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Sep 23
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Or encouraging them to cut off their genitalia.

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Oh please like Trump isn't also funded by Jews who hate us. Stop being boomer cons and thinking Jews are good.

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They don't seem to be his 'beautiful vaccines' anymore

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For 'beautiful vaccines', cue satanic flu vibe. That's an anagram.

How anybody could ever believe the vaccines were or are beautiful is beyond me. Lots of people do sadly, even those who hate Trump. Still, logic was not their strongpoint.


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YES. They only do as they always do - throw dirt at each other. They are all the same. One pot of dirt. I still have to find out if I can write someone in. If not, I will leave a blank for president. Blank is better than all we can chose from! Even my dog would do a better job.

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Heh hee. Put him in as write in. I might write in some one, but likely not.

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100% AM

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Somewhat. What gets me is how many Christians/pro-life people are enthusiastically supporting candidates who are not only not pro-life, but who proudly claim responsibility for shots that caused deaths AND were developed using tissues from aborted babies.

I just cannot vote FOR evil, even if it is supposedly lesser. If I could vote against candidates, I would. But we can only vote for candidates.

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And no mention of the Christians being slaughtered in the ME, or Africa, but oh poor Israel...

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Every one blames Trump for the vaccines and not Pfizer. Biden mandated them, not Trump.

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People need to look at policy, not personality and will see a clear PROVEN choice which is Trump.

All Kamala keeps saying is she will solve what she HAS created and she is the one STILL in office and has done literally NOTHING for America!

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I gather she will unburden what has been or might have been.

Or perhaps it should be un-Biden what has been or might have been!

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I looked at Trump’s policies. He is for red flag laws and taking guns from people without due process. He is pro-abortion and pro-using the organs of aborted babies to develop pharmaceutical products. He signed away our sovereignty when he signed onto the USMCA. He promised to abolish the Dept of Ed and then appointed a globalist to lead it. He now promises to reform (and not abolish) agencies which regulate things the Constitution does not delegate to the federal government.

His party actively suppresses any candidates who are truly pro-life and pro-Constitution. So even the ‘platform’ argument fails.

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Pfauci too deserves blame. But jabs shamefully came under Trump’s watch, and he has not been clear eyed about the disaster that they are. Despite this Trump with RFKJR are a known quantity vs a radical socialist who hides from the people.

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The problem was that without the rush to create the vaccines we would not have had a big red flag to those who didn't already realise that vaccines were useless if not harmful.

So in that sense they were not a disaster. If we had gone on as before things would have only continued to get worse.

The sudden raising of the temperature as it were made the wise frogs jump out of the pot. The potty frogs stayed in and got boiled alive.

It has all been a great shock to the system but sadly necessary.

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Necessary? Maybe. I have to think there could have been other ways to wake people up. It is yet to be seen whether this was sufficient to achieve critical mass for medical freedom and freedom from medical fraud. Looking back on the wake of utter destruction left by lockdowns, jabs, masks, mandates, deaths, job losses, and iatrogenocide, which resonate to this day, it is hard to find a silver lining, and certainly no net benefit.

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It is very hard I know. I have since July 2018 a facial palsy (LHS), deaf in left ear with balance issues, tounge part affected and persistant tiredness. I would rather not have these things yet because I did and do I would not have understood all I do now.

I would not have undergone unecessary and very likely harnful immunotherapy in 2020, yet doing so meant I saw how ridiculous the NHS was and how bad and the medical profession had become.

So I am eternally grateful for these things. I would not choose it again , but it was necessary that I understood.

Too few people understood what was going on in its utter depth of deception and I only saw some things.

But I believe this is the working out of the prophecies of Revelation and all will come right in the end. But we must also fight like the blazes as that is what life is about.

As to lockdowns for example I wrote this on my WordPress site where I started in 2020.


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Sorry for your hardships and I wish you well.

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No the ones that will never wake will never get there. Because they say: without my jab it would have been so MUCH WORSE, I might have died. AS they suffer from turbo cancers (appendix etc) rare autoimmune diseases like cytothrombopenia (think that's the right spelling). Leukemia, etc. Oh, and atypical clots, lots of those. Myocarditis (permanent destruction of heart tissue, you don't HEAL from it stupids, the heart muscle is permanently DAMAGED) etc. Babies getting heart attacks - hey, its normal and it happens! Dont worry nothing to do with the jabs!!

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Trump proudly claims to have pushed them through the development process (which included using organs from aborted babies).

And the policy/platform of the R party is pro-abortion. They claim they want to limit it to a certain age, but they have no problem using (and profiting from) the products made from aborted babies. Abolitionists are suppressed in that party.

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Trump was also raised in Godless dumb-down education times! He is not an infallible god! So who do you want for a president, Kammie the Godless baby-killing commie, OR God and country, capitalist MAGA, Donald Trump?

