Wow. I guess I'm stupid... LOL! The garbage They spout to get People to slow-kill Themselves. Excellent article!

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Psychology, as construced and practiced, is the textbook clinical example of a Mass Formation Psychosis Narcissistic Pathology Paradigm at minimum by own rules out of the box. You won't begin to understand the Observations of Psychology, until you understand the psychology of Psychology. To understand the psychology of Psychology, use the Objective Hypocrisy Test, Own Words and Actions against Own Rules.

Psychology's childhood is hopelessly damaged dissociated from objective sciences and own rules, that's why there's Methodology/Integrity problems all thru the paradigm.

Constant and Exponential Own Rule Violations.

The mAsKs and shutdowns and covid19 vaXX DON'T WORK - the so called experts in human behavior can't see the massive gaslight in today's environment. This is because they lack the Aptitude to do a science, the Integrity insight of own words walk.

Lack the Most Empathy Model, thus lacks Empathy. Won't adopt the Most Empathy Model because Psychology doesn't accept Constructive Criticism.

Likely the best "diagnosis" for Psychology is: Sunk Cost Syndrome + Deep Pockets Syndrome + some form of Narcissism Sociopathy Psychopathy and Sadism all rolled into one.

Narcissism at minimum, or the kids get the cash.

Sent the $10,000 Challenge for Children's Charity off to the CEO of Psychology Today, moments ago.

Objective Systems Analysis my Profession, Psychology is disordered by own rules out of the box.

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Like any of their labels mean shit at this point. When you don't give a shit, you don't care what people think anymore. They can take this label along with the others and shove them up their collective asses. Don't come at with a needle as it will not end well for the one holding it.

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I'm sure there is a term for the opposite, too: all my big mistakes in my life came from overestimating someone or a few people. :)

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I AGREE! I know one who took Fauci's Ouchies (2 Moderna) in early 2021. He virtually is doing

nada to counteract any damage. 🤔 He did not take any more. That's something! Is it possible that

most of the jabbed still believe that they did (or are doing) the right thing by taking them?

I believe that THE EVIL THEY have covered all of THEIR bases. Sadly, we may have yet to see the

WORST outcome in this WHOLE COVID CRAP CALAMITY! SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. Holistic Healing: EarthClinic.com. 🌲


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One problem we have is that there were a seemingly significant percentage of Covid-19 vials sent to states governed by Democrats which appear to have contained placebo; and. a lesser percentage of placebo vials to states governed by Republicans. Thus, in all states, there are many people who opted for the jabs; understandably did not suffer any adverse event(s); and, truly believe they are protected by the "vaccine". There is absolutely nothing one can say or pass to such people that will convince them the jabs are dangerous and not to get any more jabs and not to try to influence others to get the jabs.

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100% agree, so I live in a Blue state but a Red city...we got the bad ones...my distant family got the good ones...my hope is the trend continues because no one is listening to me.

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I had wondered about that, since I live in Maine which is Democrat governed, but is spit in half politically, with the southern half of the state primarily Democrat, but the northern half primarily Republican. I'm an independent, living in the southern half, and I don't know of any people who got the jab and experienced adverse event outcomes, except for a vet who took the J&J; passed out; and ended up on a vent for a week. But, I'm nevertheless keeping my distance from people whenever possible.

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Well then there is the thought about 5G tech being in Fauci's Ouchies that can be activated with massive radiation from 5G towers. Like tomorrow on October 4. ???


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Very interesting, he didn't take anymore...Here's one, I know someone who rushed out immediately to John Hopkins (drove a long way) at the beg of the vaccination push, to get the ONE J&J injection being offered and "required" (no boosters ever mentioned). That was the only one she EVER took, however professes to believe in COVID...

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The article in this link (quoted above) actually supports "vaccines" and assumes that those who don't are overestimating their abilities:


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Called low IQ projection

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Yep, anyone who refuses the most sacred miracle elixir is stupid. How could anyone even consider refusing the most "safe and effective" miracle elixir? It has save countless billions of lives! 🤡

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Are you blanking kidding me? It never ceases to amaze me the lengths these “incurable morons” will go! It’s no wonder they can continually lie cheat steal and scream at anyone who thinks for him or herself. The “AIRPLANE KAREN MORON” who lost her mind screaming like a lunatic is a perfect example of a sociopath. The past few years brought the “NUTJOBS” out of their shells and they are everywhere trying desperately to feel relevant and sadly, they believe they are! LOL!

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right! When you have to go to such lengths to cover up the lies...

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With all the airplane shenanigans of the last few years you need to be more specific. If you are talking about the "that m-f'er is not real" woman, I think she was either experiencing a break or a bad reaction to ambien.

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If you remember correctly, the phrase “Karen” was coined for one particular airline incident. The woman, I don’t know her name, began screaming insanely at an individual to put his mask on. All the other airline incidents are for a different reason and yes some of those situations I understand were potentially medically related. To be clear, “Karen” was the name coined for this one particular incident. I hope this doesn’t offend you or anyone else, that was not my intention whatsoever. Thanks for pointing out my mistake.


