You're at it early this morning Dee

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When I think about that room, I think about the film "The Shining" and the axe murderer.

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...and room 237, and all impossible the corridors which lead nowhere...

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Maybe someone can place a hidden camera in these rooms where the psychopaths plot their agenda to rule the world while they do their best to wipe us out. And play the recordings for all to see and hear when they are brought up for crimes against humanity.

The Nazis didn’t lose World War 2. That’s just a storyline to make us believe that the good guys prevailed. The Nazis through the help of US and UK intelligence snuck into the governments and are now waging war against us all.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I’m pretty certain that anyone in that room either signs a contract or explicitly understands that to deviate from the plan or to expose any of the behind-closed-doors shenanigans results in complete destruction or death to self and family. I’m with you though!

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Sadly, it seems to me that Adolf Hitler WON! Two thirds of the Jews in Europe were murdered.

Most likely he lived to be about 90 living in luxury on a mountain top in Ecuador pretending to be a Roman Catholic priest. He was praised as a faithful servant of The Christian Vatican in Rome. "Operation Paperclip" brought over Nazi scientists and doctors. This is one BIG reason we have Fauci's Ouchies here. This U.S. Government turned its ruling power over to the Papacy many decades ago. One of these days it will force those who don't accept Christianity (a.k.a. The Mark of the Beast!) to be murdered like the Jews were and are!

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Sure they are after "religious exemption".

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I have a sneaking suspicion that some of our independent agencies are the conduit through which they do it.


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The WEF tells everyone exactly what they have planned.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

the communists who murdered 1-200 million of their own people beginning in 1917 and continuing to the present day never get mentioned of course.

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Well. . .IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) THE EVIL THEY never had COVIDS or took Fauci's Ouchies.

But they want us to take them! And, who knows how much shedding (as promised from Pfizer!) from the quackcinated is going on? Methinks that the nefarious have MORE evil plans for the jabbed and 5G. This will further decimate this fragile Earth. The WISE are choosing to stay well naturally! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. Holistic Healing: EarthClinic.com. HAPPY SEVENTH DAY OF HANUKKAH! 🕎 Tomorrow is the eighth and final day. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

White rooms have black curtains to keep out the light--and us tired starlings, doing our best in what's left of this black-roof country whose yellow-brick road gold pavement has said goodbye in such a sad time. Such rooms are situated near the station so elites can make quick getaways once truth prevails.

H/T: Pete Brown, Bernie Taupin, Elton John, & L. Frank Baum.

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“As proof of their loyalty, the ones giving the shots, took them as well.” The question there is, did those giving the jabs, actually take the jabs with the poison 🤔. Some of them for sure, as they were willing sheep, but all?

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You do some good work I always enjoy your truthful wit.

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