Nurse Ratchet reversed instead of administering the pills, they are stopping them.

Always amazed at how a little power seized for the moment goes to peoples heads.

We all wandered how people could go Nazi, well

There ya go! Nurse Nazi Ratchet your papers please?? First your bag.

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"No Medication Time"

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Simply amazing how many people went lockstep with genocide!!

Btw Hi Dee !!

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Democide, not genocide.

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All manner of ‘…cides’.

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Like a “cides” soup

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Dee Dee


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'Neurosurgeons scream for more/

At paranoia's poison door/

Twenty first century schizoid man' [King Crimson - 50 years ago!]

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For the record, it is an empirical fact that King Crimson is the best band in the world. Don't just take my word for it, do your own research! May I humbly suggest "Red", and here is a link to a relatively recent live version of "Starless". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhKJgqxNDD8


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Thanks for that, good to see at least some of them are still around.

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Robert Fripp posts regular YT content, if one is interested. Even though they never saw widespread commercial success in terms of the charts their fan base is strong and loyal. There is a lot of great stuff on YT from their early years even. Quality is mostly quite good.

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I'll check it out - completely lost track of them over the years.

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Paranoid: re "soup" makes about as much sense as paranoid about 'chem-trails'...(uh...wait a minute...chem-trails?, GMO's?...what's that ya say? [as AI ChatBot is analyzing all of this...)

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Love the term 'nurse nazis'. It is amazing to consider how nurses were turned into willing executioners via covid hospital protocols or via covid injections. Everyone wanted to believe the magical covid vaccines were safe and effective and be a NHS Hero but instead became a NHS Zero.

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We also had flight attendant Nazis who went militant on people. My heart cringed at the cruelty shown to children. Toddlers instinctively knew masks were harmful and kept trying to remove them but these Nazi people said it meant the parents were not good at parenting.

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This was evil and brought out the worst. Thank-you for sharing!

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No, thank you for even mentioning this evil that went on. There were so many I saw how they lacked true humanity and it was frightening.

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it's shocking to witness the silence = guilt

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

That is so dreadful, I can't even. All the same, thank you for posting about it. I so often think it will be hard for people in the future to comprehend that this sort of thing actually did happen.

Relatedly-- yesterday I finished a transcript that might give you some heart, though. A doctor testifying to the South Carolina Senate. I thought she was just wonderful. Here's the info:

Dr. Karen DeVore: "How many lives could have been saved?"

"I urge you today to stand up for medical freedom, for patients, for physicians. Please do not allow vaccine mandates that have little safety data while harassing patients who have other effective treatments. Remember, it is our Hippocratic oath to first do no harm."

Source video:

SC Senate Testimony - Dr. Karen DeVore

Dr. Karen DeVore testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC [Department of Health and Environmental Control]

SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 15, 2023


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/117132.html

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Some Ozzy, Tony, Geezer and Bill makes everything better.

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My friend’s mom was murdered when she tried to sneak in ivermectin and the nurse Nazis banned her from even entering!

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so horrible!

By saying, "the vaccine will keep you out of the hospital", there was an implied threat: if you go in, you may not come out! (which really happened and would not have IF the staff had refused to participate).

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I hope she has told the story here.


I made a donation so I could get this magnet for my car.No one has asked me about it. Hoping someone has taken a pic to check out the link.


Also people can tell their story on the CHD bus-it is not just vaccine injury/death stories. Find the schedule here.


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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I lost someone during all this, supposedly due to natural causes but they were doing a respiratory treatment in the night. She'd been doing fine and they'd just moved her to this other hospital. It feels suspicious to me. They were limiting the number of visitors.

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Not a good sign, hard to get good care with a bedside advocate!

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest was prophetic.

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If a person was allowed to sell their organs the person would have value.

Stealing that value would be a crime.

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Yes, Dee... Nurse nazis abound. I sometimes wonder if They haven't given psychological tests to People entering the medical profession and allow psychopaths to succeed and non-psychopaths to struggle and often not succeed in Their efforts to get into the profession.

So many of Them seem to display the signs of psychopaths. But I can tell You are not one!

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

It was quite astonishing to watch many respiratory infection specialists and medical doctors to fall for the covid-19 agenda. Their own patients diagnosed with pneumonia and influenza became covid-19 over the weekend and none of them questioned it how or why. When challenged about the difference of symptoms between influenza vs covid-19 most of them would say nothing or they would admit the PCR test was the determining factor. When asked whether they didn't see anything wrong or suspicious that they have not seen any influenza patients for over year and a half, they would usually say that masking, hand washing and social distancing killed it. But the fact that influenza also disappeared in Sweden, parts of Africa and Florida, where there were no such requirements, wouldn't ring the bell.

None of them connected the fact that up 15% of seasonal influenza cases are supposedly caused by corona viruses, which also apparently disappeared.

If someone had told me before covid-19 panicdemic I would witness first hand such a twilight zone show in real life, I'd say he was crazy.

And yet, it all happened and none or very few have been awaken from this nightmare...

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Covid has allowed psychopaths in medicine to openly operate in some kind of "acceptable" space, where all that matters is money with negative compassion and no consequence. True colors are no longer hidden. The good thing (if there is one) is discerning good versus evil is clear.

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Yeah. I don’t know how they could do it with a straight face, but with money only coming in for “Covid” patients,.....more if they died, it’s still not easy to understand for me,......for anyone I spoke to,.......just the crazies in the hospital.

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Yes, like that story where the family was sneaking in ivermectin to the dying dad. She said she thinks the nurses suspected something when he started to get better. They didn’t tell the nurses for fear they would stop them. UNBELIEVABLE. These people are hoping to keep their jobs and be ‘ nurses to the elites’ when all the people die off. They are so delusional. ....not to mention serial killers.

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Yeah. . .When I was in the hospital my natural healers were taken away and I was automatically given an antibiotic and put on Eliquis (blood thinner) produced by Pfizer and owned partially by BlackRock. This SHOULD say it all! 😮 I spent four days there and they did not even give me any diagnosis about my blood clot. 😡 Since then I have only been treating my condition naturally which gives me great hope of recovery! 😁 Holistic Healing: EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Paranoid is an anagram of 'I Pandora'. Pandora's box was opened and all hell broke loose.

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