This is a situation, when it's not "better late than never." What's in breast milk?


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These mothers wouldn't, by chance, have been injected with MRNA poison? Just asking, as one who nursed 3 babies easily, and whose daughter is currently nursing 3 month old twins easily.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Likely the most loving thing on the planet

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the one question no one dares to ask...

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

As with everything he and his colleagues have addressed in response to the problems they've created, there's a profit to be made. Where - and when - is the insanity going to end? It ends with us - here and now.

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Does anyone remember the first year of Scamdemic BIOWEAPONS shot 💉 when mother's milk was reported as green to blue color? WTF was that???

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Yes! Heard Dr Naomi Wolf report on it.

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Fake breast milk comes from tranny farms

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

And tyranny farms

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That's what my spellchecker tried to write, I almost stayed with it.

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It’s very sad, but while reading the first part of this article I immediately thought about the ever present health busy body Bill Gates inserting himself as The Solution. Create a problem that you have The Solution lying in wait..badapboom 💵💰💵

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you're intuitive!

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Isn't he the same guy that wants us all to eat bugs?

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Gates should change his name to Genetic Bill.

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HA! With Bill Gates of Hell ANYTHING can go WRONG!

Decades ago my breast milk came in right away. Maybe

because I was a vegen then. Has taken Fauci's Ouchies

have anything to do with that delay?

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Hypertension being a vascular issue likely involved...no studies currently being funded.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Infants are missing the most critical days of their new life for the nutrients and natural antibodies by this delay.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

The person who creates 💉 the problem, that has the solution for profits, is the problem.

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"How mammary biotechnology works

The mammary cells are fed culture media, a mixture that provides similar nutrients to the cells that they would receive from a mother's bloodstream. The cells grow and multiply."

I have very serious concerns about that last sentence: "The cells grow and multiply." With all the turbo cancers and "rare" cancers occurring, I am very suspicious about the technology that makes "cells grow and multiply." Where are they getting mammary cells? What is in the "culture media" that the cells are being fed? How are the "nutrients" similar to what would be in a mother's bloodstream? What in the culture is dissimilar to what is in a mother's bloodstream?

Every time man tries to play God, he ends up causing death and destruction.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Gates is an evil, evil creature. I wish everyone would simply refuse all of his ideas and products. No one person should have that much wealth and power.

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When we finally get around to killing these murderers it’ll be too late...

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