Doubt there are 60 negative pressure rooms in the whole state of Kansas lol

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Those symptoms are probably the result of VAIDS, not a problem of bacteria https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/koch's-postulates-germ-school-dropout:a , but from the injected "bio cyber interface" https://rainbowcoalition.substack.com/p/mama-bear-and-network-technician

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What is the deal with chemotherapy for tx of TB? That seems incongruent

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AGREED! Chemotherapy uses poison to kill cancer, but it also kills the patient. It destroys the immune system. My husband died with the doctor's assistance...gave him Ensure to help him gain weight (first ingredient: high fructose corn syrup).. The tumor took off and grew like mad. I got rid of tumors twice by eliminating the CAUSE, I was eating dairy, which contained excess protein and fat the first time; the second time too much honey...excess carbs. When I removed the offending foods...in less than three months both tumors disappeared. I found if you don't feed tumors, they won't grow (if they are caused by food). Nothing grows without a fuel. Then, there are environmental causes, such as, radiation from cell phones, etc.. I don't use one...and I wouldn't have a microwave in my home, either. If people want health, it is a DIY thing. Do your own research and discover what has caused the problem.

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The treatment for tuberculosis (TB) typically involves a combination of antibiotics over a prolonged period, usually 6 to 9 months. The specific regimen often includes:

Initial Phase (first 2 months):

Isoniazid (INH)

Rifampin (RIF)

Pyrazinamide (PZA)

Ethambutol (EMB)

Continuation Phase (next 4 to 7 months):

Isoniazid (INH)

Rifampin (RIF)

This treatment regimen is known as the first-line therapy for TB. It's crucial to complete the full course to ensure that the bacteria are completely eliminated and to prevent the development of drug-resistant TB.

In some cases, if the TB is resistant to first-line drugs (multi-drug-resistant TB or MDR-TB), second-line drugs might be used, and the treatment may take much longer.

In addition to antibiotics, patients are advised to rest, maintain a nutritious diet, and avoid spreading the infection to others (by following proper hygiene practices and sometimes isolation).

Regular follow-up with a healthcare provider is necessary to monitor for side effects and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

If you or someone you know is undergoing TB treatment, it's important to adhere strictly to the prescribed regimen and keep medical appointments.

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Ok- but these are all antibiotics, right?? So together would they be called Chemotherapy?

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Antibiotics wipe out healthy bacteria as well as unhealthy ones. Natural immunity is lost for a period of time...I have read up to two years or more. In some cases, it might never come back.

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Oh, I agree and understand… I am just trying to clarify why the CDC is calling a host of antibiotic regiment “chemotherapy “.

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These are drug-oriented medical answers. In the past, the person was sent to a sanitarium for rest, fresh air and sunshine; plus given nutritious food. The Medical Industry is soulless - meaning it is not into asking our Creator for simple answers. I have had serious problems too, but I am totally into the Creator who had the power to create a habitable planet and all life. I believe the Creator knows more than this Medical Industry. Hosea 4: 6. "My people perish from lack of knowledge...because you have rejected my knowledge, I will also reject you."

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health food with high fructose corn syrup LOLOL. I notice that in some supplements (like the vit D capsules) there are vegetable oils and HFCS.

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unauthorized population x Experimental biomedical, procedure jab

x Polar, vortex, cold weather x

GMO crappy foods, destroying G.I. tract

5G microwave, EMF radiation

Fluoride water

Chemtrails, Geo engineering cloud, seeding of aluminum strontium barium, titanium dioxide, silver oxide

Spike proteins, and Nanotech nano bots nano robots, self assembling technology

Graphene carbon and polymer nano technology

in blood of vaccinated and people who have been brain raped by 3 inch Q-tip poked up their brain to their cribriform plate blood brain barrier for pcr test

Captured agencies of FDA EPA USDA CDC NIH HHS

Maybe more productive not to list 20 30, 40 or 50 insults, assaulting humans in America and earth today, but just simply get to the root of it all

Our Captured corrupt criminal homicidal government is trying to kill us, actively in genocide.




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Nailed it. Collapsed immunity from complement immunity being jabberood out of existence. This means, no system to fight effectively Cancer Cells, or keep in check the infections that are 'hibernating' aka Shingles (Chicken pox), Herpes (cold sores mouth and genital) etc. And also greater vulnerability to mycoplasmas (pneumonae etc) Don't jab, try to be healthy as you can, don't stress if you can help it and then Let Go and trust God. And oh yes, if you MUST take medications do supplement the gut, because gut microbes play huge role in health..

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Spraying the skies.

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This brings to mind a patient I cared for decades ago as a float… he was on a cooling mattress steady 104 temps… NOT in a negative pressure room . Wouldn't you know days later I find out from a coworker that he was TB positive. Admin never bothered to notify me how nice of them, I guess they figured the annual ppd would catch it ?? Lol 😂😂 they were careless back then and will continue to be with impunity.

