Good grief…never stops. The murder never stops😳

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Gee, I wonder why.

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If only these sad deaths - along with countless others - made people think and corrupt msm question the real cause.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Another jab victim bites the dust. I pray that he knew Jesus and more importantly, that Jesus knew him. Matthew 7🙏

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee


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and no one cared...

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An invisible genocide that our special sun glasses allow us to see.

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Sadly, yes. I have termed it "THE GENOCIDAL KILLING OF THE WILLING!" 😡

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I like that. Well said. Sheep to slaughter.

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Thank You! Yes, they are the sheeple. 😥

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Just like the invisible genocide of the unborn human beings murdered through abortion.

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

That was one of their goals. Their primary goal was to see how effective creating such a fear of death from a virus with co-ordination among governments, the UN, WHO, billionaires, the scientific and medical communities, and the media (which they had events like Event 201 establish their plans), would be as a means of absolute control of human life.

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As said as this is, what’s even worse is that the mainstream media and the NFL continue to pretend that all these sudden deaths are nothing to be alarmed about. My hope is that if and when Trump is elected president he goes after these bastards and demands full transparency and disclosure. And that this will lead to trials and tribulations along with an abundance of compensation for everyone injured or grieving losses. This is truly one of, if not the very worst crime ever committed against humanity.

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

I'm not holding my breath for Trump to do anything. He still says the shots are great. I'm actually surprised the dems aren't changing their tune to use the shots against him.

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With the trillions of blood money made off fraudulent evil "medicine," That means millions will be spent to stop any threat to their money, death, & power machine! I can envision a [cough] "lone assassin" rocket attack on any political event threatening our mass Death, Big Pharma’s evil! Can you or Trump???

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Trump knew that the deep state was going to shut the country down for two years to cause discord and get people to comply for those who would resist their Great Reset" plan. The jabs were already made but the deep state wanted to wait two years until the jab became "available." They wanted to crush businesses, control the food, and other resources. He knew they would put Americans in FEMA aka Commy camps. Actually this was the plan for the world. That is why Trump released the jabs but said it shouldn't be mandated! He said on so many occasions and begging to Americans that we have so many other treatments and therapies available, that no "vaccines" are needed. That is actually laid out by the FDA, that if there are medications and therapies already available, you cannot make a "vaccine." He refused to lock down the country which is why he left it to the states.

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

There were plans for other treatments and mass testing that could have reopened everything earlier. Trump defunded that and put everything into his death jabs. I'm done with him.

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mass testing was the fake out so you believe people had c19

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Agree, since when do we replace a test with symptoms of illness and common sense? People are gullible.

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“People are gullible”

I once heard a wise man say that human beings are basically well intentioned and at times very intelligent. But our greatest weakness is how easily we fall for trickery. And even worse, our hubris and arrogance prevents us from recognizing it.

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Hmmm... we must have been listening to different Trumps since that's not how I remember it at all. It might be time to do a little research on the man who really pulls the puppet strings on Trump and JD Vance; Peter Theil. Does Palantir ring a bell?

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Here are just a few observations. For the record, I was just as put off by Trump’s praise of the shots as most people who write or post here. And it seemed so phony when he would praise them in such a glowing manner. I was dumbfounded.

But I know that politics is a very dirty game and people had to lie or remain silent about many things, especially the whole Covid madness. I’ve felt for a long time that he knows much more than he lets on about. His two older sons are both very aware of the great deception and have spoken at numerous Reawaken America events where many doctors, lawyers, scientists and other folks like David Martin and General Flynn have exposed the sinister and criminal attacks on our health and freedom. I seriously doubt that they’ve never discussed this with their father.

So what would motivate Trump to make an ass of himself and heap praise and glory on something so deadly and deceptive that some of his most ardent supporters would boo him? What would he gain and what would he lose by being transparent? These are the kind of questions you need to consider in a multi dimensional chess game he’s playing against those who are mega wealthy, powerful beyond compare and soul less.

I was encouraged when I recently heard him say if elected he intends to investigate all the childhood illnesses andvpointed a finger at Big Pharma. And he’s threatened them in ways that may have been a factor in the botched assassination attempt. And right after that, he’s having a phone call with RFK Jr about getting to work on changing the whole scenario.

I try to look at the bigger picture and put things in perspective. In 2020, there were very few people who could see what was going on and to criticize any aspect of Stupid 19, especially the masks and the jabs as an open invitation to be attacked endlessly by the crooked media and all their ilk. But we’re seeing massive change now and as more people realize it, the acceptance of the truth becomes more common. Like I said these are just observations. I know as much or as little as all of you. But I do see lots of changing faces and it’s very encouraging. Maybe it’s just a matter of time before the whole damn thing comes crumbling down.

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IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) Donald J. Trump will always be "The King of COVID-19." He was hand in hand with Mengelefauci and his Ouchies! He finally urged his Trumpies TO TAKE THEM! 😲 If (IF!) only loved ones of these famous victims would speak publicly about their loved ones dieing after taking the poison jabs! Then maybe, just maybe this murdering might END! 😊

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I agree!

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Didn't Trump start the Warp Speed Death Vaxx?

