😭😢😭😢 I feeeel so sorry.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

You reap that which you sow. #NeverForget #NoAmnesty #DoNotComply

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

If we lived in a just world his "security team" would've already taken care of the situation.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee


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well put

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Or made a gangway so that 'Jack Ruby' could get through to the front.

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Well, the guard walking behind wears a mask so he must be afraid that the bug may bite him. The Fauci's are carriers!

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I was thinking he's probably insanely embarrassed to be part of the entourage.

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Please everyone note how PBS is nakedly touting the State’s propaganda. Do not donate to it.

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Consider it not done! I really haven't watched since I got my own copies of Monty Python and Red Dwarf anyway.

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Get The League Of Gentlemen too!

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

Tony had no compassion for the AIDs victims whom he further victimized in the 80s by withholding off-label meds that were found to help with the Kopese's (sp?) Sarcoma.

He tortures beagle puppies for God's sake.

He should have something he's done to those puppies done to him.

My Dad now has Afib from the clot shots. and I'm heartbroken.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

He is an evil scumbag…responsible for the maiming and deaths of so many innocent people …and the beagles. Healing prayers for your dad.

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thank you!

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Be sure to cut his vocal cords so he couldn't scream like was done to the Beagle puppies. Although maybe not, it could be rather good to hear the mass murdering scum bag scream.

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May I recommend you increase your security detail you’re gonna fucking need it

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Tell it like it is Tim!!!! I concur.

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Tim Holt was also the name of a Cowboy Star of the 30s

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Jack and son Tim Holt……Treasure of the Sierra Madre………I have my own comic books! I am a better shot! I am old , but bet you are older! Hang strong!

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8th decade here

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

What a complete waste of our tax money. He should be paying his security with all the millions he raked in from pharma and his deadly patents.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

His wife is as corrupt and evil as he is.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

Prison provides 24/7 protection ‼️

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

Shower shank.

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The penalty for treason is death, not prison.

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Not for Epstein.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

He'll get his comeuppance, just not soon enough! Evil, ugly skank!!!

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The video should be entitled Tony’s last days

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

Almost cried…. Did the roses got tested for Covid or bird flu. I feel bad for the guy wearing a mask outdoors walking imagine if he had to chase someone down 😖

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servant class wears mask while Tony pretends to be like us...

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Hypoxia in that head. Agreed.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

I would say that he will in the future need REALLY good security as we move up the bell curve of death that he is responsible for. Someone will at some point, be willing to sacrifice their own life to take out this lying scum bag mass murderer. It is just a matter of time before he gets what he so richly deserves.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

After all the time of death and destruction by this man I’m really surprised he is still breathing. And B&MG too.

But I love your comment. Best I’ve seen. I feel that too…especially from a few momma bears.

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Me too.. I have already lost friends and relatives because of this monster. At 73 I never expected to witness something like this. Both my boys are injected. I worry every day I will get “the call”. And this monster is still allowed to walk the earth a free man? We live in a time of great depravity and insanity. My God help us all.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

She’s a he btw an invert

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And not pleasant to look at.

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Jun 14Liked by Dee Dee

Why are We the people paying for his security & not the man who makes more than the president of the united states 🤔 corrupt government representatives who allow it! MAKE SURE YOU VOTE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM OUT OF OFFICE! Get involved to find their replacement! You don't have to wait for a Trump endorsement if you can trust yourself to vet them.

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Fvck him. Most of us have spent his whole life protecting him. For peanuts compared to his taxpayer grifted, CDC - Pfizer - payoffs. If he slips and falls in his old age - I don't care.

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