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Neither. Both are baby-killers, both are tyrants, neither loves God.

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Neither, both are Jew tools.

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They don't understand a president can not be an expert on everything, that's why he has advisors, unfortunately for Trump his advisors lied to him routinely.

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(((advisors))) I.e. neo-con Jews.

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I think the Biden and Harris loving Democrats don't blame Trump or Pfizer as they have yet to work out that the vaccines are if anything harmful. The fact he allegedly helped speed up the process despite the fact that the long term effects had not been monitored with suitable trials shows how dim they are.

They hate Trump but the vaccines are good?? Sheesh!

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Over the bibles three score and ten years and in that time not voted that many times! If I did vote it was for the least rotten apple of the bunch!? Now I realise they are all rotten to the core---so pass on the voting. Shall keep writing about them and try to expose the satanic evil that is in them etc! ESTABLISHMENT/CELEBS/MSM/LAW/COPS/COUNCILS/POLITICIANS etc can only be described as SATANIC EVIL !&STARDS!--Video worth watching and it shows what the public are up against. Cover up/protect at all costs and worse it gets the higher you go in society1?---https://youtu.be/8JOjDj3A5Cs?si=Q4heeES6-HfN00rJ

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Sitting at home and not voting is why we are where we are. Vote proven America first policy, not personality.

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My opinion: Voting is picking which head of the hydra you want to eat you.

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Yes! And even then, the process to get on the ballot, the voter roles, and the voting machines are all rigged. It is a complete farce set up by the hydra.

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A vote for Kamala or any democRAT is a vote to further America towards communism. All one has to do is look at democRAT members of Congress voting records, statements and actions. Yes that goes for some RINOs as well, but predominantly the democRAT party is 100% against America.

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LOL, they are all against America, they are all funded by the foreign government of Israel through AIPAC and dual loyalty American Jews. Miriam Adelson gave Trump 100 million dollars.

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A political version of cutting off your nose to spite your face?

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Voting for AIPAC puppet Jew tools is why we are at, where we are at. Unless you are voting for Massie, stay home and prep and don't buy into Jew lies.

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Vote like your life depends on it, because mandatory poison jabs are a democRAT policy!

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Yes, only voluntary poison jabs are a Republican policy. They should all be illegal of course.

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Voluntary unless the government can prove that it is safe, then it can be mandated by said government. (Those are the words of RFKJ.) And we know how that goes.

And certainly not voluntary for the babies whose organs were used to develop the shots.

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I recall Trump saying something about Military operations & warp speed.

The DEMONcrats are no better. America is a captured operation.

Sorry, the people never threw out the belligerent gov. & replaced it with people that actually work for the people.

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You have to remember Trump is a business man, not a medical “professional” and he as did most of America, relied on Gov medical establishment bureaucrats like Fauci et al for medical direction; Trump and We the People were knowingly, williingly and with intent lied to by Gov medical establishment!

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THAT is the story THEY vomit out to the people. The fact is that Trump holds dual citizenship to Israel & does not have our best interest at heart. Didnt they just put his head on a COIN?

His buddy Fauci has no loyalty to this country & carries out NOTSEE experimentation on humanity. Trump knew. He's not an idiot. But he IS a paid ACTOR remember. "You're fired".

I'm not trying to be a jerk here. I had to take a step back & see for myself just how brainwashed I once was via. media. operations & propaganda.

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Did you know that God Jesus holds a dual citizenship with his favorite nation, Israel, and promises wrath to its enemies? So do I trust you, or God Jesus?

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Only YOU can answer that. You have to follow your heart, gut & brain.

I suppose it would matter if you followed the Ancient Greek or the Hebrew. Peace.

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How silly of you! So you don't believe God Jesus's Bible, Right? It's just a "follow your gut & brain world, [as Hitler did] Right?

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I just attempted a search about your claim Trump holds dual citizenship and found none. You also claim Trump knew about Fauci unethical experiments, but again I found no evidence. You claim Trump is an actor, yet ignore the multitude of his business accomplishments before his television experience which was just another business venture for him, not an acting career.

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Back in 2018 there was TONS of information on Jewwatch.org. The internet is basically useless nowadays for REAL information. & Snopes is a See aye aye venture. You may still be able to find info on Trumps REAL ancestry. His real family name is Drumpf. German decent.

Sorry you felt that I ignored the fact that he is a business man. WHO bailed him out when Tajma Hall was in trouble? I'm not TRYING to be difficult. I've been following Fauci's mayhem since 2008... I assumed Trump would KNOW what kind of people he surrounds himself with. I'm just doing simple math. I did NOT want the conclusion that I found. I DID vote for DJT....btw.

