Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

Study out of south Korea that claims brain damage, let me look.

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Study from ANYWHERE non-West gets my attention.

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Oh so sadly true

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This might just be a lazy postman. Years ago I put a card in a friend's mail box with a present. Her mailman took it to the post office (a blank envelope with my own sticker on it) and they sent it back to me. Forgot the house number? they bring the mail back. Even if it is a well - known address like a bank or an office. Lately I prefer to bring it to my friends in person !

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

I didn’t get covid and I didn’t get the shots, but I would like to cop this as an excuse for my dumbing down. Whuddathink?

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According to the senate homeland security hearings on covid, the virus was designed to be asymptomatic, most likely to facilitate spreading.

You may have had it and not known.


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I say horsepucky. If that were true real science says otherwise.

Assessment of Myocardial ¹⁸F-FDG uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients (Published Journal Radiology Sept. 2023)

T. Nakahara, Y. Iwabuchi, et. Al

Measured ¹⁸F-FDG uptake with PET scans. (positron emission tomography (PET)

Study shows myocardial damages with uptake.

Included 303 nonvaxxed and 700 vaxxed.

Vaxxed had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaxxed.

The uptake was observed in patients imaged in four date ranges. 1-30 days, 31-60 days. 61-120 days and 121-180 days after second vaccination, with increased ipsilateral axillary uptake in vaccinated vs. nonvaccinated patients.

Editor Emeritus, Dr. Bluemke in editorial noted "The main results...for asymptomatic patients vaccinated for COVID-19 before PET had about a 40% greater radiotracer activity in the myocardium than unvaccinated individuals. (Statistically) The P value was low, less than .0001, translated to only one time out of 10,000 would these results occur by chance."

This is suggesting that mild myocardial inflammation could be more common than expected. F-FDG uptake was higher in all vaccinated quartiles with age adjustments. Further, the myocardial SUVmax (g/ml) does not recover with time and was even above the level on the unvaccinated  in the 40 patients who only received one dose.

Original ResearchFree Access.


Damaged hearts found in the jabbed in ALL AGE GROUPS with no outward signs...but believe you won't get sick, won't be hospitalized, and won't die. Yeah right. Lies MSM and Biden and the CDC told them. The "science" now says you have cardiac damage. Some say now those jabbed can see a life span reduction of 20 years...

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I don't understand your post, the scientist and other experts brought forward in the hearings showed that the virus was artificially created, and that it was by design to be asymptomatic, so that you could have it and not suffer fevers or other common symptoms.

Not that it wouldn't eventually make you sick.

Watch the video, see for yourself.

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"Trust the science, Ack Ack. Trust the science Ack. Ack Dr. Fauci, Dr. Fauci. One mask. Two mask. Ack. Ack."

With a nod to comedian Jim Breuer.

Asymptomatic to me isn't a really good term to use. The PET/CT scan study actually identified damage to myocardium tissue. I would have liked to have seen those in the study do a treadmill test. Perhaps the symptoms would have been early death? That term is also rolled into State by State Public Health Emergency Acts. The definition of quarantine should make people realize Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security has set us up for unlimited lockdowns when they began to offer their Model Act. They are liberal facists imo. Just like that Michael Bloomberg.

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Let me fix this for you: asymptomatic does NOT mean NO DAMAGE. It merely means there are no symptoms you can point to in your daily life that would alert you to the damage that HAS been done. Damage is damage. The heart has lost cells, it won't get them back.. and YOU have lost some 'life span" or 'heart beats'. You have only so many allocated to you, so.. lose some, you loose life span. Asymptomatic does not mean, not dangerous.

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Asymptomatic is a bad term rolled out. Would bet having myocardial damage would show on heart stress tests. Hence a person would have symptoms.

I hated the use of the term particularly for persons who refused the shots. They were said to be asymptomatic. And worse yet asymptomatic spreaders and needed to be quarantined.

Please see how the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security Model Public Health Emergency Act defines "quarantine" as adopted likely by your state. See how the word asymptomatic is used. Thanks.

