at the time

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Beyond any reasonable doubt

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Their footprint and influence is waning. Sales down, staff being laid off, others going out of business (print). Hopefully soon they will be but a mere ugly memory

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This Demon is a threat to civilization he can't buy his way out of hell,nor can the cult he is in with.!!!.

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B gates is the creepiest vilest creature who walks on two legs. For all his money he can not buy respect nor dignity nor grace nor imagination nor

Peace nor love. He is wealthy beyond imagination

But he still is filled with a wickedness that only Satan can fully appreciate.

This explains NPR too loo …

Wtf does he have any right to go vaxxing anyone

Or dim the sun, buy up farm land sell fake meat promote genocide? May the Lord deal with you gates. And May that judgement day come soon!!!!

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I am trying to follow Christ who said don’t judge, and I am still a work in progress. Saying that b gates really pisses me off. Ok I confessed my sin.

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Satan's people, like Bill Gates, understand and operate just like the neosporosis similar to the parasitic disease toxoplasmosis, to infect minds, to own and control the Godless suckers and sheeple! I.e. copying nature's zombie parasites brain-worms! I.e. ideologically induced brain-worms, such as postmodernism's, "No absolute truths." (Except for postmodernism's "No Truths"!) How psychotic and zombie-like is that? (All the foul language in the video demonstrates some of that induced psychosis!)

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the good book says “they love of money is the root of all kinds of Money”. Money is a tool to help people, not buy influence and push and agenda.

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The curse of Moloch's mad money. Billy G (or his handlers) can buy the image they want, but it is our responsibility to get off of their twisted wavelength. As for all the Rockefeller-adjuncts(Johns Hopkins), NPR, and the rest of the BlackRock owned media (all of it), it's now nothing less than an inter-office memo and communication tool for the maintenance of the 'controllers' empire. All of which is illusion and fakery. Boycott empires's sponsors. Vote with thy wallet. God Bless!

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Ah, the glorious things psychopaths, promoted to the top by money, can create for Us...with Their money!

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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This is how their crimes will be revealed, and how they will be defeated.

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