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Trump is a zionist. He gave adelson's widow the presidential medal of freedom and she gave him hundreds of millions. Trump also said on video, I'm not a Christian. Don't interpret this to mean support for the cackling hyena deep state puppet. There is going to be a potus and trump is better. I threw up a little when I wrote that. We'll see. No politician should be elevated to hero status. No politician should be believed. No one is coming to save us. I might vote for trump one more time or I might not vote at all. I haven't decided. Every vote, every cycle, every year, things get worse. Withdrawing consent looks pretty good at this point.

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Well said Wilson!

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LOL, like Trump didn't rush through the poison gene therapy mislabled a vaccine.

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I won't REGISTER to "vote." Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

The for-profit corporation, USA Inc., appoints its officers, holds "elections" to maintain the illusion We have a say, "counts" the "votes," and tells Us who "won" (who They appointed).

I cannot consent to that whole psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground. When enough of Us so stand, They will have no power and We can co-create vastly better.

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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I came across this after seeing your post. Excellent point...it is distasteful. However... If Christians are not engaged with politics, decisions will be made by people who think God is irrelevant and that the truth of God's word doesn't exist.

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I agree, Christians should be engaged in politics. We should be calling for abolition of abortion and assisted suicide and refusing to vote for any candidate who is not pro-life.

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Old Roman history tells us that type chang can only happen in "Creator" inspired nations! NOT neo-Sodom Gamorra LGBTQIA+ school & media promoting Hell-bound nations where the Gov. plays/ is your god!

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I think it would be wise to dial back and look at the SOURCE of the abortion problem... irresponsible sex on the part of typically young men and women. Fixing it at the ballot box after the horse has left the barn is no fix at all. This is the role of parents first and society second.

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I agree that parents need to be discipling their children in every area, sex included. They also need to refuse to inject aborted fetal cells into their children. But the civil government has a responsibility to protect innocent lives, especially the pre-born.

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It is up to the states now. But people stop thinking at the point where their prejudices end. (not pointing a finger). When you force those unwanted children into the world, the abuse and neglect magnifies exponentially. I think the daddies ought to take the upper hand. We should have stopped with the 'boys will be boys' mentality a looong time ago. Always easier to blame the soft target...the girls. Males are usually the aggressors in making those babies. That frankly is not the government's responsibility. How moral do you imagine our current batch of politicians to be? Many many of them have funded abortions for the women in their lives. We have a long hill to climb back to a sound society.

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My opinion: Voting is picking which head of the hydra you want to eat you.

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YES, when government is your only salvation, death is your only reward, but under the Jesus' plan you pick life in his Heaven! Remember this short life is only a test!

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Voting does not seem to matter now, especially with electronic voting machines and the fact the both “sides” are manipulated by the same people. I know it is hard for most people to stomach the fact that our votes don’t matter. It has been drilled into us since childhood what a privilege and responsibility it is to vote but when all the choices are total garbage why support the system at all? We need a radical change. I wrestle with this because I want to vote but I also feel it’s pointless and that I am being manipulated into yet another divide and conquer narrative. We must transcend divide and conquer narratives to have a better society and future.

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Vote and get too big to rig, only 16% of evangelicals vote and only 30% of gun owners do. If we all get out there they can not rig it, especially with the law changes in the last four years.

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Is there a pro-life, pro-gun candidate on the ballot?

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Yes, DJT.

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One with a good track record of governance on issues, with RFKJR fired up to help our children get healthy (who knows the dealio with jabs) vs one who hides hers plans to turn this country into a socialism cesspool and who has no accomplishments at the federal level. Now is the time to get excited to turn out and vote for the health of our country and children.

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The end result will always be the same. The bribed, blackmailed, & breached will do the bidding of the globalist unselected. We are a captured commodity. The PROOF to that is that we have NO REAL government installed by the people. We were taken over by a belligerent cabal who's goal it is, is to bring us to our knees in the most humiliating ways.

Most, if not ALL politicians hold dual citizenship to guess who.

The game is rigged. It's all a clown show. FACT!

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I wish people would write in Alan Collinge.


For me it's a matter of 45k (illegally ballooned from 18k) which should have been discharged 7 years ago. The blue and red make it all these other issues as a distraction to try to keep us enslaved. So they can roll out that central bank digital currency. blue and red are both pushing the bioweapon on us.

I'm pro all life.

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I’ve not heard of this guy. Thanks for sharing. I’ll take some time to hear what he says.

I still have no trust in the voting system, but if he is truly pro-life and pro-Constitution, I could at least vote for a candidate without violating my conscience.

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They poisoned the world and now we are supposed to vote for any of them? Not one of them talks at all about the sickness and death happening all around us. I will not be participating in “electing” any more criminals. I want trials and hangings, not elections.

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Right. None of them talk about the sickness and death all around us. the obvious conclusion is that all of them are reptilians and this is a plan.

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