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My first thought when I heard of outbreak was, millions of illegals with zero vaccinations knowingly, willingly and with intent not only allowed into US, but transported anywhere they wanted to go, is more likely than not the cause. If you fly in from foreign country, until recently, you were required to have COVID jab, but illegally enter and nada 🤬🤬

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Definitely thinking along the same lines . Not sure about Covid vax mandates now but we had thousands enter the school districts in NYC at the height of the influx, sans vax requirements.

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that is, if you believe vaccinations really work. They do, for the people who load their pockets with the money, like the govt. Remember that the last pox and polio outbreaks were caused by vaxxing people.

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They must work to some degree, when is the last time you've seen a childhood case of chickenpox? The ultimate result of the varicella vaccine introduced decades ago has eradicated wild type infections, resulting in an increase of shingles cases in adults in our current time.

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Could it be that shingles is CAUSED by the chickenpox vaXX payload??

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Shingles has been around since before the varicella vax , people who actually had the infection are at higher risk . The surge of shingles cases BEFORE the covid vax rollout has been attributed to lack of exposure to wild type chicken pox. Parents / grandparents who were typically exposed to children with active infections throughout their lifetimes were getting natures “booster shot” , which has since been eradicated. Add in the Covid vax and cases skyrocketed.

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I thought so, but there are people waaay smarter than me ...

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For which you are told the Shingles jab will 'help'. Not mind you stop an outbreak, but 'help'. In point of fact, it actually makes it MORE likely you will get one. My brother was one such. The more you interact with the medical doctors, more your health goes down hill IMHO

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I agree

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Did I miss the TB vaccine? Is that a thing?

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Its given in the US under certain circumstances, not on the regular childhood / adult schedule.

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New York, Feb. 2. Dr. W. B. Clark, a well-known physician, insists that vaccination is the cause ot cancer. He says: “A cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. Cancer, I believe, is a disease of cell life, a disturbance of its equilibrium, manifested by the rapid growth of cells and the consequent building up of a tumor. I have had to do with at least 200 cases of cancer, and here declare that I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person. “The way vaccination causes cancer is like this: It takes 21 years to make a man and but four to make a cow, the former being of slow cell growth and the latter rapid. To put the rapid-growing cells, or protoplasm, of a diseased animal (in a condition of virulent infectious activity) into the slow-growing cells of man, is to disturb the equilibrium of cell life and create that disparity, disarrangement and disorganization which, when the season for cancer comes late in life, results in cancer, if not tuberculosis (TUBERCULOSIS) earlier.”"


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Correct. That's why Ellis Island was in place, to turn back the sick, or treat before they were 'released'. And, why if you come LEGALLY you must have host of injections and treatments for worms or any other illnesses you might be carrying - TB etc etc.

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"Largest tuberculosis outbreak in recorded history in the US," they say. I don't know what an "outbreak" is, but "In New York City alone, more than 530 TB cases were identified in 2022." (https://westvirginiawatch.com/2024/02/15/tuberculosis-cases-rise-but-public-health-agencies-say-they-lack-the-resources-to-keep-up/) . The assertion about the death rate is from a 1990 CDC report, but the cited source is from 1919. Are there no new treatments since then?

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great point and just a few...

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New York, Feb. 2. Dr. W. B. Clark, a well-known physician, insists that vaccination is the cause ot cancer. He says: “A cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. Cancer, I believe, is a disease of cell life, a disturbance of its equilibrium, manifested by the rapid growth of cells and the consequent building up of a tumor. I have had to do with at least 200 cases of cancer, and here declare that I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person. “The way vaccination causes cancer is like this: It takes 21 years to make a man and but four to make a cow, the former being of slow cell growth and the latter rapid. To put the rapid-growing cells, or protoplasm, of a diseased animal (in a condition of virulent infectious activity) into the slow-growing cells of man, is to disturb the equilibrium of cell life and create that disparity, disarrangement and disorganization which, when the season for cancer comes late in life, results in cancer, if not tuberculosis (TUBERCULOSIS) earlier.”"


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Cultural enrichment.

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I remember the New York City health department head talking about the rise in TB cases about 1-1/2 years ago. Something happened around that time in NYC…hmmm…

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As you said, TB is spread by coughing/droplets. Most citizens have had at least 2 tb shots and the appropriate titers.

If we hadn't had the federal government and NGO's would stop trafficking people across the border and into the center of the country, they would have been caught in medical quarantine.

But we had a socialist government that wouldn't even stop them at the border.

If I had my way, everyone from the DHS head to the President, to the regional Border patrol that didn't follow the law would be in jail.

We can't do this anymore. We can't take in any people who won't follow the laws and don't even know if they are vaccinated.

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Or free of disease

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So they didn't get the TB shot that would have protected us from this Germ warfare?

Or they did get the COVID shot that causes the germ warfare?

