Nov 20, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

What do you think about activated charcoal? It removes poisons, toxins, and drugs. I know if you get bit by snake or a stung by a hornet, charcoal absorbs it. Activated charcoal is known to adsorb the poisons that destroy red blood cells. I don't know if this would even help if someone has been walking around with the clot shot in their system for months. Just thought about it when I saw snake venom.

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good idea to consider...

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I've never heard of anyone using it for the clot shot. When you mentioned snake venom and listed the side effects, I thought about it. There are a lot of venomous snakes in the rural areas. Mostly copperheads, coral snakes, and some rattlers. No home should be without activated charcoal IMO. We even have life flight insurance for this purpose.

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deletedNov 20, 2023Liked by Dee Dee
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You can keep all your snakes, spiders, and other venomous critters. LOL One of my nephews was living in Alice Springs while in the US Army before he got messed up in Iraq. He was telling me about all the craziness over there. He mentioned one deadly snake and I can't recall the name of it but said these snakes would chase people. They would report the snakes and a few people would show up to get rid of it. I had enough of them while in the Middle East. I almost had a chance to live in Perth but ended up in Germany for several years. Snake bites are painful and you'll know if it's venomous in about 10 minutes after being bit. I've heard about the benefits of tobacco plants. I can't find the seeds or plants at any nurseries. I could get some through the farmers I know. I do have some patches and gum on hand. I think it would be better to have the plant though.

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Yes, activated charcoal helps tremendously. Though it is a daily component of a treatment plan for chronic self poisoning (one way to describe vaccine injury) and not a one time antidote for the injection, but I'm also not claiming that i know it won't work for that as well.

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Yes. I have my facial palsy started by sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning. I have taken activated charcoal sometimes and have felt somewhat more energetic within the following 24 hrs.

I have only just checked but would you believe this. The top single word anagram of 'activated charcoal' is 'theocratical' but the next top two are:

cathartical - to do with cleansing the bowels


You can get phrases with these.

AD cathartical cove

ah calc deactivator

However we can get this:

'A Covid ac clathrate'

Clathrate is "...a chemical substance consisting of a lattice that traps or contains molecules."



You can see the connection no doubt.

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The only treatment ?

The blood of a pangolin and bat mixed with a nice broth

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Brew for the holidays.

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Stranger than fiction

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Brewed in a cauldron for extra effect..

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As I describe here. Apologies to William Shakespeare.


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Thanks for the link. You are quite masterful as a word sleuth and seeing so many connections. I can hear the witches cackling. I intend to read it again as it is so packed with examples I am sure I missed on my first quick read. Creepy for sure!

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Thank you and creepy is the word. However, I laugh at them all. My motto is 'No fear!'

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Good one. I see your examples as clues being revealed. Synchronous clues. When in fear I think many don't notice them right under their noses.

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I am taking 4mg of a generic nicorette gum 1/day

My sense of smell is better I can smell the shampoo, the soap, a woman’s perfume and leaves

Burning. Theory is nicotine competes with same receptor sites as snake venom. I am in van driving medical clients who have been vaxxed. Shedding is real. Nicorette gum last 10 days. Eyes no longer bloodshot. Ears still some tinnitus.

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right on!

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If IF YOU would of told me 2 months ago

I’d be using nicorette gum bc I am getting snake bit poisoning … I’d ask

What you smoking? BC I gave up smoking tobacco and that was 6 months

And now I am running a small medical trial of me myself and I. The gum sucks for flavor but it’s nice to regain keen sense of smell. They say the nose knows!

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

If the tinnitus doesn’t go away with the gum, try the 7mg patches - 1 per day for 6 days, switching to a new patch each morning! This is what Dr. Ardis says took away all the long covid symptoms in the study that was done. You might need to keep them attached with a bandaid or some other adhesive based on what people are saying. Prayers for no more tinnitus!

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Thanks I will employ this strategy this week. Funny bc when I first got symptoms March 2020

My ears were screaming

My eyes were red as if I’d just smoked cannabis

Ok taking notes 🎶 thanks

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What do I have to lose right

Nice to have better hearing

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I've had tinnitus ever since a totally weird 'upper respiratory virus' came on me like a thunderbolt (while a cold takes its time 'coming on'--you know where you are headed with a cold). April of 2019. I am just waiting for more evidence that the bug was out and about much earlier than claimed. In a school just about a mile (maybe two) down the road from Merck's Phila. facility.

