Firstly, Covid does not exist. They have no way to test for it

because it is only a DNA sequence cut and pasted together in a computer in China.

They can't culture any virus in a lab. They have no valid testing method that can prove

it is infecting a human, residing on a shopping cart handle, in waste water, or a drinking fountain.

The entire plandemic was a charade.

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RNA, not DNA, not accepting the premise of your comment either.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Out of curiosity is there any direct proof of SARS COV 2 existence from a study done by anyone other than the same groups telling people to take the vaccine?

I went through the entire "pandemic" un vaxed, with no mask, no hand washing, no alcohol hand sauce, touching the same hand rails and door knobs as everyone else, not obeying any lockdown order, and never got sick.

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If Ya can't isolate it, you can't name it, Unless you're trying to scam the Godless suckers & fools! If you can believe Koch's postulates Vs our 50+ Billion in fraud fines Big Pharmas?

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From 33 playgrounds..

They just can't help themselves.

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Dee, thanks. The problem with 'experts' .... with their articulate language skills, they can make uninformed people believe absurdities. Often, only a convoluted, irrational thinking-process could dream up those absurdities.

A formal education system detached from reality can create such mythological thoughts proccess.in an individual. Common sense is earned by tying everything one learns back to the real world. That is how science works, and not my by conducting polls and tabulating invented statistics.

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Psychopaths play mind games, and those running things did with all of us too! This is just one example

Thanks Dee Dee

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21 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

I take 2 stainless steel cups of ice water. I didn’t realize they shut down water fountains, and who actually places their lips on the faucet? PCR test

Will provide all the answers you need. So DE hydration is weaponized. Imagine people in meetings thinking this stuff up. Like 6 feet apart.

California arrested people on the beach.

I always Loved water faucets!!! They ought to turn

Them all back on yesterday. Out here public fountains are on. Maybe an east coast thing?

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Up there with sand filled skate parks.

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Do we know what is in our drinking water even ,l would think it would be the same poisons in the chem trails.If it's in the sky sprayed many times daily.It is not for the good of our health.Trust no one.

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I read aluminum contamination is in water.

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Excellent point!

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I never drink water out of a tap or a fountain. Just like our food and air, our water is toxic and it doesn't matter where you live.

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Omg. I forgot about that! I'm pretty sure it will be the end of drinking fountains.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Never forget how retarded those times were. I think the real reason they banned the r-word was because it is the most accurate word to describe what is going on.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

Have you ever been around a new significant other who came down with a cold, when you hadn't had cold for over a decade; and, sure enough, two or three days later you had the same cold symptoms? - Well, I have and so I don't take any chances.

Children often put their mouths on fountain faucets. I NEVER drink from public faucets.

Take a bottle or some sort of container of water with you. I like Fiji water, so that's what I take. If I forget and leave it somewhere, no big loss.

People in Maine recycle returnable bottles. Even the beach trash cans get culled by less well to do folks for the returnables; and, at the transfer station (dump) in my town, there are 55 gallon drums set out for people to donate their returnables to the town's Senior Center. I don't know what the Senior Center does with the cash, but the Senior Center is well run and they must make good use of it.

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Some useful & some nonsequetors

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

It's spelled: non sequitur, not nonsequetors, however, non sequitur that may be...

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Another spell check failure of the misspelled!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

OK, but,

1. PCR is not a diagnostic tool.

2. Nowhere in the study shows # of amplifications of samples.

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Our science has become watered down propaganda starting with the desired conclusion and working backwards.

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I trust individuals, but not medical institutions anymore. I am unsure of taking any newer drugs.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

I see your point - however most PUC water is Chlorinated/Flouridated sewage treatment water with a bit of the sludge removed. But you're right - the genocidal monsters in charge would probably rather have us drink the Atrazine-poisoned/leached water in plastic containers to purposefully feminize the fighting-age men... turn your husband into your wife. "They're turning the frogs gay!" [Alex Jones]

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WOW! Shutting off the drinking fountains is about as silly as wrapping the playground equipment in cellophane! 😲 My daughter said that they actually did this there in Franklin, TN. That's crazy and expensive to taxpayers! ☹ In the very near future it will be said that "The COVID Conspiracy Killed The American Economy" like stabbing it in the back! It possibly has had a fatal wound but keeps crawling anyway. . .until it doesn't! 😥 IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!), it will all finally culminate with this U.S. Government enforcing "The Mark of the Beast": CHRISTIANITY, Revelation 13:18. This verse states that those who are wise will understand! 😊 I post publicly and freely on MeWe. STAY ALIVE NATURALLY!


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2 hrs agoLiked by Dee Dee

This is a bombshell report out of the UK.

NHS Director Blows the Whistle-Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate Covid Pandemic Numbers.


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