Feb 26Liked by Dee Dee

Still maintain they don't work with trained personnel in the lab, past nonsense to think they will work with an untrained population in the practical field environment.

The masks simply are a Slave Mask. It has happened in the past. The point is to dehumanize you, and to identify you as a slave, to be abused and worked.

Ignorance + Fear + mask = Slave. It is a simple formula, covid19 fits all three variables.

The elite want 2 classes, themselves and the slave class.

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deletedFeb 27·edited Feb 27
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Well said. Re "If one was watching closely..." It beggars belief that so many people didn't bother to watch closely or think about that.

And I have mentioned this elsewhere but I went to the pub with my sister and dad (in 2021 I think) and refused to wear mask. I had to go via back door (toilet corridor) whilst they went 20 feet or so to the table where we rejoined. They took their masks off, I just held my head in my hands metaphorically speaking.

One day when this is all over I shall say to them 'What the hell were thinking??' I shall be tempted to add in extra choice words...

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Said this 4 years ago! I worked for OSHA for 6.5 years and in Industrial Hygiene, Safety and Health field for over 20 years! Knew from the start that face coverings were not gonna stop a viral transmission!!! We used to understand that pre-Covid but when Covid hit, they changed the rules so they could MAJE EVERYONE WEAR A MASK AS A SIGN IF OBEDIENCE!! Fauci even said it was a SYMBOL That you were doing something to protect yourself and others!!! And we all know our Illuminati overlords love their symbolism!!!

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

I work in a hospital (non-clinical, but regularly near both clinical personal and patients).

I had to justify my Religious Exemption (after having it rubber stamped the previous years for the FLU Vaccine since I worked there), and then had to wear an N95 every day whenever within 6 feet of ANYONE. I had headaches every day and did not feel good the entire time.

And I STILL caught COVID. AT WORK!!! I came down with symptoms late on Tuesday night, and had not been anywhere except work since Sunday AM. And I didn't catch it from my wife, because she came down with it AFTER ME. I gave it to her.

So no, N95's do not work.

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Did they make you wear a mask at work, after you had your covid infection?

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Yes, when I first returned to work I still had to continue wearing an N95 at the time. I can't remember exactly when, but they eventually reduced the masking requirements without much discussion.

When they first announced the Covid Masking requirements for the unvaccinated, I had to go down to the respiratory department to be fitted for an N95. The nurse looked at me and said "You can't have a beard and wear an N95. We'll have to fit you for a CAPR (or maybe it was a PAPR)." I replied back "So what you're telling me is I have to go home tonight and decide whether I have to tender my resignation or shave my beard?" She got the supervisor, and since my beard was short, agreed to see if I passed the N95 test. Fortunately I did.

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Well, You know My assessment... There's no such things as viruses, pathogens, or contagion.

I highly recommend watching some of Dr. Sam Bailey's work:

Why Pathogens Don't Exist: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Why-Pathogens-Don't-Exist:d

Tobacco Mosaic “Virus” - The beginning & end of virology: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/tobacco-mosaic-virus-the-beginning-and-end-of-virology:8

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

Agreed. I’m very skeptical of germ theory. And I called BS from the get go on the scamdemic and was one of a few not wearing a face diaper along with all the other dystopian nonsense. I took a social psych class in college and my professor was a Buddhist and we did not have a text book but rather studied the book Influence by Robert Cialdini. My Prof used the book to essentially teach about mindfulness. Forever changed my life and how I can more easily discern nonsense like the kind of social engineering we experienced in 2020 etc. So glad I took that class.

COVID 19 : Certificate of Vaccine Identification A I

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I wrote up a summary of all I found about viruses and contagion here:

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Splash masks works against splash. But do not use white ones!

They might contain Titanium dioxide!!! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35169246/

Real masks might work a bit, but it depends on what filters you use, how much you will filter out. Check Wikipedia for filter qualities needed for different things!

HEPA might filter a lot of viruses out, however I had to modify mine (in order to protect others, when I had the belief there was a deadly virus lurking):


Enjoy my video!

