Knowing that this short test life is only temporary, should help one strive to be all our creator God wants us to be! I.e. opt in eternal Heaven Vs. default eternal Hell.

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Speculative! 😑

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Yes, God gave me a brain so that I could speculate on the thousand documented predictions of the coming life and death of Jesus Christ our Savior! Math expert Dr. Peter Stoner's book Science Speaks calculates the odds on those speculative predictions an odds ratio of 1in10 to the 17th power! Then you have contemporaneous documentation of 400 witnesses of Jesus's miracles [that got him killed,] as predicted 1000 years previous! Then you have the Dead Sea Scrolls bolstering all that! Then you have Pascal's Wager I.e. a philosophical argument that suggests that believing in God Jesus Christ is in a person's best interest! Knowing that not believing in God Jesus’s love is in evil Satan's interests! Without speculating!

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After 9/11, LOTS of "celebrities" have been forced to serve the regime that rules over the US political servants. The ones who didn't comply, were summarily "finished off."

Moreover, it looks like there is a bunch of abducted children, who have been groomed to become "celebrities":


Adrenochrome has been hitting the "alt" news for years, but there is more:


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Rest In Peace Lads and Lasses.

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Let’s hope that this pictorial of the demise of some ‘ more known musical artists ‘ assists to get the message out,

Dee Dee

It’s a very poignant and thought provoking memorial ; I thank you for,it ...

On a brighter note , it’s 4;30 am in Australia where I sit pondering where this predicament is at right now -

The outflowing of factual importance, the story that has actually taken place around the world , is about to be delivered to that world , by two of the most significant truth-sayers in world history; Trump : RFK -

Can the world - will the US be able to handle it ! ? ...is my question .

My answer is - they will have NO alternative , because these honest men mean no harm any more on this shocking tale of malfeasance - on a scale that only a megalomaniac could aspire ; for when the culprits are revealed , and their motives known , there will be revenge by the bereaved , and it will be swift , and exacting .... as we say in my country - “ warts and all “. Nothing ... nothing can be left out - or the world will forever regret it.

Thank you , again, Dee Dee , .... the end is now in plain sight. Thanks be to the 2024 election process.

Let the reparations commence in peace for the victims families.

Let the guilty feel the wrath of those victims families , when just penalty is carried out.

Les Kraft is, Les Catterwell

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What are you talking about, the general public is next we either sign up for the NWO or we will be "offed." Do you really think they'll come this far just to fail - I think not.

Trump, Musk and RFK Jr are all part of the NWO

There will be no just penalty for them just for those that don't comply.

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Would say 90% fully poison jabbed!?

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Celine Dion looks 20yrs older now vs. pics from her 2020 tour 😞.

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Agree, the shot has an aging effect...

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Raises the question. How many maimed?

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According to a Yahoo search, Céline Dion is still reported alive. It is indeed rumored that she's vaccine-injured. But more importantly, the late Paul Farmer, a Harvard-educated medical doctor, and anthropologist, is rumored to have died of a massive heart attack in beautiful Africa; it was rumored then he had undergone a mandatory C19 vaccination. As a sociologist-anthropologist, I was impressed by his understanding of Johan Galtung's structural violence theory. Which Farmer modernized for the 21st century [https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0030449].

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Celine is alive, but not well. She isn't suffering with from "vaccine induced" disease.


She has been afflicted with SPS (Stiff Person Sydrome) for well over 12 years now.

This was not publicly disclosed until a couple of years ago.

People (including a couple of prominent Substackers) declared she was obviously a jab victim.


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So many! Troubling that for so many younger ones "cause of death not disclosed." 😡 Why? Also a number died from medical complications. Would they have lived LONGER without BIG HARMA'S help? 😲

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Most are probably from the Covid death-jab vaccine.

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Fuck them, they were pushing and advertising clot shots...

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You bet they where absolutely true pre meditated murder with deliberate intent to cause permanent disability and death especially gates fauci Obama and Biden

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While pelosi and Biden got on national television getting injected with water DOD you all know the congress and senate was exzempt from the Covid 19 shots they all knew it was a biological warfare weapon of mass destruction they gave big pharmaceutical the money sighned the authorization get their names all of them tar and feather time

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They died from the Covid shot your government refuses to tell Americans the truth sue sue sue sue and sue phizer Moderna Johnson and Johnson FDA CDC HHS fauchi Obama gates and Soros the pentagon DOD DARPA CIA all American M.D.s nurses hospitals every last one of these cotton picking pre meditated murdering bastards for your sons daughters mothers fathers children grandparents get justice for your deceased loved one’s you can’t bring them back but you can break the government and military for injecting biological warfare weapons of mass destruction into your family members you saw died suddenly it’s a fact

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Absolutely agree, but knowing how corrupt USA system is Never going to happen...

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Start executing fauci bill gates Obama George Soros Peter Dazic FDA CDC HHS all the department heads that lied and covered up with the deep state DOD pentagon bio warfare program and all the congressman and senators that sighned the bill and funded the plandemic you bet your arse yes we can ruin this government and bankrupt it crimes against humanity genocide pre meditated murder are you kidding me who’s going to pardon your deceased son daughter mother father or my wife they permanently damaged my marriage phizer did I’m going after them carbon health phizer and Southwest Airlines you want to mandate I’m sueing for my loved ones grow a pair fight or be a coward hold their feet to the fire until they all burn in hell

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No guys no glory

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Send in the lawyers and pardon everyone so they can do it again Americans are fat and stupid on the coach potato show of mainstream media propaganda and you people eat this shit like hotdogs baseball apple pie and Chevrolet blinders on your eyes normalcy bias

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You can’t fix stupid

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Trudeau got all VIP shots but was heavily conflicted due his shared interest in vaccine companies. Corrupt despicable globalist criminal.

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Celine Dion is still alive.

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And her SPS was not vaccine induced... She's had it for over 12 years. Not disclosed. She continued working...


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Covid plandemic has murdered millions. Time for a new administration that actually cares about its people, this current one wants us gone.

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Was wondering not long ago if Mojo Nixon was still alive. Will always love his music. Got to see him solo in a basketball gym at a school in 1992. Thought he would have been too smart for the clot shot...

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