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ViaVeritasVita, I’m sorry about the tinnitus. I got it in 2017 and went on a fierce hunt to find myself help because it was bothering me so much. I got zero help from ENTs but I have a naturopathic doctor who studied inside my ear and saw that my ear drum was retracted - he said that’s usually because the Eustachian tube is swollen/not draining properly due to allergies etc., and what happens is the ear drum gets pulled in and it creates a vacuum that makes the ringing sound. Some tinnitus is brain-related but based on what you said with it happening after an upper respiratory sickness, yours might be from this too.

I ended up finding this natural doctor online who speaks about curing this:


At 9 minutes he talks about a technique to get a nasal spray inside the eustachian tube. I took it a step further and did it with a NeilMed sinus rinse bottle. I could feel the liquid travel right on through my Eustachian tube and stop at my ear drum!! It is bizarre! You tilt your head, get the liquid in the eustachian tube opening in your nose, then do the valsalva method to blow the liquid into the eustachian tube. When you release the pressure, it will drain out. Well I started getting some major drainage into my mouth, mucus balls and everything, and the ringing volume went way down! I can barely hear it anymore. I did it sort of regularly for a while but haven’t needed to do it in a couple years or so.

If you want to try it and have any questions, let me know! I’ll say a prayer for you that it goes away!!

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You are so very kind! Indeed, in 2019 I went to an ENT who was also of absolutely no help (but expected me to return for a follow up' visit the next year. Padding the bill. Do nothing and charge the insurance company for it. Yours is my first exposure to anything potentially of help. My husband's business partner, vaxxed up the whatever, suffers greatly from tinnitus. So you may have struck two gongs with one blow!

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Also, in regard to your final comment, I know how powerful prayer is.

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Pine needles, milk thistle and hawthorn berries will make a good tinnitus tea. There are many more plant medicines that will help stop tinnitus: https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Tinnitus-Cid2827

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Thanks for this, my unvaxxed Aunt in Oklahoma has been exposed to her daughter's recent flu/rsv/covid vaccines after having to drive her to/from work everyday for past few weeks until her car parts arrive.

Over past few weeks, she has fallen a few times, hurt her knee, come down with a cold, and most recently last Tuesday wasn't thinking when she walked her dog in the dark and fell again, breaking her arm in pieces.

Her two adult children don't want to hear her advice about the vaccines and haven't done any research and keep getting injected.

She is having a problem getting an orthopedic surgeon to do some minor surgery to set her arm despite going to ER last Tuesday night.

Anyone know of a decent ortho surgeon in/near Lawton Oklahoma?

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

For you and anyone else on this thread. Nicotine is the first step. Personally speaking, I don’t trust the patches or gun. Both made by pharmaceutical companies. When it comes to the patches, what’s the carrier for the nicotine? I seriously doubt it’s DMSO, which would be a MUCH better carrier. But more than likely they use PEG. Which is bad for you. So, instead, go straight to the strongest form of nicotine, tobacco! Now understand, you do NOT have to smoke it!.. lol But instead brew some in distilled water and do foot soaks. The only tobacco I can recommend, because I know for a fact is does not have formaldehyde in it (which is what can cause cancer), is Largo pipe tobacco. It can be found online. Take a small handful, brew it in distilled water and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes or more.

Now for the second part of the treatment. Get some food grade hydrogen peroxide at local health food store or online. If it’s only 3% put three to four drops in an 8oz glass of water and drink it while doing the foot soak. And then another glass after foot soak. The food grade hydrogen peroxide neutralized the venom. Denatures it. If you don’t do that, then you have venom toxins floating around the body after the nicotine released it from the nicotine receptors throughout the body.

The third part. Removing the dead venoms from the body with either activated charcoal, apple pectin, bentonite clay, zeolite.. etc..

This is Dr Ardis protocol. And I have used it myself as well as on two other (my cousin and a friend) people. Will be doing my third person (another friend) tomorrow.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I meant *gum.. not gun.. lol

And the food grade hydrogen peroxide needs to be put in distilled (preferably) or filtered water to drink

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Thank you so much for all this, Therisa!! I have had the thought about what they could be putting in the patches and the gum as well!

