Maybe the cashier is a clone

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

or a clown ?

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Or just veeery afraid of losing her job!

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or one of those new robots who can move their facial muscles and look almost human. but as some of you have pointed out, they are likely being watched and forced to card everyone.

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That's why I fight against A.I.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Yes, I’ve witnessed & laughed at the obvious above legal age being asked for ID 🤣

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

I'm 69 and was buying a pack of beer at local store, cashier asked for my ID and then looked up at me, waved "Never Mind".... ;^>

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

When I was drinking, I noticed this early on and decided to opt out of their data collection. Purchased my hooch at places not being paid to scan my ID. 😹

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Yup, its all about priming the populace for social credit scorez.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

just like when I buy a bottle of wine. Thankfully some can see that a 67 year old is over 18, but some insist on seeing my driver's licence!

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I don't drink anything but water and sweet tea. And not much tea either.

Coffee in the am

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

I don't drink coffee at all. I DO drink organic low sodium chicken bone broth (full of protein and collagen!) during the day.

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Distilled water and pure grain alcohol for me.

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Yeah, I'd mainline coffee in my arm, too but can't find my rolling veins from advanced age + too many years donating blood.


You said a.m.


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You are funny. I tried it a couple times. Didn't like it.

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I'm down to 1 morning cup. Too many stressors and not enuff bliss.😁

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I know how that is. Married to a man going into dementia and he drinks a lot. Plus fully vaxxed, I declined to put that crap in my body

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They are mentally unstable

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Yeah. . .a similar thing happened to me recently (but not for cigarettes!) and I am 76! lol

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I suppose one should be flattered, but it's just annoying

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It actually makes me afraid for the younger generations!

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Me too. I have 6 great grands and 2 great great grands. I am quite concerned.

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WOW! You are so blessed! I am blessed with two grands, 8 year old fraternal twins: Faith and Grace.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

I spent most of yesterday in the local children's hospital on the pediatric Infusion floor which was filled to the brim with young (bald) kids (two to 6 years old) getting infusions mostly from oncology. It is always a heartbreaking and humbling experience. On this day, a new employee popped into our room and announced in a rather peppy tone that she was the new pediatric coordinator to help parents and kids navigate the infusion treatments. She asked if there was anything we needed and I really, really had to hold back my comment (Yes. Stop poisoning kids!). The mindlessness and propaganda on this floor is astonishing as the children continue to suffer so much. No one talks about how the kids became sick.

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Something really sick about paying someone to be upbeat about kid's dying.

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Oh, my Prayers are with you and the Kids, if only they could get Fluoride free Water, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and plenty of Sunshine, no Glyphosate in the Food and no more Infusions of Poison! I bet they would have a high percentage of survival rates...

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We don't have much choice when weed killer is sprayed on GMO crops to kill weeds then fed to us.

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Yes, I know, Roundup is also sprayed directly on the crops to desiccate them after harvest prior to shipping them to the Mill! How sick is that! I eat only organic when it comes to wheat, etc and just found oatmeal at Whole Foods with a yellow (Glyphosate Free) label on it. Hopefully those labels proliferate to many other products! Thanks Jay, for the comment...:) I love doughnuts but haven't had any for years...

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And of course they pump all cancer patients with high sugar supplements. Cancer thrives on sugar. Why not try increasing oxygen with HBOT or or hydrogen water. Something doesn’t add up. He number of turbo cancer patients I have met or know from family and friends has been astronomical. Just lost 2 people a family member and a friends family this week and multiple family members since the Covid jab was introduced. Now I know 3 more people with newly diagnosed or return cancer after remission. These numbers are not normal.

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That is enough for me to lose it

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Today at the office, discussed the patient’s new diagnosis of uterine cancer , her husband that was with her , has lymphoma. They told me there is a combination flu Covid shot they will be getting in a few months…I couldn’t help myself… my teeth almost fell out . No matter how much we preach or teach … until the government or MSM announces how bad this genetic Bioweapon is , there will be people on the every 4 months band wagon . 😖

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We can't fix stupid but time does it the hard way!

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how sad they didn't make the connection of that bioweapon with all the turbo cancers. Many a well meaning but conditioned and brainwashed person has made that same fatal error.

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Having been through immunotherapy in 2020 until I realised in Sept that year that it too was a scam, I fully agree. And I was with adults. I cannot but say that I now despise most doctors.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Buy wine at the grocery store--I have to submit my driver's license and clerk scans the back of it. Buy wine at the state liquor store, just pay for it. And 74 arrives in 3 weeks. I do have silver hair.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

That happened to me at Rite-Aid several years ago and just happened to be the last time I was there. Not sure if it's pure coincidence or climate change. 🤔

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I worked in a six-pack beer shop in Pennsylvania in the 1980's, and I was required to always ask for ID, even when the person was clearly older than 21. I hated that part of it. My boss said that agents from the state liquor board were always testing and watching, so I did not feel like I had any leeway. I was only 18. Of course, when I wanted beer, I put money in the till, and took the beer home in my backpack. "Law is mind without reason."

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Make a law - make a business... and by giving your plasitic identifier - you make nothing from their 3rd Party "transaction/arrangement" when they sell your Real I.D. Data to their insurance provider... drivers license info (soon to be bio-metric signature and CBDC on-ramp) how many third-party extortionists/skimmers/grifters sell your private info and you don't get a cut? Grow your own tobacco - make your own beer - grow your own medicine and keep your soul.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

Except the woman who bought the smokes! But she's of age, so allowed to be stupid, self destructive, though at her presumed age, not sure one pack will make much if any difference. Time for wisdom and compassion

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When my Dad was in the Marines in WW2 their rations came with cigarettes whether they were 16 or 40.

Dad started smoking when he was 8 and quit when he was 48. Mom didn't quit till she had a heart attack. Afterward they couldn't stand to be around a smoker.

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

C-Rats came with a pkg of four cigarettes, at least until 1972 and probably until MREs came out in the eighties.

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My dad was a mechanical engineer in Army ordinance stationed at Aberdeen Proving grounds; never left the country except to cross the Detroit River in to Canada but he (& mom) started smoking in the war; she quit early, as I don’t recall seeing her smoke, but dad did until he died, mostly cigars, some pipes. I don’t know if they gave state side officers cigarette rations or not, I kinda doubt it.

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That's okay. I never smoked until I was an adult. So then when I quit it wasn't hard for me. Just put thm down and stopped.

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Good Job. Like the SCOTUS coined "Sovereign Citizens" an oxymoron I answer to.

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I am 77 and my Wife is 73 and the waitress carded is at a restaurant when we each ordered a beer with our meal.

I was digging for my driver's license and she said quietly, "Just showing me any card will work!" I said, "How about this Humana card!"

We all laughed. She was being watched by the management.

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I'd hate to be looking for a job now. Or working for that matter. I do not work well, if someone has their head over my shoulders.

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Yes...and unfortunately I sometimes visit a wine and beer store that 'cards everyone' as if this makes it less offensive to those of us who are clearly beyond 21 yrs of age. I don't take it personally, I just recognize how BigBro is ok with some store owners--as long as they keep selling their wares and the dollars keep rolling in, who cares about civil liberties?

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I don't suffer fools gladly.

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Elsie--I pretend to smile...then I offer a snarky comment: (directed towards cashier) "Have you ever read Orwell's '1984?' ..." 9 outta 10 times the answer is "no." Aliterate fools are a scary proposition!

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Jun 18Liked by Dee Dee

My mom was a smoker and I remember at 8 or 9 years old going to the store to buy her a pack of smokes and all she gave was a signed note. Never had a problem!

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