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They gave us a box of face diapers to wear at work in 2020. Printed on the side of the box: “does not protect against COVID-19 or any other viruses”.

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Did it say 'Made in China' too? PCR tests made in China I understand.

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Yes, I believe the masks were made in China. I forgot about that!

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I am a very happily married man of 30 years, but I would virtually propose marriage to you, Dee :-D.. Tell your hubby I am simply complimenting you.

Thankfully I go to a clinic once per year at most for a wellness check. I have had a chest 'cold' for three weeks and finally relented to go and get a check... I called in to set the appt and told them about coughing... I get there and they said put on a mask due to coughing. I became a liar and said I have to talk to my doctor about other things. The nurses went ape(sorry) and I stated I have business with my doctor. Nuff said. I told them I will not wear a mask that does nothing and they flipped; I have to confess I loved it(sorry). I said, "Call the cops." and they... just... drove on.

My doc is from Africa and is totally in tune with viruses and their true treatments; he and I laughed a little at the last 4 years and then got serious as he has been threatened by management for common sense. I pray for you true medical professionals under strain - our daughters are becoming medical professionals and are leery of the systems they are joining.

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Thanks for this, Nurse Dee Dee.

Relatedly, here's video from 2021 about masks that I just finished transcribing:

Source video:

Listen to the children of MN share how the masks and all of the distancing policies are affecting them. All of this needs to end now! 


embedded video

See also: MasksOffKidsMN posted May 29, 2021



TEXT ON SCREEN: LISTEN to the children of Minnesota... Part One

1st grade - 7 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: Masks make me sad because I can't see my friend's faces.

TEXT ON SCREEN: 2nd grade - 8 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: The masks make me feel sick because they bother me quite a lot.

TEXT ON SCREEN: 4th grade - 10 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: I am in fourth grade. When I went to public school I wore a mask the mask gave me a really bad headaches. Sometimes I would come home crying because they were so bad. But I switched to distance learning and now I'm failing it. And it's also really hard to interact with some of the kids on there and it's hard to make friends on the Google meets.

TEXT ON SCREEN: According to WHO and UNICEF, one of the deciding factors on whether or not children should wear a mask is:

The potential impact of wearing a mask on learning and psychosocial development, in consultation with teachers, parents/caregivers and/or medical providers

Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/a-a-children-and-masks-related-to-covid-19

TEXT ON SCREEN: 1st grade - 7 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: Masks, masks make my head hurt and sometimes it's hard to breathe with them on and it's hard to do my homework when I have them on in school.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Kindergarten - 6 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: I don't like masks because it doesn't make me feel good because it makes me happy or anything and because I can't see other people's faces and I, it's really hard to breathe in, and I can't see my teachers' faces and my friends.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Listen to these children.

Does it seem like their learning and psychosocial development are being negatively impacted die to masks?

TEXT ON SCREEN: The answer is YES.

Children are suffering because of masks, face shields, AND "distancing" measures.

TEXT ON SCREEN: 11th grade - 17 years old

GIRL'S VOICE: When the mask mandate was first initiated I decided to stay home so I didn't have to wear a mask so I didn't go to school. I did homeschooling. And the homeschooling [inaudible] was not good, so my GPA dropped a lot and really affected my mental health. So I went back to school when schools opened up full-time. Bbut the masks caused me to break out in hives, causing me high anxiety, it was hard to breathe and made it so I wasn't able to focus on school and my grades still didn't improve that much because of that.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Emergency rooms have seen a 24 percent increase in mental health-related visits from children ages 5 to 11 compared to last year. The increase among older kids is even higher— 31 percent.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6945a3.htm#

TEXT ON SCREEN: 3rd grade - 9 years old

YOUNG BOY'S VOICE: When I wear a mask it makes me feel uncomfortable, scared, and I don't like to see my friends in masks because I want to see their faces instead of their faces with a mask. And also in PE I get really sweaty because of masks and that's just why I don't like them.