Do you have a link where Dr. Ardis talks about this protocol by any chance? In “The Antidote” video he also mentions that he and some others are looking into harvesting nicotine from eggplants, which would be wonderful.

Thanks again for all the specifics on this!

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Ok will copy paste from laptop when I get home. ? Will smoking tobacco

Rolled cigarettes doing any good?

How about vaping? I like the idea of vaping I am vaping

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I roll my own cigarettes with the tobacco brand I mentioned.. Largo.. due to the fact I know it doesn’t have formaldehyde in it like the national commercial brand cigarettes do. As well as the more populate brand names of pipe tobacco.

As for as vaping, as long as it doesn’t have PEG in it. But you still need to periodically drink the Dodd grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled or filtered water to denature the venoms.

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PEG is exactly what? Will it be on label?

Ok I am going to vape shop!

Because I don’t want to smoke


I am getting in great shape.

Altho in Scotland an man who was like very old ran a marathon

At mile 13 he sat smoked a cigarette

And drank a beer

Then proceeded to finish marathon.

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LOL! Good for him! 🤣

PEG.. Polyethylene Glycol. It’s a compound derived from petroleum.

Correction in my above comment.. *Food grade

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JamesDuff, you don’t have to smoke or vape. You can brew tobacco and soak your feet in it. It will also remove the venoms off the nicotine receptors this way too.

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Wow. The coincidence of being intentionally poisoned with toxins and contamination biological agents is more likely. I am not putting anything past these ngos. What other poisoning is lurking around the corner, I am also thinking of the wildfires this spring and summer.

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Don't tell me you're listening to Dr. Ardis' virus pushing theory of cobra venom in the bio weapon juice? He's a dentist for crying out loud. Just another Gatekeeper doing his job to misinform and mislead the Sheeple.

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I don’t care what he did for a living. He has done the research! And brought the receipts to prove what he has found. Labs around the world have found MULTIPLE venoms in the stool, urine and blood of people that were testing positive for “Covid” Other Doctors and researchers have found venoms in the patents as well.

My cousin, who took a cruise ship vacation with his wife after they lifted the mandates, was spiked (shedding/transmitting) by all the other people who took the bio weapon. He and his wife did not. I was on the phone with him and he was telling me he had a neurology appt. My gut feeling told me to ask why. He said he was having dizzy spells and blurry uneven vision. He had had an MRI and CAT scan done. I then asked him if he had been in or around a large group of people. His reply was “oh yeah!” I told him about the venom aspects of the jab and shedding and how the spike protein was that if synthetic venoms that attach to the nicotine receptors throughout the body. And especially on the brain. Thankfully he knew who Dr Ardis was. Made it easier on me to explain that he got spiked pretty bad. And that his MRI and CAT scan would come back negative. Which they did! I then told him I would bring over tobacco, a tub to fit his feet and the food grade hydrogen peroxide and distilled water with the instructions on how to do it.

All he did was three foot soaks and drink the food grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled water, and ALL the symptoms/problems he was having were GONE! This was four months ago, and he hadn’t had a problem since.

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I completely agree and that is phenomenal about your cousin’s recovery! I’m so grateful you told me about this natural way to detox from this venom.🙏🏻

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

I’ve been researching this Nicotin connection since watching Dr. Ardis’ videos a few months ago…. I’m unsure how to take it. I don’t trust anything made by big pharma companies or larger than life producers of nicotine, so I don’t want to get the “gum” or “patches”. I would assume the probability of those things also being tainted is large. I would want a more natural form of it.. However, I’ve read you have to be very careful with pure tobacco due to it’s extreme psycho-active compounds…. What is the best way for me to use it to detox? I would truly appreciate any advice you may have… Every time I go to the city I get sick upon returning from being around so many vaccinated people and all the shedding… :(

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Oh, and by the way James, you are truly uninformed as to who Dr Ardis is. He’s a retired Chiropractor.. not a dentist 🙄

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Even worse! He's nothing close to pathologist, viroliegist, scientist, PhD or even an MD. 😤

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He doesn’t have to be those things. ANYONE can do research! And everything he’s found are from people that ARE those things, plus from NIH website, Pfizer’s own documents and much more.

But hey, you go ahead and roll I your sleeve for your 5th or 6th booster, okay?

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You have issues. Buh bye!

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You’re right, I DO have issues!

I have issues with our governments and their ‘health agencies’ lying to us all while using our tax dollars to commit genocide/domocide against us.