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Homeland security can't even secure the border or the airports. What makes them think they can talk about medicine or COVID?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

They could, they are under orders not to secure it, you are aware that Mayorkas works with HIAS (Hebrew Immigration Aid Society) and others to allow the flood across the border correct? This is a methodical invasion and destruction of America.

They use our tax dollars to do it as well.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Also it wasn't HLS stating this, it was multiple doctors and scientist, HLS and the senate held the hearings.

SARS COV 2 was created in a lab.

Watch the video, it's long but very educational.

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You'll need grenade launchers RPG'S and advanced drones and jamming equipment.

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Not sure where you're going with that comment.

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I think the comments are getting mixed up. I was replying to Joseph Wiess about homeland security

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That's a great idea! That way you could pretend it comes and goes and use it selectively, as in:

"Sir, could you put on your mask?"

"Sorry, whut? I don't think so good no more..."

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The Covid shots cause blood clotting ,so blood flow to the brain is reduced which causes a loss of cognitive ability.

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The shots also probably cause an auto-immune attack to brain cells.

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LNPs are damaging cause inflammation etc etc. So yeah, crosses BBB and gets to work killing of synapses and cells. If you are very smart person, may lower your IQ hardly at all, the less robust mentally will be hit harder...

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I have a postal worker that can’t read the correct address and deliver to same. I had to put in cameras to prove to Postmaster that my packages were not stolen after delivery, they were never delivered to the correct address.

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I have a PO Box and live in a small town. They put my tax refund in another person’s box. Thank goodness she was honest and knew me. Maybe it is a high pressure job?

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And/Or they all had to get the shots.

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I thought Postal workers were exempted, though? (I may be recalling incorrectly)

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Maybe they were; but so many wanted to be in the ‘cool’ club, the in club; Congress was exempted but many many took them bc we see the adverse events.

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No. Like other "frontline heros!" they were forced to get them too.

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

The postal label mix-up, in terms of to/from and top/bottom, perfectly illustrates how upside down and inverted our world has become.

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The brain damage occur in our education system many years ago, and people agreed to be fully vaccinated against imaginary threats

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Like (button dysfunctional)...agree that this sort of thing happened long before the jabs...chalk it up to education system and a few other factors, but the jabs sure brought us 'turbo stupid'.

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No One I know closely took the jab, so I have no data, but it truly would not surprise Me. Guess Idiocracy was predictive programming...

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Isn't that unusual that no one you know closely took the jab? That's excellent! How did that come about?

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Well, the Ones who did take the jab left My life early on in the plannedemic, so I have no data, and the Few I still interact with, in My homeless and crashing on a friend's floor for a roof over My head (who did not take it)... I only know peripherally People who did. So gauging Their IQ is not much possible.

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

I blame the decline in IQ for acceptance of the vaccine.

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It is so much fun to remind those who are still pro vaccine that after three boosters, you’re gonna be checking out soon

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Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

The fact that physicians are more interested in gossiping about Taylor Swift between cases than doing research (about what? Vaccines? Idk?) or doing rounds is telling enough for me.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Dee Dee

My carrier lost a certified letter that was out for delivery last week. There was 4 other mail pieces that were delivered on the same day. I saw all mail pieces on USPS Informed Delivery.

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Just now started to sign up for USPS Informed Delivery, but stopped because I couldn't quickly determine whether I could limit the service to packages only and not all mail. Do you know whether USPS Informed Delivery can be restricted to certain types of mail? - Thanks.

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No, it will show both mail and packages. No way to just do one or the other.

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In terms of mail, it will only show was is sorted by machine. It won't show all your ads, magazines, catalogs, random letters (that for whatever reason don't end up sorted by machine or were sorted wrong).

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

It definitely doesn't have features like UPS and FedEx. I mostly monitor my mail because I have some mail that's important. It lets me see all the mail and tracking numbers for packages. It's very limited but the text and email notifications are nice. I've had packages saying it's been delivered and it's not there. I've found these at a neighbor's house, or they put it in the wrong parcel locker. I had one package I needed to sign for and it showed delivered. I was the only one home and didn't sign for anything. It turns out the carrier signed for it and threw it in my mailbox. If they lose specific packages, I have to file a report with the sheriff and I let the postmaster know this at my local post office. I will call my local post office to let them know and they will send someone to locate it. You can setup a redelivery if you were not home. You can also report mail that you didn't receive. I've also used it as proof for lost packages to either get a refund or a replacement. Below is the FAQ's and it doesn't take long to read through them.