TEXT ON SCREEN: 2nd grade - 8 years old

YOUNG GIRL'S VOICE: I don't like the masks because they make me sicker and I get hot and that gives me headaches. I also get dizzy and sometimes I feel like I'm going to faint. And I don't get to see my friends' faces.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Kindergarten - 5 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: Please don't make me wear a mask because I don't like it. A lot of things, when you, when I when I wear it I cannot breathe. And I just don't want to wear it anymore because I don't like it, and I don't like it when I wear it. And I just, I don't want to do it ever again. And I just don't like it.

TEXT ON SCREEN: According to the CDC:

Children had a 99.6 percent chance of surviving influenza during 2018-2019.

Children have a 99.94 percent change of surviving COVID-19

Source: https://data.cdc.gv/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-Focus-on-Ages-0-18-Yea/n4s-juj3


TEXT ON SCREEN: These recent statistics from the CDC show children have a GREATER chance of surviving COVID-19 over influenza.

Source: https://data.cdc.gv/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-Focus-on-Ages-0-18-Yea/n4s-juj3


TEXT ON SCREEN: We have never mandated masks or social distancing for children because of influenza.

TEXT ON SCREEN: We have never mandated or pushed vaccines on children because of influenza.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Leading causes of death in children aged 1-14 years (from the CDC)

- Accidents (unintentional injuries)

- Cancer

- Intentional self-harm (suicide)

- Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm

TEXT ON SCREEN: Pre-K 4 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: I like [inaudible] and I don't like masks because I, because I can't hear people and because, because I can't talk. Because I can't smile.

TEXT ON SCREEN: 1st grade - 7 years old

CHILD'S VOICE: I hate masks because I got sick. I got strep throat two times since April. I can't hear people in them and I can't see them smile. And I can't breathe in them.

TEXT ON SCREEN: 4th grade - 10 years old.

CHILD'S VOICE: I cannot wear my mask for over 30 minutes without having trouble breathing. I love my school but I'm sure I'm able to go to school as a fifth grader if if this mask thing is still happening.


TEXT ON SCREEN: Minnesota teachers and school staff who want the COVID-19 vaccine now have it.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Remove the mask mandate in Minnesota schools TODAY.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Do not wait until the end of the school year.

TEXT ON SCREEN: The children do not deserve this.

Unmask them NOW.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Let kids be kids.





#   #   #


As per the link from masksoffkidsMN.org this video was also posted to FaceBook but it seems FB removed it.

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It's so hard to fathom how so many people embraced and enforced measures that did nothing but harm. I was just looking at pictures of playgrounds tapped off and water fountains shut down during Covid-how children were forced to stay inside. I know people who were really afraid.

Thank-you for transcribing!

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

Yes, the fear really was a ginormous shadow on the lives on so many people. Me, I thought it was all ludicrous from the get go. Keeping children indoors and masked, though, that's just stupid and cruel.

It seems to me, though, that for some people-- not all, certainly, but some-- it wasn't fear that got to them so much as the simple attraction to some kind of drama, plus the opportunity to play status games.

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee


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Reading this broke my heart. My grandchildren were forced to wear them all day too (Italy ) . When I would pick then up, I'd rip it off their face immediately when they came out. My grandson was actually scared he would be told off - I said to him, don't you worry, Granny will tell your teacher a thing or 2 if she dares say a word 😯

But the saddest thing is that here in Italy, they are still enforcing this rule in many hospitals. Even if you go just for a blood test or an x-ray etc. And not only that, they are STILL enforcing the covid test too. Last week they refused to operate on a man in a hospital in Northern Italy (Brescia), because he said no to the mask/testing. He needs his shoulder to be operated on, in order to work , and now he cannot work. I listened to the call between an intermediary (a wonderful lady called Grazia, who works on behalf of all those in need of support, to fight these morons), and the doctor, ( a lady). It was extraordinary. A more beligerent, obnoxious, difficult person would be hard to find. And yet despite the fact that Grazia could list all the laws and reasons, why this man SHOULD be operated on, this doctor refused. The man, together with his wife, went to the police station the next day , to press charges ---------yes wait for it, ----------the police at first did NOT want to accept his case. Another call from Grazia, and in the end they had to, or they were in big trouble.

so this is Italy, today, February 2024.