I have issues that the media are still telling people to get the bio weapons, even though millions have died from them, and twice more have been injured!

I have issues with hospitals, medical boards and doctors that took money to murder people with government ordered “protocols” and calling everything Covid.

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I'm with you on this. To hell with them all. 👹

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James, have you listened through to hear all his proof? It is verifiable and in my opinion, indisputable.

Look at this NIH link and click on Figure 3. Our government’s own website shows here that the codon usage bias (origin) of this covid “virus” is the cobra snake and the krait snake.


Before bashing Dr. Ardis, one needs to hear this in its entirety. If you still disagree, then please come back and tell us why. Dr. Ardis’s life has been threatened and he is being shunned by the other big names who won’t give his very thorough research the time of day. So perhaps THEY are the gatekeepers trying to keep us from this truth. There are many deceivers and they come looking like light, but many are giving us 80-90% of the truth. but hiding the whole truth. (i.e. “truth’s protective layer” as Neil Armstrong once said, while ironically referring to himself)

I’m serious, watch the video and then tell us what you think. This is not malarkey, this is absolute fact-based proof that he has.

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Yes, I've watched all his scripted videos and even though he may seem convincing, he's nothing more than a virus pusher. Therefore, opposition. Novel viruses in nature don't exist and have never been proven to exist in a pure, isolated form in over a 150 years of modern science. They only exist in government controlled, big pharma labs where man-made viruses are manufactured and only exist to infect humanity so they can profit from their killer vaccines.

Claim: COVID-19 is caused by snake venom, not a virus; snake venom is in the COVID-19 vaccines and causes miscarriage

Claimed by: Bryan Ardis

Fact check by Health Feedback: Inaccurate 👇


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Thanks for responding.

It’s not that he “seems convincing” to me - what he says is able to be confirmed.

Do you think he indicates anything other than this virus WAS indeed created in a government controlled, big-pharmacy lab? Because he’s not saying this just randomly popped up in nature, but that this was a devised plan to put snake venom in us through both the “virus” that they cooked up and the shots.

I think we’re in agreement that the virus was made by the powers that be to ultimately get us to the vaccine. I think it was made to look like a virus. When initially analyzed, the scientists saw the snake origin in there - nothing says that had to be “from

nature” and I sure as heck don’t think it was and I don’t think Dr. Ardis thinks it’s in any way natural either.

The problem I have with any “fact check” is that they’re controlled by the very people who also control the allowed narrative.

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If there is any snake venom in the vaccines, it's purely synthetic and purposely included in the manufactured C19 "virus" made in Fort Detrick, most likely. Perhaps with a little help from the NIH funded lab in Wuhan for the GOF additive overseen by Dr. Fauci.

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I agree - it's all intentional.

I think they put it in the "virus" and that it was administered through the air and water and also spread through shedding which Dr. Ardis explains at the end of The Antidote - how the organoids from the venom get into bacteria and yeast and can absolutely be spread from person to person. He talks about the creators of the mRNA technology having in their documentation that the snake venom phosphodiosteraces is what makes the mRNA cleave and make it work. All intentional and all diabolical.

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I am unsure about the symptoms of the imaginary disease called "covid." When it first arrived in the "news," I was prompted to create a meme about how even the kitchen sink was included in the "symptoms." But it may be - I have to give some probability - that the "symptoms" have settled in the jabbed and are caused by the "snake" bite They convinced far too Many to accept into Their flesh - which may be in part snake venom.

Who knows?

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The symptoms caused by the shot...I never saw a pandemic before the shots rolled out.

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Oh, I agree! I'm just saying that when They were trying to convince Us that there was anything, every symptom You can think of was "covid." It's pretty clear that "covid" is in the jabbed. My comment was meant to support the idea that They used venom in the jabs. That would surprise Me not at all.

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I think there was definitely something before the shots with everyone losing their taste and smell - we've never seen the likes of that before. I had "covid" at the very beginning of 2021 right when the shots were just coming out and had a day where I was tingly and numb inside, my foot started feeling all tingly (which remained on and off for a while) and that's the same day I lost my taste and smell. Looking back, that all sure could have been an effect of venom, and felt like it!!

The proof is on the NIH website that the virus origin is the snake.


