lots of people believe jabs work but only if everyone gets them, which in itself is already contradictory. Because if the jab works, why need everyone go and get one? If I want to run the risk of catching something, you will be protected, isn't that enough? of course, they read the articles about measles break out and lots of jabbers got sick too. Their unconscious does make the bridge - then they blame the unjabbed for the illness... forgetting they should have been protected - but they are NOT. I forwarded that pox article from yesterday to a needle worshiper who has a business, that he has to close business if he gets the shot because it is live and will shed. See what happens!
Think of the decades of lies and propaganda told everywhere throughout society blasted daily into schools, on signs, in advertisements, on television, on the internet, on the radio, in movies, in books, in magazines, by politicians and professors and news anchors, and social media, all telling the same lies and propaganda used for one purpose: to try to stop people from using the capability only humans have of reasoning; stop them from taking the time to consider what they hear, see and are told, and form one mind according to what the moneyed believe.
Since the cell phone and the internet (and soon the use of AI), their power over the mind has become the dream of every despot and dictator in history.
WOW! Bless him! It is spiritual logic that seemed lost to the masses. HA! Maybe that was one church that did not "drink the Kool-Aid" or give it out! 🤩 Many (Most?) churches went along with this gov's program and sadly, they will do so again! 😡 Yahshua the Messiah The Son of Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING came to SAVE US ALL and He will soon return. PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14 I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👪 👨👩👦 👨👩👧👦 👨👩👦👦👨👩👧👧
Good logic but I am still in awe how my church and so many other houses of worship swallowed the lies and government monies and pushed the vaxx. Did this happen in other countries.
If that's not a double duh... DUH! DUH!.... excuse me where is the line for court ordered quarantines - involuntary arrest and detension center bus?... First in line! "Admire people who speak the truth to you. A rude truth is good for your soul, it will slap you first but it will set you free." [Rahul Kaushik]
Do you know what your state law is regarding "isolation or quarantine"? You may be surprised it has one.
Washington State does. Here is just part of this law to show how state governments can take away your freedom if just one person, a local health officer, wants to do so:
WAC 246-100-040 Procedures for isolation or quarantine. (1) At
his or her sole discretion, a local health officer may issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.
A local health officer may invoke the powers of police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employees of any political subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the health department to enforce immediately orders given to effectuate the purposes of this section
Can't post meme posters here but there is a good one of a guy with his hands raised with the caption, "if my dog got three rabies shots in a year and still got rabies, I'd start asking some questions."
Yeah, remember when they came out with "breakthrough infection"? I was hoping it was all going to be over at that point. Breakthrough infection was another way of saying "didn't work". But people still lapped it up. The covid virus was so powerful, you see, it could break through the defenses of the safe and effective vaccine.
And then later they told us that the vaccines were never even intended to prevent infection. So what was all that talk about breakthrough infections then?
Evil has no logic.
This is a very important point. And strangely, it is easily missed.
That says it all!!! So glad I was not duped!
lots of people believe jabs work but only if everyone gets them, which in itself is already contradictory. Because if the jab works, why need everyone go and get one? If I want to run the risk of catching something, you will be protected, isn't that enough? of course, they read the articles about measles break out and lots of jabbers got sick too. Their unconscious does make the bridge - then they blame the unjabbed for the illness... forgetting they should have been protected - but they are NOT. I forwarded that pox article from yesterday to a needle worshiper who has a business, that he has to close business if he gets the shot because it is live and will shed. See what happens!
Common sense has flown the coop.
Think of the decades of lies and propaganda told everywhere throughout society blasted daily into schools, on signs, in advertisements, on television, on the internet, on the radio, in movies, in books, in magazines, by politicians and professors and news anchors, and social media, all telling the same lies and propaganda used for one purpose: to try to stop people from using the capability only humans have of reasoning; stop them from taking the time to consider what they hear, see and are told, and form one mind according to what the moneyed believe.
Since the cell phone and the internet (and soon the use of AI), their power over the mind has become the dream of every despot and dictator in history.
I'm thankful that you woke up and hopefully, many, many others will as well.
I totally agree that God did not intend for people to be murdered, have their health damaged, and becomes slaves to evil.
Common sense and critical thinking BOTH! 👍
... to another galaxy
WOW! Bless him! It is spiritual logic that seemed lost to the masses. HA! Maybe that was one church that did not "drink the Kool-Aid" or give it out! 🤩 Many (Most?) churches went along with this gov's program and sadly, they will do so again! 😡 Yahshua the Messiah The Son of Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING came to SAVE US ALL and He will soon return. PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14 I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👪 👨👩👦 👨👩👧👦 👨👩👦👦👨👩👧👧
It was an I.Q TEST that most people failed . . . sadly. LET THAT SINK IN FOR A MOMENT…
G-d bless the Padre!
Brave man to write this truth.👏🙏🕊️♥️
Good logic but I am still in awe how my church and so many other houses of worship swallowed the lies and government monies and pushed the vaxx. Did this happen in other countries.
Great read!
If that's not a double duh... DUH! DUH!.... excuse me where is the line for court ordered quarantines - involuntary arrest and detension center bus?... First in line! "Admire people who speak the truth to you. A rude truth is good for your soul, it will slap you first but it will set you free." [Rahul Kaushik]
Total truth
Perfectly said. !
Do you know what your state law is regarding "isolation or quarantine"? You may be surprised it has one.
Washington State does. Here is just part of this law to show how state governments can take away your freedom if just one person, a local health officer, wants to do so:
WAC 246-100-040 Procedures for isolation or quarantine. (1) At
his or her sole discretion, a local health officer may issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.
A local health officer may invoke the powers of police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employees of any political subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the health department to enforce immediately orders given to effectuate the purposes of this section
Can't post meme posters here but there is a good one of a guy with his hands raised with the caption, "if my dog got three rabies shots in a year and still got rabies, I'd start asking some questions."
100% ~ Reminds me of this one:
> "Thanking a 'vaccine' when you get COVID is like thanking a condom when you get pregnant."
Thank you. St. Alia! I just now added this great quote in several places in my "red pill" library:
> Library: BeyondC19.org
> Booster Dangers is one these locations:
-- https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/7552d175d3e5
Perfect example of how critical thinking almost completely disappeared during the COVID pandemonium.
Still taking an extended vacation among those readying their arms for the new thing.
Yes!! Well said, Yvette. 💯👍
Yeah, remember when they came out with "breakthrough infection"? I was hoping it was all going to be over at that point. Breakthrough infection was another way of saying "didn't work". But people still lapped it up. The covid virus was so powerful, you see, it could break through the defenses of the safe and effective vaccine.
And then later they told us that the vaccines were never even intended to prevent infection. So what was all that talk about breakthrough infections then?
...just sitting here shaking my head... in late summer 2024...