And I am dreading the day that I ever need to go near a hospital. I really am 😟😟😟😟😟

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Thanks for this report. Totally hear you about hospitals. Once you get a covid positive test in the hospital, God only knows what they're going to do to you. Before covid times I would have thought that sounded beyond crazy to say, but I have since transcribed too many testimonies of too many people, horror stories of what can happen in the covid wards.

It has been a revelation to me how so many doctors have turned out to be moral and intellectual morons. But not all of them, thank goodness.

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Yeah, I was forced to wear that stupid n95 for up to 16 hours straight

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

My favorite mask was the homemade repurposed Huggies baby wipes flip top mask that you could open to take a sip of your ice cold corona with lime frosty beverage after work, lol : )

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

However, the VA Medical Center Portland requires all staff to wear masks 02/28/2024.

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What about patients?

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Not now. However August 2020 I was arrested because I refused to mask. They handcuffed and put a mask on me and marched me to a 4ftx4ft cell for 45 minutes then gave me three citations for over $300.00 and excluded me from the hospital for 2 years.

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

A physician at work wore an n95 for a very long time. He seems to struggle to breathe now... mid 40's... 🥺. I hate what this has done to us 😡.

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me too

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

The really sad thing is that there are still doctor's offices and facilities that are still doing this. Oh, I never really made a big deal about it if I had to run into a grocery store or someplace like that. I bought some fun fabric and made masks for myself and family at the beginning of the pandemic. I used to spend the day in the OR a lot of shifts when I worked in Labor and Delivery so it really didn't bother me. In the beginning. But as more information came out, and we learned more about what we were really dealing with, especially with the kids, it started to piss me off. Knowing my little 5 yr old grandson had to set in kindergarten all day with a mask on broke my heart. Even after the school board lifted the mandate, some parents were still making their kids wear them (thank heavens my daughter didn't). The worst was when my daughter coached my grandson's soccer team, and some parents made their kids play with a mask on! But the worse case by far is a good friend who's granddaughter was still wearing a mask to school last year and had been treated for pneumonia 3 times in 6 months. She was 8 years old. Her parents finally took her to a pulmonologist to find out why she kept getting pneumonia. Of course, they didn't tell the doctor she was wearing a mask 8 hours a day and any time they left the house. I think he diagnosed her with asthma, and put her on a bunch of medications, breathing treatments and who knows what else. He should have reported her parents to CPS for child abuse.

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

I once calculated (approximately) the relative sizes of (a) viral particles and (b) the pore size in a cloth mask. It seemed to me that the former is about 100 times smaller than the latter, meaning that the masks might prevent about 10-20% of the viral particles entering just because they had the misfortune of hitting the cloth fibres. I'd say 80% transmission through the mask is almost indistinguishable from 100% in practise, so why wear them?

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Feb 27Liked by Dee Dee

During the demanded masking phase, I wore two different monkey masks, made of t-shirt material. If given the chance, when people reacted to them, I told them this: "I wear this in honor of Anthony Fauci, the CDC and the WHO, because they have made monkey's out of the whole world for two years." Tried to paste a pic of me in it, but I guess it's not allowed. Freaked my doctor out! I loved that!

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Some people even outside or driving in a car, still wear them. This is so sad, and infuriating at same time. But now at this moment of the circle dance we are not forced to pretend.

And yes slave mask

Yield your very own sacred breath to be suffocated by an unelected unscientific authority figure that goes to dinner parties 🎉 with out a mask.

Mask to mean means silence whippersnapper!

Censoring your voice. BC guess what sugar you got

None. Also divides people can’t see em strange it’s Halloween and where did all the bad germs virus go? Mask how I’ve grown to hate the idea that people are still stupid enough to wear them!!

Human Race long term prospects in serious doubt.

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