And in Dr. Ardis's The Antidote video, he mentions that in the very papers of the mRNA inventors (Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman) on their mRNA technology it literally says that they use snake venom phosphodiosteraces to get the mRNA to cleave. (or something like that - I am not a medical person!) So there is snake venom in the vaccines and they make the cells a spike protein factory, and that factory is producing more synthetic venom. It's all so diabolical and I could not agree with you more that the vaxxes are a "snake bite" in both the spiritual and physical realms.

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Well, I will say, I trust ZERO data from Pubmed. And losing taste and smell does happen when We detox (flu) - I had a flu that lasted over 3 weeks about 25 years ago - had ALL the symptoms They claimed were "covid" including loss of taste and smell. Not sure about the tingling, but I can say, to a probability approaching 100% it was not a virus.

I also don't trust any "doctor" that maintains the Rockefeller twin towers of lies, viruses and contagion. When You look deeply into the virus and contagion history, You pretty much conclude We have been lied to for over a century - for profit and control. Here's My research and conclusions:

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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I never lost taste or smell but something was giving me internal tremors, dizziness, and I was having trouble getting a deep breath. The breathing thing lasted about a week. The internal tremors for several months. I still feel dizzy sometimes. Sometimes I feel weak in my legs with low energy. My temp, bp, heart rate, and oxygen are all normal. I never took any tests or shots. My relatives did but I haven't been around them except for a few minutes. Could be mold toxicity from leaves now? It's puzzling.

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Thank you for all these links, Nurse Dee!!

This is the ONLY thing I’ve ever heard that makes sense as to why covid had all those many different symptoms, and when you look closely into the venom, well it suddenly makes *complete* sense. I’m so grateful God opened my eyes to this recently because now the puzzle pieces are all starting to fall into place. I agree with the commenter who calls the “vaccines” the “snake bite” - I watch a preacher who calls the vax the “snake bite” in the spiritual sense, and then to see it all match up in the physical realm with actual snake venom (in both covid and the vaxxines)…..it floored me.

Thanks again for this post!

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Many people who contracted 'COVID', as 'confirmed' by the faulty PCR test, went on to develop very unusual neurological symptoms. These included complete loss of the senses of taste and smell, and as well the development of Tinnitus. I had the complete loss of the senses of taste and smell when I apparently acquired Covid in December 2020. I of course never received any of the shots because, why would I when I evidently had the actual disease? About a year later I began developing Tinnitus which worsened and now stabilized although I still have moderate Tinnitus.

These are all neurological symptoms and are clearly not only a result of the shots. I have severe doubts that they have anything to do with either a flu virus or some 'novel' coronavirus. My suspicion is that there was some kind of a toxin delivered into the environment to create symptoms which were called 'Covid' symptoms. This was done to firm up the appearance of a Covid pandemic in as much as Remdesivir, ventilators and toxic injections were used in hospitals to cause death and amplify the fear of, and belief in Covid (Divoc, the sickos believe they are so smart). What happened to the flu in 2021 and 2022? It disappeared, to be replaced by 'Covid'. The general public however was in the state of shock and cognitive dissonance and missed all of the absolutely obvious signs of a mass deception. If the flu had not been substituted for 'Covid', it would have been a perfectly normal flu season around the world.

Something produced these neurological symptoms resembling snake venom poisoning prior to the distribution of depopulation injections and I am not convinced that it was 'Covid'.

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I remember contemplating "pockets of illness" that were reported and did not behave like an infectious respiratory pathogen.

A possible theory:

The 2020 flu shot (I almost died from this shot and was told my reaction was COVID-symptoms included attack of the vascular system, covid fingers/toes, and unable to ambulate)

Could explain the nursing home deaths, majority of the patients unable to decline. I worked with a nurse who returned from a COVID travel assignment and she said the weirdest thing, not one nurse "caught" the illness. She said no one's illness was the same, most were elderly from nursing homes, and everyone had a different organ being attacked. BUT they all died with a sudden drop of pulse ox. It could have been the overdose of morphine that killed them too...

X-Files Weird

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Dee Dee, thanks for your replies!

Yes, X-Files weird indeed! The 1% want us dead, that's for sure! All of their installed leaders are pathological bullies, using their powers against innocent common people; the elderly, the infirm and the children. God is giving them a final chance to turn away from Satan, repent and come into the Light, that's how much He loves even the most lost.

But how do you get through to those people, and are they even still there?