Or a combination of these two is the magic sauce that results in germ warfare?

Or they are "unauthorized" so let's all promote the human trafficking and mass human sacrifice operation falsely declared as "deportation"?

I'm confused.


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love it was thinking the same!

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I thought TB had been eradicated in "Western" countries - perhaps that's the problem, the people with TB are immigrants and they brought their TB with them.

I don't know anything about TB, but if it is a viral illness, as I assume it is, then my free salt water cure should kill it off: There is so much online stuff about viruses and JN-1 that it all gets very confusing, added to which everything directs you towards vaccines as the only way out of the solution, vaccines which in turn injure and kill - if the medical establishment don't push vaccines, they are deregistered and not allowed to practice medicine.

We need stability, from which we can order our lives accordingly. My understanding of JN-1 is that it is natural to nature and no particular threat in itself and bird flu which has been around for millions of years, does not jump to Humans yet, just like viruses which have been around for millions of years too - they did not just happen - but because the vaccine makers have got everyone motivated to vaccinate from past forced Covid virus scares, there is a mad panic to get vaccinated for any and every new virus concocted, to make you even more gullible and maleable and vulnerable, it seems to me.

The best advice I saw on substack - the natural salt water cure, when you think you are coming down with something: 3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do this simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), the tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

The author has been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and is never sick from viruses and I'm not either now,too.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by the author's above salt water cure

It is what I do and continue to do now and always.

Say No to vaccines and do this instead, a nice, safe, natural cure, which the old people in India, where the Elephants are, have been doing for hundreds of years - and Alberta University in tests, gave it 100% effective. Better "something" than nothing, for your next virus.

For Cancer: Mel Gibson said that Ivermectin works really well at killing off the Cancer in those with Cancer, even those who are at deaths door can make a full recovery - might need a script to get it from a vet - Read it here: https://www.newsweek.com/mel-gibson-joe-rogan-ivermectin-fenbendazole-cancer-podcast-2013180

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I agree. I am also a nurse and I think that the current rash of TB infxns are being driven by the jabbed. Smdh...damn shame, that...

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Part of it

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Knowing that the CDC is a group of pharmaceutical pharmaceutical shills, I would never trust anything that comes out of the CDC. There is a revolving door between the CDC and the pharmaceutical CEOs. These people protect each other’s back! Holistic medicine is the only way to go.

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Interesting comments. This post totally revealed the vaccists (vaccine fascists who want the government to force everyone to get vaccines).

I also find it interesting that people still believe the CDC when they say that something is highly contagious or caused by x or only cured by y. The CDC employees are known liars. They have been for many years. We have loads of documentation. WHY does anyone believe anything they publish?

There are MANY possible causes and contributing factors including, but not limited to, deliberate poisoning brought to us by the CDC , FDA, EPA, CIA, and their other cohorts. But there can also be natural environmental factors.

I was recently reading an article which mentioned a possible link between TB symptoms and too much iron. That was not the focus of the article, but it shows there is still much we don’t know.

But I pray for those who are sick. May they be comforted and healed. May they not be further victimized by medical ‘professionals.’ And may their stories not be used to force others to be injected with toxins.

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Highly doubt there are any “vaccine fascists” commenting on this page. If there are I must've of missed them.

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Perhaps I misunderstood. I thought I saw comments linking ‘unvaccinated’ illegal immigrants with the supposed outbreak.

Deport people who came here illegally, but do not blame their unvaxxed status for illnesses. That is no different than blaming unvaxxed Americans for spreading covid.

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I think the main stinging point in that being mentioned is that Americans have been mandated to take numerous shots, meanwhile newcomers who come from areas where incidences of certain said diseases are higher… were not. Things like measles cases are hysteria, but TB is in a pretty nasty class of bacterial infections & most Americans are not “immunized”.

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So, you’re saying I should be angry with unvaxxed illegal immigrants because my parents chose to get me vaxxed? Or because my husband CHOSE to enter the military and they mandated that he get shots? No. I’ll be forgive my parents for succumbing to propaganda and be angry with our fascist, totalitarian government who uses our military as guinea pigs. The illegal immigrants had nothing to do with any of that.

There is no vaccine for TB. And there is no proof that the bacteria associated with it actually CAUSES one to become sick. That is like saying firemen cause house fires because whenever a house is on fire the firemen are on the scene.

And while many Americans believe that shots are mandatory - it is very rarely true. The exceptions would be military service, healthcare, and children in government care (foster care or government schools in the two states that don’t allow exemptions).

Vaccine mandates are wrong. Period.

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Um , no thats not what I was saying. I dont care who gets vaxxed or not, its free choice. The focal point for me is the double standard the gvt has on citizens vs illegals . The BCG vaccine does exist , its not normally given in the united states. If your husband is military it’s possible he got it & has a record of immunization. You might want to talk to a microbiology lab directly about the no proof part.

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