Wow, what liars … all of a sudden.

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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

More data massage and false conclusions to go with in this dystopian nightmare.

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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

We most certainly could've expected this.

Good grief!

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Well, there ya have it. I mean, it’s the CDC.

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this criminal organization should be dismantled ASAP before they kill half the population by their lies and neglect - or more to the point, their being bribed by big harma

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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

Stay #pureblood people! I saw an interview Hotez was giving on the fake news claiming that DHS is needed for people who won’t take the vax from a while ago. Homeland security coming after us for doing nothing but living our lives instead of taking an experimental shot? Really? Couple that with the recent talk of a bird flu pandemic and you know where that leads.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

I've read in several places that there is no longer any such thing. We've got shedding going on, "it's" in the food, water, etc ...... And yeah, I read about the imbecile hotez. Crazy world!

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The CDC is bought by big pharma.

As is the FDA

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Do NOT expect an admission of guilt…… ever. Everyday that goes by, more vax( poison jab) related deaths and cancers appear but these mortalities will not be attributed to the fucking shot

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I believe them. Why would they lie to us? I am going to call the widow of a 55 year old (daily runner) and friend of mine and tell her that his “sudden death” definitely had nothing to do with the MRNA injections he got. She thought there might be a connection. It was probably caused by climate change or that gas station sushi he used to buy.

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So sad. 😰

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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

Perhaps a bad case of coincidence. There's a lot of that going around. Family and friends are counted among that number. Coincidence can also lead to nasty cancer. Also among some friends.

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gas station sushi, LOL

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And we are expected to believe the CDC….not in a million years for the stunt and inhumanity they pulled with bad info on the COvID and pushing a lethal mandate on THE WORLD.

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Well then.

“The Science Is Settled”

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💰 💴

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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

If people actually believe this shit... 🙄. I am shocked that my eyes aren't permanently rolled up 🙄.

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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee


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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

Wonder why Oregon, a state with decriminalized drugs, massive homeless and a highly liberal government was chosen.

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I figured the got the lighter dose being so liberal...

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The answer to your question is in the award-winning educator John Gatto's book, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling! " Thirty years in New York City’s public schools led John Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory schooling does little but teach young people to follow orders like cogs in an industrial machine."

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Aug 9Liked by Dee Dee

Such liars! Whatever they say, I do the opposite. They are shills for big pharma!

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The blatant in our face coverup continues with Gov “misinformation”! So misinformation is oky doky, as long as done by Gov 🤬.

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‘The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized.’~Ralph Smart

2 weeks ago, my mom had a positive Covid test at a local urgent care, due to showing flu-like symptoms. She was pretty sick for a week. Last night she was starring at my 3 children and I, wondering how we ALL had escaped getting it? I said very calmly, ‘Mom, we were all born with an innate, natural immune system. Our bodies naturally fight off the virus. The difference between us, is you took all of the Covid shots.’ She looked at me and said ‘You snot!’

…I will only speak about Covid, if I’m spoken to about it. Until then, I will continue to witness the destruction in silence.

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You poor girl. . .to have a mother say that to you! 😥 Don't let her horrible attitude stop you from telling the truth! I made business- size cards with a message to not "get jabbed" on one side and a Bile verse on the other. I gave three out today. People are now thanking me for them. Looks like now it's "word of mouth" getting the truth out about the poisonous Fauci's Ouchies! 😊

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How very sad. I will say this, though... There are no viruses, and what We have is a detox system. I do recommend reading the book, "Can You Catch a Cold," by Daniel Roytas. He shows the lies and deception well. No such thing as contagion, nor virus...

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Mothers and daughters have the most complicated — including sublimely beautiful and grotesquely ugly — relationship on the earth (in my unsolicited and ignorant [being neither a mom nor a girl] opinion). Moms don’t take gentle critiques from their daughters very easily, do they? 😊

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That was just nasty on her part and tough to her on yours,… but for your own sake - and hers - it’s probably worth trying to let that go?

Chicken soup for mom and a dose of self-love for yourself. ❤️

If she is that vaxxed-up, this cold is now the least of her worries.

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Aug 10Liked by Dee Dee

* hear

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Thank you 🙏 I’m very good about letting go and letting God, one day at a time.

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