Thanks for your work on Substack Dee Dee, it is very bright, uplifting and informative!

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A T, great reading your comments! Are you considering trying Dr. Ardis’s nicotine solution to get rid of your tinnitus? If it could make it go away completely for you, that would be wonderful so you wouldn’t have to deal with it at all. (I’ve dealt with tinnitus myself and have a lot of compassion for anyone dealing with it and hate to hear when people have it. I’m glad yours is just moderate now.)

In his The Antidote video, Dr. Ardis talks about it from 1:16:30 through about 1:30:00.


This is fascinating to me. His own wife lost her smell and taste for 2 years and had bad tinnitus for 6 months, and it all went away completely 3 days after she started chewing the nicotine gum! He talks about a study where they give long covid patients a 7mg patch, 1 per day for 6 days, changing it each morning - and all of their the long covid symptoms went away with it.

I can attest to it because a friend of mine just recently started it and within 1 week of doing the nicotine gum has seen huge improvement! For a year and a half, he has had major exhaustion and loss of mental acuity from long covid and said he is now SO much better and feels sharp again and that he feels sorry for his wife because he’s going to be saying “Let’s do this and let’s do that!” all the time again. :) His wife separately told me that she sees his mental sharpness returning and she was teary-eyed and emotional about it.

Can you imagine how many people this can help?! It’ll turn around the rest of their lives to not have to deal with these ailments.

My friend was doing the 2mg gum for a week and got those results - he’s trying the patches this week so I’m excited to hear his results on that at the end of this week.

I myself don’t have any lingering symptoms but got some 4mg gum to do as prevention. Dr. Ardis does a patch per day (he cut the patches to be a 2-3mg dose) and his wife does the gum each day just as prevention and it’s zero addictive - that’s just another lie. The addiction with cigarettes comes from the pyrazine chemicals that are added. There’s a Harvard study on this and also an article on the NIH website that Dr. Ardis shoes that I also looked up and saw. There is so much deception involved in all of this - it goes very deep and has been a diabolical long game.

One word of caution if you try out the gum - I learned the hard way that nicotine gum can’t be chewed like regular gum. If you chew and swallow all your spit, the nicotine goes to your stomach and will make you nauseous and light-headed. On my first piece I got real woozy and got the hiccups and then looked it up and found you’re supposed to chew it up 15-30 chews and then “park it” between your teeth and gums and let the nicotine soak in through your gums. Then keep repeating the chew and park process once it doesn’t feel tingly anymore (it needs fewer chews after that initial chew). I try and spit out after my initial chew also also in between too when I can because it still makes me

a little light-headed.

Anyway I just wanted to tell you about this in case you didn’t know because maybe you could get rid of the tinnitus completely!🙏🏻

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Thank you so much for your personal and lengthy note to me! This is very kind of you. I will try this again and especially follow your suggestion of chewing and parking! I had heard of this from Dr. Ardis as kind of an anti-venom and understand the chemistry to some degree. I didn't realize it also helped with the Tinnitus symptoms but it makes sense. I just pulled it out of my closet and will try it again lol 😀

Thanks again, and God richly bless you!

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Aw you’re so welcome A T!! I loved reading your comments and agree with you that God is so merciful and giving everyone a final chance to repent and come to Him. And I feel the same that some are so far lost that they can’t (and don’t want to) be saved, so I always pray that everyone who can be saved will be.

I will say a prayer this works for you to take away your tinnitus!! I had it back in 2017 from my eustachian tube not draining. I found a natural chiropractor online who gave a very unconventional solution which was a true God-send for me to get my ear to drain and to take the ringing volume way way down. I pasted that under the comment by ViaVeritasVita in this same post if you want to see that too. But it sounds like yours might be an after-effect of covid so it may be as simple as the gum.🙏🏻 (It sounds like his wife’s tinnitus came a while later after covid just like yours did.) He said his wife chewed the gum 4 times a day for 3 days and then it was gone. Sending up prayers for you!🙏🏻

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Thank you so much!

Dr. Ardis makes a very strong case that envenomation is a result of 'Covid', (I'm sure they actually named it 'Divoc' just because they are so clever and special in their minds). My suspicion is that they introduced an environmental toxin, venom, to scare people and reinforce their belief in a fearsome 'novel' virus, and of course pave the way for their depopulation injection. They did the same thing with Remdesivir and opiates and other toxins used in hospitals to kill people and again make people believe in a 'deadly novel coronavirus'.

