Jun 7, 2023Liked by Dee Dee


I was a Labor and Delivery nurse for 20 of my 37 year career. It was the highlight of my career and to me the most fulfilling. I trained and mentored so many nurses during those years that I still have contact with but most have retired or moved to less stressful units. What is occurring now in the hospitals is beyond belief. Sure, there have always been the nurse that was grumpy or doctor that everyone knew wasn't up to par. But they were they exception, not the rule. When I had to take my daughter to the hospital on Christmas morning 2020 because her Covid had worsened and breathing was labored, it was with trepidation because I had read the horror stories about what was going on with Remdesivir and ventilators. But we had already decided we weren't going to allow that to happen to her. I'm not one to be bullied, and have no problem letting medical providers know I'm educated in whatever the issue is without being obnoxious about it. What I wasn't prepared for was the level of evil that we would encounter at all levels. Or that the goal was to kill as many patients as possible rather than to cure and heal. It didn't matter the age, condition, pre-existing co-morbidites, they were all fair game. What amazes me is how some of these nurses even graduated from nursing school. I taught for a few years at a university in town and besides having the academic credentials, one of the things I always looked for in students was a sense of compassion and empathy. If they didn't demonstrate that, they weren't going to move on in the program. My opinion is that the forced vaccinations in the hospitals was to weed out the staff that were independent thinkers and those who would eventually figure out the "protocols" were the cause of the deaths, not the virus. Because as you have already written, none of this made sense from the beginning. The complete hysteria over a virus that multiple epidemiologists with impeccable credentials were telling us wasn't a threat to anyone with a healthy immune system under the age of 65, the flip-flop on masking, the complete economic collapse of our country. Why were we only allowing one person to direct the management of the healthcare response, someone who hadn't done actual patient care in 40 years and who had been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths under the AIDS crisis? But the huge red flag to me was when they began to cancel and punish anyone with a different opinion or who offered another option for care than King Fauci. That was unprecedented. Think of all the cancer centers in this country that offer different approaches to treatment. Without research and study, we would not have made some of the advancements in this area in this country. I'm afraid we've opened a door we can't close under this so called pandemic where the government decided how doctors would care for patients rather than allowing standard policies and procedures to dictate care. Almost all hospitals have policies in place for treating viral pneumonia that have been working for years and patients generally recover and return home within a few days. This shouldn't have been any different. Finally, I'll leave you with a story a lady in my town told me after she heard about my daughter's experierence. Her daughter was 26 weeks pregnant with her first grandchild and was hospitalized for Covid about the same time as my daughter. They put her on Remdesivir for 5 days, then moved her to ICU, put her on a ventilalator along with Remdesivir for 5 more days and of course she died after 10 days. The same story repeated thousands of time around the country. None of the family had any medical experience, were allowed to see her during that 10 day period, until they were ready to take her off the ventilator and she died. The family was devastated, but especially this mother who had lost her daughter and the grandchild she would never get to meet. It broke my heart. But it also made me furious. What kind of monsters kill a pregnant woman? What kind of nurses participate in it? I can hear that witch that told my daughter, "Bet you wish you had gotten the vaccine, huh?" probably saying something similar to this poor girl. "See, I told you so." We cannot let these people off the hook. Justice will have to be done eventually, or it will just continue to slide further into the abyss. Thank you for sharing your stories, and giving more people to come forward.

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Thank you for taking the time to share your story and about the lady in town who lost both her daughter and grandchild. It's completely devastating. Nursing used to be "the art of caring", where you would never allow a patient to die alone.

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I can't even feel right now. There is no way that I could possibly imagine what you ladies are dealing with and have dealt with. Im so sorry. I don't know how you function. I cant figure it out.

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trauma bonding

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Vaccine lawyer here-free consults 713 836 9990.

Former RRT and current EMT as well.

Is this still current policy?

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I can't like that. Sorry. Please pass on my contact information. That is disgusting.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

So many reasons to give birth at home!!!

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10 days? Are you kidding! What kind of sadistic

Person would issue such an order. Why wouldn’t someone challenge immediately? The PCR test

The fake test …..bill gates “testing is everything”

I never knew this policy existed.

This is cruel and unusual and I don’t know but me thinks the instant bonding with mother physically is Gods way. Of course since

Evil has come to defile all that’s Holy. What could be more Holy than mother and child.

I hope these stories get retold

We need some real discussions on what

Crimes these are!

The fight is for our children their children.

10 days indeed is that like 6 feet or 2 weeks to flatten the curve or just get 1 shot plus the 2nd booster oh and yeah your 3rd shot

Is that like we are going to steal 3 years of sanity

While you all take 40 years to recover from the trauma.

What a sadistic idea

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Presumably, these "Glorious Medics" also deprive the neonate of mother's milk, and force-feed it an artificial substitute made from cows milk; thereby preventing the greatest benefit to the baby of mum's secretion of colostrum, which is ideally suited to protect the child, as its own immune system unfolds.

Whilst it's now plain there's no risk to neonates whatsoever from covid-19!

Those American doctors plainly have zero concern for babies, let alone compassion on mother's yearning to swaddle and nurse their offspring as The LORD intends.

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The collection procedure involved gloves with double bagging.

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

they believe in "data," not truth ~~ follow the dots and accept where it leads you ~ make up a story ~ tell it to them when the "reporters" when they arrive ~

Anyhow, here is story too. Mine. https://silverman.substack.com/p/journalism?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 [it is from June 09, on my subdomain]

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May 28, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Utterly horrible. Do you know which hospital or what city?

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State is Colorado and just like everything COVID, they took their orders and funding from the VERY TOP.

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May 29, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Colorado under current Governor is heading to tyranny.

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The only response I could extract from Polis was, "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"!

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May 29, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Ha, anyone still spreading that lie is beyond help. Even CDC had to admit it was not true.

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Yes. WHO came up with that policy.

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Thank you

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I don't actually know. It was probably me.

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