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I was not offended and that was who I thought you meant, just wasn't sure. There was also that flight attendant who got in the face (so to speak) of that clever young man who built a lit up reader board into his mask as a protest. She was less unhinged but still falls under the broad "karen" category.

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Also I forgot to mention and as I said earlier, I am not an expert, I have done an extensive research since covid started and I have learned a tremendous amount of information. In my office building I ran into a nurse who teaches home health care. She asked me if I knew anything about detoxification from the spike protein from these shots. She told me five of her coworkers were forced to take the injection and three of them got very sick. I sent her Dr Peter McCullough’s detox protocol and about 3 or 4 weeks later she told me all five are feeling a million times better and the three very sick women were now back at work. I don’t know anything other than, I would trust my life to Dr McCullough, he has over a thousand peer reviewed studies in his career and was censored immediately when Covid started. With that said, the 5’nurses couldn’t thank me enough. All I did was suggest they look into Dr McCullough’s protocol for spike detoxification. IMO, this is all I believe life is about. Helping and learning each other. I mentioned this because it may help your friends if they will listen to you. Have a great day.


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You may not be an "expert" by reason of letters or certificates but you have certainly gained expertise. After the Mrs. received a cancer diagnosis and was rushed into the cancer meat grinder we became what I call "armchair oncologists" which led to subsequently becoming "armchair epidemiologists". We devoured books, watched videos, and consulted with natural healers and such. Thank God her scans are clear and we veered from the road of the Cancer Industrial Complex. Some lasting damage was done via their heavy metal poisons but God used it to pry open our eyes and keep us from succumbing to the covid craziness. Silver lining, in addition to awakening, is that we have found communities of like-minded, freedom-loving folks to converse and commiserate with, both in person and virtually.

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So, what's the term for those persons whose comparatively higher level of cognition leads them to believe they are much smarter than they actually are? This is where I would place anyone who is of above average intelligence, but truly thinks the jab is "safe and effective". - To them, I would pass one of those two handled cork screws and suggest they apply it to their rear end to pull the plug out so they can empty themselves. (Eww!)

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We have friends who consider themselves experts in their fields (and they are) and I think they then credit the health "experts" with the same level of competence and integrity as they have. They took the jabs early on and bought all the covid craziness. I think some level of sanity may have returned as I don't think any have gotten all the "boosters." Our talks early on were basically listened to and dismissed. One has early onset Parkinson's, another has trigeminal neuralgia. Both dismiss the jabs as causal or contributory, because that's what the "experts" tell them.

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It’s incredibly sad that. 1) your friends are having issues and 2) is the fact that I am not an expert by any means and I’m open to learning after all isn’t learning part of life and helping each other better understand? Maybe I’m being naive but I have had my fill of being screamed at by those same type of people who believe they are always right. Learning has never been about being always right, IMO life is simply understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses and learn from each other after all we’re all imperfect. I guess some people believe they’re perfect and everything they know is superior to anyone else’s knowledge. It’s quite sad they’re now having health issues, I do wish them well.


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well said

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Makes me wonder about the underlying beliefs that those who revere the shots (Covid et all) hold while having disdain and arrogance for anyone who passed on them. In my nearly 73 years as a living human being it’s apparent that this holy temple comes equipped with a highly functional immune system that works far better with way less risks than the man made junk that’s praised as some kind of savior. The one question I ask is who are the real idiots here.

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yeah, wondering about the underlying beliefs of those who loved Covid too, that's a scary thought...

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I would like to put agnostics and atheists in that camp, but I know far too many Christians who readily opted for the jab(s); so my best guess to your question is that they are either scientifically illiterate/incompetent or have a financial conflict of interest which colors their judgement.

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There are few forces that motivate like fear which the media constantly injected into people’s minds to prep them for the injection that went into their arms. Once again the devil used our weakness to convince so many of us to do something irrational and potentially dangerous.

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I saw good people take it for the benefit of the doubt, to save other people. One gal is dying of cancer.

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That really sucks.

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My brother told me that’s why he got the two shots…to help others. Yet one more form of coercive propaganda - preying upon peoples’ goodness. A few days later he died of turbo cancer.

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so sorry for your loss, it's diabolical to prey upon goodness

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The DK effect probably explains the existence of virology.

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Just because I have common cents in my pocket and that makes me poor; it sure as shirley does not make me dumb. Let's say they are the evil genius brigade boot lickers. They make their living pretending to be smart.

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Fixed it for you

"Predictably, they’ve extended The Dunning-Kruger Effect to anyone who took the shot(s)." Seems more accurate to me.

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I remember reading this study when first published and it was also found people of high intelligence routinely underestimated their own intelligence.

So, the low intelligence people overestimate their true intelligence and the truly intelligent underestimate their intelligence.

This should make it achingly clear how messed up the influences of the world truly are.

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