I have trouble believing they would actually use a virus for this that the 1% themselves would be exposed to. I don't think they would poison themselves. I used to believe they had a vaccine that would protect themselves from Covid, but that would be really stupid because vaccines have been proven not to work against coronaviruses. I personally do not believe that a 'novel' coronavirus ever existed. It was all faked, and they just created 'cases'and deaths and substituted 'Covid' for the seasonal flu which magically just vanished in 2021 and 2022.

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Oh wow I had to look up divoc but I see what it means in Hebrew!!😳😳 Thank you very much for telling me this - I have never heard this before. I really believe it is of great importance to them to put evil meanings (and even clues) within all of this.

I watch a very on-fire preacher who has a phenomenal and truly sobering video about the entire deception of the pandemic and about how they are changing our God-given DNA with the “vaccines” - it is all so sinister. In the video he shows a Hebrew doctor who discovered God’s very name within our DNA. We have a 10-5-6-5 sequence in the DNA which is YHWH in the Hebrew alphabet! This is so beautiful, and also so scary that this is being changed in people with the “gene therapy.”

Here’s the link with the Hebrew doctor:


There is a short video in there (7 1/2 minutes) and around 4 minutes you’ll see the doctor talk about this.

If you’d like the other video, I can link that here for you too. It is incredibly powerful - it’s 3 1/2 hours but worth every single second. It brings it ALL together what has been done to this world. He calls the vaccine the “snake bite” in the spiritual sense and when I then saw Dr. Ardis reveal how it’s literal snake venom, the puzzle pieces all fell together for me.

It’s so nice talking to you and thanks for all you wrote back to me A T, and I agree with you!

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Awesome and thank you for this I will check it out!

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I watched the first one, that was fascinating! I have been interested in gematria but haven't yet learned to use it or decipher with it. Please send me the second link you mentioned. Thank you!

I know that the early Sabateans and Frankist Kabbalists and Luciferians used numerology so I have my concerns and reservations.

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I wasn't aware of this series. It looks very good for the first half hour. I am already aware of much of this and myself have been trying to open people's eyes to evil, if they haven't already seen it directly especially these, we pray, last days of Satan on our planet. It is very, very old. We have been taught so many things that are wrong about God. Jesus came to correct our view about God. This is why I believe he said, "No man comes to the father except through the Son". And he said to Phillip, "Have I been with you so long and still you ask me to show you the Father?". I did a Substack entitled 'The Garden of Eden, another great misinterpretation'. Many will likely not like my essay but people have to start getting who Jesus showed us who God, whom he called Father, is. Even the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac has been completely and horribly misinterpreted by the corporate churches. God would never test Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son. The story is trying to illustrate how absolutely wrong human sacrifice is that was still present in the culture of Abraham's time. The story was God drawing a line in the sand and saying clearly; No more human sacrifice! Yet it is taught that the story is about Abraham obeying God even to the point of sacrificing his own son. For example, in Genesis 22:15–18, who is speaking to Abraham, the angel or God?

"15 The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16 and said, “I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son,..."

To my eye, that is an obvious and poorly generated addition. We must allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate our minds especially when reading scripture.

Jesus is the Word and even the Bible is not a substitute. Much wrong has been added and subtracted from Scripture yet people worship the Bible rather than worshipping God and his son Jesus. That is idolatry. It is also laughable that people worship Satan as if Satan will favour or reward them. Satan wants everyone's destruction, and no one is exempt. Jesus came to rescue all of us, and he wants no one to be lost. He is the Good Shepherd, exactly who his Father is also. "You believe in God, believe in me as well". Satan is the wolf who Jesus wants to rescue all of us from.

So many people do not believe in God until they find themselves staring into the face of Evi;, just like the lamb wandering nonchalantly away from the flock not understanding the danger until they encounter the wolves; then they look for the Shepherd. As children, in our innocence, it is quite easy to see God and the goodness of God. None of the Hollywood actors would worship Satan if they really knew what Satan has in mind for them. So much more to say on this which is why I started my Substack.

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Former Generalist social worker, mum of 4 home birthed babies, childbirth educator for Informed and prepared childbirth now fed up at 71 with this pony show of twaddle and dopes running this country who deserve to be on the bottom of the garbage dump!

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