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With Death being the wages of sin. [Romans 6:23] it makes it easy to understand our 50 billion in fraud fines & *leader in cause of Death, Big Pharma's, "medicine." Iatrogenic "medicine" that has brought Death to over 12.5 million to 40 in just the last 50 years, (Depending on who you believe) E.g. the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or the well-documented book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null!) (All that fraud & death with no prosecutions or jail time!) (& that's not counting pharma's patented/ gain of function SARS 2 Co-V 19's "wages of sin" bio-warfare & jabs deaths!!! The Bible tells us, “Death is the wages of sin, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” So who will you trust, USA's big government & big pharma, or God/ “Our Creator,” [as our founders put it, and trusted!] Can you notice how those facts can't sink into Godless, confidence bios, "brains"?

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Is "Dr. Null" truly the author's name?

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Dr. Gary Null

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BIG HARMA (a.k.a. NOTHEALTHCARE), THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME are responsible! 😡 I TRUST in Yahshua The Messiah Son of Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING to SAVE me NOW and forever! 😁

WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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There is no such thing as the Christian Vatican In Rome. I wish you would stop saying this.

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Does anyone happen to have any information on people suffering from "long covid", specifically how many of them were vaccinated rather than unvaccinated?

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Mostly (~95–99%) jabbed I would bet; if it wasn’t, they would say.

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Looking for some actual data though, because it seems whenever long covid is talked about they never ever mention vaccination.

I suspect it is the vaccine, would like something to back that up.

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Go to flccc.net and/or VSRF &/or Peter McCullough’s website among others where there may be some data. Also Paul Alexander’s SubStack, Ryan Cole, MD may have some data.

All independent; there will be no believable govt or pharma funded studies about this, believe me.

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Thanks for the tip, I don't believe anything from "official sources".

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

I thought that's (LONG COVID) what they're calling any condition that's in reality a jab injury (or even maybe as a result of shedding) without saying jab/ shedding injury ?? What are you looking into on that?

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Curious if the "virus" was really anything but the flu, and also I've never been jabbed but I do have brain fog and I am tired a lot. Could be lifestyle though, not enough exercise and too many bad habits.

That said I also took care of my father for a few years, he got jabbed, since he was crippled I often had to clean him up and was exposed to "body fluids".

So wondering if I got shedded on.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Sounds like you're on the right track!

Imo, I think it was the flu they used to pose as this scary monster that was gonna get us. Fact: the flu all but disappeared in the numbers back then. But suddenly, somehow it has returned once again.

I don't feel quite right about a week later after visiting with daughter, who despite my info, cajoling, pleading, and a bit of yelling did go on to take several of those. Have you done any detoxing?

Good of you that you cared for your dad. Is he still with us?

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

I've tried detoxing, didn't do anything, my father went home (passed) in 2021.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

Well then if you tried detoxing, as is the case with some of us maybe it could be some of those bad habits you mentioned. lol

Sorry to hear about your dad

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Jul 26Liked by Dee Dee

Have you done a liver/gallbladder miracle cleans?

And found a hydro colon therapist in your area?

Done a parasite cleanse?

Ive done these in 7 months and highly recommend cleaning your gut.

No sugar diet.

Give it a prayer :)

Bless you!!!

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Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

I'm not sure this is exactly what you are looking for but The Highwire-Informed Consent Action Network is getting document dumps from the CDC - it's actually the "free text" from the VSafe app that people were reporting their symptoms, reactions, adverse events. If you scroll to the bottom, you can view/download the data https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/

My mother was told by a doctor that she has long covid so that's what she believes. She actually was recently diagnosed with Epstein Barr virus (she's 4-5 jabs in) which is why she hasn't felt well in 3 years. She is vaccine injured in my (no doctor credentials) opinion.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Dee Dee

I'm looking at this, the first thing that pops out is race, almost entirely white, is this because "V-safe" is an app on a phone, and so more likely downloaded by whites, because otherwise it looks like targeting.

Which would go hand in hand with the "white nationalist" rhetoric we hear so much of.

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Idiopathic Sudden Death (ISD) has become so common since 2021 that I expect the corrupt WHO to add it to their compendium of diagnostic codes in order to further normalize it and cover up the cause. They will have sub-codes for ISD, Athlete; ISD, Pediatric; and so on. May that 40 yo gentleman RIP.

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Doc, as I'm not a medical person, I had to go look up "idiopathic". (I wondered if you were jokingly meaning to say idiot-pathic)

Maybe we need a new designation, though I doubt it'll be used by the MIC. :/

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We all know why.

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Operation warpspeed Trumpcine is safe and effective

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I put comments on NFL FACEBOOK about sudden deaths in people including sports people and added that no one is asking questions----if more people wrote to organisations like NFL and other sports it may give them a shake!?

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Nah, they are getting too much money from Pfizer et al.

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Poop on Pfizer and ANYTHING they prescribe, even for dogs! 😡

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WAY TOO YOUNG! 😥 Sadly, Jacoby Jones may have PAID the ultimate price (a.k.a. as DEATH) to PLAY! what he loved. 😡

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God bless him, something sinister when young heathy people pass suddenly.God help his family.🙏♥️🕊️

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