And Michelle is correct regarding some mail not being scanned.

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Could be a clerk. The certifieds don't come sorted with all the rest of the machine-sorted mail. A clerk has to hand them out to the individual route carriers. I used to be a sub carrier. My local post office managed to lose a certified I sent to a hospital within my own city. (Even our local mail goes to another city for postmarking/sorting before it comes back here.)

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There's no telling what happened to it. I'm hoping it was at least sent back to the sender. I know it made it to my local post office and was lost. Once it's scanned there, I get a notification saying it's out for delivery. I know I get notified within a couple of minutes as soon as he scans the package before placing it in my mailbox or parcel locker. This is when I get the notification saying it's delivered. I'll drive over to get it and he's still placing the mail in other boxes. I'm in a fairly rural area and I don't have problems for the most part, but they do mess up every once in a while.

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You are probably blessed to have a regular carrier who has delivered your route for many years and knows it like the back of his/her hand. My bet that most of the rare mess-ups have been on your regular carrier's day off or vacation when a sub was filling in. I found that many (if not most) subs cared only about speed, and not delivering accurately. While I was subbing (2 years) there were several occasions where I had to spend time looking for a package that was misdelivered by another sub who had sped through delivering the route in the previous couple days.

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You would be correct. When something goes wrong, it's usually a sub. We usually get a long-term sub when the there is a change in carriers. I get it since they're probably looking to hire someone. One was awful and everyone was getting everyone else's mail. I've had 3 carriers over the years and the one we have now has been here for a few months. The last one quit. She's the one who signed for my package. The postmaster didn't like her at all and told me she was lazy. I'm taking it they didn't get along at all. I know they have long routes and have long days out here. My carrier still hasn't run today which means it's going on 12 hours for him. Mondays are there worst days. They make some descent money on mileage since they are using their own privately owned vehicles to deliver. There was talk about them getting the USPS trucks out here and they said they would resign of they did. They didn't want to lose the mileage.

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My PO management was horrible. I loved the job, being out in nature delivering, but management tended to treat everyone as meat robots. I remember working 70+ hour weeks, and having days as long as 16 hours, especially around Christmas. It sounds like a lot of offices have trouble retaining people. I also sometimes got to deliver out of my personally-owned vehicle, which I much preferred over the big aluminum boxes. I left in 2019, before they got any of the new trucks. There are plenty of lazy carriers, but then are also a few hard-working ones.

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A very close friend and very close cousin lost their lives due to rapid onset dementia, only a few months after their covid vaccinations.

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Sorry to hear. I had to watch my mom and stepdad die in 3 weeks time close together due to 5 blasts of the countermeasures. Stage 4 turbo cancers in 3 separate areas of the body - 3 weeks from presentation of acute symptoms. Know of others suffering from their decisions. Lord help us all

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So sorry that happened, that had to be difficult. There are so many who have lost a number of loved ones from this horrendous jab.

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They do cause dementia; this has been determined. My bro-in-law is one. My husband has 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist & worked in Public Health Dept. for years adivsing public on how to manage disease, epidemics etc. told his (identical twin) brother not to get the jab. Husband and I had spent several days watching videos, reading articles and gatherin info on covid (which was originally called coronavirus and is a form of the common cold, that is all). His brother, decided my husband had NO idea what he was talking about and chose to get 3 jabs just to spite my husband. my bro in law is like that. Anyway, he now has dementia.

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So sad. My brother is similar. No dementia yet, but increasing surliness. Smart but dumb.

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Smart but dumb, good description. It is sad.

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The neurological decline may actually be PRION diseases

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Not sure it's only covid related, but suspect the covid gene therapies...along with statins, poor, atrocious food sources that fuels the usual American diet these days also play a role.

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